The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1927, p. 3

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l _ [ _ l , dweéneséao: Merck aria. _',.' l u.-. - . _ , "towns to Lyons'e charges. Special warrants had provided Mr. Ferguson was strrtaro-Tiithtt. I Referring. to the recent Minnie M. 87,500 for the Canadian Red Cross: treatment of Mr. Sinclair's attitude charge preferred against the Lib- 884,752 for the advertising of the toward special warrants. On the eral party by Hon. James Lyons, Mr. tourist attractions ot Ontario; $11.- matter of publicity expenditure, he Sinclair said he dl0n't have to go 056 for the bilingual school inquiry; said that Ontario last year had spent back any 25 years to Jig up "ttavi-i $198,284 toe the "purchase of an $100,000 In advertising to the United: cation matters" in which Mr. Lyontsl,tyrre_erttent, in New Ontario" by the States and Great Britain the attrac- himself might be particularly inter-l Lands and Forests Department] tions of the Province. and that the iiiifl'l'aéie 1tli/ti/hattihy. ngc:;.,',""gs: Explanation Due House rFiféra'é'hc"93l2a§°mf§t§§£§91:23:65; through companies in which he when Why had not these expenditures 3 to which the Liberal Le°ader had re- I f icontrolling interests had been made been included in the estimates? he ferred so critically was an industry in subject of investigation bv 'the argued. He thought the House was ;in connection with the 0.A.C. at . Public Accounts Committee '0: last Ontltled to an explanation of the ,Guelph. The "hread and cake matt- session. was still dealing with thc $198,284 agreement payment. for iers' had thought so much ot the tiovcrnnwnt, and quoted items from he understood the principals in that 'Governments managing ability that , the accounts for 1926 to "1'0", as were "mon in the States.' they had turned over a building to he claimed that last VCltt' ii 's'iis7, And special warrants had pro- the Province on condition that the . . ' , .2 t l . Ity ' tse- vided $22,247 for a "bread and cake, Government would administer the ford and tho. Lotus, two Government " . ... . . . school. l Industry. bouts, had bought fuel from the Sault "I surge-st " said Mr Sinclair "thel .Str-'. yyrie Conl :y1:l,ii.'o/stl Company, Gov1irriif0ri't"'ze"i some .of those cakes Explains $525300 Expenditure. t 'a"nd'11i2,/sluii, Shel-13:33:." of Lands iwheii we have late night sessions, in- yr.. Ferguson said that the 85257. The /iriiiis' of last sow-l , .. .1 stead of falling back on the biscuits l 000 in expenditures of which Mr. irur { M . 1si' iiri.' "i/. , Otl. iii-U?" - fund cheese of last sessmn. Sinclair was skeptical represented x." ' " _ " . tlc 'dlr, lurl had 1"Hill "f see something doesm't agree but 1 per cent. of the total expendl- Him tuon Mr. Lyons. who was not the Iwiih you," interJected Mr. Fergu- tiire of the Province, and the total man to stand up in the House and lsot1. amount did not get to the Legisla- _ vilify the Liberal r'Nt.v,-.-cprysent or. "Tha; which doesn't agree with ture before it was authorized. Mr. _ of _.iy.:rr1,resspcc't of political morals me is what I'm looking at all the Sinclair. he added, was charging in ttl' '.thitr. , . . time," retorted Mr. Sinclair, nodding this connection that the Magna .-llr., Sun-law said that tho succvs- at the Government benches. Charm. had been thrown to the Fi'rll tlutirs coll-tred lust your by the. Special warrants, he continued, winds. The answer he would give ' Grrvorn.rnont hnu "onlributod chief1yr)pvovided $27,000 in connection with was that expenditures would al- lo [no "culling down" of the deficit. the Government Building at the ways he made with due regard to lln- hoped that in estimating a slight C.N.E., and a. further sum for 1:0"anle and where they were in thei rm tlllr' for tho pin-wilt ti.saiul year Kciliptvillc Agricultural School land. lpuhlic interests. In, tho ilovrrnmrsnt wasn't honking on And, he noted. special waran i "My honorable friend the Liberal? ill" "naming out" of many of the had accounted for $0,000 for the Leader," said the Premier, "has pic. "f' lithi- pcoplc of Ontario, Ontario Athletic Commission. tured me as being 'jumpy.' Well, it . . . pm, MP. Ferguson rose to explain this. appears that we have Jumped high I" I" fot Iliurtttvn.vs lyvtmrtmcnt. "You do much of this getting up enough and far enough to land in a Tim :lltvrml my oi" this C'rovrvrv,tnent. when I'm after another Minister," pretty comNrtaute Position." rozzulrdi'nlq ".tiu/l maintenance was rc- Mr. Sinclair protested, bThe Premier twittid Mr. 1i,T1.ahi,r, lilill'tilli o, . l'. Sillcluii' co l i . ' . q ' a out "sitting i ." i ' it'll illc l'rl-riilclul 'al'.),.',')'))':),'.)' (13d: liil't| "Estimates Excectied. , election camgpaiignn 5n: lie'),'; cu: lilllc hud e'lid it Would be "u iliiin- This brought Dc. Godfrey to his ihis "mysterious Cabinet." He inti- I her of ycnm lifl'iil't? the Province fcct. The Athletic. Commission pay- Imatcd that Mr. Sinclair had mention- ( would lucrc suiticicnt revenue to 'ttr'nt,sitidho,wns necessitated "he.. led the "Cabinet" in one of his "my "a. my". and a: up. sump tinlc cause we excccded the estimates." speeches. Ist/tids, tculuiiuVrit. funds to retire its "I'm-glad lou admit it," said Mr. 1 "I never mentioned that subject huhllcil itrrvirter1.nrs.cs." But in the jSillclnir. lin a speech." said Mr. Sinclair. "For face of that admission the Govern- "Wc'l'e not infallible" rctorter1 Dr. I never got that far." men: had now gone and cut the County, "I am glad my honorable friend motor li-ensc tux to the extent of a "No other Minister will admit could recognize his limitations," said Sl.'_'.'.o_om'i loss to the Trcasury, "The , that, ' said int Ranefy. Mr. Ferguson. ..§..'_.< .... 't '. . .. I 'ry' . . 7. "W-te- - V /il,i')'f:. l: ".2333." .3321. t/di,,/p1'1tpt1 I m2'tnica/,lp the: at ll/Jud/i.','..'"" Ideas on px "New lililSi conic to the aid of the llioh-i Mr. Sinclair went on to cite other The policy of the Government in ruuysl"hir:irtniEsnt." tD lexpenditilrcs by special warrant. respect of taxation. he continued. . . (iVho was doing the Province's tinane- was to Shift it tyom where it was Spoke in ll rung Phtcc. ingr,, he queried. the Iuogislature or inequitable to where it Was equitable. "Apprtiintly," said Mr. Sinclair. the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council? The policy 01' "pay as you go, as fa}: I'W'JliiilLZ lion. ill-lump s, Ilenrv's In conclusion he referred to the as b'011 go, and as fast as you go, address to motor "/lirr,', on Monda§ '. statement in the debate by a Govern- was, he submitted, the proper one t nth: "mp Ontuvio Legislature is moot member that the people of On- in dealing with the gas tax. It was :5":er at the King Edward n"otii.'jiiio' and Canada would make Mr. his personal view that the tax on 7 t For there the Ministcr save to the i Ferguson Dominion Prime Minister. motor licenses should be further re- M top I (Hague the Fi " I1 ' si duced, and that the people who usett . rt . _ "M m I that tw, F Ottotua Asiirations" h i should have given to this LegisIa-. 6 _ Fil . . b . . 7 roads most should pay most for t e r turn" , "The Premier is tioinp,' all he can gasoline. . _ When the House had come to a'lo help that alonp," Mr. Hinclait- Mr. Ferguson submitted addition-; 1 r'nnsidoration of higlnvavs hills last went on. "The only thing tha/re- ally that the Government's system of: i week, he noted, Mr. ilenrv had taken mains to he done is a non-partisan collecting the gas tax was a propePI l the ortiision to review the history of resolution to the, Conservative party one. Why shouldn't oil companies, 1 highwnv administration work. Vcry Rb. Ottawa recommending that tht be paid for collecting the lax and! i interesting. but not relative to the honorable Premier be selected as doingthework ota big organization?! hills. He had spoken at such length i'Leader of the Opposition." [There was nothing new to the TMun-i that tho ()pposiiinn had notltimcnt'o "Will you second it?" queried Mr. pilgrim regardless of what critics deal with the bills. Ant ion C Ferguson. l _ sriy. Minister had explaincd the hills, and-1" think I would," titorted Mr. The honorable member for Prince at-wntold Govrwntnout action in CON-,Sinclair Edward (Mr. Raney) would agree Iilcciion with administration of the; "I don't think I want to, so," to that. he for he CMy. i proposed legislation. not to theismilcd the Premier a moment later, lRaney) had instituted collections in l House. but to the Motor League. 'when. rising to wind up the debate, éRegistry Offices. In the case ot the i "This Government certainly works he was greeted with thunderous gas tax collections, it was simply a l in a mysterious WHY its wonders to l desk-banging by his followers. matter of people assuming responsi- lpcrform." Still Mr. Sinclair, "as, tori Mr. Ferguson pictured Mr. Sin-r bilities. doing the _work expected of l instance. .with' the Government-tton-; clait. "burning the midnight oil" and " them. and being reimbursed for their , i tccs,l hill. The Premier. let it out 1,'1ttt;, using a microscope in an effort to ll efforts. i inizht and milled tt inmtoday, we.iin(1 in public" accounts some re'a- lGood Word for Lyons. iliaxe some Got eminent. torted Mr. i so)? f..oI,,eirhiryr the linger of Mr. Ferguson dwelt at some length That's unanimous. t"'tr. suspicion at the Government. Lv O gitl ' troversy Ferguson amid Conservative desk- N .. In. the 30118- ppos oncott ' . banging ' Replies to Criticism. While Mr. Lyons, Ill: said, wag hpier- t tD ' . . . l.,' fectl capable ot ta ing care o m- "L'tutsttal" Way to Collect Tax. tdtf,erilieiutto 1rfii,,ftigtilaitr2vi'//'it; self, yhe just wished to point l',1,1.t. Mr. Sinclair criticized the Donnell; .i expenses. he said that no public "in?" ti}? iold b:::$iltl;r§$1 1:11;: 11:29:)!- l by the Government of "(WOO to .01 l would expect the Minister of Health, "19,: . a a r a"? . " d" ' . f asollne . . . . .. . . - ed, and the Liberal parts Jumpe _ companies for collection o g x101 instance, to pay travelling ex . . . . dded Mr Sin- l tax. This, he felt, was "an unusual I penises in connection with the es- every" time it was $1.0M "r, 'ons' and method." ' 'italylisihment ot a health clinic, nor clairs references o . r. *y t " . n " id "if the i . . ' ' . the Public Accounts investigation o One wonders, he. sol ' . iv ould it expect aged messengers and . Mer d "untimely teams: system is adopted for r",en/rlln/didyc"s "to go hobbling down last session he f'f'P'"4 63" that Mr 'iassoeiations and tax ou.betsr. It. is street on crutches" instead of using and unfortunate. d de St the "he. thigh time there was ytiUt"11il"111e. tears and other conveyances for their teen/us/u/ii',',""'),'.,," th: committee. i show-down an a - errands. t . . ' ' ' 'C/SI Ontario knew Just how taxes! "One has only to examine all this and that, the commdittete "s.t,',epg'dg are being collected." , "with-ism of my honorable friend," a majority of 20-0 lhlf .451 tr n, , He went on to criticize the Co" said the Prime Minister, "to see how " C ernment for certain Payments bx childish it is from a public stand- , special warrants. .'?,ys,.,.1sttela,tvif,'ind,' point." . he said, "has certain rights whic _ cannot be delegated to. the Lieutenq _ ' ant-Governor-in-Council, "Rd. or}? If! . . Ithe voting ot supplies Five u"_l dred thousand dollars of the pig]; . , ple's money was "voted by spec _ . warrants last year. . .

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