The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1927, p. 10

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l \KUYSAAC', maven low». Sm Permitd "ta) This subsection shall no: tlt ll ii,W, ftrtevod in favor ot the eaten. "69. Any Voter! ply to any preparation con tl n 3 men o overnment 'tore. for practice administer or cause to be 60 degrees Fahrenheit of absolute Olaf Wd,",',' an attirmative th gigging-reg ltigtuoz-ht? any dumb 'eo/la, pe d dler or transient trader;' vote the stores as providedrggr visiGiii'ari; shall L/n'lfnu"etle,'.'e the in Ontario shall sell or dispose of} in the question shall be established. to be administered liquor purcggggs any tinvture, essence or f,ii2iy,1 men-' 'Wtree-titttm Vote. by him under special permit pur- tioned in the preceding su section. _ And stores 3 t bli h d i "imam" to t.his act, and may charge Only Upon Affidavit. . l communities mzyei: 0138;! u?) are: t1/ltLetl"'tor"l,up"aise, administered or "(3) Unless upon the fyier..f,t,' 3". three-tltttu, vote. On another peti- Fii7iGi. shall mht,ttghed, but no physician, no druggist shall sell 01:; tion ot 25 per cent. of the resident. _ nor sh'iliyh i. mselt Consume. dispose of any tincture. essence Ot voters tho Council of such a munici- . e g ve to or permit anyl extract of ginger except to a person pality may submit to the electors person to consume as a beverage any having a permanent place" or resi~ whichever of the following questions liquor so purchased. and every vet-t dence in the city, town, village Ot? may be applicable: erinary who eva.des or violates or district in which such sale takes I "ta) Are you in favor of the con- suffers or permits any evasion of place and then only upon the affi- .tinuance of Government stores for this section shall be guilty of an of- davit made by the person requiring the sale of liquor under The Liquor offense against this act. (the some in tho form hereto, stating Control Act?" or "60. Any person in charge of an .ihat it is not required for beverage ."(b) Are you in favor of tho con- institution regularly conducted as a ipurposes. Upon receiving such affix tinuance of Government stores for hospital or sanitarium for the care davit and being satisfied that. such; the sale ot beer and wine under The of persons in illheoith, or as a home tincture. essence or extract IS re-ii Liquor Control Act?" or devoted exclusively to the care of quired for legitimate purposes. the', l (e) Are you in iavor of the con- aRPd people, may, if he holds a spa. druggist may supply a quantity not thnuance of Goveinment stores tor rial permit under this act, for that exceeding two ounces and "H the 2t sale ti,1,',eer under The Liquor purpose, administer liquor purchased provisions of Subsection t hereofl ft'htrttl A'Cti' . t 1 t is, ' . " it The )rovmions o l . I tauyiU,"liv"ir,t igri'ingi'ét; (a): (11:1: 81:23 ,,,,ifilln],,' s,12.'dlltf,)f shall not affect' closed after May of the next year. .. . ' - . ' t ' leer urchase ot any such A subsequent section provides that either by way of exteinal application tho BU " p after a vote has been take d r or otherwise for the emergency tincture. essence or extract of ginger ithe . C" n on e " preceding provisions, the Council mtdirinttl purposes. Iry? "lay charge by or between wholesale dealers, lmust. under the same provisions for the liquor SO administered. but druggists, manufacturers of confec- 'for a petition. submit any of the no liquor shall he administered by tionery, persons carrying on any questions which may be applicable Tiny person under this section except trade or business where the some is to the circumstances. But no ques- to bona fide patients or inmates ot required for legitimate purposes or tion shall be submitted until after the institution of which he is in where it is needed in a public insti- the expiration of three years from charge and in cases if "a"?! need. tution. the date of the last polling. and every person in c urge o an n- li':,':.':,',-'?,','",: or employed therein who, Proprietary Medicine. Light-Beer Sale. 'administers liquor in ovasion or viola- Section 65 provides for the comic. Two sections, 70 and 71, constitute tion of this act shall be guilty of an tion of vendors of patent or prom-in Part 4, having to do with the sale ot offense against this act. tary medicines that can be used as light beer in hotels and stores. Cost , alcoholic beverages under a section ofapermit for such sale is not to ex- federal Licensc. prohibiting other than Government ceed $20. The granting of such per- section 61 provides that. nothing sale of liquor. Warrants or sum. mite is subject to regulation by the in the act shall prevent any brewer. moms in such cases need only allege board. Any one holding a light-beer distiller or other person holding a contravention of this act, and the permit and found selling liquor is to Federal license tor liquor manufaco ':Department of Health is empowered be imprisoned for from two to six tore from having liquor according' to examine such medicines as may months for a first offense. and for to the license. l be said to contain so little medica- six months tor a subsequent offense. Section 62 prevents interference tion that they can be used as alco- Part 5 then outlines prohibitions, hy the act with sales of patent and hone beverages. A certificate from interdiction. penalties and procedure proprietary medicines if the medi- the department that there is not in prosecutions and on appeal. cine contains sufficient medication sufflcient medication is "conclusive A long list of prohibitions are set ' to prevent it being used as an alco- evidence" in subsequent proceedings out in Sections 72 to 94 trT11eive..No holic beverage, until the manufacturer of the medi. liquor can be sold in the Province Section 63 provides that there shall cine changes the medication. except as authorized by the act. be no interference, except where', If sale of such medicine is con- License holders are prohibited from otherwise specifically provided for, tlnued after the department protests selling adulterated liquor. Members with the. sale by druggist or manu- the amount of medication, it is an of the board are p,TYb.i.ted facturer of certain tinctures. medl- offense against the act, and a person any interest m a private liquor busi- cines. perfumes, compounds and convicted is liable to two to six :ness. Board members or employees . preparations But if in any prosecu- months' imprisonment for a, first of- must not deal in honor privately. Co, tion involving the sale of these prod- tense, and six months' imprisonment Liquor must not be consumed on 'ucts the court believes an unreason- for a subsequent offense, "unless the premises where it is kept tor "'13 (iii: quantity of the product was sold medicine has been sold on the writ- alone but goiveigmim liiquormsha the vendor may be convicted under ten order of a medical practitioner." e fil",fJt"lt in l r01" nee. ffl'f.f a section prohibiting other than 3111 these cases parties involved may 3}": an" e gven o m t',"lft, r fifi, Government sale of liquor (Section outline their part in the matter to be e ll,",.'?,',")',',',, 'f"N5"ie,rf,n'i'l"2'ifl b: 72 Subsection 1 ot this act). .the department before the issue of a Y preset p on, p . . ' ' . . 1 i issued to interdicted persons. Inter- l "(1) Notwithstanding anyth "g- (certificate. dicted ersons entering Government ', , . c in Section 63 of this act,' l p " _ tomamod. " _ Samples on Request. stores shall be guilty of an offense Isays Section 64, no essence. tinc- l against the act. Persons whose per- Iturc, compound or preparation com- According to Section 66, druggists mits are suspended cannot apply for imonly known or described af.a jar other pers ms keeping patent another within twelve months of l flavoring extract or essence contain- i medicines must give samples tor an- cancellation. No person shall permit ling alcohol shall be sold except in lalysis to board inspectors on request. drunkenness in house in which he is bottles containing not more than :Any one failing to comply with such 'the owner. tenant or occupant, or two and one-half ounces, and a rec- la. request may be fined from $10 to give liquor to any one under its in- 0rd of the sale shall be kept by the i$40. ' fluence. manufacturer, merchant, druggist Sectitn 67 orders brewers to de- Section 95t A person who "by ex-' im. other person who sells the same, Claire on the stoppers of bottlesof cessive drinking misspecds, wastes in a book provided for that purpose, beer or light beer and by branding or lessens his estate or injures his which shall show the name and ad- kegs or other containers the ttVo. health, or interrupts the peace and dress of such person to whom any [110116 content. 11ol1tors of this "' happiness of the family," may have isuch article is sold, the date of sale, likable to a $2,000 fine. his permg: canc§ll§d WE fitunetr or 1 . tit sold, and this rec- District ourt ll ge. . 'very in er- "',,Q st,llhf1t1'1irtJri' to the inspection'; iml Option. . dicted person having liquor is guilty '1 l of any inspector or any officer au- 'Part 3 of the bill. following. deals of an offense against the act. iithorlzcd by the hoard to make With the Canada Temperance Act Sections " to '8.provide for the [l h . q ection and a true copy and local option. cancelling of permits according to , 'Shm 'l",?,',"] r "ati," shall be supplied "No Government store shall be order by the board, or for renewal l t ereo tun e1 't'i1.1"hi'v'i11i on demand established in any municipality in of permits to an interuicted person . 'te, the oanietor of the business which the Canada Temperance Act on proof he has refrained from i by the prom remises any such sale has been brought into force by a (drunkenness for 12 months. i'. upon p 'ided however, that .vote of the electors and is still in I Sections 99 to 104 provide penal- 3 was made. Prov {ion contained force." says Section 68. {ties for contravention of the act. l nothing In this1 "ffd of any such Section 69 provides for the estab- EBrewers or distillers selling in con- shall prevent t e 5 fl; voring extract lishment ot liquor stores in munici- ilt',",'i'v'Ct1"ti'oi" to the act are liable to essence, tincture or a two and panties that were dry in 1916 under t 5 000 fine Authorized vendors 'in th1at'iTun"cty'ttlt'i, 1t.%21', or a 2hf,iyt,fa ftp/',g.hytt Act or local ah: 'violate rules ot sale shall. for [0118- a 0 f tionery, or op on y a t ree- ths vote. first offense. be imprisoned for not manufacturer of con EC On a petition of 25 per cent. of a other similar commodity, lied,' L' the resident voters in Buch a mu- more vtshtl', 1i.ixc,),'l'th,ttto,'ioarriglf, Person in any trade or bus manly ,nieittaltty the Council may submit Offense "15mg Board members or 'which any auch article is fi,',','?,',','. to tone of the three following questions: l tweli'e m: "Gil, violate regulations used for legitimate purposes. -' "ta) Are you in favor: of the emp Wee . n r l " I" to a whole rohibiting interest in private quor lany public institution, o f the establishment of Government stores 1 p liable to twelve months' sale dealer for re-sale to any 0 for the sale of liquor under the ;mt°'esm are persons mentioned in this Prov??? Liquor Control Act? or 1i,PRPyyyete.t,. Ttsrnu' of tomcat: but all such sales shall be if?" 518 "(b) Are you in favor of the estab- i three ','T,'d"i 2y'J,it"l,"d','/'gt 2UhT in a book us above mentione iy all lishment of Government stores for ;offense an on; O b uent of. person selling the same. and ("this the sale ot beer and wine under the Z imprisonment or BU seq t li uor other respects the provisions o Liquor Control Act? or ' ifenses are provided :05? I',,,',',,',,'.,',,? subsection shall apply thereto. - . to minors or interd c e p ' .

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