The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1927, p. 5

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JhusrsUan, trar-el, to-rr, ASKS FOB CO-OPERATION. Mr. Ferguson entreated the Opposition to co.operate with the Gov- 'ernment in considering the bill; to offer constructive criticism, and not _ to "thresh'old straw that has been threshed tor years, and which is still Fai thrashed every Sunday in Massey Hall." He invited from the general public suggestions ot a "helpful char- !acter," ot which, he said, there had been a conspicuous shortage since Dec. 1. And in the brief period between the introduction and thei formal first reading of the measure he detailed trriefiy its aims. I As "three outstanding features" he named "the provision for the appointment oCa strong, capable and highly efficient Control Board, commanding public confidence in such a high degree as to restore respect tor the law and make its operation effective"; the "scrupulous observance" of the pledges given by the Prime Minister before the election; and the reliance by the Government, for the success of the law, on "wise and efficient administration," rather than statutory enactments. In other words, the bill, as introduced, deals in "broad principles," and confides the application of these principles, "within well-defined limitations." to the Control Board. t chamber the "kick" that may have Supreme in Its Power. . been anticipated. Nevertheless, the The board thus will be supreme tn Prime Minister supplied a great its powers, and cannot be interfered thrill in the dramatic manner in with either by courts or by the Gov- which he handled the situation, and ' , . ' . in the emphatic way in which he ernment. To its charge will b9?" delivered his inaugural remarks to trusted, among other rights, the right the bill with which he hopes to to regulate equipment and manage- "beat the bootlegqev" and "make for ment of Government stores and ware- better conditions throughout the . . . Province." Ahouses, prescribe duties of all em 1 Long before 2 o'cloek all mum ployees of the board: govern the able seating space in the House Was purchase and supply of liquor under taken. Corridors without swarmed the act: prescribe for hours of sale; 'with people. it was nine of the biggest q . "moments" in t e listory of the ldetermine classes and brands .Of Legislature. iliquor to be kept for sale; prescribe hours that stores shall be kept open; Regrets Delay. for distribution of price lists; for The Premier took the floor at 53? te a 'able in res ect of ermits pm. "Mr. Speaker," be began, when ll' fi, b . d p d t: t: the desk-thumping had {mum ' an fe/lil'? issue 'un er e ac', ceased, "r regret that there has been 'and for "local-option ' votes where it some delay in the printing and de- considers them advisable. ilivery of the bill. which I am about . Salient points detailed by memo ask the permission of this {louse _ -. ' q . . to introduce. But that was Inert- 'Prime Minister included yearly indi- table. for I felt that it was desirable Fiiiiii' permits to residents of On- that this bill should be in print. so tario; monthly permits to transients; Flat "g, "$5511 andut'her illubli,,c at ' . arge s on ave e n in its special permits to physicians andlentirety before them. Therefore, l doctors; special permits tor minis- am presenting it today in galley tera of the Gospel for sacramental form. There may be some few purposes; and no dispensing of liquor ggrgii'changes, though I don t know _ by druggists. "I move,0seconded by Mr. Henry, Permit From Board. lghat leave be given to introduce a . ill entitled 'An Act to Regulate and He further stressed that breweries Control the Sale ot Liquor in On- and distilleries can sell in the Pro- tario.' " 'vince to the board only under a per- There followed another salvo of mit from the board; and that a applause. . ,, , , - . it is desirable, Mr. Ferguson re- board official would be placed in sumed, "that I should, though this every brewery to check up consign- is only the first reading of the bill, ments. Establishment of stores will mill": a few di'et'yth general obsel'c; va ons regar Ina e purpose an be left to the board. the scope of 'tiis"'ieiiGat'i'it.' In respect ot liquor consumption, ' he emphasized that none might be Three Features. consumed in a public place; that it "There are three outstanding fea- had to be consumed in the residence tures in the legislation which the Government has introduced to give . or temporary home of the purchaser. effect to its temperance policy. Enforcement ot the yn will be car- "The first, and the most important ried out by special inspectors ap- of these. is the provision for the ap- pointed by the board, the Provincial pointment of a strong, capable and police and municipal authorities. All highly efficient Control Board com- prosecutions will lt, conducted by manding public confidence in such a the Attorney-General', Department. high degree as to restore respect tor F Imprisonment. on the first offence. the law and make its operation ef- . wil be meted out to anyone selling fective. The personnel of this board , liquor. he said. 'One appeal of con- has already been announced, and has getlotn.fn(:). will be allowed to a been received with universal ap- oun y u ge. provai. Crowded Galleries. I "Secondly. there "39.9 sierum/lp_ty_s _ Inasmuch as the majority of these observance of the pledges given to "features" had been forecast in the the public by the Prime Minister dur.. press in recent weeks, they failed ing the recent general election cam- to provide tor the packed and ex- paign. These pledges gave the al'; pectant galleries of the Legislative suranee that the measure would e _ in the interest of real temperance. Carrying out that undertaking, the bill forbids any public drinking of liquor. The use of liquor is strictly confined to residences, and what con- stitutes a residence is clearly defined by the law. The principle of local option prohibition is preserved and may be applied to new areas as de- . sired by the electors.

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