The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1927, p. 2

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, l ive seen" Ci"", placesfi'f'i; men e . Went on, "the vig J" ressed that t ; those who still believe in 'trohibitityn, -are'made to. abandon their views' and prinoinloe. I .Xnthinzais farther from the truth. Wo.1tavtr.trieit to o hvinrr. about ""ohihitiorl Wpntrsvay.' erm I tel l and it has failed lamentably. It has failed nitnr " Inir trial. under. not one. hut {our Administrations: after 0 a trial under Mw otflrers and of- or e ficials who were entirely in sym- t? ers nothv with the principles of pro- liihition. ------- :1??? w w.__ Commission to Control. , f es 'idc Powers l '.h" . . . " . . a . , . [ in)", what is being done to (on- Raney io Divide House on iii The Liquor Board, he told theitrol? Ivo, provide that no one can Li Bill . {110159 had been given authority (Olsen int..oxlyuvn.s, without the germina- lquor I - Premier) ntuke laws fur the Province. on "surh Siron ot' tho 1ny,yrt,1irsio.n. No one l M . S . "important tiittepts" as the rixinsV, a :'igllhlmvdor will intoxieants unless _ 0065 econd Reading the hours of snip by liquor stores: '1 v-"'.',').','.'?,',.?:.'..',.']? in')):")," ahout it, in . l d S P . H t1,'rrt'ey'.,"rnh'r, of tho. alcoholic "ontont 'd)/'iior"J1','i'iiii,?,.1,i1i,,, Cr" 6226133220 E: - our; H. "0.. r - ' ... s, -. . b-. _. . . an ayS ermil olders that mambo 1',r.11i,,nt,', /'i,,Y'/y1/ivtiitis fur as " lH humanly possible. we " H - I ___ ", . t - . . . . "als; the "mum" . _.;Y Te. _.' . mo 'sndr-:tvrrrinpt to keep in the hands Will Be Able io Order for lizinquois, pjczjlii 1'lfi",,"h1',., 1212,1513 "E thr, Commission the entire trans- h M il 293,32 and to anything 1.1- anv'liodv it, notion. sale and purchase of liquor. y al anywhere else; advrwtisins/ hv'th.» IVc. h.uvo. rmtiroly eliminated the --- Lronvrws, and distillorss ~and liquor {WWW . of private gain in liquor . - 'ttores. Hild tho division of tines be- truns-actions. " ' [B "yep" the l'iovinl-e and thu, totunici.. "Any one buying liquor without L ERAL LEADER pillilios_ _ - the permission of the hoard is liable _ DEFINES POSITION Mr. nun" mum n". _L9'tr why the to a severe penalty. Any one selling L Govovnmont 't't N 't'Ctt . t_, I . l lbdlill'lo's of o/ll',',')',:"?,, l,, 'l),,,)),','; l liquor ."u?.h.oyt the permissionnf the i - ---, _---- --- I Hoard. whmi the 'i',/rC'i,,/r'.'i/vl; .113'15] l Him"! iy's.liiibl'2 to a more severe pm" . thr >riliir'm of the ""1_.'U"(."' "'." "ily-rrp/tnp, lo jail for the first of- . . ' '-..' "f, . F ' 'tllritis- l'r-neo For WI? ' 'tu it . inclair L Not Itll'". the Warns of llll'lnbf-rs f the ' . C 2"~ tlPtermined to I .lt't'ih/surii".dcj,i,ir'(c.j, l'ulllll'Wlsdilnll Fungi .'lllltl 90?] lu/sl'");',",.?' IWItli 1','1"tr,'lf "1:110 do . . . ' in" "Marin ll; lt .. . ' . . l . "It HWY Is uw. cy WI not 1 tum." .ind Alluiu' . . Misgivings as lo Result ofjiccl", iind only i'e'wr-ntlv hm! l;(:l:lf_1 I he intuit-(l to any sympathy for fringed thr, "mm" oi tr,',, T & k')', Jihezr private views on the liquor December Vote-Pro.. I Co.-'ccvionelec. . "--"' _ pvoble1n." . . . . iv,, Task, bu .5 pm :.. Clint-ht to Cancel Permits. _ gresswe Leader Criticizes .. . . "5 "'-"- I u. 'r-irr -- . , " . in rising to tnovr)sCiond tiudinra l i l'. Ferguson dwelt nt consider- . . . 1m" this~ hill." said Mr F"rw.uris lie :zih 0 length on the wide powers vest- Wide Authority Gwen lo.,~.,,.l m... Wk " 'v,,).',.."',,):,.').,'.""'),,";";'.";,,'.?,. an m the Control Commission. He 'tt'tnruoor, :lllll for llllili l 11'1"". l I' 1l1id great Stress Dt? th.e tuct that the Control Board ohsvrx'atmns will be verv iii'iol'"n) ")",yi"sion,.hau t.he right to cancel"; Hp retort-ell to his" rmnfwh 'at its off" discretion, any nne's right; ---------- slu'tl-liin': the legislation. win-n the 't-Lcjlsl'" "(moi-T audio suspend or can't! Donate on second reading of On- bill WHS' 'intirlrirwd. "Now," he Went l '%i,'rvotoh1fi11e,t.'//sl.i,t,' will he "we; ,.', ... TRV I., I . . _ on, "l llll't' the '-';'," , . f h. ,c"", -. . ' , intro? new Liquor Control Act be- i/iivh'u,,t,1',' "in; 11,"r"'il'"//y,,1's/..1yi',,c,'s' lnrnpnso that people snail get liquorl gun in the Legislature yesterday. features or this 10?in lilUll' ll"",, Init "mix "S long as they behave them- . _ . ' . '." . ' titil: .ui -0|'- 's 77, . 'rtt's, .'.. .,~' with Premier Ferguson speaking to tions that I think should aillle'Ll "i,1t"/ii),,//s,,ecl:.' tnhoetilir')/i'id'c,"gi"ie,: ' . . . t., . . . w 5 >4 e , al s. Ot' his mono", and with Liberal Leader fillet-(15' in tile Donnie of the Pivov... the goneral public .. '- William Li. N. Sinclair and Hon. lilifli'viiiim by?) 'tl."r1"?"-"itsi' of the 'l he Conimissiou. he said, intended ' ' , . 'I' ll 1CltI't. t ' c. . - .,-.', . ' . l - IN . E. Laney. Proerwessive Leader. Aft". " mm, period oftriul f ti p "U ""301 sryc, .r'u"nase, and yo? trailinz in the order named. The de- O.T.A. will him withJ (initial; If "'\l1'}',lit.'f"' ot 11ye,r.---.1 short. to bate will go on continuously. "INN." ti n , .. l a ii o i',i"olitlt it vioriopol.s ill. the hand- '... r . n . - T JllC sin iin lit. the people ot the linv. of liquor in Ontario and not This aftevnoon Karl K. IIomuth. pmvimw on Dev 1 last in a ver' ', C', . . . ls t J former liideliendent-Labor member m" rhutit, W: V [-1 ii) ' _.' , Y, 1"1,y.l1 .1'.lf.f"lf,t be o lo it. for Gouth Waterloo and recentlv I Jily. hilllt MW desired to NH B'Cllls. Sim] MP. Ferguson, the k ' ' . " trv ."Hlllt' Inothod of hunulinur tfo, '.WBr had bee ' "Take tl li . "turned Tory." will resume the dis- .' 'st . n,'..', Cr,' ""3 Yi Jeetl: a u, le "we" Cussion on this important reading lltlllm' Trl"',',') other iliziii nz'nhihi- (llll'SLTOll out of politics-and out ot _ . * . tron." "hr people. hr: tniiihasizml, the hands of the Government. where: To Order by Mail. had given the Govovnnusnt :i won. it "ill mt be subject to any undue; Features ot ytstei'day's debate--. llilil' lo 1umtrol lilo ll'lllnl' ttiiic iiii'lncnt'e' That, he contended. had} before twosv/iirn" galleries and a lather than Duh-r00 "lwohihitiro up "CW bocn done; and the Conimia-l vrowded Chumber---weve the Prime t'Of?lilVe nmthods Hf suprntsis:ion." 'SIUll. to whose hands it had been; .. "'. . . i. "ttctr-, ...' ._- ', .'o-l Minister 5 reiteration of many of his Control. Not Suppression. fl"; "ii1t,.el, _','i's".,1/e' Swain}; '/'nah';1,ontili'cusirl, pre-election statements with respect "This l- 'J, . " 'rt. film-15 lemming f? C no M? ITut.lei .. I...,' . " . .5 t"girilutjon, in; "an: on. lr: .sthect to renew by anv court in to the rising generation ot Ontario tlwsizntyd not to "mores-s the iii uor' 'the ('uuiiti'v or anv Government _ and his intimation that permit-hold- traffic entirelv but to JUNO] ii 40 ' - _ w'8 y . ' ers. will be able to order liquor by that "5'11": \te'am 'ml/l/i'.'"':,',", 'is it,' it'rlticizc'a Critics. _ man: an amendment .to 2fi mOtiogj'wari'y on any educational campaign ' And yct. he said, there were Peo-l ly.'.'.?.?! by _ Mr. P/YY? Ay " t e wo will not only eliminate the pie who now claimedthat the Comb!I EQUINE of 'a,,cllat1i15 attack on what abuses and excesses hut changr, the '"T was going "to have governmentl he termed an act which, beyond the attitude of the people toward 'ihe 'll_\' Connnuitc,csion." This sort of ill'gll': shadow of a doubt, will encourage 'In _ .. 7 . . _,. .. . ',, - . id V. 'q tvDi al f n in» . . use of L'lcoholic btwevugess al.. inent. he Sctit Tas ypicl 0, l"yll . and "promote drunkenness in on. together." 'who were 'political prohibitionists,' tario ; "I"! tytt unexpected brevity' \i'hvrevvr prohibition had been and "ho had a "motive" in opposing of Mr. Sinclair's vominent. and his . , , .. _ . . , till? Gorernmcmt's action. There were . . "l 'ttlop/l, lit wcnt on. it hall l)("ll F . attitude of not accepting the will fyl'r','i')l,'(,rc'(i hv ., revulsion "f venti- jsonio people. he said, who would the people, as expreseed on Dec. 'mom nd referred to '/ioi%ii,'i'il new-r be satisfied, no mailer what I, "without some misgivings tor the -d,"rii'/o, in othcr Provinces und was done. ', . '9 ' i l " . . i . - " b i future. pddrd: "So out' Pvovince is not I Amendment Oil'ored. mill-mo," u _ E ll l " '.. _ r ki f ' . "This hill " ht? said "i llotllln "080 to considet views of that indl Mr. Jtaney's amendment, which . t ' C .. ' a .nir f Joi] al at all Ita .u'rson caiinotl . "N new Thosc who followed the tlisa- o l 31 c I a . ' p was seconded by Hun. Harw u. a "' ' .., Wet up and offer some constructive} .. a . ..... ,. b to cuss-ion on the public platform bv '5 ,.. . ' . ' . , Nixon, Progtvsssivc. mem er tt btxrs; t this G . . t _ / criticism his argument isn't worth': Brant. was based on his contention mem "TI y. ll: 1l"11ll?yl.lrt. ll ere 1VC1'yr much. And I don't propose to! that many of the powers It, omee "bl-e. tam) 'nell t? nyrfast 11t lextend any sympathy or considera-l entrusted to the new Liquor.Contro] legislation Pty, is nothingr novel ition to a man of that type." l Commission were too sweeping and in the bill except. some details tho. i, The Prime Minister said that 'thcl' ' b ti d by the Legis- will be discussed in committee. Nor ) ' . . _ 7 . should have een We . l . .rte. . . . ., t.. nut not only provided that locum-l lature In effect. it read a.s.rolltyytt. do I my y,yu),11it bill is entnea ities that were "dyr" in 1916, prior. "This House is of the opinion that perfect. This Government has never id, the advert of the O.T.A., might all the substantive provisions of claimed. and I hope it will never l,, . . . , , to, for a Government 7 1 wn as the l: . ll at it ht n 1 ml" of iuppeal for ll, vo u r the proposed act to be (no f' din], Itt 1118 1- mono, J g . l t rntmiei 'qlities whieltl . ht to be in- tl .t l f th P "n '0 of Oi (shop. but no lit pt Liquor Control Act oug 'e. 1vlsrtottt 19 l Y""" C _ I- imam "wet" could likewise invoke al cluded in the statute, and that the turio or the Dominion of Canada. r . "l thehopts of abolishing thei authority to be given by the act to No,- has this Government Claimed---- lifteemlnle mimlm;i7ed the "iiiiit"'ti'ir the Liquor Control Board of Ontario even thougli'we Had. the right lorry'-, i"i','2,ffl'i,,,e a "'di'y" ~locality voted ed to make regulations otuiht.t? be so" monopoly of the wisdom in this g' siii,"r"i,' it did not noccséarilv follow fined to matters of administrg lei Legislature." . . "/d"t the Commission would iistiiiiii's'il and ought not to empower thef 93b "You'vo come very near it." inter- ' ti ' store i to enact provisions by w:'ll1,',' till jet-ted Liberal Leader Sinclair. i m . ', i stantive additions to the law. I "You must keep in mind the temptation is very great," i-etorted the Premier. In. . .

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