The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1927, p. 3

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Com aiti- ' w A I If, m '. "I Wight to Doom, e he s A3 , tt t o . I tf, Id','.', new?! to sink i t Khan T going t ' that t 3 Provl 1 nda Mr interes o admini he Com nee," he of u" FerBUson _ pub ttttt of t trter tht mitgaiott i h e featur went on lie Be ho pub 3 act I Sl een Stat e of rev to tt _ a I Intrre rvice l . lie and n 11.sel liquor ements enue. TI peak II He 1 I". , Rae th . T'e're tor C Sale ' said h tere h C. F ' J.ttttt T '9 eve t,etr1gegog.'IneTtti not hereut'e Pitfem' Wo'ulgm"g the (a; that (I? It',',',,','.'."',',',',?,, 'mwd Show o Dr on of . o owe , "d love el ans] . , /iisitfii' ' Jen _ from ally th otect th littuo decl . Nho V I obauclt rnment! th ' mahi '- . new erg bei P. rrs,1 C be r. tttttl l " ced St -Onta . ese 1 y sou ttCty from of th ngpoiso 'c",lt1rT Re otple--. thlnkl ' "d fo teh opl i.rir."l Writ ntervl r.ces 'e orra I " e past ned un ttm-ation---- , ng sta t' fame nions, I Trs, tttti ewst ,, ' In li niza- Mr. iii few yea .c 5.1" the v . Estlt tetttents. by rash hey their p i id he, 'd he sai no with under th ergUSOn w. . ogue "alps ot " ' un- to Ili,,,"; neiples I" are hot id. Tht . CX ' u I . . C " . 3:: ',te,yl,i' it: a eel-.{xr-reee that v,.u5,1f,' tystinqut C'TC'ttttc. F :5 was as: "he'n'éii were 'f,)1'g, up is i1 'Sonnn. - 10mm. l 'd " "n ' . 0 of r". new vill mean pared to quor , at how Thro ., "my . 40m". . . pr meth of the -Ure . - get it . He . n "or 31:," .. . 'E" thing ' r:aid "We" od of ' pen slnc O.T.A., 1);," in the ')\'Ou1d be 'i1,1/', " 'tt)i'a'j.:1j"r),'i'ir,'r:',1t,it,),'ii,t":ii1,' h(),.lt°.."'°1'k 0he, In Tla. handling' 1:110 to tr; f,'gi)iu1"iatE.1ovutti' J)),',?, under £0 "1'8: Six 11:01:??? would 11.215} etc-meg? :10 Wits £23 such ref Mt linudri Should rough t s:ouully or a (.. *0 Penn- IS $1 00t ce Ye in 'e o the Il , bousti [emu-o. ' Be Re he mail . 1 by "In-one its and ii J,000 . . the one" . O1lsct ' h, HI,'.,', 1 s. Said ttSO . whv, (I on o . 1001159 ' and all _ J. tlv: w- ttttd l 'ut in], ho I I .lti The law liable n , C'tl M , ct. fl1 .s wou I "We ' t tron I n tho. l luau r! ad to ' to b ' c. Sa I sho '. . I'. Itat I '.' Whv ld be li ct lo L of 7 . hum. "S! . be . 8 eff . ys. .. " ttt I . My I" y, rutid Ci . the puhli Jlltl Re I I co be reatto ectivo 'hil "U '022 I dn ". he f vn tl l prob! C an. 'n'! otstab name u, he "ess' Ir' 0,000 ' lo w. , " medi ' '. 8 an IIS' n . .'cm inion . ' 'sup lish . If , - sum It o ' pr -. Ily", ' I ICI . thr . 1"te . . inl t, [, "Yin ed f store ' ( -- 11. on .. ofit .. ct 'lo t nc, he at thi S1110 , _ /prope g Dec 1 or the t4 Wei-0' ull _ ' Wen», . ' And o milkc' "mph. " tf Govev; a fair . g r tht p e wit ." Dun-1,0, . the tr; L .1101"... now ., I no nsizcd 'lnm chan 'reaSO at pe lt lit be ot' ti,ttli rude . a to t; . ' he , road " . ont e . CP, I nabl ople "lol' I ' if', so 'rtt' ' and ttlie c. . Sue. l fro xpects , Itheir e on trhoul . It Wtty1 thi1 . VC I ul . I I . "l e of ptnto . . m Th CF", ' i privi Dorm . (I be re', ICI' IR we _.. lenoq JelierC .. y, II l'ovl .- t an , t, e T, the C . legcs nitv t glrt? tttt ' __ will . that e he] I . Ilsio altn-l ondo I . try h; .'. In - o o I . It. . 1th; H mm . C THUC _ I ihibi . n of -. e de: n (F 'Idrink ad bee the Wats' x€1CIv I "In ' Itl " st: . C fir . ch. I tiv . . gent. alins . Cnz.) ' ' rs tH? n . . . k '11 --., 0 tl ., I e ..,,' C I In w . had SIDS. Now]: to sum"? he said I startling in "i and fd/ll").?,,' that IBII'I' Hm)Ilqum. 1110;?" '//aldri,1l,itth,, the drink 32mm gun? the Got? vveuiI uni" noted that I: Sutton): lh' noch- .T.A. ied to thaw", whit: mm all " their poo pmuenti li '0 tttttes q tis G . H nt." I "The bi _ ' {IMO I m, he . ' politic dontic ple st 7 "H.101- . . tuedt . ("Urn I brsct '" 'ill " Hider traylm scal IT ciles tould c; Ill dis tttrl t "lent h I v "ld.ur ' he . the u . . rohi . . or n Jan l . '3IH?nsl .1 he sta- 11d! 51ft. . 'nl'np (01101 Job: that th ibitio ' ot "tl l " "we bane... " Dime tr (- ' nt (f ,. udod 66t . ueh , e ho nists" . . [ ttttrf Ur,ht b K, unti . otl lt , . .nif'fn , th . 'is ahoul ed, ' . me Wi "a." "W che: , rund til In I Pnlnl ul tlelil I o Gr. . the ' d be d and 'st.N to - I Ve') ("301- th f0r 11101.. r'nl null" Il)91."t. Jvcrnm 'W one .. that . be, n alt k . an t 7 bp; 1m of _ of li , ion. ent (iii 'it/S. 1'J/i,0i'sl,t,t2'i' (,"endfiukingf s',.t//y/:'r','shf (1)i1 ilhu'ih 92%.)?ng "I" _nC,1rtlii'1i'ii,,cs:'rjrr,11,ii::abriCa,i,.i,i, and {hire is lov "ti', 5 " "Cy!" . t t __ 0 u cm, .. - tai - _. 7, "(I . . 0 th _ Ir) , J, mm- 1'fhlfd?"/',e,'l,t, Drag): dudded tii,iiaiatc:tr," tvhc't1l.iv, "midi-wins. 1',ifsakiti11tji,1l ""3112. '("gmpt stii,.,,nj;i.iitlila,i.i.itCt,v,is' As "the ti att ex se to at thel _ ' ' und ' " ttlo ' I' is I fii . ' tho. f- Pt.' "Hun. ve app n stent educ, c, Welsh . rump. "0y tht that. fiinc?ai " Tous ., h fro - led at Ber of ac where ate tho m C',' und ev irui to tat we' i "n" lh- "0- m any 'Domi Ontario orn" mi no long: . II v. I"? to ' crythi " hobbit. .. e vel - ., . _ h'tat ' a 4 gh {"711 Ill] ,, . ki't .. . n . . uh t , 14100.." CHIC :almo nion wher tt "the spot be poiht-l 0...": en this 'Henuct'f. Who i,1't tttd, n9 h, we! have . _ In. : si'tis's't',',',i:','r.v)i'se?,i,?'e?5'li'iirt {at Ii" "WI 'riilric. 1vtl11ll.,?iovincc' it?!" told'", tled thr, 'p/ "Penny? Sim-lair I " '. P . ' t" . ""' lo". " la gttm- . . rC'm'n. 'I his t , 311' enforc ergus0n y.lacklngee aw "an" t A"? firs V n my 1 m (-0 I l had r, rcmat' id thnt be h ellient't Sam th . " Ct" lin . st thin" _ lun- inte: "hm-(k. .(lelivp_ "1kg bef . ad of at "a 0.1. , , ows," ' a th '. ' q 3., a, _rry,', WI t [Cd his . Dre gointed 11:3"! ifept2't'o,'.1,f,"'i "gimme, "015""? _i:'.s",i1lili'i'ttiri,is1ti,iiii.i', Minis I zl'i'wk,33 pun "IS-Dim '."Cl,l",'/'ids",l'if'/11. . . ' [Isl, ., . _.. A . " .n A. e . . . . 2it'1nfritl 1lti Cont")? It!" be 9:111)" "IV; with his sill-L rtanev "cl'."' fo 'qulc'OpOSOr; "2113851011 (3-0213- ar Ce, Curd ' -, C , 2 luv ' _ , uf ii ' - . J bJK y. -' I'Pa ' "t eff . y. P . and ' the u Mr q u '.LW T tlie tiv ' oh ad w . ilti'tr1iiii'iir,?,i?,'i.'tiiii':5tiy.ont'i' 1:23] I COHEI tl lt (ii.'t,.,liii,'ii.',Ci,e,e,.r) that .. tin: :; 'i,l,liil.' ,IFurrio (C hat 3 -e y th 1 b I It", C.','." oulisl . , retort va A 1'. Si cts- Uri) onscr Rea . partme e Att . Cl $, . L1) tha e t, he w - ntauro Fiinclait. nto) scrvn- Sons f nt. orney- tulte I." t the P vent t stat " of th Was' tt Protes or , l 5.t_. ev0n t'ovi Jll, t -, 1 CrttC, " C H . taki sted The C ,Vide P ".0 .. ue tr Ince , 0 1.11: " nt. OHS mg 7 0 . ' f' Le [U111 sho we Let e bv ad- given ontrol C "ch Dun-1e. . Ct Us the li uld n t the _ readi wid om . . "into: get " .. "lu , ot o ga - . . men , mg a re ty miss (10-, . ful tv wa . '.. Ot t . l In "Mfr ,, _ masons, Egowers. he 1on had be f/rf/yt/i; J/ he of h), 110111 'l'uDtlt'a"t But Pr th? Open "5") what . fl/Q and ("erase of said, tor f0en C',', nltly that-" Us Su3'1)0c[~isy ,, hat able to hemler F0: sald he he hasI Su'.y.'erre, 1',',c,'it//','g "0;?!" 3nd? it,",..1,'it.n'(' that were is in"? 0u{.Sehhc "I'vo hewrayvinq {brat-Eon wqu a I . red tion do '- 'r.' A s, CII l) ' Inc . sine 'it 'es sipoerrl A f the - Fl ate C . grep enact" ' than . 3 in 0 more ,hquol. the B." It 1uulul tss going hi leg" I - hono , ment - Com tent. 1 any intl ntario l Benn». "Wes (..,l'N1t)l? ge in 1 M lt" rend le said "ramp n read. missl n the exible ' le I ' "LC to ' W ho "cl; ol' . ux- Cr ' Ono v. . I'd 1.19m'he . . Bwee ii; on h tyecond legal Worm- tlic t't' should b '.n th M sl. Curvi . ' ilte to t".sil did p tu', auth ad bee place th t D00" T"."'""] ' ettcp " C . l'. Sine .110 (.m . hnarl not orit n a. ' e iBeo IO or tl andt '. con- no Clair . ""1119. . f ot li pul'po y bee: ccorde _ r at ' le P _.' U uid ' LIS, not ' t'O',thl . d his _ u. quor rt to ttuse t ed Cust 'Onn . ..' tne he _ . o 8; 1 Info. ' Pvof . But i tor prohib he bil T " , no L', CC." __ "are" ' tut, no Pl to . .'oct. t d bev it th I 1 he Cl . Dc'"g "r tinted t read vohn . prohibi oes int crage e us'tt _ and New", .\. b Rug"p . af nn ad Ill- bever t the end to put'pos - is:; not int tnent 1 Pl', ir ", 3 " to I . idreus wage " abuse - " I and " Pg. 7-,.119 of , LCnd , IQ Cl re . 1 nil ki ho ho "-r The . ot liq will ,to ' deep y. to 1w .:', uphusic plied t "mil ' vrrtTt', t'e .. uor , ', Lot b . I'hr, '.'oil'. .e, ulna-.1 0 th 1035 " tUlo rn'." said tl was no as al' "I e" ( C Wot'lii "Wu t , Wu" e Col ' Mr L-,',' we. btyitt 1e Ppc, . other "., I . ant , L Cost Iilngltlt'a he , ' Ilil turau . onet gr ," b ittoiui . ' te Htliet' li e'e'Ontr attitud greatly . an was "tuna ' l h s g. ' mat . I legial atures ' ke U ol law "I l . e of y pl . h ( u um). . weep] it h atio . of ntario's v, ogislati the "deed .e , lho "Tune . " '05 tl . C ili)',l,i0ilii,i'ir'/i't,i',lf 'Jeef,'t1y/ I 't,iii'r,,ii?1l,ts..l:1s,"c' hc Jo',ft'/e Lt1,tl1 the 'ista"teLU'."' 11/t'inltdu ll, Hour-re . e " .s r Mn. tol"; ev sso Cr. in ~,t '"'. i ' 'Cont slatl . . Jes - To ...' . , a '- l . mu , . tict"s .. cy I inen " 1011 1 st oi s Sun nd l . ovet' on b 'Ur ., Tic T :dOubt t. Ile n o.xiste 1 ece of N Port an LQSIX'Ouw nment ." e- , DUn th w. {it edly w " adnlitt neo on . ot th: e, d good ff..", ot ha " 's in Illndel. t t e. tieL'ol d :' might as a " cd that the satti a" We qEom -will of VIng th 'vsttitl ' he rul 1 Team- "30mm: be tho t?nturr?." b it 11n- Tme'e his I"' new. overyis t? (ci ' 'discus les of tl " ingot' tt ' , bf'en' .Dns Wi? ~. cage A', and th: he G b' news "and; an 'b' Ody. ', ple o/ii, 1sl?n iti 1c JIous tum-1' V anti . uld aiu' hat 'e "t uratt . iovctm w-M. 3 ody WWO: "Mimi ty' "hm . c. h ' where icipafod ISO. tl c'cytai . 3 d: "I tttcnt to I .', 1 the 1 . 1n tl -e 1 the . . l e the w u. Ti . mt h; n welf "'t use. ' he Wimp -, details; 1e biil "an- again L'omn .ril:rt ho. _ ad not . are i . all tl ' emrrl _ . ', .l - lv, U a kts. to '.. un 1 l. . It . tl.osio ' .. said 'Orai. , n the . "m: - lrasW.e gslfm . , be .. ..... how l hue [Jble it ' S wide 11 wottl ' was . et. ' 44 light of the . d, It] _ ol the ("Inca that .. L "an. . CO ttl , I J)me.. d con '." MCH? Ut ' 1 ca , of t Publi ,i It?, c ' .lletail . out .l'turl- "" tnrilv cet sucl C'd.q we IC Itt be " tttti n t " he C' they orurnitt F; is .- . 1m. . , v. A .. 1 Co . you'" A a, . -q hide , he s . public i.. tltlPP. t_. ee q ' ' rightly sf""-" , , nd r- - " 1 _ a " . P. r . I ' .. , 1g13§5d°r POWOrF h "hens San: "Now ,iji'i,v'i',(in,?,-1)? honebl'g'y 3°70: :IIQ'OIV- A313?" upt liked when "ll. to devise lor a; .-. o S' l - oniy t , 0 we - . ake, i, .ilcussi/ . l " w dinecl p uch Ct a fo " _ aid, h .l o n , nt or I. 1 ol 'll "r, c, are . ys1eu . ll; I130" was tis/iii,"'))),:?,;'),' 'ttte 3:17;" but It» 1110110": be Ifnl'f'cal n /eillcL'i1,.t.1,,).' hefgzgntlthe '/,pi-'c1,i/',1j,te),) Lt'): tario crests of iairii't'e he Cl .' Let . 10 "00" t"iotad ot I' tt '.ll4. lo flous __ tie, ot ti I , , _ r . t 1'tt1 Us. . I ple S t' Th ' 'Ge f , . t1L'i tgrdoi.,a'l/lo10,t e,ntIl,;h"l"U|)1c "foil" 5pm.: our". I/fu.')' (In? (Elle _;1,t.i),lt./,rci'.'i:1,it,?s,t,1il',)1jf'i1,t' Contt I "I second; ttt V t . " 1-, . _ ' a tis N re - / ', ._ n .g. _ 'O w" . ' Mt ect such 'i' f" (n-gmf. 9f_:iny o 2, Conditionfl gen". ? taw I): e .it Irc) ' t'fJ,',fi,"/,e,,./"r1.s1l,1'f,',: S V Ict ly a G I 6311')! that the "t,1"rt/io,n, i':z"t10n "Il'L It wa Us of thidtly i'nhllbhc 1"P ir:yyl, '/Crrt"i having ulNljnsured h or-, ' ve auth oard Wils . o th ' s inte S pro". "OVC?. tl - li miss t', q fl)!" tl arr"? y (I; Iund Duty. . I": g ' "CCGS- . C Corn" restin v Vince." ite. In". ' "I: ilotus . 10 be , C'" undo)" _: ICO now no rho act 5.11,'tn, uxtisn-. (foyern tcnts of pi. he said I e ich, if Hoi '3 and be .t Pte'. It Ir, , I uld . cout' HUB' t In ment - the , to m f ., e ttit L0mg will! infer "(otyerrme {hr} 10" "Over tltut; Tia" 1',l',tedt,c"T,t/o) Egress enngte II 'iT/d/Cl,) It culggethey in YY" Vex-VI . Ion it - Jout' ~hnlent IP Gl S of . . n Iell, . . o th csto l . Its , . L Hope saw tit ' d in w Th : obe Th oditor and so h IIJOH'V of t e cndoy this H Dies" , s tor B to up lv yhat- C. Toro ' C M . Nalss . c I no"; the , tsatire, Ouso b .; ' ctter D l' y. Hutuil - nto St; ' ail and In the l, ' A} of Cu.- people . , by r l 5 Tm h ttyti ald ton FI . at", (J TC, . MEMO . iovei't or Chat: .a 1113-. . . C "" . new ttaw: "Dire 'l of In 7 "non- elm, eontide oping a " ' Bran titer a J ' ',nranit' _ Illur C L'on . of al, .. nt." '.' nd 1' . Free tf0rd "M . Ha ournal , ' rosto . prom trol . , that if ' said tl m In". Pr li x . miltot e , Mast ' of th ulgat of ihc('; I . 10 P . lo ol' 1 . Petey css 4. posit . I "or I as the . c Pro ' ed in C are att We get th Time Mi . ess J tmoro' ', Lond or, Lo - Inn", policy "Her Ol tth to th er We wi c. CO-O .,", Pister ournal .1533!) . on Ad . ndon .. ', of the C 1 "Gt. 1 , . c ill b . Den" ' "I _ ' Ki' 11ner verti , It st: onse . I)',: it w old an . e able t lon we Vith ingstc, ' St [Stir out . ands vvati . I as ta bm ot . o get p one r m w . . Tho ' footi upon ' ve' dula . boo f conventi back rovet accord n hiz-S mas 'mc . Ing f, an enti I be In stp or your, ion. wh _ read he tueas a he S' tandard _ nt Inca . 101" ordl itch. dif I I You P0tur drink F, people t fn pu ers that s'ure, and aid. "all 'I to time l bums brou "nary k: itter..l I drink " Dec 1 . " m- blic su the n exhor an-l not b f IW.) whi ght in fr ovetm-l in tue, he , s pport." has" t thei ' _, CCH co e ich the Pom ti l, cause . those ti synid (1' tntcme . e be sti . t" I alien bills nsulted beam , Inc '. been it Wats mes. ii; id not nt try C a vcn IODihl t3 wc tr . At th L have! tol not d hy? H hur ' ., Ull and -y to m C cas I 1 a era one. Bo. e r ' ch. lutl sn . tor c o e ( .,1,te,1,'iif, iiltl'i',1e,'.1cay,',' public I: 1yt.d not EV the 6155:?" to a . Incofmgfl the t;iti:rii,,j'.pipeitsiiiiFi,t, Dub": and 1'l't ot 21'le?t'fuc,',"/"/ sTtj,"l,'i,e,t: tt1Fepti',ii:li,i.i,r,it,ttt, chug???" staten "be L0"i1:11vf gr'f,rl1i'"thei1,,3udt 'Lf/l be- n . C ~.' CC - e " w Gov. , len , 0-511 UI' 1r qt,, q T It) 'e'l, (it:',:?:,,':',?':,")':?,':-?:':':':":,?"] it 33L , t1jii?t?1'ifci:'tsiiiheii,t,1,.teeiitat't Lthlaltb'El'Vicc': /l.fjfs'"tyre,"ii 3:13 ti,e""i _trs,,ujiiitit'i,'oonnt,'nti, ae t , te " it'. I trad comi t ' wh l a? . G CO 0 tl re , ' e . ng -.. o the l ile thc ' . e bri . Worn mes tself-eo) 1at de . peated " th , it Iva agent Gov ' . Dunc] I "gnu: . men ntrol . Slrablc ' to e Deo S dem for th 0111- mitted D c of wh In 1e . t bv Iin the so. . It wil condi . get it , ple ",1 ocrati e liqu ' . to and ich ha gislatl . ithi titstac 7 1 be . Hun of Vould at ve a . _C. an . ot' Jority . end . S be ton 5 law." ctory U'fd big factor' red to p obey thatvetdltt, £021 IS hen " the peopleolsed by t? subs "Strution of men iv/fer intervi law. Yll' a law . a man; meift ad ews wi refer- . -contr ODDO ith cl . . I I tsaid ol sed Org " e: that the "mm-o we Gove b a ven . . hm _ ut ru- . a triat." , tshould 'ltwlho nowi . '. . . C cast ty I e

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