W ., . _ ' A g . ' T i . . SA\Wcia\1, tlare,A. "Ti I,- -- AV T . ', f "Notwithstanding anything in this ' - -tte'rr . , section contained. the, imam. tax EXPLAINS ESTIMATE . , payable to a..nrmunieipa1itar Upon a . . . "We or mining work. liable to tax- _ . iuiop under section G ot the MG..' i)? LI UOR REVENUE AL HYDRO AREA mgr Tax Act. shall not exceed 1 1-2 if; _i21emc",,tttinapnu,i,yLija1,i,1: of "ir"""C""r""-"r"' I Webs the tax payable (f'/u.u'lf/', Based on Profits In Western YI tsec ion 5 is based, ttttl a . ' ED ill BILL agnount of such annual MES: 225' Provinces, Says Attor- y Ct 3 a sum which will yield 35, e -------- l respect of such income tax? wigs: neymeneral . 7trt additional 1 per centum of such ------ Measures of Consolidation [witness annual Profits shall be Day- Replying to chstions by Progres- A I t d . . Cl ,le to the 1nuni1u"palily." sire Leader Raney, Attorney-Gert- re n ro uced m Legisla- Other Measures. oral Price, in the Legislature yes- Ofher Government measures pass. terday, stated that the Government ture by Government ed in committee were: An act: re. had estimated $3,500,000 revenue "e---------- "Regime? the Toronto Radial Rail- trom.Govevnment control of liquor PASS TAX COT "raised act respecting the adoption for the balance of the present figeat REVISION ". clnldicu. an act for the protec- year by considering the profits made -------- lion of children of unmarried par. by Govonmtuent-controt systems in . outs. an act respecting the produc- \Yestern Provinces. and having in S'n'muil new hills. with " IH"-"stn-t-.~; tlort and sale of mill: and cream tor mind that. $1,000,000 would be re- of cousoliuution, "or" illil'millt'od i'. human consumption. an act to ceived from permits and licenses. _ . , , i. T .. . ' ' 'tmend the Loan and Trust corpora- Mr. 1taney wanted to know what int [AgihitiilliL by iiic (.mcrnnn-nt lion Act "in act to are . . _ -~ . . . ' _ . r- out, out to the date the Attorney-General assumed ycslcn day. Banting Itesearch Foundation, an for the commencement of operations An act to provide aid for 1'ottsiltu_ atritotot aim"? 1(glimmer 79. Statutes ',1 the lirt'1uor stores. Col. Price re- . . wr, ' .. , H ". .. _ ft n arm. I) ', an act to amen D irtl: 66r he estimate W . "'0" ')11li 'j1.tult'ul I""."" districts the Ontario Insurance Act, and at? halt a year." as made for "its bums!" llt by Piiiiiiuu, b"t'rgutson. "(l to amend the Devolution of Es.. _ This, said hc, proxidcd that the fates Act and the BOYS. Welfare '- money advanced in thr Province "pc; 'Y/il sthool A.ci. Vacant Place to Be Filled m 00' w 'tRre 1tt.. tg..., . . foe rural power work might in: carried in '),v/,1/i'rkir1)7.."1.d'illn1,tw,'?.,',t On Highway Advisory Body charged against tho, Provincial cup- <pcctin= the Town of Duniiville, an Appointment oCa member of the ital account, instead of itt'illg paid ""t Preceding who. Township of Fri-'i-sluturc in the Highway Advisory out of the consoliduttd revenue. and K;;',l"{,,:l",1:1"a(fiesgfiifggfingmtlgL'i'i'l'r f,',)"'";"."'";'; t? Ill the place vacated .. .' .ess.. . _ , L'.' q . "f, - it} Jh, A. {and}, w tsi might be paid off own a petlod of lace (if Baylinltl, an act respecting "hm "Pronto" atlthe 2,t'ite't'?oe,f, years. It allowed for financing of the City of Ottawa and the Town.. H,V,c forecast in the House yesterday rural development in a method car- ship of Nepcan. an act respecting _ Hon. Cleo. S. Henry "ted cu in other power activities in the City of Sarnia, an act respecting .lrvpluini to a question hy G.'A. the Proviiicc. the Town of Preston, an not respect- \Ii-tguihiun: (Liberal, Northeast Web. Hon. William Finlayson introduced ing tho Town of Almonto, an act lill'UUlli. Mr. Hrmrv stated that the a bill known as the Lakes and Rivers resi'mcting the Village of Fort Erie. 1:-rr,'itttrn, still i'imntioned. The Improvement Act of 1027, which is and an act respecting the Town of inn-win mvmhcrs are T. J. Mahoney a combination of tho, Rivers and Duudus. lr'tricrsr'rutiro, \\'eutworth South) Streams Act. the Wutot. Privileges Second vending "as elven to ll.-'.'.. nod "on. F. Cl. Macdiarmid (Con- let, the tiawlop:s Driving Act. and John S. Martin's bill----the Fruit -~vd '~-}'i'.'tli\4', 1.3121" West). said he, :he Timber Slides Art. [f,iif,1:y,ii, Consignment Act of 11:27 MW] it is the Government's intention . . . . -w (it aims ttt more adequate pro- 1.. " Hoint another member of the Judges Arbitrators. tea-tion for Ontario fruit. and vege- 'c,,,,ii'j,."d"i)l1,l),, to the committee in the One ot the new {c.ituii-s of "Whittle growers from "unscrupulous "our future to take Mr, Rankin's nieasuie is that provision is madr?commission agents." plum'." for the determination by arbitration. Aurelipn BCiilngCl', Liberal n2cn1- - of all claims for ',',1yu1,'f'u1i',':ttiot1tn1.] oi her for Russell, inquired if Quebec . 'rt H'si W u r. HCl, ---t--- -_.--__--- . _ ?l}iled3:1%livt§bo'flx:hléjzt'tliltxili'ilt':(trivistrict shippers were protected trom On- Court ham: the stoic arbitrator toy tario commission men by the terms 'h'i' purpose a: the 12.ea.s,1'/f.?h,, in. Muslim said ' I,' ':."._. _ . vb' C were. ' r. cungcr ten sug- ,..?P.t. T,y/,iblt,/C, "I in]: (13:22:81 'gesfed that the question of Ontario H3"? Y,') 'jtllfme ri,. )1" 'i,'i'/s',1) shippers getting similar protection , "0."mg tnc sro '51-?" f f '/.U','"1','/ from Quebec commission agents 3qu from an)" 1""1' ".1191? t'l\:(,\.::. should be discussed in the next 's',))','?:),,.','"'..",,,,",','.)); JCCll "kth e , Interprovincial Cont'crcnt-c. .t' h'tuSWL'll. "tg', . ,.,.. .."c...; 5LIn. dealing with tells. the hill pro Pr It'.s .110." Jy,1, thc aeTcoulii, said . -. lemiei [erbium]. rides that m overt-case It Judge of "Ism't it remarkable." said Mr. the County or District court shall Belanscr "how great minds thinks approve of the scheduleof .toll.s to alike?" ' '- be charged aryl his decision Is, {mil}: Hon Lincoln Goldie. l"i'ovii.ci;L1 The other Government measures Secretui-V. got "Worm "wing to his hrought in were acts respecting the act to amend tin; Hospitals my the . Niagara Falls Park, to ' amend Insane Act, and A:tornvy-tluncrnl the Registry Act, respecting the Price 20L .cocotAl reading "I "a: solcmnization of marriagesdn Uu- measure for the pron-Minn of tario. to amend the Land Flues ALL. neglected and dept-liticiit children and a local improvements act-bills Second reading was given to "m, of a consolidatory na ure. . " . il Ull ttct to t'nllttliltiillt' the The Housc, in committee, Jylyy1 3315;511:103 lt'iCliEijOi' thc TOW" Div f;rttrruy?- dissent, passed Attorney-General; town Price's act to amend the .Assessmellil V . i - Act' so as to provide toy tleTwenty-two Acts. "cuts" in municipal income tax If:!, Third reading was given to twtn- l sured the public by the Goveryy/yintitsUia acts, as follows: To amend the during the last election. campaign. Bills of Sale and Clrattel Mortgage . Act; to amend the Voters' Li.sts Act, gum by Itttner. . ct" 'e 1926: to improve the quality of dairy ' Hon. w. E. Psaney, ngEeSJV products; to amend the Milk, Cheese . Leader, wanted to know if 11161}; we: and Butter Act; respecting the Town any dittkrence b.etweet) the} 'ilfhlt of Sudbury; respecting the congre- Minister" promtsetr and t w .p t tration of the Presbyterian Church of visions ot the tsilrtroygttt down "tiiiiiiia in Wick: respecting the Town the House. ' . , 2" ... ec mseh; to amend the Hydro- "No difference.' said Mg, Fer 1'id.fifd Railway Act, 1014; to l'C- . guson. I, . lr, l. v . nd consolidate the mining law "No difference Ut .app1ication ot ),1seotJht',0., to amend the Public. the 1aw,'iid'Cut..Pt"tc't: ' "this Vehicles Act. 1322:; respecting stat-E . "Them" smiled .Mrt Rana." the tionary and hoisting engineers; to hilt! 2"tll,te, the iontidence amend the Judicature Act; to umcnd Pr me " 3"". . the Minima Tax Act; to amend the "quitiAp/' titiid Mr. Ferguson. -Survevs A73: 1920; to amend the . t ' 1 t the measure. sug . ' . ' .rrr. A new Sect on o and added County's Reforestation Act, 10:..17; greeted orrtrei.uyyl reading, a proval, for the' granting of? assistance to the for Houie-tttueonunittee p Royal Agricultural Winter Fair As- ' _ reads; soclation; respecting the mainte- ' nance ot deserted wire-sand children: . to- provide for thc niaintruitinco of parents by their children; respecting the legitimution of chil- dren by the. subsequent intermarriage ' ;ot' their parents; respecting the Township of Cornwall: respecting the Township of' Nipigon: to dr-une' the boundaries or limits of the Mn- nicipal Corporation of the Township of Chapleau. ' i