The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1927, p. 2

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Si'tuviaut [larch HT" . _ . I . . , I ' --m- - -. PROPOSED REDUCTION MiE PUNISHMENT' l AMENDED B YLIBERAL 'iN . DIfteTent Feeling Likely. [ Belanger Argue: for Re. Mr. Haney replied that he under-l '_------------ . stood that on the division mam" . . . . . moval Of Order-tn-Coun. members of tho House had voted! Commissioner Of Provindal _ for the "trot-l: tax reduction"'. .. o . . eil Authority and for Im- clause for four that \'ullng wontrnrilt POJCG Presents Report . o . I Would have negatirod the. other HRH. . position of Sliding-Scale tions of the bill. in his belief. the»: to Legislature "straight opinion" of the House Leor--G o tt e r n m e n t would evidence a, different feeling " toward the matter. Measure Stands Over The Prime Minister had no ob- FORCEMENT 0F Oth. o jor'tion. he said. to standing the bill -----rqR..-- ---tv Until Next Week m-or. and asked Mr. Belangor to give 1.. hi. ' "'N' cl F.,s. .. , . 'y-r.? 1 . notice of the amendmr'rt m the nus,- F l, " 1"" -* H"- tip', l'o'eri, in.)- --.--e-.-e--'". tonnn'y way. and to furnish the "Nil-"H lo 1"" Quinn" Ircr.':',riitu'ce INFORMATION GIVEN (louvrnment. fur its t'onycidcwittioti, .t.-rtiuy, 1i.tiorisr,i V. A. S. 'IHllt'R of the amondnn-n' he tn'o- Willi: , _ . F ' ON ACING REVENUE 103ml late": in im'wv. l NHL" C'r-ites' ot' "I'H\lll~'.al R During the sitting further light I'olirsr, ".ng thr, titanium that the _..__......_..._. . t'il.u' 1htvn oll tltss activities' if WV" minimum penalty of rv~\'t'il tiny; im- Itll- l'.l"lll:; :zv'ntw'iuiiullk in 'tl.'. In "a. ,. " i,, .',..,' The path of tho Gorerurncttt's J, ir. Mann-i211, l'l'tn\i:;:'l.ll Wynn," I."'."'"""".'" Gr itv,trr:i'.tru'iril auto amendment to the Corporation Tux lr. 1. Tii.xlor tI'rwcrrrcsc:"'vr, Nd", "NW'I'S 15 tultocytlrv' insufficient '.c, 'its, '.s,.,,s,, , oi'rust.. '1 ,tr.t" .1.ui,.r'tltr,r-,eislr, Act, which Irrovidos for. " tiuuctivrt i'j/r',yi,,1v,".,ai//',C',,'1iy/iCr),j,C' lilo, Pul1luilllllcllt ill vicu ltr lit crowd) - - - . t ', I 'it 'a' 'tr tr 'l'l't' It l"'l|'l u . . n- . . sis. .. l ' irv' .. , from $7,500 to $0.000 in the I)L1' "will: oir.wsr,i:ltitrt,ru,' lust "In" 1"": uniditio b on stint... on" mallow». diem tax on 1u1ce-truclss. and 0111- "t-w-iwwl Mums: it. minim-nun: Lit. Undctr O.T.A. powers the Unvvrnnwnl- tlwoup,h 'f,,"c"i'"l,11,,'( {mm thot is"? 17"." "I" llu itoitiiu oui kiln? i', ,' Ci 'y:-, . , , T" . _ -. , "w. "it 'A,u'c,'i'ts'. illlt 'r" .,,,_ul; 1,rr, 1 in ' _ L. K'- . LN', order-in-Council. to inc-tense the 1". "mm "m "mm": H to"; YA" tin-lit of lllv" til A. has lily! with levy from $5,000 to $10,000, clr-. HH"f-2 "hunt .ttt.'.1ttirrrtt0. "many and nontlnuwl difficulties." cumstances warranting. is none too ( tlic:-: ii1i:trlitt'., tlio f',rlirsiir, Noting the activitip< of i,ootieg,gcna' . . ' t'l,; r. at .'x'il:;.lr;z l'hli', twiligilmtml t ' ' _ - "'". smooth. On Thursday the ament'l- 3;...l I; (yum all it"..- .,.',..,.,,'.' H". ,along the border. ho says: "To Cir- mg bill got second trending, fy""' H.Illilllt~ll .ltrt'lig-y Huh, 'itr,r..'.',t'yr;-, tlo. jnumvent those engaged in this un- utter the House had divided. Yee- l\"H!l'-W!'lh JH-'lw'i' f'lrili. .is'y's'ri.wil', lawful business, and patrol the river . .. . 1.: UL: "it" ' ' 2:..'trl,'.1tir, i, c Ir' _ ..r. l ' terday approval of committee of the in"! I.T:Hi' lt " J,i,',',ii,"iU, I '<":7\~1.;l-"1 . thoroughly would require a force of House was deforred when Aurelien Th-lift: Q::::1,m;1- tumult", limit. "it'll :tltogttlwr out of proportion to Bclangex, Liberal member. gave no- $312,717: Wr.strrn lint-mu .\>>w-i~ 19Ul' "rt"ir'nt. stuff." .. ticc of an amendment to the bill. Minn. \\in:l~ur. $373,013: and tin , 1fyt-'ru,t,ioy' tltviss1 il.' tt.T.A. for T1 't . . Js . , , i', \'t'intlsnr ,lm-kr't' (filth, 317"",1'; will) (031111911 4.40.9. which lusrlited it measure how stun Fe' mt- mun Mr. iiiyltoi' 1vHs;tlsoivfrrvrel m". in 12,80" cottrirtiott,s. 41.'..' nominal; '.the fore part 0f next wec's. I" lllv' t'lllllié In"! "(if 11?th Elwin; 12,5 w,thtir:twiti.c'. Twelsus, other 0119?" Mr. Belungcr not only would re- stud Cull nnwts. Ammm. "we" WM... are awaiting tli>poml , move from the (mvcrnmonts hands NM mm M thc itrllravillt: Ac-r-ru-i-- Amount of liquor 50119.1 'o.s thr? de. the Order-in-Council authority to Minn. vimrnting zit Mumford l'nrk: Irat'tmont And (Winfiscntt-(l by tho increase the traclt assessment. but thr. Niagara limping Assm'intinn. thr. t'OUi'ts was ac follows: liner. 23,813 he would have a slidityr.-sfale .ot W'lmi:crrr.loriyClul). Tho l'lti-llvtilln dozen bottlosi "new. 7.23-1Kallons'. impost flyted by the Legislature In- ('lllli only op1u:ttPrl ttio tlays (it Mr liquor, 1.09? raspy. "tilltti'_ 3,0552 gut- stead. His argument. as first ad'ir'lll'illl: moot. ions; alcohol, 3,055 gallons. Total' vanced on Thursday, and reiterated C. Gardiner (r'rv.q,ririr1ri?, Krill value of such liquor. $il.C5l.').",. yesterday? was that. while some Host) 1Nity, told that " Proxim-iztl V hltht-,' 'i l tracks might bo note only to meet mum of tho mm": of thr Hamilton OH (3.501('(. the $5.000,sritt'tTt. others better Joi'lirhy Clul, lHSt 3931' .showrtl tho FYrcuiy-lwo "lulu" \'Cillft-W' l C" oft might well afford to PAY IMHO 'Jll'St'H'liltioix hint suffered a low ol' Fol/Aid by tho tlt'i'm'tinnnt a ti co ',- . "3:.0'10. This "'th the only Slug-Ml Cc,vctcd, " tnu.r,ici' of wli'tch "are 81,000 a Day. :Hitlit rmnlnviod by the Linrermm-nt, lam :('ZUi'llCtl by order of ..n,- Yu- In addition to the $5.000 less, he tho stutrnzents of othr'r u>sm-iutium promo Court. would have each association, club or line". 14"" il only the L'tlrtoinur) Total fHirus' imposed in connection company pay, within ten days; after c1t'yliilj', ""j" with the U.T.A. pruosiecutiotcsiarriolr1t- _ the closing of its meet, "a further . My, (viii-diner wunlctl lo knitt' ed to $456,491. ot thisutr.ount $341,- sum of $1,000 per day of the said whut litmus "'01'o mode by the \fti'l- 0308 was collected and 56.710 re- meet for every 850.000 or fraction Olt)a' 1'HL'1tl'r.', iis1"ttWlls, itttil "hilt funded by Order-in-Council. The thereof by which the average daily Hl,nr311llt W" u1lou."'d In the bul:tnrre amount paid into revenue was $334,- amount wavered during the said "M" "1 tltr? \a'il'lnlls twill». vlirtwn 487.70. _ meet exceeds $150 000; provided. _1,tii,'dT,iT,1lii,'i.t; ",ilri."tiot'C, dctrcusi- Of all types of cases prosecuted . ' -. lull o pun s. i r. . unthilh "NW numloerin '7,800. there were 6.64" however,; totnl ampynt It iut'orttwitiiin ott.IT (UNHIL (hr llfmd- (--'1\"-t"'gc 'slr.',,' ilsn issn'cc 230 ""0 the tax so paid for the said moo. m" Clur, In ti, t-m mm lo th; am Il/tlot". "ri.' u. 11...", -0 "Ln. . .e. , 2. ._" ' . . " >ti )', l _ l l f murals an J" stil, Hum-.1" 1is - swirl]! :'o..t,,.,y:,cy,h,,,'il.0)b" naught] tiotir,tttl_ from m" nec,s;oirrrtistrr. :=itioi' 1 d I til t t o oispo w .1]? full)": mild" s.ll,r, "",',1'fJ,1'ieve,' said hc, no nllow,urri was ninth for During 11m 'Ci :' siolry. l;.'op0r1\' TPI, Ilt tlc e '.le =' .10 '.3 ' l'tl'lllllf'l'nlltlll of tlirrttors trt' oft'i- ft up .. lr, l ROl,4Ci' .as.. . -. .' financially speaking. to which tho ciuls "m. w". allow-1mm 1nurlr, for' tt9 311- {Au-t My '." , I' ".1. I'e1"oN'- Government had set itself, but would tlt (/v',i'il-lo/, (I tlw "MM 'ri, 1min 3" "run" to Cilt. o1r.'lCl'S by . . I c v ' . - tr, . ' ' - 'trltt oydi?. do it in a indium. that would elinlln ttxrrcitit_Cs m thr, ("Until invostint-nt. L t. L\. ate any chance of reflection being Ron-line Dom-cask. cast uporrtrte Ministry. Ps- s.'.,' 'cuc. - l, T b" , , He stressed the fact that were the /jlx,/ly",i1rhr,fi'/i' l of 'the .1yyyy1ean'u t ' f l i th I x" to be told led $6ii7,700 and t'evenue $464,- power or ncreas " e. e ' q ""' Th decrease in r we t " left with order-in-Council, the Gov- __.. lf .. L. C l'",. L' two 0 ' " ernment might easily find itself in $00. :io11/i"Y,ti, the amount col- - . . omit,' . cute as. raw. IS due principally ' the position of being criticized for .' J. keeping the tax to a minimum on .to there be"); $43,400 less collected certain tracks in return for election lil "1108 in!" offenses under the 0.T.A.. campaign funds. or something of 5.111105 the report.nnd to the fact that sort. There was" no doubt. he that the value of the "(they com contended. but then authority of the "Suited "my station fees than the kind asked should be vested only in amount foy Lilo same pcriod last the Statutes. ' yearn. . , . ' . Hon. w. E. Raney. Progreseive Referring tonne rlix'il.w.ay Tcultic Leader. here expressed the view that A'?c,fit.t..1ty?,..l Williams said: inasmuch as the secthn under dis-, V . ponsulering the crowded condi- cussion was a very important one,; non of our streets. and highways, l the bill should stand over. consider an intoxicated person in Premier Ferguson replied that the charge of a car such a menace to House had voted on the principle of the safety of others that the mini- the hill (the previous day), and had mum penalty of seven days is alto- passed it. I t gether too little punishment," says . the renort. _ Deaths from riolence or unnatural causes in Ontario for the year 1826 are reported by the Commissioner as; follows: Murder. ll; manslaugh. tCr. 23' suicide. 41: autos, 73. drmvninct's, 100; other causes. 115' Ttfil, 2161. as compared with 315 in . 19:5. l

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