_ -_ ___ _ __ 'iiiW--T'vwm - ' rl k a a. loci . l It c. r g a ul , a v a. -- _ . l ' T Premier Fergdson was at "m.'e rm, - his feet. "I don't understand," he Brantford Member Sarcastic. said, "the motive of my honorable Rev. William G. Martin (Conser- friend, unless tt he to retard the vative, Brantford) occupied a few business of this IItir,it'htyrt: .,e.'iimopehts in picturing Ben Spence knows very well-'aixl'd the Ag??? and Hon. w. E. Raney as "bedfel- . know. too--there SQ} lit LI' 3;" I lows" who had had "a lot ot night- store m what lining-M vi, :5 ,i'l,".Imares together." He said that the _ known as a dry men. but tne . Il advent of Government control. of me I cannot convene what my . . , C . .. l , honorable friend's attitu'de in mo'J-l ."hldu henclaimed, had more f,"tilii "is an unlendnlunt "tt it'JS stage can und blood In it than the 0.T..A I ' ------- be. it can achieve no good itutpr..te.l ever had had, would prove that there' S . f A The point he stresses is already in the W135 no zeoluige ctaiuse 150; tl) the?" faring merely from "disordered: act. . " _ . ' ' stomachs" or "distorted ima inn- Moved by Progressives . 'iyll"t'uii),. as. ttyi,,:',)'.""),,)"',),",.' tions." g 0 Pt Oil » ' . . . and Voted DOW" inc sav that if there is to be evidence a, Mr. Haney wanted to knowyif .Mr. of may"). obstructionist tactics---if wel Martin had not worked at one time ------ are not to have constructive criti- under Mr. Spence and for the Pro,hi- Two LEADER it vismwif there is going to he delay bition Union, of which he was in- S IN CLASH illStt'lld of "ction---I'm not so sure', clined to be so critical. Mr. Martin ----- that l'tn goingr to sit here until spring) said that on his return from overtselth" . .nsrening to that sort of talk." (Ap- . ' it: on request. had given support to ' a - t e O.T.A.. thinki nt' that time ' Prtmitr Warns Mr. Haney "'l"/'./Cr'a, lmnder Sinclair promptly 'that it was working inngtiie best inter- . .... ..' . w Mi - l estso the a i. Since Against Attempting Ob. 1'i'it,'"),l).'ji2t tll,.',',..,) 't1m'i/1,igf,i,tttt; it; teii"isr/ t....2:?il: 25.3.2222. JIT/ Structlon Tactics 3"th y/Yao/e/sy"'" at this stage ot 1y {ilian'éigtin termed the "event rc HIP irot-e- S. d . . r ' C'" . ----------. Mia Haney ruse to clarify his ported intention of the Prohibition Premier" Ferguson pot second i"/y'//2a,,eentssi,t.1tsi/l'i" was 'hsi,,.,estl'/)] ',"'fe,1,f..r,ltottn,ot/'.clt'7/'i'ttt/l'i,J/xotvf/ir:". ' -. . . ' ._. t e. 'l' me ' inis (r ( ll - »-' . F, r . , - reading to his Litiiioi Control Act at WNW! it." vincinl election as "most unfair" and 11.30 in the Itrgisrutuve inst night _ , . ' . "un-British." and nnattitude of mind after a day of argument confined Outlines Nen helium]. l v, that was, the "arch enemy of all true "wr-. . . '.1, ' . l, ault 11,.i'iera. Sturgeon t l ' "y." almost solely to the (Hiposnion Skip this?!" ".155 speaking on Thursday " erinte of the Housr, and sump lust-ininuti- last, "'mdo " plea that the Govern- Opposes Sales at Meals. tactics on the part or Hon. w. " mom-nontrol system allow for five- Switching his argument 30 the Raney. I'rogrossivo London which vents-:i-glziss sN,t., "f. str.onst.httr. 'Jer,.),.',,?),"',,",'," grit-"Te. tie": ac", "e LIX: were viewed hr the Prin , Mi -. continued, as the first speaker in the messed msei as glad that .lin.uot b . - n A Itti.stc' doliate yesterday, to outline a scheme was not to be served in hotel dining- " eing purely "olwtructionist" in which would provide for such sale rooms." That, he contended. would nature, and whit h wcro also protest. without "returning to the days of not be Government "control." Were ed warmly by Liberal Lender Wil.. tht hm" .'. " _ . .. . h 'yy? "rattle? al?wecl, he.sai0: there ham JD, N. Siill'iiiil' ily "out of ird ." Inhom no brief/ said he, for t. e would he immediately cries of class and . " .- . l Cl bur m the sense in which it was 1egisiation---a thing that had to be C .'nteft "It; With the process of known years ago. Yet years ago the avoided. Liquor at hotel meals would getting down to "actual business" good wife knew where to get her mean eventually. he contended, on the Governniont-.-(.mm] "wmm," husband. and she kgiewlthat the bar- liquor for the Workingmzin with his . _ . t.. _. tender was not a cot egger or a. ten-cent lunch. Vote Is (it) to ..1. female. . . " My. Martin fancied that much of The Prime A]illi$'tl"5 mom," {on "But here Is my suggestion, he the complaint from hotelkeepersi second 'u'adirix turmoil br " "m, w went on: "We are to have Govern- about "disorderly parties" in hotel': 69 to ill. No IV/IN' suvd/1,te"u in "I". merit Etc-11351. J?,1hyt'p/itsf,i,1,v"ernment rooms, by virtue of the fact that! vote by every Conscrintive mommy taverns, ant Il'; t: l'] C, r "e it registered guests will be permitted! present m the llous:rt and bv fou' He proposed t at e ove m l to have .lquor lll their rooms, could: Liberals, nnmr-ly; A. iut':i/n",rep',r1r'i/ rent premise: ii)?l}ll10tbels "Th hats; be attributed to an effort P, have? sell), J. A. Pinnril (Ottawa, East) men. and esa s eer I}; ld b .t.h,e.tover.ry.ney.t. loosen up" With, T. {legault "WWW" Falls; and yy1Tr These .p.'cy1off te Il', 3 "drinks with dining-room meals." E. Proulx tPrcscoti), tho , four 1t"ys.,ty1.t'v, Government amp oyepi'. He was also glad, he said, that' ',1renth-ciinaui/n memberS oohsmu" 'l,') imam" Eh? hoaelmen fiiouldfrggf there was to be no "beer by the ing the "wet" wing of the Liberal ,9 V'ntereste m 1'i pro l id glass" Ill. the new act. He hoped Party. The seventeen other Liberal the "11,105 Il suit ai'/1er2"l',radnfs'o,'.2',h"y' that the Government would not yield members, the entire Pro,t.wessivo Essa"; f"." tun enn 1 "one iota in this regard." It was nor group and F. it. Hm". HUI" F 'S," . C l ' fair for members. regardless of what South) opposed the. tnotion. $1513 The timernnignt halfway "'03:: side of the House they belonged to,' will go to committee toduv. _ ' 20: be "It"??? rl,'), pro "Grog to get up and advocate that a. "beer- Mr. Raney turned a 1iivisi .ae persona JY, an wou . iere- hy-the-giass" plank be reinserted in, the moti " . l Slot) on fore, strictly enforce the rules of th . that thorn. '"Sv..i,t.,1y1tart1in.ir. the fat" sale and rules of conduct. Mr. Le- e measure. I 1'iillinu'd1l','it., f)1lf""',C.,,dtiJ/issies' Oil gault thought that these taverns Mr. Sandy Scores Bill. _ . . . n PaClt 'rr I . A N , t. -. . ' F it" An sweeping majorities to.. Elli" 1l",e enlists. as? at: rS,hi,1..t, )theBf.i'tt','t.r""ngte,ycr0/,1toc) y/lr, R: fi.ttyyntrh. To be exact. Mr. aha wine should be invoiced 'ii, every, thslawmof rug: ' junutl " "le.tr. Itil/tr" l 'if?',,',,')," much to the fore all bartender at retail price and thei a . i f F d i k 5e, was _..: e: n g t, and his determined opposition s ' . ma i . ' 0pm on 0 , re er c . Sandy (Pup: to the passing ot the hill drew rc stock could easily be checked up. "/iff,t'."ih' Sogth Victoria). In the old; heated taunts from the . ' - C rh le a im ays, e sai ' the man who was putf benches. He insisted i,nGe,veJiyit.,',t,n,,t "t Boot og,cr, He Clo s. . 'on the Indian list was usually "put. of}! the Lethbridge amendment, Sloth a tsi7'ti,"e'] of bliéieri and giftiel -0i1dbdv his miter.l . The 1?in bill pro- _ n ich expressed the opinion that Pat ois. said e, wou (O muc o .v T,, or suc a pro tuition, but the Control Board should be a non check bootlegging. He claimed that} W,',)': said Mr. Sandy, should the partisan body, with authority to eni: bootleggers would become active lGogernmetit put Pht, load on the ploy and. dismal." its subordinates It hen the Government stores closed' up ortunate wife. Simply because without interference by the Govern.. up each day. .But if the bars were certain persons want to make money ment of the dar. open at night it would offset such; or othershare tiff, desirous of having. He saw that 'al,nrime bootlegging activities. a g ass w en t ey want it. Is such ai H i ' '.. nt defeated . . l . . " i . 2y 31-30. He forced I.) division on On the subject of licenses, he sugrI b11413; ti, called 1r,it,i,'il'i' h; d d i is own amendment, which inter- Rested lei.'"! hotelmen a nominal .1. d being: ehsa Li bd- yr: rogated the principle of vesting the fee 'of $25; that permits for pur- tezfet J, ad etre J', oud 'fi' I') ah! Pfyye.r of "legislative enactment" Chub-e at Government stores should P 'd o l l"ta e e peop P f, the. . within the Commission. He saw he issued to people whose names Arm ye, 'J , 9311:3533" measuresl that amendment defeated by the. ""090" the voters lists, at a charge Haves; r!g's1,htinoutett' ld, "ip, Bandy. i same loo-sided vote. Then. with tho. of $2 each, and that aliens should and b'l'tit'b'5'rteestGe'nneartai Price (','1'le'f,'r 1 l tipet.ket. about to put Premier Fer- 2t charged $10 each for a permit. on lecture lattorms s {935? a at" . Htison's original motion. he launched lhls would tend to force aliens to f p p rig e ttttoth . . become naturalized and get on the cause o temperance. Hon. Dr. God- et amendment. It read as tol.. . ' ' fre Minister of Health L b lows: voters lists, he thought. y, 39d a or, , . V Tourists' permits, said he, should] he thought. should busy himself or- Surprise Amendment. 'cost $5 each, but they should be. gamzing Good Templar Associations. . "That no Government liquor store good for two months. He thought; Mr. Standyltlhougtht 92:1 the Gov- ought to be established. in any that the Government should at least fif,'"l'oe/r'eU',',e/JrJ'fro'2r thy put ii} municipality without opportunity be- make $7.000,000 a year out ot the 1 p e sac o ing given to the electors or to the sale of touriats' permits. He gave II,','.),',', yh,,'i,1eht, monjey fold. the ' Council of such municipality to e - an illustration of how visitors would tt ory o su er " an privatlon in re . . . x buy liquor "Five me t K homes ruined by liquor. i 32.35% a point ot View on the sub.. tucky visited Sturgeonn {$2315 fi',',; Profits from liquor sales might . isummer." said he "They stocked well Jre 'expended by the Govern- up for a camping trip They bought ment "to Elva" the waste brought $42 . . about by e sale of liquor." worth of grub trom me, and they . . went to a bootlegger and bou ht He sugg ted further that part of $400 worth of liquor." 3 the profits rom the liquor sale lief . :spent in a gorous advertising cam- . lpaign in n spapers and billboards .plcturing t e evils of drinking and ifurthering e cause of temperance ' iin the Pro nee. I l