The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1927, p. 1

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. V u)e.clrtesga, tlar-en, 13rd . ---_'i-i- e "tci'..' e t Minister insisted there . _ ___ . ' ' siPtdPgh,1lfigftft', on " part to Cherries Allowable. tr . discredit the Progressive Leader. and The Prime Minister saw. consider- he regretted that . different inter- able merit in Mr. Hillmers sugges- pretation from what he had intended r tion, and consented to an amendment! ll , had been placed on the remark. Mr. to the clause that would embody this; Raney's criticism would, he said, be suggestion. Great quantities of u given every consideration. cherries had gone to waste last year, This question of transporting he said, and it certainly would be in liquor from one temporary residence the interests of agriculture if some. to another proved to be one of the use could be made of surplus crop. imain bones of contention in the lAnd cherries. he said, could be no night's discussion. Suggested ttmend- more harmful than grapes. ------- ments to the "native wines" defini- Finivaiunmdgo fairlther. asked Hon. . _ . remier l ay - ac Iarm . Says Ferguson Turns DIS' t,1i'ciia.e,t"1got.tahtfu""itTJeLti'iul,',g'ir, of 'T know all about dandelion wine," ion tyt Bill into l"cherries" under this section. but said Mr. liferguson, "it that's what _ cuss iwhen other Conservative members '""lv'.t"11,,'l' TVeichel (C ser ti e . make the amendment . 1- I e on va IV , a Comedy _ii((tjjirte,dtatrtiyo natural products," he VlVaterloo North) felt that, while on ---------- ' tly put the lid down. tie subject ot Wine, the House might *HANNA'S SALARY $20 tmoi WP . ' ii,e,.st, thw/Il Pa 'i'i1ltthg,i,nt/ite,1g 3 . 4.4 HPt't' as Served. 1 JP. mar e mm. a o ow a." r en 9 ----------.- , l Tho House no sooner had stul'i- _lQll's',ty/rfigt?rhtiaettp,h1ndi,',o,t,,tati" (; . ' 19'" Ili,""'..]";','"), ",idd,"1'l,t"ttd'/lt' Holt? he, "it was made from the bloom of (Other Commissioners to Re. {\l'mig. "Kidney? Progressive Leader.i 13118 card; tam": v - . .. exiressed the belief that the Gov- Gran an e ons. cewe $109000 comm" Minnelli would make a mistake were. "Insert not only the word ' tee Distrusses Bill it to continue the sale. of 4.4 beer. cherries," said he, "but put in Would it not serve as a screen. hei cherries, berries, even dandelions." '_-r-..----.-.-- asked, for the sale of "stronger" ;'l':on't genus liget away from the . " . .. ir,,. .u. ... - ' ".' Jo it not be better for pur- pon ," sai . r. erguson. "Cherr - c., intimation. pin]? I ICI"',.'? I ' lhu- mm" "H iimrlonforcement to return growing is an industry." y son that the box ointment h.ul umlu Dost-H 0 "ll . . consideration the 1'Cltl'i'anufatttettt ot'ito tho old "irterpretations" of beer M. Vaughan (Conservative, Wel- I the tax on 4 4 beer and that he was _ before the tJ.T.A. came into force. land) ttuggested that native wine be :prepared to pay i/T/ Hanna, Chaim E and up to 192.3 in the time of that 'd,nietileu'y1/n"idga/eitu/t (18:31:31 man of the Liquor Control Board. a act? l " '.. " .. 'saiary ot $20,000 at year. and the Premier Ferguson stated that: tr: $303102: wine further on in the 'two other Commissioners "possibly Clot-tttrun proposed to kiwi) te . J, . .. ' half that " and nu indignant retort lit-or under license and control of the Thf Ute"; "$1"? l 1'fcart'/,',i _to tho Prime Minister by Hon. W. F,. Commission. It had been proved $YCiOUgi.v if" 1m}: adv " .) 'rr a er. Ranoy, Pvo,v,vossivo I.euuer, to the non-intoxicating, he said. The Gov- otnzer' I. 1Y5, enf theSi . d eulgg-g ir?fiert that he Wltri ttot going to "he eminent, he added, Waf? particularly 3.956 Instt Ion O t wor S "I i made " fool of." anti thut ht- u acc, anxious to avoid abuses of the liquor tailo natural products. . "'through" and would "go home" if ttmftie, and go to avoid any postsi- t PIQmIOr Ferguson pomted out that {the debate was noun.r in he turned bilitv "f "screened sale," as Mr. ,thcse suggestions were quite _irT.e.le- Elmo "a :"Oumdy." "ore features of Raucv had suggested. it was bring- {\an't. 'The subsection. regarding 'lhe debate on the new Liquor Con- ine i.4 beer u'ntler license. in order Iryyi.y.t wine, le emphasized. Pad to trol Act. in committee stage. which that a check might, ho kept on where do "fill the Tes t,y,1,y1fj.yitylnt.,2: began in the lmgislniurc at 9.2m last and how it was sold dusttn and not with private wine ,night and adjourned ill l? o'clock, . making: . 'with fair pi'ofzrcss in the clause-by- Pinurd Favors Sale. Mr. calder- was on his feet again clause consi0orution of the hill hav- J. A. Pinard. Liberal member for introduczag i'),1J/.'t"t'tou"s"thnkt; secondgd inc been made. . Rust Ottawa. expressed himself as by a1lt'. lf. e. to str e out e The clash between the i'l'lmc Min- in fnrot. of the sale of 4.4 beer, and 1e/tiJlt,eogf/1",?.iT,e to grapes (and sub- .ister and Mr. lianey"nrovuled, Iso."- argued that every' restaurant and stitute ntario natural pro ucts. $11121); tlr, lire-slum lilit'lk molt] itrite t if"? store in Ontario should be "2ittf go No Further Than "Cherries." g. " . .tt y, s. z i g o. tir . . 'ic' ... . ,, definition of "residence." as contain- sill It. He ":10"ng t.hat Itlmhouig e: Speaking fer the Golfernment. . . _ '. put on the same basis as try g tr said Premier Ferguson I am pre- ,ed in the preliminary section of the ale and 1.00:1 cola and asked in this Lt l ' d t ' act, stressed the Jiffitttilty the Gov- connection it some statement as to pared. P, accept the amen men or . . . a . .-,.. " . ' cherries, but I am not prepared to ernment You!" experienc. l". ontorr, _ relief on the tax on it would not be o an , further than that " "I"; the 'rcstdcncc regulation, Iltt- forthcoming from the Government g I y ll il t. iless some definite tune limit was" . , - Mi? Ca (er en ' ' ' in a month Ot so. He thought that w l h . f th a u- placed on a permit-holder',,: ttrn:-,) . .t.l bt Ittt t e prPv1s"In or e m n .. -the workingman should get this f , f . p f or porary domicile. .7 . , . actuie o w1ne rom grapes beer at the lowest possible cost, or cherries the subsection was carried. "Guest-Room" Definition. ', anv one else that wanted it. "Without. discussion the committee? The hotel "guest-room." he saith Premier Ferguson admitted .that then carried the definitions of: was open to great abuses. [for in-i the Government had bgen gi\'lng "rraclcage," "permit," "physician,"' stance. a man might register at a l consideration to the possibility of re- "pre.srwi'ptton's and "publie place." 3 hotel. with a grip containing only an arranging the tax on this beer, so Next came the subsection declar- suit of pyJamasi, AO to his room. open " that "it would be more equalile. and ing "residence" to be a tent or a a bottle. and hold a party. Further- it would bring relief along the lines" guest room in a hotel or club. more, said Mr, Psaney, there "fa-"ii that Mr. Pinard had suggested. But W William Newman (Liberal. North nothing in the act which prevented "i it would never do, he said, to permit, Victoria) urged the Government to that man from consuming only one iihe sale of light beer promiscous1y.! define a residence in local-option drink. then transporting the remain.. :Sllf'il sale might make it very ditfi- 1oculitins as a "man's home, where der ot the bottle to another' tem- .tcult, he contended. to check up it.. he resides." He pointed out that he porary residence. 'licit traffic in "stronger' beer. came from a local-option centre. On "He either has to drink it all." said 5 if. c. Graves (Conservative. St. the exit of the bar-room davg he and Mr. Raney, "or the terms of the act Catharines) thought that if the tax . . should be such as to allow him to on 4.4 beer was removed it would other men had established a hotel take it with him." accomplish much in the way of with the understanding that no "What do you suggest should be 11u'f,1,1ir,1/'t""n"s' ot hard liquor to the liquor was to be drunk lit it. done?" asked Mr. Ferguson. use '? . . . ., . . Drinking in Tourist Camps. " , . " . . IN 'o 1' life'. inter.iected . I "f ".',0..t :'1',5,F.,efyi.e5 fwd 1rr. Karl fu',";' 1diod,teerVat/vrl,t, south Yet, under this act, he said. guests inme'}. rm asking the Fume Min- Waterloo) in that hotel could have liquor in ts er." ' n' s. Tourists' cam s in the "I think my honorable friend will Thought Wise Move. 1ttti,,'itrvooeosid now beconfe places agree with nie." said 1lr. Ferguson. Mr. Graves claimed that 4.4 was for drinking. This he objected to. "that it would be let.t'T for the.yen not "as foolish a drink" as many " F t n to take only one drink. For 11-110 .people tried to make out. By taking Dangerous ca ure. _ took more he might go 1omt.syith- .310 tax off it, and (controlling it, the If a man was allowed to drink in out his pyjamas, and get the dicliens Government, he said, would be mak- his house, said Premier Ferguson, from his wife." ""8 a wise move. J how could distinction be drawn be- Rancy Is Amused. MI}. Homlulthb said the; rthe solonecil'i tween a brick house, a fratnle one or w . ., . ' t., 1390136 Colt t 6 urne rom tar a canvas one? Yet, he sai ' in re- "ri5eriehaa1e3ietg'sc:u'/yg'cg'ehsi.iig,ei,t; liquor to beer the better. Removal ferring to the provision for drinking this Ho 166 " he iiliiiirii'i ".t i th ot taxation on beer might help, but in tents, Mr. Newman had touched yy1Lf.?el'f...'...t.:.Lll8PfSi Cr2' stout" Ir 4.4. he said, was an "absolute on "a dangerous feature, and ditti- seriousness with which we should farce" and should not be entitled to cult situation in connection with the treat this legislation. If we're here mention with the Liquor Control Act law." to make a comedy of it, then I'm "in the same breath." "We must recognize that," he said. through with it. And I'm going George Hillmer (Conservative,) "The only thing to do is to frame home. I'm here to otter construc- Bolton), in speaking to the clause serious legislation and administer it tive criticism. While I'm not in 'leiinlng "native wine," argued on broad lines, and do the best to sympathy with the principle ot the strongly that "cherries" should be build up behind it public sentiment, "aw. I'm here to make the law as included with grapes as a product; and make it impossible for any per- good as it possibly can be made. But from which such wine might bei son to go into a community and .if Pm going to be made a. fool of I manufactured. He said that last start carousing. as my friend sug- shall give it my consideration no year many tons of cherries had been gests may be done." longer." t manufactured into wines -- against "I recognize the difficulty. And the law, possibly-in the guise of 't don't see how it can be provided being used for "coloring" purpose" against. except by public Co-opera- tion and support backed up by en- _ forcement offleertc" l

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