The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1927, p. 1

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- WWW Ahorsdw. t1ariet-ri, _ 5 ole F ' "Perhaps not." replied the Pre- ip orce one mter. As for permits, the Prime Minister 'said there was no definite decision .as to what the price should be. V n bt)ernmerd owers "autte W... To. ( "This is the patronage section of ' the bill," declared Liberal Leader! Sinclair, when the committee came to the section empowering the board, ther oar with the approval of the Lieutenant- GPvernor-in-councu, to appoint em- . plotyeaest. 13ml; Wigs the section obo . - " ." 1e said.' amid Silence. "l Jece o y r. inclair and others Progressive Leader DC havfoh'ad Ililenty of Iwovocation." during the second reading ot the . bill. The argument that it did not mands That Lieutenant- Loft to the Board. keep appointments out of politics . . The House went into mmmitu-e was reiterated. Mr. Ferguson re- Governor - In - Council on the bill at about 4.30 in the of- plied, as he had on second reading, itornoon, and began debating the stth- that the sanction of the Lieutenant- Have Nothing io Dolsertion relative to the hours during, Governor-in-Council was required *which the "control" stores are toth. we??? 1'j,'1'm,d/Wg,' mare igvolved; . . Jen. The bill left this to e a was a we -tsttta she rac- With Hanna Appoint- i higi'dhl Mr. Ranoy pressed for a nice. p idotinitinn of the hours from the Gov, _ The Workmen's Compensation menls But Amendment _ - L LT.CC"" I Board, an independent body, he , ernment, "ht tl/atv/cell/rr,, umaiggg noted, had to submit statements to . adamant. -e e lat s was i - - ls Defeated of the matters which would _be het- s1,"r'nte/iya1un1g,.the Lieutenant Gov - _'----------- ter if left until the Commission 59"" The how things worked out. Perhaps cil, said he, had the right to review FRA YED TEMPERS next year, he tsaid,, the House ""th statements ot appointments and ex- K. be in a better position to express it- penditures of the University of To- AMONG LEADERS "Ir, in t,,h/.1 Cs')',":'), H 1leh the Pre l ronto. a) n rep y ng o l r. a l ?y, l .- " ' ._ mier moved the members to laughter! ve)',t..',',',t avstueuth,'ir..1"it',g/d,.he um ------------- more than onctt when he recounted.l 'Yesh replied iid, Tfiiiii'/er. "But' . in "Wing his views on the besti, I show you how eas I am. lust ' Seoeral Flare-Ups Occur m hours for the sale of liquor. some 'ietl as'I am . thi H ih . . i l " . . Deriences he had had inI Blimsdh fere 'ill, 13m: 'ld 33223 'lfi',frriihett.'cl , 1'; z . A oi. in'an . ' L . . Committee Stage o.t '//',"yghic1,,yyh,i.:,,/ilo,nS/1id'i',"rl't.l ad- tYiudm'han'Iibm 3'11"?" way?"; . . irurt. of the st-heme in vogue in re ore t e " era ea er. i Liquor Bill Debate --- it'dhdlon. where liquor was not sold The Premier thought that in the' . . . before 12 o'chnsi; noon. moment remaining before the din-i Minor Revisions Accept- "if the theory be promotion of ner hour he might touch on the! the sale of liquor. then there will question of suggested patronage.} ed by Cabinet he long hours," iornruented the Pro- Appointments of officers and ser-l igl't's<i\'(' Leader. "if the theory be vants in connection with the O.T.A. ------- ':restriction---the stamping out of the were subject to approval of the , . . g '.F ,loootlegqev---tho the policy will be Lieutenant-Governor-in - Council, The new Government-tvo; tf. 1 different." said he, the provision being similar made considerable progress in the t Mr. Ferguson replied lilfti.iil(: aim to that objected to in the control committee stage of the Legislature. "f. {hie (,'1',i,il'/t,i/1 was it minftmur'n'ot bill. di . ' . . q Tet-t Oil] l' l" (t rtr'ixlit):lttt i" i't's l' P- "So even my honorable frien yesterday, and fit l ten. minutes 'tion. who sits over there," he nodded to..) after 12 o clock this (Thursday) 't"tiittbiect to This Act " ward Mr, Haney, "has not been free morning, when the House adjourn- . '0 ' _ . . A J, l f from doing this thing for years . . a ' a ppoF'HIon mom wrs Whig" or under the U.T.A." ed, M of tts 144 Claush" had hen information as to the possible hours "Let's go to dinner." replied Mr. approved-with some minor tttttend- the stores might be in operation. .Raney smiling. ments. Premier Ferguson gave no definite up"; lust giving you an appetizer, Its progress through its tlebative 253:3; filings". l',")""?:',',')'"'),',,),)'",,,",?,',.':',', a legislative cocktail," retorted the _ e', t " '" " . . channels was marked by one divi.. than others, the section in this mat- 2y't"ii: le/,"irtt,ty 2it,,yi',ume,r),t,: sion of the committee-forced by ter was claritied by a change in: the dinner hour . _ Mr. Raney, in seeking to amend one 3Dhraseology to read Part power ofl ' section of the act so that ti Li the board should he "prescribing,; Criticism From Mr. Raney. l te .iquor isubject to this act. the days and. When the House resumed at g Board would have the sole power to hours at which Government liquor! o'clock Mr. Raney reiterated his ob- appoint its own employees, and stores. orany of them. shall ho 1'9in jection to the idea of the Control thereby avoid the possibility of open.' . ; Board being started out in its career partisanship tactictr---which resulted "he" the committee came to the; under a blanket of "partisanship." in a Mp-sided victory for the Gov- strrtion authorizing the issue and dis-1 He pictured Mr. Hanna as the "hired ernment. Another. providing for tri.bu.tuy,t of price-lists ot liquor for. man" not only of the Prime Minis- varying hours of sale of liquor, was. sale in theetores, Mr. Raney protestw ter and the Government but of every added to the act l,'y1. that this was so wide that it ar. Conservative member of the Legis- . ilowed whiskey men to advertise their lature The Government, he said, Protests Against Patronage. IWares by sending out price-lists. has not only seen tit to bring the The early stages of the discussion 'Premler Ferguson objected that this question of liquor into party politics, were featured by spirited reiteration 't-rlticism "135 quibbling on a point but was now proposing to make its by Mr. Raney of his protest against [that the Government. could not re- appointments on the Control Board the "patronage influence," which, he lfuse the 1"slo1if.' the information 0,! "political appointments." said, would be wielded against the it!" price of houors, but that the Mr. Haney said he had been in- Liquor Commission by the Prime 1Sif?rJ,nPfTt miantained there formed that in Toronto the whole Minister, Government, and Conser- should he no public advertising. and slate of appointments under the new vative members of the Legislature, would live "p to its pledge. . act was complete. He had not adoubt. and would result in D. P. Hanna, Board to Decide. he said, that Conservative members Chairman of the Commission. being _ 7 7 of the Legislature would have the turned from a "strong man" into a I When consideration centrod on say in settling appointments in their "hired man." the subsection empowering the different ridings. The people at elec- board to prescribe the kinds and tion time he said. had taken the Battle Among Leaders. quantities which may be purchased Premier at his word that they would , There were several ("sways of ;unuer. permits, Mr. Haney asked the be given a. business administration. "frayed tempers" on the part ot the lPremier 1? tell Just what his views He submitted that a "business ad- Leaders which served to enliven the ,w_ere in this matter, to make known ministration" by the board would be otherwise "dragging" day. The in" cogitatlons as to Just how much out of the question with dispensers Prime Minister charged Mr, Haney 'liquor a permit-holder could get. of patronage eternally interfering. with being an "ohstructionist," bent gThe Premier replied that the board Mr. Ferguson asked Mr. Raney if on "diaeouraging the Liquor Commis- ' would work all this out, it was not his claim that during his Mon" and "destroying the people's ( The committee turned to the sub- term ot oftice as Attorney-General eontMenee in the new law." For the gsection providing for records ot pur- he had made no political appoint- second time this week Mr. Raney re- i chase by permit-holders. Mr. Raney ments. sented the Government's "aloofness" thought it would take the Angel "Quite so," said Mr. Haney. to his tnitrtrestions and threatened to Gabriel and five thousand other "Your Government had the power "tro home." angels busy keeping track of per- by order-in-Council to make ap- And Mr. Sinclair dubbed a lot of mit-holders. " pointments under the O.T.A.," Mr. the clauses of the act "fool clauses," Mr. Ferguson retorted: Ita POB-', Ferguson said. and on being chided by the Premier sible to reduce argument to a point Mr. Raney agreed. "But you didn't with being "disagreeable," replied, g, absurdity. We re not going to make them?" said the Premier.l ' tusatedly, that if he had wanted to lbe Eight! htahd%esi?a1wett.,t,"),e'loirg, "No," said Mr. Raney. "Well," saidl 1ird',ratie!t,1ty,r",ie.1,1 have been d 9 to 'put' spotters on permit-holders' Mr. Ferguson. why can't you give. ra B. It was simply provided, said he, that a. system of records be estab- lished, so that permits could bei checked if abuses were reported. l i "This tremendous organization' '% {will cost a lot of money," said Mr.! [Aurelien Belanger (Liberal, Russell). . ."Perhaps you won't make as much ', :as you thought? i

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