The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1927, p. 2

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o-"'"""",-"----- . "\l h o vs g A ' is overnment cre l u . strength "a force 't'ttv';ir1"lil'lfitp//, Would you characterize Erie appointments under the new act ?" A,.'.'",'?:,,',',',', a. {egreggade gory?" asked E Mr . Raney "it! that, while a In Politics. ls Claim. itlliirdlt'r"l't'l? or Jame: i133" Police ','.u'rrito,'iC,'g'i, "Faith the on?.A., "You have truly brought the liquor! 'Arrpour's all right," replied Mr. they would still b: sang-owing. business into politics " observed it l Currie, "but YOU'Ve trot to have this law probabl artf 'ut under Raney'. "You irdirii"pti't' this L,i'rfr"op,t bright light SOmeWhere." iciaGirtiotl centre); p ICU ary in under the domination of the Govern Why," he continued, "in the late Then cam h . - Go , e t e section showing ment, and the Government is under vernment's Administration the e dentists to get li 110r on l f the domination of the Patronage Were 400 appointments, When the tion. The next sgction ',u'Jt',"hti, ' Committees. Is there a Conservative Tories got in everything was Jam- same arrangement for vet f, e member of this House who will deny med full trom "em to gudgeon, and surgeons stipulated Io/iw:,",,',','..' Itil for one moment that Civil Service they only could fix 22 appointments the veterinary surgeon he r hibitad appointments are dictated h r in a year. It was the business of f p o e . y the ( rom consuming liquor received by Patronage Committees?" the Liberals and the U.F.O. to find prescription 0 oteiti b E. C. Graves (Conservative St Johte for people. noted that this it? ul an mem ere -Catharines) stood up. "I have'been. "AB for commissions," he went on, in the other resxc) iati on wasi not in this House for four terms." i "there was the commission appoint- p . rp on sect ens. [ , " , IP Why, it not there, should it be ) said, and I may say that I have el to persecute the Prime Minister. particular] mention d 1 h ' _never made a recommendation." And you took good care you didn't! veterinary 'U/JI',',"., ice w n ktde l .1stTNtyient.irur that statement." put a Tory on that commission." "This is a othe l 1 las a: e . _ said the Premier, "I may say that George Hmmer p:'gg,ie',l,t,Tii've) Mr Sinclairn r oo clause, said not'only have there been recommen- Halton) noted that the Drury Gov.. 'iirGTiiii1 v thi k thi t ( dations from this side of the Ho e ernment had appointed a Sheriff in ' " y yot1 n is a ool us ' bill, retorted Mr. Ferguson. but there have been recommen- his riding, but that he had the sltu- "That's so " id M R . dations from honorable members ation "rectified." And while there Mr Fer ' "i t r. lane). I sitting opposite." were two Magistrates in his county a 'ldi,e'2P),li'2ll, a eir hdtecbded' that " Mr. Bailey declared that the Chief working without salary, yet the up to 'Jl%f1hu/"lc'l g we lrawn. LonnniSsic-ner was to draw a salary Drury Government appointed an- by prescri ti ose ge mr mum-i twat-{e that. of n Minister, yet he was other at $2,400 a year, he said. 2 P l p ion. 'i), _ o ave eav to t n r: . " , . ', employed (u"))"',,?,',,.'" in n m" one. Mr. Nixon Explains. _ i'v'/'.."2,',:Pa,'h'e'/,,', 1ife1'ommittee,,i, I iAmcndment Offered. _ Mr. Nixon explained the Raney attention to a section which mitrhti r I iamendment. 1t provided, he em- be construed that a man could be wThen, seconded by "on Horn C, phasized. that the Commission should penalized for having cider in his ihinon, he moved an amendment to not only be responsible for its serv-. home. Mr. Ferguson replied that lstrike the subsection, "appoint such ants. but should have the power to; under the Control Bill the situation ,officers. inspectors, etc., as the board appoint them. in regard to the making and keeping (deem necessary," out of the section Hon. Joseph Thompson, Chairman of cider would be the same as un- .beginning,"'1'he board may, withthe of the committee, held that the der the O.T.A. He thought that a1or.ov11 nt the Lieutenant-Gover- amendment was out of order, but on Mr. Sinclair, in bringing up such' and to tack it on to the consent of the House permitted points, was quibbling. Section 8. reading: "The Chief Com- a vote. Mr. Raney called tor a divi- "I beg pardon for even speaking " missioner shall have charge of offi. sion of the committee. The vote was retorted Mr. Sinclair. "But these cers, inspectors, etc." in this way overwhelmingly against the amend- are things that are going to mean tQuls1e/efTiTgio'tito,',1g' would be ment. the undoing of the whole bill. I 're ,w on needin a Jrov.. want to see this bil m - al of the 'rv,ll'l't'J,,U,1/iffyon,',Une,','.lfi'2.r Amendment Accepted. l able." I tide work , Council, not only to have charge or) At the suggestion of Mr. Sinclair, COL Price pointed out a. moment' the employees. but to appoint them. Premier Ferguson agreed to amend! later that sections dealing with use The Premier stated that the Section 14 of the act so that the an-: of permits were lifted from the A1- amendment was out of order, since nual statement of the Control Board 'berta. act. :eacstiorirs.1to whichll it added words, should be filed "within 15 days after ', "And yet we read in the papers . a eat y passe . However, in . . F """ :of the diftlcultie . . View of the attitude of the Progres- Egalipetnlmg] of the sessmn next foi~ 'Alberta act," slt/,e.t'sii,'ui'ifonrlet the 't2eryoeg,dt."'che, .0... leave it to as? tleipi'1eo"trffi,,ttht same"... l Referring to . section o%iiiirmmr tul ll,"":,,,,,),' .Smd' , . the House that Section 14 of the. act " person from supplying liquor to tt essential that these things provided that at . ti , . .person whose permit had been can- so to, the. Lieutenant-Governor-in.. er t . 'id I'?.? t me the GO." icelled Mr Sinclair saw the possi- Council," he continued. "If an em- nmcn tttig t ~COnduM " special ,bili , . . l . ' audit of the affairs of the Commis- i ty ot a man giving another a :uoyee is toi have the benefit . ot! sion. drink without knowing that the per- 'dl1"i,rpnt'ld,at '/'i'aenrnutS'/,',e'y,'/o",2.0,t Some discussion arose over the. mit had been cancelled. Council. I see my honorable friend I?,).',,"',',",,)' 't1tf,"t1h2.iyLtl1,t autii lin yen-. "Will Break Down." (Mr. Haney) smiling. But that is a take affidavits.' The Prim? jfjiii1,l/',t,t,,r' "You might as well be frank and point. I am not urging it as a major said that such authority" wan s it tell the people you are drafting an argument. but it is a point to be con- 1 quired tor purpose. of idl1at'lidl'r act that is not going to be enforced," sidered. 'tion of applicants iii' permits . " Mr. Sinclair told the Premier, when Sinclair Attacks Clause. section 25, which provided that Col. Currie persisted that the Liberal "no action or proceeding should be Leader was dealing with imaginary Mr. Sinclair took the floor to refer taken against any member or mem- cases. "This act will certainly break to pre-election statements of the hers, or against 'any "iiiiCiil or ven- .down." Prime Minister. The Government- dor of the board for anything done "Three rousing cheers," retorted Tntrol, System would be non-par- or omitted to be done in or arising itht Premier, sarcasticaily. titan., he had said, and, the Com- (out of performance of duties under ' "This Government is not going to, mission was to be "independent of the act" was labelled bv Mr Haney be driven into an embarrassing po- the Government and political influ- as "too wide powers." The said that sition to please my honorable ence." It was not in keeping with all men were not blameless Some friend," he went on. "Hie sugges- such utterances, said Mr. Sinclair, held grudges. Others held spite To tions are all. relative to situations to have anywhere in the bill "the put vendors and other officials in a that prevail 1.1nder, the o/r,A." Board may with the approval of the position of being able to say "You The Premier thought that a Lieutenant-Governor in Council." It can't touch me," was going too far Magistrate, in dealing with a man was regrettable, said he, that the he said. ' who had given a drink to a person Premier had not "kept to his state- Mr. Sinclair agreed with the Pro- who had lost his permit without menu." gressive Leader, and the Prime knowing the permit had been can- "This Government," he added, "is Minister agreed to an amendment to r-elled. would not penalize him. letrislatintratrttinst its own interests." the clause, so that now "no action "Lots of Magistrates would con- ', By making the powers of the can be brought without the consent vict in such cases," retorted Mr. Sin- [ "ly/if subjeg't to the approval of the of the Minister." "Giff-h t t f M i t ill 1 i eu enant- 1overnor-in-Couneil, said Mr. Rane , referrin to ri i "? a ype o - agistra e w ose Col. John A. Currie (Conservative, in a. tent, 'i,rigl"ll'i'Ji Cl f gig)? his fob i? I anything to do With it- _teei,',td',otrg"hoe)atthhe, Govern- might pitch his tent next to a school it," replied the Premier. en was a e o c ec the Commia- or a church or even nex , sion. which was a wise move. "'For," store and there was nothing0 £53113; " oman .13"ng for Husband. said the Colonel, you know that such action. thytdigyi1gent1a,ttCugonf/r"g'enthoT, ere have been ommissions ap- Mr. Fer uson r . I ' . ' . pointed in recent years that have Raney sfi'iTl"i 'irorthitefsut2ttst "13;: woman buying liquor on her permit carried on recklessly. I need only treme features " Such acts h for her husband whose permit was refer t h . F ff t e cancelled. Mr. Ferguson said that o t e Toronto Harbor Board, member had suggested said he a Commision responsible to nobody could be dealt with under clauses oi! the Attorney-General would make a except pehaps the City Council. In the bill prohibiting disorderi com 'note Of that point. the last fifteen years it dropped duct or nuisances And ev r)' 1V.hen the committee came to the eight million dollars and no one can . e y com-. section declaring that a. permit- . munity, said he had local bv-l w i find where it has gone." to control such acts y a 5 £31,": £833" ('/)n'l,ui,',',"'g "his; a: . o y n o Wants Ton-lest Names. Liquor Prescriptions. l. Diffuse", Mr. Sinclair interjected: if, "The honorable member," he When the committee cat t n honorable members shoul turned to Mr. Raney. "cannot name section providing that pnheygitigxli: take notice of that. There has been six Tories to whom he gave appoint- might get liquor on a prescription talk ot tla.sks at parties. Now. you menu." for medical purposes, Mr. Ferguson have to bring your own bottle. "Oh yes I can," said Mr. Haney. said that this section was seaward. "No you can't," retorted Col. Cur- ed by several prohibitions.' There was rie. Mr. Raney smiled. a necessity for providing for liquor "Go ahead, I'm waiting." urged on prescription, said he. It might be the Colonel. Mr. Haney was un- needed for medical aid to a man moved. , whose permit had been cancelled, or "You can't name one unless its in the case of sickness of minors some renegade Tory," the Colonel . . declared. "At least, no respectable Tory." .

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