The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1927, p. 3

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' u .p. W"? agar" . i.' .l 'W----- _ . _ ---rir""uvauuij,' March 24th I He thought that before a year . w." I " _. F n . . was out members might be com- ' .c.i ';: I N: Ol I I l INE plaining of sections "so gleefully . ' . . passed tonight." I _ .' _ V . _ at..." W... GOVERNMENT PLANS The committee carried the section . F- V prohibiting liquor advertising. A _ I ' few moments tater, amidst desk- . hanging by Opposition members, ' ' Col. Currie rose to protest against . ' the barring of liquor advertisements .-------- 4 In the press, He had, said he, a . ' . . ,Other Resignation. . resolution from Ontario Provincial Details of . Conditions'; Considerable other legislation dailies objecting to this prohibition. q passed through various stages of The section, said he, was "an absurd Under Which Hardwood i'iiiiiisi1i enactment. Government meaty- attempt to shackle the, liberty of, _ ' . lures passed in committee 1"fe acts the press." 3 License: Willdte Renew. 'respecting live stock and, live stock At 12 o'clottlt Mr. Ferguson 511g, . . . products; the Niagara Parks; gested that the committee might ed Are Given by Mina. so1etppiza1on, ot marriage; an act to call it a. day Just before. reaching the provide aid in the construetion of I final group ot some. forty-six sections fer, Who Also Announces works in rural power districts; and i dealing with penalties and pro- . . The Local Improvement Act of l927. cedures. contemplated Appoint- Three public bills and one private "If you want io make this absurd. I . i, bill trot' the same committee stage shove it through after midnight," l ment of Forestry officer', of approval. Second "Mills was said Mr. Sinclair. l . I 1 given to Hon. Charles McCrea's bill "My honorable friend's t'Crttt- to Control T l m b e r respec}ng the taxation of mines and plaints," said the Premier. "aro so . _ natura trar, and to four private common they don't carry weight." Operations _ bills. respecting the Town of Leam- "They may carry weight outside . match. the City of London. the this House." retorted the Liberal --.------_ 2,1h'l, tf, 2115"?" Cling) the North Leader. n er on 00 ng u . This exchange concluded the com- ONE MAN IN CHARGE -"" mlttee's sitting. and it rose to deal with the final group of sections this d OF ALL OFFICIALS RULES I)Nliialll)lll) afternoon. i 1 Government plans in regard to the 'administration of Algonquin Park i, were outlined in the Legislature yes- , , torday afternoon, when Hon. Wil- l liam Finlays.on, Minister of Lands I l and Forests, introduced a, new meas- , uve to be known as the Provincial "s-----'-"""'" Parks/Act. . . CLAIMS (M, CURRIE It dealt, said he, particularly with. Premier Ferguson Admits Algonquin Park, which was constitut- . . " i. ' ed in 1893 with an area of 2,741 Illr. Sint)lait ls T'e'chnl .square miles. Timber licenses at' that date for operations in that area cany correct ' - . , . were for a 30-year period, and were -------_ Toronto St. Patrick S Mem for all timber except Tine. Itccent- URE her Gives New Explanation ly, said the Minister, the licensees QUEST'ON 0F PROCED " had made representations to the --------- _ " Government. pointing out that they of VOte for Control had been unable to complete opera- A disregard for the rules of the tte,nsw1eftlt,1,r 1ue,einh"tret,gi2f. Isgislature on the part of the G?" DEPLORES "rlhRSrl" LAWS qucnt poor market conditions. crnment m dealing with _legism,t;0t: The department investigated, and before resolutions relative to . a found merit in the licensees' allega- legislation were passed was brought Those days are over'. . tions, and decided. as was provided _ to the attention of the House yester- Colonel John A. Currie, (Jollserva. for in the act introduced, torextend in"), by IV. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal tive member tor Toronto-St. Pat- 33:: htitJ,dt'ionoed 11:22:? /,1.r I" 3;? iLeader. . V . rick, says so. The Colonel told the on a lease basis "a". "my my; -Ihftieigeir'gorcgggfgifguziigntggtgggn . "', _ . - __ C l I '- Legislature all about it last night. neuritis of licenses, The licenses iernment, Premier Ferguson admitted The people of Ontario, he said, did might be renewed subject to the ithat Mr. Sinclair was "technically not vote tor Government control be- ',1r/ftcrlegisteor', 2ic1t.t1"zt,'it,,mt'i'd; 'tsoriarct," but he tmi,1,'iontta,i.,rgf1, "it"? a , t . a I l . . " ' - cause they wanted "(190" P" be- the department had n13ade prtfvision i'f,"cvf,T1rQ'/fi.e.was not rea y ' ola cause they wanted British liberty. for the collection of increased fees 1,," British liberty, according to the if necessary, and for obtaining all 'iiot According to Rule. , Colonel is a. great thing. He prac» the revenue possible for the depart- Mr. Sinclair, broaching the mat- ticed it: in France where he com- Ime.nt. tel'.Ireferre<l to several notices of manded . he said a "lot of nice ' At the end of the lease period motion, resolutions. standing on the boys." 'When they" came '31) before the Government would he in a posi- order paper for several days. One of . . . tion to consider the situation and these, he noted, provided for the him for misconduct. the first time . . . t . f . h B t R - he didn't punish. He just warned determine future action. "to. o We"? .01 t l, 'ta'lfd"'th1i1ti" them to. go and behave Wives u Forestry Otticer. iy)efi,Ui11"t1f/ltlf,'inli tdtehr'i'z'ienl 2;... But the second time? Well, enough , As a result of the discussion be- grant to the Foundation had been al- said. I .tween the timber men and the Govo; I ready given in the House. "So," he I But those days are y"T:' And the ernment, it was decided that a Gov- . said, "this bill has passed through all "a" when Ho,,. w. E. Raney, ac- ernment Forestry Officer be ap- {the stages for Royal assent without, cording to the Colonel, was "hurry- pointed in the park, to have com- ithe resolution being adopted by the ing" everybody to jail are ovcr, too. plete control of all the timber oper- House as is required by the rules of Eudora didn't vote for Government ations. Mr. Finlayson emphasized the house He cited the regulations control Just to send people to Jail. that this official would be in a posi- Ito eynphaéize his point. Then he Mr. Putney "9d suggested that the tion to any what the extent ot cut- noted that the Corporation Tax Actl Iliquor-intluenc d motor driver tings in the park should be, where Rhe been given third reading the "mum lose his liquor permit. COL those cuttings should be-made and [provincial Land Tax Act had third iCurrie objected to su-h a "harsh" would have other powers to 'safe- Ireading and the Liquor Control Act tgtte"tt,i,ts"uystrr,hecloab2it,.ed' "I: guard the GOVernment's interests in has in 'cy'iir/ir"i"ei'.' "Yet," he said, ivkiih't'British liberty. He had a t%erki,epartment of Lands and 'j'fl'3tihe T1..e/I,pettie'e',e,,rfi'lh'vtrifll1l,' . friend, tie said. who had been taken Forests also-proposed in conjunction 1}: I591"? ssed. the stage laid h,] tcn ifaint while driving his car, and had with the 'f'jils'aTt'ciirrTi' ot Game and 'd" .Iha F the resolutio 5 Ll', ll' I run into a fence. A cop had got him, Fisheries to appoint a Superintend- ', 'ho., . ll Den assed n 3 cu and his tridhd had got seven days in ent for algonquin Park. He wouldi aye een p " . Jail: and "he wasn't drunk, either." be in charge of all Government ot-l Legislation Invalid. I 'Harsh. said the Colonel. "Not ficials thtre fire-rangers game and ( "So." he emphasized "t maintain 5:12:11; "1:53;"; 22:31 hearatyo' fisheries officials, and even the Pro- ithehpr'oceedings to date'in these mat.. jail on the first offense. That sort 1i,'ritu,'olteai'tte; fair; 1)2d.2',1dvti' he" ytgsotHiondt"'a"e/rt/J,"l' the 2l; of thing belonged to the past. ll 'th . . i it: k mg o -. . . iik e egislat on "Those days are over." he em- a e servrces n t e par . Iis entirely lma unless the House phasized_ , "'ould Talk It Over. .sees Ifit to change the situation In conclusion. Mr. Finlayson.! later." q . touched on the Government proposal He felt, he said, that the Govern- to use the lakes in the park for the ment had adopted a method of hand- propagation of fish to stock other ling husmcss in disregard of well- [ waters in the Province. Stating that estabrishy.1.. rules-regulations not this was all he was in a position to only established in the Province, but outline at the present. he declared in Ottawa, and in the British House :that he would he glad to have the of Commons, . members of the Houtut talk over the proposals with him. '

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