w IlllMllllIllllltlllltllltlllll1 , "Th i e t l N, _ 0 . tuation is not quite so seri- b ousnas my honorable friend makes . w. - . gut. utr,tte,t1, fM!' Ferguson. "The I) . l "__ ons u on o the .. ' 'Ill . " danger." country is not in I F ESTIMA S i . It a resolution relative to . ' ts ' _ had to be passed before the 't,nt will}; I , , carried, it involved two discussions - on the same matter. said he. It was V recognized that when the House car- ried a bill it also considered that the resolution relative to the bill was 16 516 -_----- carried. , . Cierti's First Session. i Counties Once Under Canada . "It has been the practice." he con- . . . . . Tem , . . tinued, "that when the bills carried Big Cut In '0niversitits' pe'ance Aot Will Be the resolutions were also regarded as . T Entitled to Stores carried, and were. removed from the Grants-r-thy $500 for --._r_. files}; uglier. But the Clerk is here Extra Te '1 or e lrs sass on. I have - demnation of the Clerk. 1"e,'hofh'li, I L....L.L.L ac erg MANITOULIN STAYS DRY to'do tqhiinssias in past years." , , ', 't . ' 7 , ..._.....__..__ i r. t ncla r drew attentio . . '~ , . islation in 1925, such as thengagoifge $14,0l,0,00, 'FUR.' HYDRO .Debate m the Legislature last m: glad the beverage tax, cases in _ L..,.--'..;..'.", night on Section 68 of the new w ic the resolutions had first been t__, ' ' _ i" Liquor Control Act, deali carried, and later,the hills passed. i Laminates for the fra..1 year end- subject of "Canada TemStagi'Jleég 21 You shouldn't blame a new ng 9ct9bet.: 31, .1928. involving a " . Clerit." he told the Premier. total expenditure of "431$ 516 were and local option. drew the infor- ."l m no,t, blaming anybody," rc- tabled in the Legislature; t, d mation from the Government thatl plied Mr. Ferguson. He maintained, The ' a di- '. P . _.. .95 er. ay. Huron, Perth and Peel Counties, however, that the resolution, in deal- . y re Stributed. as" follows: which were under the Canada Tem- ing with the grant to the Banting Lieutenant-Goyernor's.QM'ce, $5,450; perance Act prior to 1916, but which! Fund, should have disappeared from Prime Minister's Department $15 - with the proclamation ot the O.T.A.' . carried. . ' ' _ ' , ' v. , y IV, At- titled to liquor stores at the discre- He reiterated his former argu- torney-General's Department, 32,. tion of the Control Board, under ment. "However." he concluded, 128,360;. Insurance" "TYepartrnent, the Liquor Control Act. "I'll admit my friend is technically .547'050} Equation Wparttnent,47,- B _ correct " i" 429.052; Liuida'amrFiirisitts Depart- oard to Decide. Intent, $2,32ir,725.; Kortliern De- l The popular impression has been l velopment, $501mM);-Mirtes, $358,- (,ty.i,t'.',,'t'h,)'.s1s' districts were defined as 550; Game and 1Hshert"es,tt517,635; i dry under the new act. Premier - Public Works' Department, 1,216- :Ferguson explained to 'the'Legisla- 330;_ Highways "r1eriar"tmirit, $525 - ture that by the peotole 3 Wishes the 725; Health Department, $736,675; Canada Temperance Act m these Labor, $2,512,980; Provincial Treas-f counties had been suspended by Ot- h urer's Department, $634,550: Pro- gm"! 2,"1g-rice,"i,o/"t1f1"ii.)p, the com- vincial . 1uylftor'y.' 'pth.ce,', $88,750; ($isegt1?en§e,ce thfe t tueiPu,f/'rot ' :gg'Janlgi- Iefi'.t)ipi',t fpii'yi.ttgi'ltt', Commission coul.d, at its discretion, 'riri',iiiii'.,' g C , M).. /3par men ' establish stores in these territories.; . 000 ' , and Miscellaneous. $596.- Tim; people, however, would have the. . ' ' t r t un er t ne c ' o The Prime Minister's estimates in- digestabliish 11,1,e,,gpevs.a t to vote t i / elude .$1,4,fl70/000' for ih) Hydro- Only Manitoulin Island, where the} biectric Power Commission, of O.T.A. did not "suspend" the Canada; ' which amount $9,395,000 is to be Temperance Act, would be recog-i voted for the Niagara System; $265,- nized as "dry" country under the,' 000 for the Georgian Bay Systeml new liquor measure. , $235,000 tor the St. Lawrence and Hon. W. E. Raney, Progressive Ottawa Systems; $18,000 for the} Leader, urged that the bill be , . Rideau System; $4,045N00 for the amended to provide that these three Thunder Bay System; $840,000 for counties in question might return the Central Ontario System,' and to the Canada Temperance Act, but $122,000 for the Nipissing System. l (both the Prime Minister and At- ltorney-Generai Price pointed out Increased Bonus. l that in view of the fact that the The bonus to rural primary and latter act was a piece of Dominion secondary transmission lines is legislation, the Legislature could do $750,000--an increase of $250,000 nothing to restore it in effect in any over the 1927 estimate. municipality. The estimates for the Department . of Education have dropped from iAmendment Adopted. $9,083,260 for 1927 to $7,429,000 tor Premier Ftrirut""l mov.ed. an 1928. This drop is due chiefly to amendment to f1e:r..rt.Rt,y.rtr't1?.,1 sec- the fact that while $1,835,686 was 1,Hy to red. that nothing contain- voted to universities in grants tor ed in the Liquor Control Act shall 1027, only $210,925 will be paid in be construed as interfering with the 1928. There is also a great reduc- operation of the Canada Temperance; tion noticeable in the provision for It?, applicable to an}? part of to"- extra teachers in Toronto normal _tario. And no Government a?" and model schools. While $10,000 "shall lys established in any man ci- was voted for 1927, only $500 will $3233 $161323 t,fhttdtaifli"l),t; _ lg: i1hT"'riatei1 for the fiscal year 'land is still in toree." i, Capital expenditures for bpublic o,f,1t'r/ygft"/fnn."'nt was for parposesl works,, it is stimated, will l,- . . . 216,330 tor 1328. as 1n,r,'a"relie,v'/ti; ' C. A. Robertson, "be"? tmhemé'i"! $2,59'i',360 in the appropriations for if" North Huron, one o e d 'r ' IMI' rlcts affected, expressed consi er-I - . able surprlse, as did W. G. Meddl 325.000 for Constables. . 1 (Progressive, South Huron), over the On the other hand, Highways es-, designation placed by the Prime! timates have been incrased some' Minister on their county's status $45,000, chiefly because of an in-i under the new liquor act. They said stables for enfo cement of the ents was that the county was "dry. y, Motor Vehicles A5 and inspection Mr. Medd. in particular, opposed thei of decades. passing of the amended section. ask- 2 " ,ing for a day's time in which hei . might check up on their status. The! Prime Minister, however, ruled that! the situation was quite clear and " definite-and the section passed the! House.