The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Mar 1927, p. 2

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' ' A . I I - ll 1-Grlar'xj, ivi'eYQL 2.5414 $0.1m. Penalties Dropped. I Mr. Raney recalled a WOW?" e. ', When th . ' the 0.T.A. to prevent one " B- ' retained its 'linaPll'l't,.,/"o',/tt:"gi,tutg, trate from interfering with another (bill at 10 o'clock Hon M q . in handling liquor cases. Why was inoting that the group 6r'sg'tBaney' this not in the new bill? Govern- be dealt with det il d C Iona to ment lawyer members declared such .. a e penalties and . f h tsited b a procedures, pointed out that a large inter erence was pro 1 y number cf enforcement clauses of general law of the land. Mr. Raney the Ontario Temperance Act which thought not. Attorney-General Price might well be included in the new made a note of the matter for a fur- tliquor bill, were not there. ther inquiry. Swab: If?" said he, that these valu- Stick to Old Laws. n o . ' . jbe 1/i'l'uo'f'f"lf/'/ r,l'lthpe""g1gnp'tt e, The Progressive Leader pointed :the result of the draftsman paying out Ih?t the Government would find {more attention to the Alberta law it advisable to stick to laws that 'than to previous Ontario legislation have been through the mill instead At any rate, said he enforcement ct drafting new laws which might clauses of the d.Ei. had been open flfth.umits in court. It was _ "dropped either deliberately or in- with this m mind that he made the advertently." 't'ut?g,sttdo//dig he questioned the He continued to cite s - N . I' " , tions of the 0.T.A. Ji1th,'"i)"i'i1u'f7i I rcmler P. 11nd authwthzlit statius was In the new bill. "Would strengthen . 11:13 alert standar 0 es un er t e thing's? f1int'l"/iQ'C"gda' clause deal- Premier Ferguson replied that the Ing with the employment ot "snob. status held under the O.T.A. was to! ters" and providing that such "spot.; le "hortiolcllpl'md"txemheentcoonftrgel 3:2. ters" b x . ' . e e .a S g - when tt'tevTi2t1l,t1de/i.egorcT'ei,'iicete. tions governing standard hotels, and ing a scheme to secure a conviction stated .that this was to be blntro- . against a vendor. i'e"i,l,,inn,t,,oitttle Jf2'. measure efore "I am not much in s 'm ath vi o _ . . ' such ideas." Mr. Fermi"? (1831:"?- As the committee continued ' its I tD ' work Mr. Raney raised objections Distaste lor Spotters. to the phraseology of sections pro- Mr. Haney re olied that he, too, hibiting the. sale of liyyor to minors had a distaste foxr the use of "spot- ;"nd pro.,y,,if1in5 penalties for such , ters." But there were two recog- "HUGS. The Government could not _ nized methods of detecting bootleg- I??? that the wording of the sections gers. the "police method of raiding" 'y'ia,ehed, as he suggested. and the "detective method." "As I I h 1?")th ngbel-al. Prescott) say," he continued. "I always had a voiced his objection to the provision distaste for the use of detectives. that police officers might conduct But I was always told by Mr. Fia- searches without warrants. . voile. Chairman of the board. and When the committee dealt with officers ot the department that it the section providing for the Jailing _ was impossible to enforce the law of hootlegtrt?rs, William Newman ' without the use of detectives. (Liberal, North Victoria) pointed "Surely you are not expecting to out that "jail won't bother such per- get rid of bootlegging right away," song." he went on. "Why should you over- The remaining sections were rap- look such enforcement clauses?" idly passed, and the committee rose "I object to paying people to com- shortly after 11.25 and the House ad- mit a breach of the law," said Mr. journed. _ . .- . Ferguson. 'U prefer, for a year at any rate, to appeal to the good sense of the public. If We have to resort to more extreme measures, the Gov- GODFREY DEFENDS ernment is prepared to do it." Mr. Raney next drew the com- mittee's attention to a clause of the 0.T.A. empowering Government INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL vendors to retain medical prescrip- tions for inquiries. If a prescrip- ' V lion was not bona fide the person presenting it could be arrested with- -------- out warning. There was nothing in . . . the Government-control bill on this Minister Oblects to "Solr. point, he said. . . " . . . Nor was there anything in the Sistering Criticism of new measure, as in the 0.T.A.. he . . added. dealing with specific civil Institution suits in the case of a fatal accident "__..----- involving the consumption of liquor.i ', 1 th L gi l t l t i ht H n e e saute as ng , on. Other Claus? Left 0:" th I .Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Minister of Nor was t ere a sec on, as in . i) Health and Labor, took strong ex- 313"; "1ag25yth'2uhe"f,'tna"tehavti'e, ception to what he termed the "sob- source of that liquor. Such a clause sistering" criticism of the Victoria was certainly valuable in law en- industrial School at Mimico. Dr. torcement, said he." Godfrey', defense of the institution, Mr. Ferguson stated that he had which he said was the best-staffed discussed such an idea with prose- of any school of its kind in the outing officials and they had Province, was precipitated by pri- thought that it was useless. vate membenf references in discus- "It you gave it consideration and sion of a main estimates vote to the jettisoned it I'm not arguing it school, to Wednesday's civic investi- further," said Mr. Haney. "I simply gation of charges brought against wanted to know if it had been con- the institution by parents of the boy, sidered." Brawn, who died last May. He continued to point out that Dr. Godfrey made it plain to the people might have liquor Conslgn- House that they were not "good" ments made under fictitious names boys that were handled in this and that a clause in the O.T.A. spe- school. but "hand-picked bad boys." cially dealt with this feature of "People should not forget that," he illegality. Mr. Ferguson thought said. In this connection, he men-, that this and other sections of the, tioned the fact that some time ago,' O.T.A were covered in the general Deputy _ Superintendent Pettinger ruling that persons under the new was shot in the side by one of the? act had to show that they he? Ct . boys, and was still suffering from ceived legally and held legally liquor i the wound. He had no desire, he obtained legally from the Govern-! said, to go into the family history ment. of the Brawn boy, but he would Mr. Remy referred '10 "331333? state emphatically that the lad had ot the O.T.A. ,t/,y,'.ioC"1','fta'd" areas every consideration and attention tsn'JreQa,tflat'gfi'"i'illl govern the use from the school up to the time of y pr . his death. ' ot liquor in those area): 1122;253:593 Dr. Godfrey said that for some power which mbgnces said he and reason or other the school had " by labor _,1/1yetitlh'lf included in the ways been made a target for "sob- garter" sistering" criticism'l'l'l, tell " . ' in that," said unreasonable and un us . e c arse . There s tgonTt111!'an"hvt," I think that when "some people" (the press) Mr. Feral") be in the act." had nothing else to write about, that oug _ . they took a "whirl" at the Mimioo, School.

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