The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Mar 1927, p. 3

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d , , A. _ . - _ as-rl, . 'frrtelil"larc-vt , -atfr. KBIG AMWATION J &" Industry And. .7 li >~p-. I . l During consideration of the esti-l mates of 8864.300 for technical edu-' l cation, Premier Ferguson pointed: l out that this type of education had! grown to become "a substantial charge against the revenue of the Province " The fact that technical ' and vocational training contributed ' to the progress of industry was the basis for the Province undertaking "r-.---.------ ' . to support technical schools. The . . Prov nee was loath to undertake at Sin0lair Notes That lt Would any; great lgngtl'i trade education. as t nterfere w th the established:' . Be Replaced by Govern- hu'gems of apprenticeship. l . . uestioned later on educational ment Commission estimates, Premier Ferguson stated that the Province "by Judicial man- _ a 'iTytl,e,nttr',' had accumulated $10,000,- " in t e teachers' superannuation LIBERALS SAVE MONEY t fund. ' --q---..---. Noting an estimate of $268,500 tor I ' . colonization road by-laws. William For'the first time in several Yeats, Newman (Liberal. North Victoria) the Government yesterday struck pointed out that this was lower than a money vote from its main esti- It'll" Will's estimate. He thought that mates. A h Te e. expen tures for this work n appropriation of $48,575, should be increased. for purposes of administering the . Board of License Cotttmlsslontrvs Would .Pny 'too for License. Branch. was "thrown out" of the Maxims}: $2330" intimated than t1tlPatessw1tn Liberal Leader Wil.. be done. 'iv/tr'.",,)',",',,",,,",,",,",):',?:",',",," liam E. N. Sinclair. in characteris- that, while truck owners in the North e' tic watchful attitude. called the at-J Country paid the same license fees tention of the Legislature to the fact as city truck men, they could use - that the board in question would their vehicles only a few months in not be functioning in 1928, because the year. as compared with the con- of its replacement by the new Gov-, tinuous usage in the city "It I had ernment Control Commission. and. to pay $100 for a license" said he that, as a consequence. the suggest-' "rd he. willing, if I could only get ed appropriation would not be rc-l roads such as you have here in To-l quired. ! ronto." l Inttdsertetttty Included. l The House spent several hours) . The Liberal Leader's victory wasl t','te,t,h'ivee/eir..'r,,ttved'1..meLd,ft1eorr/,ntN a purely technical one. however. asl Governor's office $5.450 Le iasrl'a: Premier Ferguson explained that tion, $376,100; 'A'tl'i'ri'Ji..dd?e'h'h1i the item in question had been pre-l Department, $2,128,It60; Insurance pared hy the departmental staff andi Department. 847.050: Education De- inadvertently included with the! Itrtrtment, $7,429,052; Lands and others. The vote, he said, wouldI Forests Department. $2,326,725; automatically lapse. as there would Northern Development. 8501.700; " be no use for the money. Mines Department, $358,550; Game "Why should this money be voted ly' Fisheries. 8517.635: Public if it's not going to be used?" asked Yi,ot:ks Department, $1,216,330, and! Mr. Sinclair. And when the, item Highways Department, $525,725. iwas struck oft, he humorously add-'; led: "My. hut we're saving money) . {this afternoon." I A short white later his "eagle" eye i t caught another itent--a vote of $30.-' SCHOONER NANCY'S HULL, 000 under the head "Revision of the' Statutes." What need was there of wnrrllff'llEsERVE?, this 1928 appropriation. he asked. . . . l - when the work of revising the Remains of Historic Vessel to; statutes was to he concluded. as had, . , been intimated by the Prime Min- Be Raised From Watery . later. in October of this year? i Bed I Mr. Ferguson said that money s-------------'-------- , would be required for extra print- ll "h mrvly s 7 . 'gr l.. . I lug. proofs. checking. and other , Ion aortic 1ry.clyir' Aliiiistci of minor purpOSQS. even after the re- Pu 'lic Works, said yesterday that ill vision was completed. but that can- the course of a few weeks depart- . siderably less money Wtcl'ulg I??? trims mental engineers will cull for tend- end. Again he exp nine a e e- _ ..'. . *' ',_.; r ' partmental staff in inserting the eis fol the Liming. of the hull of l $$0,000 figure had just followed the historic schooner. Nancy, now lying practice of last year. near the mouth of the Nottawasuga Another Reduction. River at \Vasugu limit-h. T . Attorney-General Price expressed According to Mr. Henry, the Gov- 'm the belief that the estimate was too ernment is anxious to get operations. high, and that they "could get along under way. WON; will he coni- tt,%t,,1.if,11i'.'. The reduction w." made menced just as soon as the spring Mr. Sink-lair beamed. "What do freshets subside. you know about that?" he said. . "The Go.vernytnt,'.' he said, "will "Here we are-the Liberal party--- see that the hull is raised and saving money for the Government housed on the island in the mouth and helping to sustain its reputation of the river. An ttvviingotttent has up and down the country of being been. entered into with the County good financiers." of Simone to take care of the 'me- At the request of Hon. W. E. morial' after tlia_t." Estimates to' Haney. Progressive Leader, passing the amount." $5,000 top tho pur- of the Hydro estimateS. under the pose of caring for .the work have Premier's Department. was deferred been provided hv his "etritvtntent. until next week. when on the ar- . rangement of Mr. Ferguson and Hon. J. R. Cooke. Hydro Commis- sloner, a special afternoon will be devoted by the House to considera- tion of the votes and general die- cuaion of the power situation in the Province. with special attention be- ing paid to rural extension and. development plans tor the future.

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