The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Mar 1927, p. 2

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_ V _ . s Emitting, Marek 26 Th . ', What-the estimate of $130,000 foe the Government Motion-Picture Bu- reau was considered. the Provincial Tretyiny"er spoke of the intensive 1 work being done by this department. ' Ninety per cent. of the films shown in'Cana'da. he stated. were produced in the United States. There was a growing movement today, not only _ in this .douptry, but in all parts of the British Empire. to challenge the supremacy of the States in this ----- trade.l The Government at the pres. ent tine. Was sendin" a lar e num- Item for Board Of Health her 'of films to Englj'ind fog prom? . . ganta purposes. and had even suc- Salaries Omitted After Be- Cgeded in having some of these . . . s own- in the States. Ing Noted by Sindair HonyClcbrg' 8. Henry, Minister of _ Highways, declined yesterday for the second time this session to inform GODFREY DETAILS WORK the Opposition of the names of the firms who have been allowed to re- -- _---------), tain commissions during the past Pocrilruitrrv, until my in , l iir' t' I ',- year In connection with the collec.. sitiet'ation-of- t'svcmiiturr,s {or llxtll- tion of the gasoline tax. . It was a . ' JI tut matter of Government policy, he said. purposes and for the l'r"purtrnrn'. of to withhold the identity of these Agriculture, the Ontario Legislature rtrmst. lie. however. stated that the Yesterday otherwise completed the. I.',",'.:"".,? ','f,/.li.';l"'r rr-ti-l by tittm pabsing of the main estimates for the ca. .,nt .. , r.. " fiscal year of 1928. totalling some '44,566,0i)0..' . The HOIIse had previously decided t to set apart um: day for the consider. ation (tithe tutr,ul distribution Hf Hydro power so. yt':citurd;iy, let: tha- .. Hydro estimate» over until now; 11ir-i'_,.. when They wiil he the ic-is for lrmp,thy tllSt'll">inn, And. in order to s:,:" t" Huh. .iuiu. S. ------ Martin. Minister of Aul'll'llllill't. 'silo ' . . opportunity to tll".'ll lll tit - SUbleCt IntI'OdUCCd In on' tail with affair< of lii~ ill -- . partment -- agricultural lilitlit'l'r at tano House by Leopold particular inte"est to many mem; bers ot the House-an item or PN- MacaUlaV penditures in connection with his dc- -----.-- partment was also left m er. One change in the ostimates 1rak made yesterday when tippmnion" STATEMENT BY PREMIER members noted that an amount at" '_-------.-- 81.800 was set aside to; snlnric:, int . at -. 7 'rr' . ' ' the Provincial Huntd ot' "with. Wy, et unlit? lot-disco taunt-med the limit l). N. Sim-lair. Lama: Load": hope In the, [It'gislaluro _1e'cl1wtlru.i' itirew attention to 'h- fin" {lull n. .I-E- that as $0011 as Parlianwnt l'tlsc at new lt-g'hlation UH" hoard "will". 9ttywa., 19ttt.nNo Wsrtold haw: the op- Stinll lu' Oil! of t-.Nirir-. l"."'1 '3'" Pylunitsr of cotirulting with the .00- Ferguson agreed that the item >hotild 311111191) authorities in regard to the no: be included in the t-stintatem iol.. QUOSUOHOf pld~agc pensions. mitting that it was there through an The Provincial tlnyeritnmnt, he error. Wild. has hail no Offlt'lal 1'otutnuniv,r1.. The House in committee of enmity tron from Ottawa. but he had seen dealt with estimates of $736,673 for ti.htr.e Hon. Jumvs Jtolsh, Minister, the Department/ot Health: $2,312,380 ot J,' "@1100. had I'Ijolnmd " confrr- , for the Department of Lahor: 30:34.- fme with all Provjutts, and or thisI 550 for the Provincial Treasurer": conference. he "am", Ontovio tl"-l Department, an amount for the Pro- sweat 'to take advantage He. also t vincial Secretary's Department and ff,')," cd 9}" to the Legislature thaté miscellaneous estimates. m QllCSilun Tay on thr "SW'U of the. In1erpcovinci,rin 1't.tnfrwr_unti. and; Protection of Senior». Would have overs consideration this: Iouring ('Ollsltlo'l'ullull of .tlt' t§< ae?,,:. . : pelitlitures in connection with this it" the old-apo l'H'H-"ittlts' l'tiatlt'r wast Dannien' of Health. lion. Irr. (itil,- introduced to thrs trtilinrio House; l'rey. Minister of Health. tool: tin Uli- 111r.ty/.1ty by LOUDUltl Macaulay. 1"vn-l . portunity to detail work mm" by It _sei-vativc member tot. South York; department. Recently. said he.. it {913' In I ",o,,ngvat1l."t,ityc, Hon. rv.,' good deal ot attention had been {51er f of TPB Godfrey. Minister of Health. 5 to the protection of settlers in. the., dol the :3ACC'llenl Ivo/l: (lillltj lry his) outlying districts of the Province: yerty,.t,n.,t,,1? thc inlet-ism of illCl The Government had been co-operat- 3501;:- ledllscd that the. great rna-l ing closely both with the mu- ti): Pr 0f_ DeovltIJerc- y,r'r"a,lyscatos;tei, nicipalities concerned and with the neili "J,ys1d,',t,yf,"i', and. in tats Cott-' Red Cross Association. me to? 5:07:81) ward the (govern- Dr. Godfrey emphasizi'd that the necrtl' ty SP" the question tire-on- Ontario Department of Health w is 10n with tho . Jnttwprovincial the only one on thr cy.rmtineyt '1"? 1NonbsPrnit'e and ascertain who is dispensed free supplies oi 'CC? "constitutionally responsible for it," known scrum and vaccine. and Mon and "nhat can he done about it." insulin. The work With insulin. he declared. was prrMur'tivo of slgllill' cant results, for there had noon n. decrease in the deaths from diabetes; in,thc Province. Inspection of Theatres. . Liberal Leader Sinclair caustioncd. the Provincial Treasurer in connec- tion with the inspection of theatres. Hon. Dr. Monteith stated that. a careful inspection ot. the construc- tion of every theatre in the Province was carried on. The. rt'gulatiour: laid down certain strict standards . tupon which theatres must he erect- "d.-provrding tor adequate cxits and wide aisles.

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