We soled), March 2 a-r-k Mil l i J J L thb id Prom cr's Mum-ks. . . . . G r 86 (Progressive. l , s BILL In discussing the bill yesterday R,ttt,dli,1/11o'l'etxhl thought that the - Premier Ferguson reviewed the he cency of the little red school- i, origin and history of rural school ', ouaeitg w?" maintained." Mr. Fer- sections. In 1846 an effort to sys- 51180" repl ed that he was not trying ' tematize educational affairs resulted _ O detract from the efficiency of such in the formation of boards. each hav- schools. . . ing three Trustees. Rural sections Mr. Lethbrldge continued to Bug- still retain this old method. hilt Rest that thye be some form cf urban sections made changes of Il 1oca.1 option 1n connection'with the progressive nature, ' project. ------ The Premier drew attention to the Road Conditions Might Hinder F , . tract that Toronto had twehe Selina; Charles C; Fl t l . . 7 U. erauson s Plan to Give t"yevtioths at one tirne. all... 'ii'd)'i,,,ytettfl/"tfJd)oT'firJ'jiti',x, . At the present time. he stated, '..' . 'tt " " " Measure second Reading there were 900 schools in the Prov, f)yd.entinthlh,e, back country might ' Altered b Si . , . ince with a population of less than school dfl"rdsTif',',s. tr.. the township y inolaip S VIEWS 10 pupils in a school. Those 900 tiered th fr Pam even as It hm-' ______ sehools are costing the Province il dated . 'l, "1115.11CCESS of the consoli- " million dollars. with 5811000 Ifsebltsgllh Inmrfoiunictilon l " Sixtv ier em . o l . nl Ff' l; ' o.lec le!, LOCAL OPTION LIKELY have 1...; .l....'1§n fc1,r.utTi,itr),"o,,'"rl,' 12335;" It ry,','yy.s show; be of rea-l ---- 200 schools in the Province eat-1; Cy,',),',")":,',"'),';)',.' that. all sections should" Premier Fer ' t, ,. having less than c, pupils. ,' - I 6581181,"? Ort the hourdsvl 13mm" mm" 'll-- and that the township. and not part: cutered Township School Board Ili'l One PM)" Cost $1.000. of the towrsshlp, be the unit. ' was the chief topic of consideration I The Premier DHillterl out that t. mg;:?2?1(li' 31:03:11,118}; Conservative ' iis own ri; ing 25 ' ' . m -. 'sv, t l ' or F'sou Corlc, sail .- in the Legislature yesterday, and will it school with 0,1): {"35}?! $211.11 24:1 the hill l-nrtainlv um" the "235;: be further talked over today. the School Section $1,006. -'r.V tlotss yt the setr/i-urhnn Winsome." Yesterday when the hill ("Mlle no Cost of educating pupils in the. The time had come fot' a change. hr: for second reading Premier Vii: 200 schools with less than 3 of n 'tld' 81nd: while all Trustees would " ' - f Ct _ . " F -. . . 805011 explained that he Pturposid _irryylii/iyt.1 was $250 a year, and in 3111,2112: s",ltL/yi,y/i",,l,'ci"h1'/,':geiic1- to have the measure thoroughly gore, Edi}??? "1t,Uei1'.et)aa,,n, If.) pupils $145 "mm" its Intstits "lid 13" "3109173 into in the House. and then "Ait,h.. rural schools izsivggalg: 52;: Td a]; tort": MHZ" from it. , drawn and submitted again :o the as Government grants were con- Ji.rc1,C,'i,"/tr,,'j'tr"s1 ',yiij.",r,",..:l: Ntrrrti study of the people of the Pr mum. owned. the Government cost per rural 'i'ri')y'/ly"?L'd'," 'Ili'))",,";,,",, Last year the measure had been in- Pupil in the schools with less than h;id imwrsiised MW in the Irl:t 19.553 trodu d . .t .. . . the population was about $100, as ffo 'ctrrsns,rlv advised h '.ov .. . _ . ce and then withdrawn ni compared with $18 of an average on L _ . e t e Ciovovnment, flight! waging. This year he thought. all rural schools, I . beam? 7?."I""53 ",t hill lttw, ltt place secon reading might he Ain ' " f . .1" .. - '...".' tl,'I 1rm on r e Issetts and lia- to. the bill. it would then go 'l,',':,',)','). tdhpc',1i,tiy/,i.o,',1ae /d,es,g,1ielpyit:rt,t, biiitios, of the various stclions in- mittee. various ailiendments, Milli" that something mushbc done list: valved. Thas he contended. would already s,1urtr..ested, bono', thut' "NIH noted that the attitude of the publie tend to """lmil'" PCllr' JON-055:" 910p] up in discussion. iiilght he pu' had altered since the township school that might dtherwise C.'""-",, in. (ll. 1'50 measure. i'hen It vmuid Lu: board proposal was tirst made, and D. M. Jtoss (l'roprr 5""- .Nortl: "in lawn ay,l.,,.iiu.,t,ty.1tr'? to the pii'... iwas "beeoming more sympathetic." Oxford) suggested that hull a dozen c again in this admneell stage, I If. said Mr. Ferguson comlrunit townships be selected lo trv out the Having made known his pl'oillwl- 'matters. such as highway work' etey system for two or three f/ary. goat; /t,.ed?:tm/,'a/,' prouomimi /o "a." were managed by Township Council's: Hon. George S. Henry. Minister of C _ "h 1 at length:I'JPI'OSliINlI [lii'l wry should not educational affairs be Public Works and Highways. then o"xflJfe's"sy"tf1',ti,.l",.i,',',ey? followrd to; managed by township school boards? took a hand in thet discussion to pil'd,T', Itellh News clothe mull: _ He also emphasized that educational i'eny?h'-y?ize, tho 1jrttnior's, argument. . as it hout of vi'lJUllllllill'l advantages should be extended i/l F. G. Sitllllv tl'rocrer:,:cive Scsuth lac" ganged. {if} tyr/y.,",',',. WW3")? y.:' rural districts Just as the advantages ivictoria, thou'zht iii,Cr. the. ('v,ri,i'it. Sinclair. libel; '0e.a',0j,"rgid,ci J; of Hydro had been extended to them. in)?" ',11gil11,,,',1",),"i-' 59"]: grimy". (Emir some facts which changed the riitl, Urges Advantages. 1ief,,T/"s.', Ile,',-',';,,,"!:",'.),').?,?'))',, .,'c.i1,tit1,,.i.'u' ation. The township school board system, ', r'l.otn'.sct)C','ep1"l/i",,lre11.i1'2,ct'1s, Libcr.al Leaders News. 'i',a,idt/dh,l'egld meant T/ad-it," gie.noiyil/,i,.oj,.n,,) sketched the conditions in his gilt. In: noted, second reading v.2".- that t"rJtes1Tl"nndif,'t'e,'i'?/1/'/,' s,'vhn/liridg'y1i,2:t, 11t.gf,: 1i,'itl/,1/,),'ftifd,d,it ven,t .nie' " ' 'i-. .3 . é . l, d JC l . "?Fic'C, Fi 'l- the Le islattm that tly.-' y,frl1? .. '.r. be reduced. and it would provide op- 'gested that there be some provision g re had mittenul tltr/ portunities for advanced education in - t, . approval of the nteusul'e. lf the hill rural districts on a much improved for ay. optional adoption of the was submitted to the public as an- scale. it would mean a saving in township school board tcystrsni. proved by the House, it would not cost of buildincs and equipment and ' he ttt keeping with the thought that. a better allocation of teachers in the it ll?".withdrawn from the Legis- township. !et.tyic m an attempt to gauge and The Premier emphasized that .build up public opinion in the Pritr, while the proposals might mean a 31131:. It rtine Pf,'eih1""..1.vt'lir' to be willi- consolidation of educational activi- l _ fore": e thought. it should be he- ties, it was no move for consolidated l P 5tf..8eCrtNlltur. . schools. "lt is an entirely different l qr _ reinter Ferguson agreed that this proposition," said he. "Consolidated "if? a wise sPgt.restion." Mr. Sir.. schools cannot be established with W car. who had Views to exorcss in economy in all sections. There are " connection with the principle of the a few cases where consolidated Law Regulating Passenger hill. then adjourned the debate, Irs) schools have been established in ad- _ . - agaiecond reading to continue it ' vanec of their time." Bus Traffic Inadequate to . . ' ' The townshin school board sys-. . . . The Prime Minister iaterintlnro'_ tem, he went Ion. would mean the Cope With Situation to the press that the bill would in: elimination of weakness in the rural .______ withdrawn, as suggested. without educational system, an equalization t.y.'f,1'y reading. The amendments. of assessment. and the locating of. Hon. George S. Henry, Minister n hieh were to be made in commit- schools where they would best servel of Highways introduced into the tee, would he inserted in italics in the public. l , _ . . show that. they were not a rewuinr , Legislature yesterday a, bill which but suggested, part of thr niii'ii'/'./ Inclusion of Urban Icaturcs. would provide the Governmeqt.wlth and the. whole would a.) ii; ".5 The township system allowed for sott.trAlintr power over vehicular public. a ' graded schools, in which could be freight-carrying IMiness, similar to The amendments will have in .:.. put features found in urban high that which exercises at the present with financial affairs involved in in, schools, such as physical culture for time over public vehicle passenger Project. One suggestion which will boys, household science for girls. transportation. . . probably be made in the amendmeni With these features of urban educa-l Mr. Henry told the, House that it is that there be a form of low" on. tion would be linked up special agri-) was the Government's intention to lion in the township siiioiri'oi'L cultural work. He noted the atuyt.e.ly'; place the. new act on the.Statute plan, that it be optional with die, that "to educate a tyy' for rural lifo, books. subject'to proclamation, and trietsto adopt the M'steni _ you have to. send him to an urban intimated further that no attempt "Members discussin~ the mail " conimunity.' His proposal would would be made to operate it this yesterday Suggested :ueh "local 0:; do away with thly. year. .Appaartsr11r the Gove.rnmtnt'ts tion." The Premier. While 0'1"pr in. E. Scott (Liberal, South Os- intention .is to conduct an education- ing that it meant "a checkerboard f.a1), refei'ied to it situation m his al campaign that} , l, system," thought that it was Fit t 'ng. Several so ool sections op- Just now, the overnment real! least a matter for serious concil if posed the plan on the FI ound that. has no authority over this rapidly. ation. V " "" ('v'e2,t'/tiu',yur,truPi/fein'r'i'i,utitil,.' amt" (vrtliil,1t-,ft'gfet, Film??? - e aw w e - ing of a poor near-by structure. senger bus "35¢, and to some ox. Mr. Ferguson replied that some tent, express transportation, is total- l tribunal would be provided for the ly inadequate, departmental omcials l ad'i'oftmolnt of illiianciall1 difficulties. say to cope with the freight situ- . e e uca ona met od 0 town- ' ship school boards. he went on, was ation. in vogue in Manitoba, British Col-, . . umbia, twenty States in the Union, and in county units throughout! ', England and Ireland. And in these i places there Was no attempt. to re- l vent to. former systems. J