The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1927, p. 2

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. /oe-srlivo, "EYCL 29 i) . i F . _ . éé"%¢:i . . . Steady growth, according to the I ' statement. has characterized the - work of the Commission in the past year. The. 100,000-horsepower increase in generating capa- city, as already mentioned, ' exceeds somewhat the growth in load for the period, "and has given for the time being a rea- sonable margin between the capacity ----- available, and the demand for . . .power." This, it is emphasized, has -_---- Generating Capacity Grows resulted in an improved service and. P . . . tas enabled the various generating ' and Financial Reserves plants to be maintained "in a, high rogerty vestted In one Legal state of efficiency." Doubled What is termed a remarkable "con.. rgamza MI to GO .to i ------- tinuity of service" was provided by Another, He Says the Commission during the. year. /iElhl GATINEAU CONTRACT This is indicated, it is pointed out, ---------- by tho farrt that iOWer was never _ ----- entirely off the Il'ingnra System for CARR|ES SECOND READING . a single minute during the year. The q ---_.-r------ ESUbStantlal Progress Is Re. growth in load of the various sys- ", _ . i . terms is charted as follows: Hetero the Legislature yesterday ported In Rural Eleo. Distriiiutmn of power to systems (20- gave second reading to George trifioatitm minim peak hors"""'"'"", a: Oct "26 .'t'mies's' bill respecting the Continu- .\'lai:ara svslem and Ci- , "U te, ... I V 1"; Presbyteriaus of Beaverton, Hon. ----------- port ..1.............. 683.646 300.03 T If. If"? 1u/?i1)ii,T,tl the principle . , , . ttr . . . _ (leer inn Bay S'slt'iii.... 18,261 17.1 . mro ve , claim m; h' ,i . . - 'A "It surplus. with mending. tot Fit 'l',.?,,'),,,',,',',',", sic.,,))"),",',','.'.'.'.'. 5.339 (3.790 leetion. tho House that; 1:: 11,tueeae/,',1,; uil (Apt'llSIQTS .i'tlld necessary fixcd rf,th",i"d1,,.h"i,"d',ms,c,ii,irr./ 4535;: 48.2%? (In Which. to base the action it con- churgcs. ot $565,413.'o't, and an in.. Ottawa .t'.'s'i'CT.'i'.".'.'r'. 14:26.) 16,354 templated. out." or about 100,000 horsepower Central 08min mutant ""3"" '?,t1",u,rt'fey/i, the "we?!" ir the 'ener'ttin ' ' o' . t0rtttyn .............-. 37.762 41.166 'yfyrr'altl the (internment. he say, t S - . g cupotut.1 of the Nipissing nys:trun........ 2.500 2,560 had to stand behind all the 1923's- Commission's plants are features of Tri'r,Ti, Tii-ir,; lation enacted in the House-approve the Ontario Hydro-Electric Com- Total .........' .. .h',08,3CI? Ct'2'3,0Cc?, of the principle of a bill which de- mission's report for the fiscal year Gatinea'u Contract. Lil'zfnlizéhitn ',",'if'o1lf/yr,evetsatfdninc',g, ending Oct. 31, 1926, which was No large power developments 'Iff and vested in another? tabled in the Legislature yesterday. s1//J/erir1l.h1fhe,.te/? t,rget'/oe $33313: Mr. Haney further submitted that This-the nineteenth annual re- "agar! Systex'n' but in 19mm. to the, Private Bills Committee. which port of the Commission-algo lays take care'o'f the immediate future; had approved of the measure m the stress on the fact that during the demands for power the Commission, tir'y "l/ye, 1v.1'f no court of justice. It'd.St thpeo, "are there has been a in the early half or'1926. entered Into 's"; , 50m} of .','ee,ity,,'yy,1 130°," growth of more than 100 per cent. an important agreement with the r[',',l,'ls,'s,-"'-,1ll',',"ll,. 1"y,l1jy lied li red cl,tt in the reserves of the co-operative Gatineau Power Company whereby, 1:321:11 iC,onsrrvative, Toronto Brock, municipa undertaking which the the Commission eventuall will re-, .. . br" .. _ . ' _ " Commission administers. Reserves, ceive 260,000 of Gatingau River K_ie'l\n,'"","f[."g:"ué%e';?d..go§d{oft which in 1923 aggregated slightly power. The report further makes 'iff R2153." s?iloe,v.,,'t",1,e'l,C1' théecpagie't more than $12,000,000, had reached. mention that 80,000 horsepower of irar no evidence had been taken be- at the clos" of October last, the this block will be delivered in 1927 fore the committee. figure ot $?.4.751,411.2,?,. at the interprovincial boundary on "There has never been a case like Total Investments. the Ottawa Rn er, and Will he trans- this," said Mr. Raney. . mitted over a special "0,000-volt 1 According to the report. the total transmission line to Toronto. McBrien Tells of Case. investment of the Hydro Commis- Aerial surveys on this line have "Oh, yes, there has," said Mr. Mc- sion in power undertakings and been carried out in the past year, Brien. who proceeded to relate that Hydro-Electric railways, at the close and constructional work will be ac- in the regime of Sir James Whitney ,of business in 1926 was $203,442,- tively carried on during the present a bill had been passed which had i, 757.910. it is made up as follows: season. While, as generally known. isosttdhll the Hydro powers of On- l Niagara System. $155,'r69,66i'i.87; this power will be 25-eycle power, tat-m .in.iloc Tv,'t/,i'-' Power 1 Georgian Bay System. $5,259,249,- it'the requirements of Eastern On- 'r'ynluls,'t'loy,. A. deputation had wait- i 53: th. Lawrence System, 81.062.- tario are being given earnest consid- ~°d otl 9'0 ( hict "mm? at Ottam IT '444.88; itideau System, $1.161.658.- eration, and studies were made and then tity Allen 1s1ts.yttit,yi--te pio- (er, Thunder Bay System. $12,724,- are still in progress for providing test. and the unseen. giyen' it was 1371.03; Ottawa System. $46,843.15: additional large blocks of 60-cycle tt.1et,ie,'io,evgl,tf,g/1,ttivu'exoroi1not/lirJt I engineering, power sites. St. Law- power for the eastern districts ot the Sh it: Y'T,yi1','le/1,tt o/r",,) 1301151.: Hence and Ottawa Systems, $262.- Province." 'bleetriend am": one." saidyM" Mc- 655.18: Central Ontario and Trent On the Thunder Bay System. the (grifm " ' ' .. Systems, $14.0b'7.963.23; Nipissing load previ.t?us1y.e?t?b1i?htyl has been 1'"t'iiwneyt,cnepal Price, who was System, $1,036,000.84: office and fairly well maintained during the Chairman of the Public Bills Com- service buildings. construction plant. year. At Cameron Falls generating; mittee, could not see that the action inventories. etc.. $.'..'.661,806.34: station, on the Nlpigon River, the of the committee was "an innova- Hydro-Electric railways, $9.339.' fifth and Spa" units have been put tion," as suggested by Mr. Haney. He 899.60. into operation, thus completing thin recalled to the House the fact that "Taken as a whole," the report development with an Installed ca- the Church Union bill itself had states, "the financial results of the pacity of T5,000 horsepower. been the. means of ,t,,'iy,','e,711utr a lot Commission's o ,eratlons for the year . of property from one peep e o an- are very satisfalctory, particularly so RuraluPower. ' . . other. "This matter, to me, seems to . . . . .. ' . During the past t.Wo Ot three .. 1 q id .. l S ectal one as regards rural panel districts. The ears ter substantial )rogress has be.,', he we: ' mere y a p revenue for the year from the cus- gee "be: 131 Ontario d the field of which (hurch Union has tig1"t'l)t, I tomers of rural districts amounted I";') electrification There is now about. It has been brouglat tlo titlei i to "43.138.4T. and the cost. of power more than $4 750 iii/o invested in the Legislature and we have to ea w supplied. including operating ex- rural power 'district systems estab- "ivit, .0... little more discussion _ Denses. fixed charges and reserves. lished by the 'Commission About {3111 ,'j,eJ.:',.' d 're, ond reading was $604,931.30. leavinga balance in 2:300 miles of transmission lines the 1 (arrie s C . . l the hands of" the C,,ommi"ion 'have been constructed to date, of i, amounting to $1'gg,'202.17. . which more thaC750 miles were The total reserves of the Commis- erected during the past year, this sion for sinking funds, renewals, con- mileage exceeding that constructed tlngeneies, and insurance purposes; in any former year. There are now . lit'e listed as amounting to $24,T61.- nearly 19 000 customers supplied in 411.22. They are distributed as fol- the rural 'power districts - lows: Niagara System, $18,625,0T9,T1t H Georgian Bay System. '1i),/lh1/"l1T,' St. Lawrence System, 33815 ' "_ Rideau System, $is4.'jf)f.'?.1.; Thundei Bay System, .te15,590.45; 9ttaw.a System, $7,304.95; Central" Ontario and Trent System, "i,1,'i,4i,l,'i1(C' . Nipissing. $106,744.04; Bonnec'eu; storage. $7,217.21: Service building: and equipment. 'tj,i):41ir,y'i,,esau,fi' , arwe--irrkrnen's 11?yy11s,'a,t.,i,1llr/ll" - . . Staff Pension Insurance $1.019" ' 94. s

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