The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1927, p. 2

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. , fT'C'dct A_Pvil /s--T" '.' All P bl. B di . P 3 "What our stitool children in WAS NOT RND ON a " o 188 tn I'OU- ionmrl" need," he said, "is " grin- ' . . - F Ping story of the life of the countr ' ------ thee Urged to Utilize !\vl'ilt01l in a siniple, pomantic Still: G . (wliieh will fascinate them. an "ii Overnm . . Every Available Means Jthc same time, give them a seng'iblt: M f etnt w'". Consider . :pritle in their birth )lace." T anu a . for Commemorating Can. 1 "I ram...» said 1ll,f,"),(; mm... di tio 1el, ll-te: Juris. , . . . William Is'. N. Sinclair. .-e- y.: IGI n a ada'sSixtieth Birthday--- tho vesurlutirrn, that .. ".gg'yd'gogg erl eoeMary . character that has "ut-thd (n d: -- Premier Surve 3 On. ' "m" ", . , y through its on years ot glorious his- _ HON. W. E. RANEY'S VIEWS tario 8 Development, and tory, and that as we look forward; " . " to tho future we may be confident. -. Calls for Big Men, that Canadians will proceed along thei On the assurance from Ittorney . . . lines which have been laid down in Gener; ' .. f , q . " - Liberal Leader Sinclair the past." l al Price that the Government ' . -. 1 1 would consider the matter, if such Stresses Value of Char. Emphasizes t mrntttr. ( action was ever deemed "", Character. he emphasized. was Hon. W. E. Haney, in the closing deter more important than wealth and! hours of the present sestilon citizenship, and more desirable thanl of the Legislature, last night with- q'.-------------- prosweNty. Wealth and prosperity I drew his resolution urging that stem STURDY CITIZENSHIP would accrue to Canada, he claimed: be taken to settle the (illesiiUn of only in so far as character was de-l "whether the jurisdiction m." the BUILT BY EDUCATION veloped. . , manufacture of liquor is in the Par- Canndtt renyire) a national and: llament of Canada or in the v:irious . not a sectional point of view. he con-' Provincial Legislatures: " - tended. The fact that the Dominion ' . _ "A. Government and (nonunion irtli",rd had found room for Catholic and 3t'ceds Settling. their party differences ill tho Lexi?» 2"/,itcltil.,nxt; for rrs.T,"11t'ha-fituni?f,1',1,eaQ, "If Government sale oi' liquor is ' . . . ., . .. t. L, d m: o-Saxon was, e r .t, to he the policy for the future." i - lature "el night to pay a 1tnitod trib.. thts brightest spots in the Dominion's clared Mr. flak,,. in spealx'lntl'ct'o It, ute to me Futhrrs, of Confederation history. Co-operation of creeds and resolution "their o',"r,"it'iiii'//'e'fit"i,/,,'ii" indt to 'JI," solid and spirited 'ill','- {Sf-Taxi" essential to the future of trol will not be completed until there or " t _ 't"ti . ,', . .', (I "'1 ' . . 'is r * . - ' . - " ", T HFMUHUH "nun. m VI I Pride, was expressed by Mr. Sin- its also Lunetnment control of manu , licmicr i"ergtusort and set-untied clair at being privileged to associ- If/ect ' on. th." other hurl. the by Liberal Leader Sinclair, urged all ate himself with the resolution. ti,"',"',',,:),'.";,',','"',,",];',',)"'.,,'.:.,,',',"" ls-Tllhlmtmh: public bodies in the Province "to Canada already had had a great his- com L'u, n." ",atist: v y 33?}! ,- ' . tl. ' . , tory he said-one of remarkable p - I M " "(Wm wt out utilize uery atailairle "mans for deve'lo ment by an industrious in- control of manufacture. So that the commemorating" this tear "the ina- dependpent Jeifple---amt he looked obvious thing to do is to take steps in: d Jubilee" of the event the for it to attain even greater heights to have this important, question set,- i'athers" brought ulorut. in the future. tied." Premier Ferguson made- illl elm ' ' The Dominion Parliament. Mr. itueut appeal in support of ti.c 'Godspeed, Canada." Raney said, has exercised its un- motion. challenging the "bis; men" "We all say Godspeed, Canada!" doubted authority to enact laws for at today to show themselvvs in the he declared amidst applause, "and the regulation of the breweries and public interests. Mr. Sinclair sin-5" make the celebration of the Dia- distilleries for revenue purposes, ed the importance of "character" in mend Jubilee the beginning of days "and, based on the authority of the the future development ot the co .lll- better than Canada has ever Russell ca.Fo of ISS'?, which affirm- try .and Hon. w. E. Haney. Pro- known." ed the jurisdiction of the Parliament gljf'ssn'e Leader. associated himself Hon. W. E. Raney, Progressive of Canada to enact thoCanad:tTeno- with the remarks made by the two Leader, simply wished. as he said. penance Art, it was for many rears other Leaders. "to express his acknowledgment of assumed that the jurisdiction over Debate on the resolution Was one the privilege of associating his the regulations of tho prohibition of of the bright Spots or the whole 'Yet.- name with the remarks made by the manufarxturty was' at Cttt,uwn." Sh)". . previous speakers" He was ex- Mr. Rant'y submitted that "PPO- In paying tribute to "the men ceedingly congratulatory in his at- vincial jurisdiction" would prove of who": wonderful vision had con- titude to the Prime Minister's ad- inestitnable aid to Iho, Ftsvguson celved Confederation." Premier Fer- dream. declaring it to be "one of the Government in administorinp: the guson. said that "the spirit of those moat eloquent ever heard in the haw Liquor J?on,,trol A". It Ndnfe, all 'lmcs' was never more necessary for House." He chatted Mr. Ferguson Wmhh he Shh," for Mr. Ferguson to the success and the development of as using the preface of the new S"). be had eliminated the element the C.untrs than it is today. school history for his speech. 'of gain._ The t?lement of ttin had ."Tnis Province of Irtotavi.o," he Hon. Charles McCrea. Minister of be." eliminated "S ff" "f m." re- said. amid applause. "has contributed Mines and Fisheries. and J. P. taller Ivy concerned. istlt It still rp- more largely to our expansion as " Earn-gey (Conservative. Kenora) mained m the case of the manufac- whole, and to the assimilation of tlso spoke to the resolution. turer. tt.lyy W'Ulfle into our life for the Attorney-General's View. Elfenir'melmg of tltr filwe ot.1'anit- Attorney-General Price. speaking gang?" than filly other Province in to the resolution, stressed the fact t e ominion. . that, while the British North Ameri- Ontario S lri 'g . . " ca Act gave to the Dominion power Ontario: it); grit"! "tli, to legislate for the peace, order and . . ": h "'h liit oniy . . good government of the country. the about doubled SHIN? Confederation. reeyl.iip School Board Bill Provinces were given power over all due to the fact that many people Withdrawn for Distribution matters of a local or private nature. had migrated to the 1Vost and had in withd- . f .N ,, . From the abstract, he thought. the been responsible, to a great extent. , Ianhg his l'own.ship question hinged in the last analysis for the marvellous develomnert School Board bill yesterday Premier upon whether the manufacture of brought about there. The spirit and Ferguson told the Legislature that liquor could be so treated. nstincts. born to ¢-\ei'y Hntario the bill .,.. 7 . The Attorney-General. however, child. had been carri~;d Wort, also, trib would be repanted andfhs. could see no object in deciding he submitted by School oat-hers. and f" uted 1l1ro1trhout the Province whether this Province had the right had been inculcatml into the minds or educational purposes. Sugges- to control its liquor manufacture or of th . er . . t. -. . . -.. . tions made by members during the not unless it were decided for all e .vcung Canadians of that greut deb . . . . country. prosgi on fthe t1iii/a1i-ic.tTei,ailut, those Provinces J1'.g'dt,,a/""iT"i; h'Ah sitlu- Speaking otOnt: .', ls 1 's. _ n ng or nancm adjustments anon wou d result in w IC t ie in the last sixtv (dll,,')', J,f.";/1,,'.i.,/'c.i,"'v.r T-r.ould appear on the reprints in Province of Quebec would be de- stressed the odin't that the visihnhoi' italics. clarlng that it had nothing t.o do Ontario's people nnd legislators with the manufacture ot, liquor. should not be limited to Provincial while the Province of pntario would confines but should ever extend be insisting on its rights to such . .' "I', . . . , control. lf the opinion of the lay- with a view to laying another brick " . , . . in the great national edifice ., Sivtv men were asked, he believed ghat it years ago, he said, the total agricul- would, for the most part, q e in (r' . . . . favor of leaving the matter to the ural products of the Province had . . . Federal legislation. " value of $137,000,000. while in . 192 . ' He believed, on the other hand. 6 the production in this field was . .,h . . that if it could be s own by the worth $500,000,000. Industrial prod- . . ' . courts that the manufacture of unis had grown in worth trom $114.- l I 00 . liquor was merely a ocal matter 0.000 at Confederation to $1.300.- . t 1 . 000 000 . th , and that such con ro as might be f ' m e year closed. I roducts thought fit was not repugnant to the l fl the mines and ot forests Irpre . Federal law the rights would be l Cprafctically nothing," he said, at conceded. He assured the House on ederation, whereas today they that the matter would be given con- . are $86,000,000 and $100,000,000, ;slderation. respectively. ', With this assurance arr. Haney texpressed himself as tsatisfied and withdrew the resolution. w _--------.-..-.-.--,

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