r" la), A f l ii Is") . lOve _ ' . EXTENSION TI) ROUYNw '"il't,C',? to Quebec. a The production of tftlver so: , ' nd " he continued "we P vice until the end o , , also ho e ro n . . I in the near future to extend the 'lf."toriiici.i $2M,000,000. The nickel I & ho. into the Rouyn mining coun- I mines in the Sudbury basin produced I ' h lgmchhis, the said, Would mean con- $g27,000,000. I _ ton o thirt mil . l . With a view to 1rrttfov'i1ile'lnpf,.ic1tiet Third Largest Gom Producer. the Ontario Government had made Until the end of 1926 the Prov- mertures'to the Quebec authorities. ince produced $215,000,000 worth ot IT1e Canadian Pacific Railway," gold. Ontario ranked as the third -- 1 said the Premier, "has only to build largest gold-producing country in -------- l tti/lv, OI? tf"i,t,1,r, miles to get in to thU,'.yi1/1,r: d t b t t th . l in, an survey and exploration r. C rea pai ri u e o e , New Smelter for Small Miner/ games have been sent in to tap that people in the mining districts of the l 'i, istrict." Province. who showed "unfailing , and Northern Tour, Also ', "The idea of the Government is courtesy" to visitors, and who threw ' Announced not to look upon the T. & N.O. as open their homes to folks who would , "an entirely Provincial asset but to ins ect th . ' 1 _ . ' e mineral wealth of the , --------------. ige'vtglop thel whole mining area of Pug/meg r o an . ' ' HOUSE ENDS ITS WORK asset." Quebec as a Canadian k He e.mphasized..tha.t there was the "I can say that in the near fu- eenest co-operation between his de- -"--------- turle we will see a, very substantial {)gégmem and all the mines m On- . rm way extension in Northern On- _ . Formal Prorogation Tuesday tario." . ITectic Last Day. . . . . Mr. Miller, replyin to the Pre- _ . . ---Mining Situation IS mier. asked if it wasgwise to move To effect a, wind-up, the Letrirlie Revi d "So far in advance ot development." ture had to malte a hectic day ot .1t.., Iewe "Take an aeroplane and go up and when Premier Ferguson.at 11.95 -----.----------- _ there." retorte , r o'clock, moved the adjournment of , d Mr. 1 erguson. it . i the House, there were many sighs of . A\,;>.,HH,.,.HI,.,,L by "Mimi, rugw Ittior Mineral Discovery, :relief. The Press Gallery celebrated Mill :Em' His- (Hilario Governtnvirr This announcement of develop- i,1p,y,?itelt,l,ooeyf1:yr huge wads of mm" tr, NM} the Tinii,ili; . y l moms in the North Country was in bills off the heads of inoffensive / _ . f It";"""", Cd keeping with the announcements members below them. Conservative .\Hliiltlll onmrm Railway into made by Hon Mr McCrea The Whip William H. Ireland struck up "out: ill the Muir future. as well as Minister' of iiiiG éDeakin" in con- "God Save the. King," and this to "on! i: mm} W James liar 'i3yc nection with the C ri . anthem was sung with abandon. . ' wa on ederation , "In", 'm "K. 'cc, ' i,, . resolution sketched the minin ac- Then from all sections of the Cham- . 'Eb'l Tu: i. n. tho closing tivities in. Ontario the w k gt hi her cheers were let loose. inunnim'5 of (his your} sCssion of department and told Jp"if, 00'" Into the closing sitting of the thr I,rv,i.s'ctturs. ernment's dime e ov- House were carried two important . " _ . ' '.'" r s l i ---th . . ' With lhi- House Sign}; unlii ni- In his closmg remarks he refer- Cr,tioorlSidoen/'rie,t mam? 3:318:55: most lliil'ililgill in: ism-Mnmen; "mm. 'r)e,ot,en,'il12,'),t-,, 1iti','odi?y'.Tletl a; d" W. E. Raney's "control of liquor <f-\'o"l',ti Lllll"'l'illlli utri siavt'iinR Pro- buvv sectionn" y In ty J - mfnufalt.ure'.' motion. These requir- llUllleinoiiIS Hr in future activity There have been major discoveries 1ed.a",:ide',iee debtahte before dis. uouixui up lilo- business of the session before, in Ontario, said he. Oil in 1'10» was m e O em. :iml y-tt 'l'ur-wluy afternoon for the litighnicllgeolgin /8t'j,hf1pir,,iev12,'d' (Tax Cut Introduced. innit." womentiun. to this the deposits on a large scale of r,r'o1,e/,1/,ie11w2i'/yd'.1, his tMo?tfnh' tittwitcr ls Planned load. zinc and copper in the Sudbury . su .er, a o p CK an H I i'l I M i', l district Tho, work which has been ',ov'i,".f/i,tu'l,isrr, to,, introduce the bill " tr l. 173" 1'.C YI-' 'tu'tt, Mirn'strw of a l. . l . w ie ma es "good" the Govern- 1i.intrs. h'lllllLl nl tlte dnveloprnenrs :O'nizglf] th%:,ef0;ut1;e "r/ "hr, iionlfi Lment's election announcement of ol 2.31." "WW" "ryl load deposits in ation diamond C drilling "amid abolition of the amusement tax on Ir. _'1,.lluui')"l.;._-m. stat) that, in indicate that in the D Sudburv' and up to 25-cent tickets. At the fink t'ritittt"r'tirrv. " Government basin there is a. substantial .bodv ofi same time the Treasurer brought (llllllni at tho osmmlsmnpnt of a Cus- ore that will plagv avvtery impor'tantl down the usual "enabling Dill" tom, smolto'. and refinery, where part iii the industrial ekparikion of? which authorizes the Province to {vhf Milli". miner. the man without mining in Northern Ontario" ' borrow, it necessary, to the extent your tillillzll'nl' great ore holdings, "The Government." he "fem on of $40,000,000 this year. These bills hue-h: ship his ttti, obtain payment, "is keeping in closevtouch with tiris', at once were whipped up to an and turn tho money buck into fur- exploration and development The. equal footing with the grist of mm- .",v,"ryytylit, of his, holdings. work is progressing on the ground other legislation awaiting the third .31). Ali-Lita. also announced that and we have in view as that work. reading that was supplied by the who the lil'lilSh' lompin- Mining develops that there 'will be estab- House in the last halt-hour of the lodoliumun holds its moorings hort: lished in association with it a cus- session. this '.1,i.1rti.',r!' tlif'finturio C'rovorrement "in smelter and refinery for the The Government also had to dis- in". take m.- VlsttinK mining men on P (iv/iii/e' where the small miner the those of numerous order paper ques- 11t")'/rv:.ri..'r". tour of the ?forth Coun- r h v not have i'uiiiiiiGi ore tions and to file returns on several xi}. own-mg and explaining to them i, ..r,",i"gil" 0, ma'. ert orma not have Opposition inquiries. 1.'1"t.l1..';1,> wealth of that land. The; on s 0."? T'll, 'SJ, the l osi€ion tom will he on sin-h a! scale. that from I igeaczguivayo if; mine h1isogre and 1?H'th l? lur- N} (l i. tpai F; .'. sl . it ' . . r'rriirlirysrl l t t Calll.ct will be ' ship it in small or large quantities lt )de in vii .sluT"tcty!l that " tom' i'to a t'.ustom smelter: 19}?tair(11 payanteirjlg "l Nscs "illilll'lvv should also he ar-lfor his ore when de "are a? 172."qu Itil' lilt'nllil'l's or tho llegisla- l money go back to keep opening up lill'l'. l'v'r-uzn-r l-'vrtruson. noting that i his mining wealth. l It" trip in w-num-iion with the Frsd-!' , eruiion'y so-ssllili would in a costly: Red-Letter Day of Futurt. . ' A (mo and that tht. flrsrrrtuttrtont might "When that accomplishment IS': not mom l rumm- expenditure for, achieved." declared Mr. MoCrea.' tho lo uislmm- members a wise move,' "the Government feels that it Wlii' promised that thr suggestion Wt s he- be one of the big red-letter days! xiii: wrmusli' considered. If such a in the history ot mining in the! l/lr'.,.')',",: at "ll. posmlilc, ho statvd the Province." . . I l' i-it'l'illllt m, would be glad to under- Mr. McCrea, in his Opening" re-; It," 1., and w~uld sr-t a date and ad- marks, pointed out that, while the; ' Ht": thr, immlmm of the House. revenue from the mines of the; Mrmlwr Ade. Question. Province during 1926bn101W 83002113: 3 I I " . eve 1a t .lt'ho .'i.'lllhlllit'i?lli('lli of the proposed :ggbgggyonogt' ;,:tv::5woueid bring the! excuswu of tho T. & N.O. into or "i "("12 u CiilllC when R. F. Miller (l..ib- tst/Luo',' to the 19215 figure, of $87, I _ crv,i.. iinldinmmll drew the attention "' ' ' . I _ - ll of tho l'nunioi' to a report in The He showed] anztalg'lde Chil::gefromi . Moire Mullllu' that the railway was currency "In" d a er had been 1 in 1... extended toward James Hay 1i,1Jef too gto ". unforpul'ie demand for i in Muy, Irl' :15: soon as the weather Celt, 'n "gum lessened I "hour-d up. He wondered if it Was: silver hag 'hetnd,'i'lr,'l,'il'ines, revenue ttrivisurtlo for the Government to; Ar? 192i t e mounted to $537 899, iiialu-tiwlrze expenditures in such ring 2,o1',n0,ian/1', 31m $327 000 in iiriii I m Cl' : il' ' ' . . /'/.C,',y//1'r,' 1|er possibilities for (10-! This tevitltr.tc.ed. marked "05:55:; \')(-lnpnwxii in that North Country.i said the M,2e,t/,','i,ifldl"Tt"l" 35:13" hrmmm- Hisrquson declared that the; had been reg,",',,",',') [Si th wa of ::I)\'('l"l}n10lll certainly thought it wise l Pg 2etdheex7eonvl1cuereel e y o Mist the extension of the T. &; ellen H. . I..,' ' if". "Warmly 1110!. build all the way I 831th 2eui',tta/ittf1, gigging: '1"iti),"tf',' 6t .unu-s ay this your," said he.': in n r. . 7 _ 'i,'g.ll1, j! corp?"".?:?,),", ryttiot! can "i i,et,i,,vtct'icephr1ae,1t 1"fo"gl. _ b '. - e "mphasimad that thel a"; mining. industry was greater. in usiness that would develop would' " ortion than the wrowth of the take care of the costs and overhead '/jion','f'nT,1 itself " Ot' the line. "As soon as the season Dom . opens," he added, "steps will be taken to construct this line."