In r}Aa\, Ape-il ij,' k'" 1 3;". _ _ T" "rtteTrr- .' i F' . Value of new". i _ - - f": The Minister "who at length on ' ii been given power to guarantee bonds . '."s'L' the dairy industry. stating that it i' for municipal work up to the maxi- V represented an aggregate annual r mum of $100,000. The Minister did Value in the neighborhood of $100.- not state definitely whether or not , 000,000. He emphasized that the (the Government proposed further United States market Was becoming iguarantoes of bond issues. but. intiu more and more favorable to Ontario {mated that application for such guar-i , producers. There was a real de- antees would receive t'otosidrr;ttion, l, . mand in tho Eastern States for On.. i 1 tario products, and the Minister saw (Kai"tskttssitw Lots. . -"---- the day when the United States l fl ,lrirrcr t f ., tt' seir,c. . . tariff would he lowered. to the bene- I It [9.1], ii"; (r PM"? _/ll". {HR .1": Hon. J. S. Martin Dlscusses fit of Ontario dairymen. is, A Ct H'f'" me 'yve't'llrrl'-' at 1""? . . . heating with farm loans he (y? """"'.""' .cr'llin,v,' "Wm" lun" 1" Conditions on Foreign Stiller! that more than $14,000,000 ,1}","351'."S,"'".','3.','"""mm'.""'i'""'}"" has been paid out to the farmers of H." Kim" (Y it"."".l'".mh.m (CU-Inn" y Markets the Province under the Agricultural Iet1i,.yi' "",1"r't:r't,"/y,t With in]: It'" I)rsvololsmont Board. The administra- 'ZI'IZ'IfM" Cry Ili-':? lo 1"." t't'rs. tion had been along safe lines and 1i,oj,j'/y/i,r/i:: hf] soiil IO ""3 I"'.'"" i SOLUTION TO BE $00tmTit,,h,.ti/.', had been no losses to the 1l,'i"y,' tr, .1" My)" MW" "RMu"'W;rli!,r;' . Province. while the farmers had 5'31"," "9"" . . ----- been distinctly benefited. Ii "WW" "outwit {longed (up the l IH"lll,'iilniti2 III]"":1I""\' 'Y in. linings... 'A serious situation faced by the Popularity or Poultry. l ition. Marin]: it: returns would in: i bacon industry in Ontario Was As for the poultry industry, the' 'mail!" to tiit- individual questionei's. Minister stated the total poultry t -. . . r." brought to the attention of the stock of the Province now aggregat- A N" "mm" , Legislature yesterday when Hon. ed approximately $18,000,000. The Mr. r'srrciirrrr. i'w'i Mr .\iiiltr tim' John S. Martin. Minister of Agricul- brooding y, stock J5iH.trtty.lily. im- a, mu iti"-il';' of ("drum {or llrt': ill tu ' k proving. a rig actor in this being the 5-minute " tr,,, i'rttx'inir- is in re T1u.m.ed his review of the tho distribution of eggs through .-.mmir-rt»':t' ni't'liri"'ii;ttt: It wiii wr- affairs of his department. school fairs. Last year 13,787 dozen . 01., _ I . _,),",.'.', id v.1; ment "At the present time," he said, "the t"e,Ul.u for hatching and 4,795 baby may .caid he, " story O Lt L m bacon industry is assin throu h 'a chicks were distributed. "Mm" thun dates and (vents' He ver critical J, p P lg "h', William Newman (Liberal. North Irrrsforrssd 3101 to My at thehiiioment y sage. rces on e Victoria) pleaded the case of the who "I"; (hn authors ot t IS new British market have been out of line dairy inspectors, who, he said. were whim"; -..' " with prices in the United States. underpaid. They should get, he H"- Cr, i1,1s'1"/,v/'t1fe'r,'tui'lgiry'foeu/) " cuntcntled. at least 1,800 er ear Iil'irts) W" " 1m." ". " l - Packers have had to pay here prices instead of the $1,1603now paid thyemi. "papa at the Jis-mnptvillo Agricultural in line with those in the States and Mr. Martin, in reply, said the Gov- sultan! at ." salary of 31.500 a year, to accept the lower prices prevail- eminent realized that something was dismissed last December 7 be- ing in Britain for the ftnished article. would have to he done to give these "W" of "itL'tirrs PH rtic-ipation in.the Th it h . b h 1 officials "a living wage." wirrrtion '-urnrrtign." He was given e resul. as een eavy os"." to A. H. Acres (Conservative. Carle- no peurwtituslar notice, but 109 at the the men in this end of the business. ton) spoke briefly to the estimates, out] of the month. . They have been accepting these following which they passed Com.. l " dro \llv losses in order to hold the position mittee of Sunniv. _ u: '/i,is"cC',,., told Mi' Haney that that has been won in the British I i it has ruth'i difficult tn get certain market. This naturally cannot go on , information on Hydro activities that I indefinitely. On the other hand, the l s',,",",.'-' Progressive Leader had request- l, ' United States market calls more for { "in-, H/sro ,, said the Premier. the fat hog than the bacon type. If MOUNTS 3 "takes the position that it is a mu- the price is to be fixed on the fat i nioipril organization, and that--" i hog, then grading is neutralized to l on is "one of our business," inter- _ a considerable extent. This is no ! jectod Mr. Haney. passing phase. but it lean important l . _! "It-s." said the Premier. He added or": at the present time and ls: I :hnt, after ciorisirierable. discussion, he 'e'lle?'mmtu/e/yi",1e/g. ,t,o those inter- , bud persuaded the Hydro officials to . . . "r------- t h, he information required . i "Oii'llp t . , Will Seek Solution. . . . and it would be given to the House. In an attempt to find some solu- Question in House Regarding) _ in W extraordinary." said Mr. tion for the situation, said the Min- Winner, "that an organization under ' ister. packers and agricultural men ' County House of i 'this Hrwernnient should adopt the would meet in Ottawa on April 22. Refu e i :ittitiitie that it does not have to (ac-f "The whole matter will be thrashed g t mum to this Legislature." He, ' out then," he said. "but we hope ""----- i thought that the Hydro should aban- there will be no interference with don sin-i. (in attitude. Ellie 'l/J,',',",,"?,'.',", that has been made in LAND IN KAPUSKAS'NGi e ndustry." . i In resuming his review of the l agricultural affairs of the. Province, An who of the statements of lion. ! Mr. Martin referred to developments l; . ' . . . . I in alfalfa growing. Four years ago .aint-s Lyons. regarding the amount Ontario was importing 30.000 bush- of "WWW rettived by Hon. E. Ci e113 ia yogirhtm-D seed purposes. On lirury as Premier of Ontario, camel atvce o t e epartment of Agri- intb-Ii g. 'ftC' ... . . . . vl ' culture farmers took up the produc- ' C. oust Hernia}. when "ov/n- i tion. with the result that Ontario is vial Treasurer Monteith, answering; now producing 100,000 to 125,000 a question by Mr. Lyons, detailed the '; bushels of sturdy alfalfa seed l Near. various payments to Mi. Drury. l, and the. myyiyct.iort wat, steadily it?- Mr. Drury, said he, was allowed a} creasmg. And, in addition, Ontario salary of $12,000 per annum. In! _ exported about 65,000 bushels last 192;: he received $9,000 in payments) year. of $375 on fifteenth and last day of! Warfare on Corn-Borer. each month. From Oct. 31, 1922, tin-1' . . . liiiv 15, "422. when the )reseit Mr. Mart ferr ; vi 'c. 1py . .-. I l in the t0l)8tl'go 'i"rirJifc1'v.tire"1','igpig Lgirernment took office, he was paid the members that, while this in- F,'oi00, dustry. was offsetting the growing ot Return Tabled. corn in 1vestern Ontario, the de- . partment was not slowing up in its . Mr. Muiitcith tabled a return show- warfare on the corn-borer. The to- int; the amounts paid to Mr. Drury bacco industry was spreading, he in that period, and the days of pay- r said, into the Niagara Peninsula. "yy... . ' i He noted that there were 153,000 "It the amount paid him exceeded ' acres in the Province devoted to the amount paid per month in 192'2, potato growing. and on this land on whose instructions was the addi- some 18,000,000 bushels were pro- tional amount paid?" Mr. Lyons duced annually. Six years ago there "SkWL _ ' . . were only 19,000 bushels of certified "tyn Mr. I'l'lll'i's Instructions," ce- / seed available. Last year there were plied the Provincial Treasurer. approximately 200,000 . bushels, Houses of Refuge. amiable. l lion. Lincoln Goldie, Provincial Secretary. answering a question by H. F'. Miller 'Liberal, Haldimand), stated that no per diem allowance was paid by the Government for in.. mates of the county Houses of __ Refuge. To the institutions run by charitable organizations in cities an allowance of 10 cents.a day for each inmate was paid. . 'Ilon. William Finlayson, Minister of Lands and Forests, replying to , P. w. Pearson (Liberal.North York),i stated that the Town of Kapuskasing! had been incorporated under the! Statutes of 1921, while by the Sta-l . tutes of 1924. the Government had F f M---------------.-..-, --_ - _----..-..-.---, .