The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1928, p. 2

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\ » h .\)(SA"A\" \"e..\: 1(\'\\\ Twoelve Rescued. & "The rescue Apparatus sent by & ; ] cnnmils ue ma \ Consumers Gas and Toronto Fire L1 t Department was used on Saturday, 'b | and 12 men found their way out 4 | or were rescued with the aid of this } \ apparatus. . On the arrival of the OF W|NDSOR MP | United States Bureau of Mines res-- a L8 | cue car funday morning an attack 6 | was made on the fire zone, immedi-- , | ate object being to stop the forma-- tion of the dense smoke, which pre-- > vented rescue operations through-- Cl it lin i ceutlceuriereriie ty , n]nt the mine. Up to 12% nvoon Mon-- o wne ncen eelineeciaiientenstacrcags day 29 bodies have been recovered | - and 10 men are still unnccoufltzd WI|80n lnterrupts Attorney- Prooosed Amendment Sets for. Location of the bodies recov-- . _ General and Tilts With ' ered indicates that the majority of j a T welve [Months Instead the men were overcome by carbon Prem|er . k es e monoxide gas while making their O E{ghteen way to the shaft." A on t m oo Sympathy for Sufferers. "ORDER! ORDER'"' ENDS T P "I am sure," the Premier contin-- We ce e OTHER AMEND!NG BlLLS ued. "that I am voicing the sentiment cuiccincioes se of this House and of the people of They didn't exactly sit on Krank f \','"];."];l in ('xm'cssinx: S,\'mpath,\' to w . \V"SOU.S "l)eel'-\)y-t.hc-glass" A bill to ZHHG'fl(l the Succession l"lh;1'1(\';:';:}l:l'i(::dnlfl;:'i(;n':\(\'ne'l'](l;.?' met such resolution yesterday, but they at I?"}:(\S..A'(.t:':!,""1'.:'".0.\:d,xn!,;, fm; nh1t'u; iig noted in pasfing thati the !cu'it'knockefll some of the froth off <11.(\.t' changes, was ]I'XUV_')H\I('.& in th tragedy bhad stirred up very consider-- it. What sitting was done was done Legislature by Provincial Treasurer able interest in the whole mining on Mr. Wilson, with Premier Fer-- Monteith yesterday afternoon. situation guson and Hon. W. D. Black, The proposed -- amendment . sets * x / o 3 » [). & ad I 1 s "There was remarkable heroism Speaker of the Mouse, in th8 jpo time for duties due. at twelve on the part of the underground heavyweight roles. e e paizeae y e men," -- he continued. *"Pont and |,, It happened this way. Attorney-- months, instead of eighteen, as un Graham going down into the mine-- General Price was in the act of mov. ; {der the present act, and it proposes and down again, at the risk of their t:i:--zx\\tlll:itl] lt\'::il:.,g X%F: b]?:::f \({-?1'131.3: also a 6 per cent. interest rate, in-- + y ives cacrne ip » .A ® 1s & resuscitated. jack--in--the--box fashion. The House If such changes were enforced, said '"The Toronto fire relief organiza-- gawped. The Attorney--General hesi-- Dr. Monteith, they would not be a tion was the first to perform real re-- t.dt'-'d' \I '(lor'\ t want to break in, bardship on any one. The change to lief work. Then the promptitude bmll'e'.l Al\ Wilson, but he kept right twe've months would facilitate the with which our friends on the Ameri-- 2:t d)(l)t:\(']r'l\mg. The Attorney--General handling of r-st;nlr,-T. "1".10 proposed can side respc d to itles | *' * amendnient also embodies a move to c nem to the 'P'.'f{';?nt(,stt';zel.:f-,ltlua';";':; The House buszed. Mr. Wilson kept do away with dual taxation. It pro-- thanks of this whole country. These C T. brea}(ing the news. It was all \poses a reciprocity betWeen Ontario men have done worthy service. about his resolution. Of course he and Quebec or other Provinces pass-- & didn't want to press for an immedi-- ing the same legislation, to avoid Thorough Probe. ate ruling on it. Oh, no! He just duplication of taxation on estates. "This all points to the necessity 'f"*'"',t"'] some unde.rstanding.on itse The proposed amendment is the re-- of a thorough investigation into the :"]':'J'e,';t"?:'\t\te\i'i-' 1'?'?::1})](')1:'(:21 s:l'dt \;';:2 sult of interprovincial conferences. l anse nt 2 +raRre s 7 'tance"' to Clkg < whe $ and an organization that is un-- ago he had had a resolution of his Dr. Monteith s.lso'xntr(.;dl,!'\'('(l a bill > equalled by anything in the world. held over until the dying h(:)urs 0~f to amend the Mothers Allowance That is the testimony of practical the House, flnd then . sandbagged, . ACt. ,""' changs "."""""]'f"'"'. thfl:.t"'{: inining . men who investigated . our and he 'dl(}' want the same fate to years' residance in Ontario, ;'nmtr.:l't. conditions, inquired into our service. befall hx.s beer--by--the--glass bld.' nf'zv.'o years in Canada, be the re-- MUr. Sutherland is an outstanding AAt this junc@ure._ Px'e'r}flm' _I'er- (llx;l'("'-la('l]t' m » 3 man at the head of the service. The suson stepped in with: The ion-- A bill to .am'('nd the 1 ub}mxlloql'th local inspector, Mr. Cole, is one of ora ble gentleman can ask a ques-- Act _w.-:f'alb_o 11111~U(1'L3u-0(.1 by the lno.i the hpst'mcn \\"c have. * tion, but '1'1e is not entitled to make "rm(-m] The o})J_ec:t 'o.f this | "There are a number Of ways an & '.sipoech. #® oy is--to grant power to {numcnm!xtlgs 'of investisation might: be carried on. is Then:' Mr. Speaker," appealed Mr. over 190,(')00 pupulnuon t_o chdr'ge d}) Under the Mining Act a Coroner "1.1'6()11. 1'nay I as.lf for a ruling." o0 capita'! 'em.)e.ns?s nec-- has authority to carry on an inves-- c:i f.;rder. Order!" some members ?;'sgrygéghth& D:,f}]l;:;lrr;flrén:,r-::]ggi.fig tigation. Under other cireumstances CCas tA 'A1 gglls'ay res n ic s the Chief Mine Inspector _ might Presses for Ruling. en tha,t, .prece.d."bha, o y (Q?ns,tf,::t carry on an inquiry. 'Then there is "I will press 2e unfines'" «6t tion prograim, sUC as sewase e o the _ Fire Marshal's Department. 4 "';'}' press for a ruling, said eitc. The 1(103 is to m.nke.posmlflo a Then there is a fourth method of a 'II:'. iIson. is more thor()_\u:h. investigation for 't'he Hoval Commission. y .'\ll l_ can say, declared the: sake of sanitation and public health. 3 Prime Minister, "is that the business | taili Other Acts To Take Prompt Steps. & of the Government takes precedence. | "\""_"d"""" Lrcr (AC16s iz > "But until we have full reports I am n_nt prepared to say when the | Bxll:s to amend the :'\len:(-xpnllit,pa from the officials, we are unable to l'esoluuo'n will be »called." Act, the ]'()'L';'ll lYn[H'()\'clnCl'lL..'.\ct alml say what the nature and the scope Mr. Wilson refused to budge. lie the Bulk Sales Act were m:'xodu'c?'d of -- the investigation should -- be. appealed to the Speaker. He got little l.)y Attorn.ey-beneml 1--'1 1'(.'6.1 I.l:e. fna't Frankly, I doubt if it is proper to co:'*..fl('.eratinn there. is to provide for the 1)(1_\:11%'o;1nt'<;1- 'carry on an inquiry through the}| ;. 'The honorable member is en-- . ©St iN compensation l)roceedl'n,,_s.'lle Mincs Branch, for they are respon-- titled to ask a question," said Mr. second is to allow A 09rl)t)10119n't? sible to some degree for inspection. Speaker. "He has asked, it. 'The: 2S8U!N} more of the cost of ans ,Dd{('] But we will, at the earliest possible Prime -- Minister has answered it. ticular work than it on.m:uxl.\ "0? date, take prompt steps to make an That ends the matter for today." where a general by--law has not heeh inquiry." i\ "But," argued Mr. Wilson--and passed, applying to work of certain several more "buts." character + Mr. Speaker grew vexed. "The Under the suggested amendment a honorable member," he said, "is en-- corporation might, in the case of':\ll tirely out of order. This question will old -- Provincial highway running not be called today." C + through the community, assume & "Mr. Speaker," pleaded Mr. Wil. som of the cost that would be fixed son. to abutting land. A ¥ "Order, please!" came the Speak-- The 1)1'01')05(\1 (jhange in the Bulk er's reply. Sales Act is to give &A Junior Judge, . _ _"But may I have a ruling?" as well as a Semor 'J'udge. the righnt i That ended the argument. Ended . !t0 appoint a trustee 1 the vendor has Mr. Wilson for the afternoon, too. not appointed one. o or Dans He slippéed outside the Chamber Hon. Willham Finlayson )es~c1da'y where it wasn't quite so warm. The brought in a bill to provide he nso: Tiouse got down to business. "Beer-- |CHS4LY legislation in regard. c on ' by--the--glass'"' had lost a bit of its _ tario's part in the power de\glupmeqt "Kkick." on the English River. His bill is entitled: '"An act respecting the Lac Seul storage."'

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