This bill would reduce the time within which duty is payable from 18 to 12 months, and would increase the rate of interest from 5 to 6 per cent, In addition, it provides for '@ciprocity between Ontario and any her Province of the Dominion or te of the Union desiring it in tax-- .ton Oof intangible personal prop-- y. atiafactory Now. Mr. Sinclair claimed that the act ha its present form was very sat-- isfactory, and that he could see no justification -- for the proposed chaunges. There were a good many estimates, he maintained, which could not be settled in less than 18 months. Nor did he see any neces-- sity for raising the interest rate, es-- pocially when solicitors and others connected with the winding up of estates were just getting accustomed to it. in spite of the Provincial Treasurer's assertions that the chenge constituted "no hardships," he failed to see thom in any other light save "Impositions." it." When Hon. Dr. Monteith re-- mained silent, Mr,. Sinclair inferred that the Government might have had an eye cocked toward "a large surplus'"' when it drafted the mea-- sure. "All in the Window." "'The Treasurer," said Mr. Sinclair, "may have some other reason for the bill than he has given in this House. If so, we would like to hear Mr. Sinclair suggested that the Government wouldn't get very far with its reciprocity idea. "It's like the university biX," he said. "It's all in the window, but with no goods BSehind i. It's all right to talk re-- ciprocity when there's no one to talk It to. Probably, it's just as I stated yvesterday. The Government has nothing much to do, but it has to think of something, so this act was as good as anything to bring in." JUST SOMETHING TO DO "We'l1 get a lot farther with this reciprocity," he flung at Mr. Sin-- clair, "than you people did with yours in 1911." 5 ~While it was admitted from the Government benches that Nova Sceotia was the only Province at the present time with which Ontario had "a working arrangement," Attorney-- General Price was optimistic for the future. In the Legislature yesterday Lib-- eral Leader Sinclair turned the guns of his sarcasm on Provincial Treas-- urer Monteith's bill to amend the Buccession Duties Act. The only clause in the new bill which escaped Opposition fire was that providing that all insurance pol-- lcies of $1.000 or under, with the consent of the Treasurer, be paid over to the beneficiary without wait-- | ing for a settlement of the estate. succession Bit. _ MARTIN Ts QUERIED is unnEcessary, _ ONCATILE TESMNCG Sees No Justification-- for | Changes Proposed by Monteith In addition to giving second read-- ing to this bill, the House gave fur-- ther impetus to some half--dozen other measures. Acts to amend the Bulk Sales Act, the Mothers' Allow-- grces Act and the Local Improve-- ment Act were given second reading, while acts to amend the Trustee Act and the Municipal Act passed Com-- mittee of the Whole House. CLAIMS SINCLATR \ huvséavy '"This is a big question and I doubt if { can answer it at the present mo-- ment," replied Mr. Martin. '"There is a cleavage in opinion on tubercular tests." '"'The test we have at present is the enly safe way to detect tubercu-- losis in cattie. In the West they breed cattle for their meat, here we specializ> in milk, and our dairymen realize tuberculosis can be carried through milk. They would not add one animal to their herds that had not been tested for tuberculosis, and unless they received a certificate from the Ottawa Government.: "Getting Ready." "It is coming to the point where ; there is going to be the absolute de--| mand by the villages, towns and | cities all over the Province that they' be given no milk unless it comes from T. B. tested animals. We are simply getting ready. It is not as serious as the article points out. '"We co--operate with the Ottawa | Government," said Mr. Martin. '"'The nlan is to set aside an area netween the Ottawa and the St. Lawrence Rivers and proceed with this early this spring. On the other side they are demanding any milk we shiyp them must be T.B. tested. a speecn, he finally put a query to Mr., Martin, Any Information? 'My question," he said, "is if, in the absen«s of any change of policy in the Federal Department or On-- tario Department, the department has any information on this subject that the general public has not, be-- cause this is a very definite pro-- nouncement which looks like a suc-- cess," Present System and Policy Until New T. B. Treat-- _ ment Perfected "Our Veterinary College at Guelph is looking over evervthing. Until this process is established I think that the policy of our department is to continue along present lines." Ontario officials, said he, had in-- vestigated the new method, but they were not prepared to state it could do al} that was claimed for it. '"'Tney send their inspectors and do the actual inspecting. We look after the transportation and assist in or-- ganizing the campaign. Recently we cleaned up Prince Edward County. It was not a serious matter. There they ha? 25,000 head of cattle. It is a T.B, free area. The loss was only between 2 and 3 per cent. PROVINCE--WIDE DEMAND eRA oys e P. W. Pearson (Liberal, North rk) asks, through the House order That until new treatment of bo-- z:pe:. the amount received by the vine tuberculosis is perfected and es-- Liquor Control Board up to Oct,. 31, tablished, the Ontario Department 1927, from the sale of beer, ale, wine of Agriculture will maintain its pres-- and spirituous Hquors, ent system and policy, was the state-- How Many Convictions? ment of Hon. John 8. Martin in the K. H. Kemp (Progressive, Lin-- Legislature yesterday afternoon. coln} asks how man y ('om'mtmnfi 'The subject was broached by J, there were agair}st. dnvers of .m"tf'.' W. Widdifield (Progressive, North vebicles for driving while intoxi-- Ontario), who _ referred to two}|cated (1) for the six months ontlixln;: articles in The Globe on the subjféct| April 30, 1927;, (2) for cix ',""f"_l:'; of tests of tubercular cattle, one @nding Oct. 31, 1027. He also asks telling of a new treatment which | in how many instances (}nrmgh'the;: was said to be of great value. | twao gix--month periods Wole o d'rtfi'l:- Mr. Widdifie'd started reading the 1laid for the offense of drnm,','\) > articles and adding a few remarks, INtoxicated in which there were no but undar nrAafacte fram tha Iara.2..:a. l convictions, Mr. Widdifie'd started reading the articles and adding a few remarks, bui under protests from the Premier of '"What is the point?" and orders from the Speaker that he was en-- titled to ask a question, but not make That until new treatment of bo-- vine tuberculosis is perfected and es-- tablished, the Ontario Department of Agriculture will maintain its pres-- ent system and policy, was the state-- ment of Hon. John 8. Martin in the Le:_g_islatm_'e_ yesterday afternoon. IN ONTARIO HOUSE I 6 Lincoln: M.P.P. Wants to Know Number of Drunken-- Driver Convictions REVENUE FROM HUNTERS Opposition members continue their interrogation of the Govern-- ment on matters pertaining to the Liquor Control Act and its adminis-- tration, 'Mr. Lethbridge Counters Gibe of Delivering Same Address IORE QUERIES MADE ON LIQUOR BUSINESS MR. FERGUSON 'SPOKE WEKEK BEFORE HK DDD In another field of inquiry, Mr. Kemp asks the amount of revenue received by the Government from the issue of hunters' licenses in Lin-- coln and Welland Counties for the year 1926; what was the amount received from fines for violations of the Game and Fish Protection Act in these counties for the same year; and what amount was expended by the Treasury in enforcing the act. Roevision of Rules. '"Is it not a fact," he asked the ; Fiouse, '""'that in 1922 The Telegram; published a speech of the Premier's ) which hbe intended to deliver--but! which wasn't delivered until the fol-- lowing week? If mine was a little} stale, his was even more so." I Aurelion Belanger (Tiberal, Rus-- sell) has given notice of a resolution calling for the appointment by the House of a committee to revise the rules of procedure of the Assembly, and to report back before the close of the present session. J. G. Lethbridge, Progressive Leader in the Legislature, yesterday afternoon grasped an opportunity that he had missed on the previous day for twitting the Prime Minister. On Tuesday when the Progressive Leader rose to speak, Mr. Fer.g,'uson.i noting that an evening paper ailready' carried a report of his speech, in-- quired if the honorable member in--: tended delivering the same address| that he had already delivered earlier{ 'n the day. Opportunity Lost. § Mr. Lethboridge, apparently discon-- certed, passed up a golden oppor-- tunity of hoisting the Premier with his own petard,. and glossed over the situation with a remark about such things happening before. Bui 'yésterday afternoon -- he} brought back the moment of oppor-- tunity. Happy, confident, he rose,| before the orders of the day woere' called, and referred to a morning newspaper account of the Tuesday| situation I Then he paused, smiled the smile of a conqueror--and spoke. Even Staler. "T'd like to have that verified," retorted Mr,. Ferguson. laughing.