The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Feb 1928, p. 1

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T U y day, e :1~¥.1 I ! | | SKETCHES BENEFITS | _ FOR BUVING LIQUOR s R | i in House Deputation Protesting Pro--| Questions Answered "3' c ' § A """'F 5# e posed Amendments Is Re-- --Sevent Fm'g:.'{fis Ove orecasts Freer Flow of assured by Premier _ o Capital, Abo.iition of Mui-- _--__--__-- | ts fect aside % * iess S nmnipuie i netanA. d The Ontario Government set a:s t|p|e Taxatmn Premier P mg.u\son yesterday as-- $500,000 out of consolidated revenue sured a deputation of Toronto and| "°°°" s and for 4 test $ 5 A for the purchase of liquor and 10 Hamilton civic officials which wait-- c s of the Liquor Control REC'PROCAL LEG'SLATION ed on him and Attorney--General %thenlpyurpose # Wnn ooo cwmmmesss Price to protest against some of the oarg s tay 'EKLEYs 5 :nncmlm(-'nts to the Assessment Act This the House was ."fm uo Stating' that the Government's proposed this session that the legis--| day afternoon, when Ministers took amendment to the Sucdcession Duty lation would not be put through un--| ina occasion to answer five of the Act would, if enacted, bring about. !il all points had been satisfactorily | questions filed by the Opposition. extensive financial benefits for On-- seitied. | The members were given the fol-- tario, Hon. Dr. Monteith, Provincial _ Experts at Work, A lowing informatio : Treasurer, deline: f sals "We have had experts working on % of the am ]ne'ltml .th\e PUQE O q.lq' this from time to time," said the Twenty--three Peoplc." 7 amendment when the bill | prime Minister, "and we don't want Seven heads of families, that com-- c me befor= the House in commit--| to be attacking it constantly. We| prised twenty--three people in all, tee yesterday afternoon. i want to get an act that will give! have been moved to Northern Qn- He forecast that under this legis--| S@neral satisfaction,. . We want 10| tario under _ the §e'tt1§r-txl"'fxn:'fc«i!: I@tion the benef: tm ""~ | have a sane, sound system of assess=| scheme of the Lands an orrsts e 1efit aceruing to the | mont, and that is vital to our Prov--|_ Department. * Province would be as follows: ince. . What we are trying to do is to The Queenston-ChivDil"'fl !lld""' '"Removal of restrictions on the find the best thing that can be done Electric power develop_nu.-nt is not free flow of capital into the Prov--: --and then stick to that." completed yet. though it is complete ince; saving of money to the tax-- "Unworkable" was the detfinition so far as the units at the plant are payer in experses of administering Eiven by the deputation to certain concerned. . Others, may «be f"""'f' estates; facilitating quick transfer of amendments proposed. from time to time. The '""il 4. assets, therechy allowing the execu-- Assistant City Solicitor Colquhoun, penditure thereon up to Oct. 81. tor to take advantage of market con-- Toronto, claimed that the provision 1927, has been 576.101.900. A total ditions; the abolition of multiple tax--| for the return of the tax collector's| of 550,000 horsepower is produced. ation by more than one jurisdiction | rolls within 30 days was "physically In the last issue of The Ontario on the same assets; increased rev-- | | impossible." Also impossible, he| |Gazette 1,350 copies were pui)llsl'-'?d-} enue from incorporation of new com--| Ssaid, was the proposal to add the '\The number printed varies ac'cordj panied in Ohtario; increased revenue | . arrears of taxes to the rolls. \ing to requirements. The cost Of from transfers of stock." | '"'There were," he said,, "1,500 | publication in the last fiscal year "(.1.4, Such benefits, said he., would be parcels of Jand up for sale of taxes 1|$6,534, while the revenue Wwas $19,-- | the result chiefly of the amend-- last time. We have to search the '}200. 'monl's aim to avoid duplication in titles, and only 300 of them were | MacRride's Duties,. lu:\'ation,' sold. \\'e hn."l that it takes time to | M. M. MacBride is a traffic super-- ' A subject that had been frequent-- | search titles. ;\.;_.',. 1 on the Provincial highways ly discussed in past years by Prov-- |_ From City Solicitor Waddel! of 9"-"§{¢m [~{=< duty is to co-'»pcmh': inces and States was the element in | Hamilton the claim was advanced lib?'h'l muni:;iD"' authorities in con-- the system of inheritance taxation, |that taxing 'of business income tax | "?ik'-zlion with the administration of found in general practice. whereby | would just mean the doubling of the| ilfl'{; Higshway Traffic Act and to fur-- personal property, not only of resi-- |assessment on industries, and would ; ;thp'r the a(foption of traffic regula-- dents of the Province or State, but: |prove a hardship, already antici--| |}; . as sponsored, b¥y th~ "~nart-- of nmon--residents, was taxed. | pated by the manufacturers. In an--; %"('"St m'spsai,u\, is $3.004 n yvear. Taxation Duplication :swor to Premier Ferguson, he ex--| Lmeli+ * pressed the view that the whole} This, it was felt, meant wide du--| |thing was "rural machinery applied f plication of the taxation of such in-- ' |to urban centres." : tangible personal property as stocks s f * and bonds, and interfered with the| Says Public.Opposed, ' free flow of capital. Trust com-i Firance Commissioner Ross criti-- panies had advised clients with large|, cized the suggestion for collecting | sums to invest to avoid investments| arrears of taxes, saying that the in places where they were liable to general public was opposed _ to multiple inheritance taxation. bailiffs' methods of collection. His A suggested solution for the situ-- opinion, with others, was that the \ation was reciprocal legislation to present act had worked well since | aave alp stocks and honds taxed only its inception and that it was best to 8 at the place of domicile of the de-- leave it alone 6 ceased. The deputation consisted of the Mayor and Board of Control of To-- Little Cut i_" Revenue. ronto, Assistant City Clerk James The Provincial Treasurer felt that Somers, Finance Commissioner G the legislation would not mean any H. Ross, Assessment Commissioner tangible reduction in the Province's Forman, Board of Control of Ham-- revenue from taxation, and, on the ilton, City Solicitor Waddell, Assist-- other hand. it was "going to turn ant Commissioner Roberts of Ham-- thc_ eyes of those States toward On-- ilton,. and representatives of the tario.' C.M.A. of Hamilton. Following the Minister's statement, the committee passed the bill with ibUt a n;inor change, to clarify the ntent of one subsection. The eagle PBE | Eye of Ayrelien Belanger (Liberal, Criticism by Member Russe_]l)' spotted some confusion in Answered by Belanger the wording of a clause. and the W. G. Marti + 'Vvativ Government adopted his suggestion tor Brantt a'xtm.u(,'nns?l\atne ALP.P. and straightened it out. | 1y & m'd. Was taken No task yes-- terd'ng'-laftollnoon by Aurelien Belan-- 3 % ger, Liberal member for Prescott. Thr;:e Bills Introduced I j l\(gr. Rel.;mger corrected the Brant-- s # t ord member's impression of a state-- or Hamxlton and Londo" ment he had made on the bilingual Three bills, all to amend the Mu-- question. nicipal Act, were introduced in the 1\lIr. .\Iall;tin had criticized the Lib Legisl j °_ oral member on the grounds that he f Th:y '::::: brzlexs'tle:d'ay iilfternoon. had said English immigrants -- were ght in by private 'mleoted with the virus of commun-- members, two of them portaining to ism. _ Yesterday Mr. Belanger pro-- Hamilton, one to London. The Ham--' tested. He had not, said he, classi-- ilton bills have to do with restricted ied English immigrants as Com-- | areas, and the providing of the legis-- munists,. '"What I did say," he de-- lation necessary for municipal ex-- clared, "was that the French--Cana-- tension work. The London bill has to dian citizen of Ontario was better do with the providing.of funds for assimflated to the requirements of | the entertainment of distinguished | Ontario than those immigrants--not visitors. the class, but those infected with the . + virus of communism.'"' |

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