The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1928, p. 3

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' # & F "."--\ wee*~ ' 9 ' | 2 € ; ; r4 Dr. i. A. McQuibban Refers 'Consideration Promised Plea to Compensation Board _ for Highway Extension Problem at Durham Suggestions regarding the treatment ('i'l"vii)t'rll tx:;:vt(n)xgm.ifix Gor;g;lrg}](t)'z;dsatAsacl); of hernia, which were .madc in Tues-- mj'_-m'l'u u;m\' "Qucm.s Park is fairly day's debate in the Legislature, by Dr. bosieged with deputations. They come G A. McQuibban, Liberal member for from _north, east and west, and they Northeast Wellington, were termed by ;lr"' 8'1'~t{21§111:;;1\1;l&'-'o"fi'l' dsfilggm%}imgx}fi § % vri o Ster 0 8 aVys, C I » fgep,,',%gtFfi;;";fign;,fifi"?f{(',flgh?}filq-"" tf;fd' Finlayson and his Northern Develop-- F A ; ment Branch aittle rest. Roads, roads, now, it is understood, are receiving the Mess s their battle cr serious consideration of the Depart-- r(xll'T)'re«;(r»llllta'ftilohn" svere made o ' MH ment of Health :'.uthm"xtl'ns. s f }I('fulx'l\' $y 'a 'Crey County deputation The question of hernia developed by resterday . for & 35--mile extention of workmen in the course of their indus-- i"(x;te%xf:){'ix;:i'll hiéh'w'w from Durham ;',fi,'\. l";fi?;; i?:" ms.Qvlyg,g-a,::ort%l%om? to y:snmhanmton. The deputation asked .'"'i- B C d'l, h thought So far immediate action, but Mr. Henry only 1 k Ooo Oenl Toh thought. romised consideration, particularly in it has not been included in the com-- P w of the fact iat the CGovernment pensation list. The determination of ;1": d' ::)lx'c a' wl "d('m'o" 'Considerable Toad Mese cases mhien me arecuy ou: to) vork in This Slarict in linking Owen t mrepd (:.ases o o A C [ chon du,e io. Sound and _ Collingwood. With 'the goh Dt ilman's . Jabor -- is contentions, ever--mounting boom in tourist traffic, Snine Cases occur suddenly and others the extension proposed would, the are Ainte Or less gradual, doputation argued, mean much to the "Some argument kas been ndvanccc{ Province as to the predisposition and gradua rTam _ * a deputation Cioolls prriomns ofinis the worke! 1 dgeed: (by -- Gen. --Piaildh® Menenth, Tier Aolelnablons _ He simply knows Chairman of the Suburban Areas Com-- Sn 10 Puddeniy finds himself in a mission, Mayor Andrews and Munici-- serious condition without hope of re-- pal Council, seeking from the de-- lief unless proper measures are insti-- partment some adjustment with regard C ce ainil ho f to the question of maintenance of a In siflicosis the campaign of preven. street one--half of which liee within tlon has been very successful. The same the city and the other half in the can be done with hernia. Medical ex-- county. They asked Mr. Henry for a aminations can be mads. Those cas»s basis of agreement, and he --advised whiel are predisposed and actually in ((12," ,;{, cost of the road be shared progress can be determined. The worl:-- equally. man can be placed at work which is Perth County Roads and Bridges much safer, and treatment given him, Committee, introduced by Hon. Dr. J. D. and in this way the number of cases Monteith, Provincial 'Treasurer, also actually coming to the observation of waited on Mr. Henry, as did a deputa-- the board would be lessened." tion from the Town Council of Kin-- Dr. McQuibban felt that the Compen-- cardine, and Noble Arthur, Reeve of sation Board would find the medical Meaford. Requests, in each case of profession "willing and eager" to co-- purely local character, were assured operate with them in this matter. Cais-- consideration by the Minister. son's disease and silicosis had been in-- Deputations to Mr. Finlayson's of-- cluded in the compensation list, he said. fice were mainly two and three men "I hope," he added, "that all measures affairs asking greater appropriation for have not been exvausted by the CGov-- work of developing Northern Ontario ernment to giw this condition to whit? roads, with special attention to _ be I refer the place it rightfully deserves." paid to the back concessions.

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