The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Feb 1928, p. 2

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TT M ove e e s 7/ es F Y,\c\"AH, \'&L 2. "-.\«lla igher Township Road G y B Higher Township Road Grants : 4 LJ S eepyesina in ane Thte--named Cone Questions Progressive Leader nection thxat Ontario follow Quéebec's, h e on e e e snn ied oc cmnntimmnns ' :t'::ml:;tlgrs est:)bl::l.uegn 'g",f'g';m}ffi",f: That Hon. George S. Henry, Minis--, Mr. Lethbridge wondered if a sugges-- pointed out, "there is a tendency to _cr of Highways, would announce in the| tion in the report really meant that build roads after the settlers has gone near future plans for a more equa1| th¢ Government would raise township in, leaving opportunity for patronage, grants, Such a move, promised 'ghe and discrimination in the building of! distribution of the burden that must Progressive Leader, would meet with these rcads." C be borne in connection with our high--| the support of his followers. Mr. Fletcher suggested that the De-- Ways, was given by Premier Ferguson Mr. Ferguson stated that, while the partment of Agriculture should carry in the Legislature yesterday. policy of relief for sparsely settled on an intensive system of education to The Premier spoke in reply to J. G.| townships remote from the highways teach the grower that quality of product Lethbridge, Progressive Leader, who| had not been definitely laid down, was the first essential. In conclu-- questioned him on a report of his ad--| there would possibly be some announce-- sion he expressed his support for the dress to the Good Roads Association,; ) ment in the near future. Sinclair--Mewhinney amendment before rimeccscicntaturntine atein strntencammen on menanniniaani m ssanes the House, which regrets that the Gov-- (' ernment has made no provision this & J year for old--age pension.s Weed Menace. As next speaker W. G. Medd (Pro-- | gressive, South Huron) opened on a * 4 new topic, the menace of the spread-- ing of weeds confronting the farmer. in fermin on rnrcrmemeen mm tines "Clean Ontario'" and "keep Ontario a clean," said Mr. Medd, urging the Gov-- Leg|3|ature Decks May Be ernment to provide immediate regula-- he in ind in aiy ce colondnicaneg :.ions to eradl;:;t,e thefmelnace by clean-- Cleared for Budget on ng up roadsides, enforcing early cut-- i inrmi ting of weeds on abandoned farms and DeDUtat|0n Before PT'OVInCla' Thursday lots, and starting an educational cam-- n isch. $ paign showing methods of cultivation Secreta'y FaVOTS EStablISh which would in time free the farms i There will be a busy and probably from weeds. Describing the spread-- mg Conva|escent Home hectic week in the OntS;rlo Legislaturé }ng :}i v:'ieeds. he fga;ve sta.tistici show-- Memesspauctumsummen starting next Monday. ng the dangers of farmers sowing un-- Yesterday Premier Ferguson outlined tested seed. CONS'DERAT'ON PROM'SED & lentativg program, a:?d started off legiM? tiMed? Draiseg :lwmprtnsenctn dair}ff mm nlnnnmmamman ez his remarks with a reply to F. W. Wil-- slation in regard to the grading 0 t\ 7 son (Conservative, Windsor East). wi! butter, and advocated that there be The Ontario, Gp\emmgnt. through had wanted to know wlsmg la's' "'b'nl(-) i Hon. Lincolin Goldie, Provincial Secre-- n nhis "beer no changes. It would be a backward tary, was asked yesterday by a large by--the--glass" motion would be consider-- move, said he, to add even a single deputation, representative of nearly °d. Mr. Wilson was not in the House grade more. . 8 every municipality in the Province, to Yesterday, but the Premier, hoping that The speaker suggested a Board Of ectabtisn convalescent institutions for the information would come to his ears, Governors for the Ontario Agricul-- the some thousand patients of mental Stated that the motion would probably tural College to keep this institution OUf institutions, now cured, which it plans come up on Monday or Friday next of politics. He thought the board | to release as the circumstances warrant. WeeLK. j should be ';;"3,'0"' re"}}?""*'""f' other Argument of the deputation, which _ As for the present debate, ample op-- than travelling expenses, and a small was headed by C. A. Seguin of Ottawa, portunity would be given to everybocy fee each day for general expenses while was to the effect that many of these who wished to air their views, said acting in the interests of the college. mental patients would have to be housed Mr. Ferguson, but possibly with after-- | Wants Project 'Tested. in municipal institutions, and that, noon and evening sessions on Tuesday | without resident medical supervision and Wednesday, the decks could b: _ Mr. Medd also advocated that the and the presence of specially trained cleared by that time for the brinzing Township School Board project should male and female nurses, their presence down of the Budget on Thursday, The be tried out in two or three t'?"""smfs there would not only be unfair to the Provincial Treasurer was prepared to at 1':5% ttill':d if it _;',f:s Skf('fs'sg" '}i" t ; custodians of the institutions, but also present the Budget on that day, bu l O_ C "hv0mwon WScd se WwibEC!! to the aged inmates. this move could be deferred if it was The member fired a broauside at tno 'Foronto's View Presented. {f,llt{leghat ine debate should be con-- ,Governmenfi on the bubject; of the Spcaking on behalf of the City of To-- f IUQUOI' Control Act. He declared that ronto, Controller Bert Wemp declared the Premier in the Speech from the that Toronto favored the establishment PROPERTY COMMITTEE 'Throne had not given a faithful pic-- of a convalescent home, and was willing ture of conditions under thp act. to assume its burden of the cost in-- There were many loopholes in the yolved. A similar attitude was voiced, HEARS 3 DEPUTATIONS measure. He woulid not allow owners generally speaking, by the whole depu-- of liquor permits tolpossess aut?lmobile tation. Dr. C. J. Hastings, M.O.H., en-- wwz operators' licenses also. As an illustra-- Gorsed Major Wemp's stand, declaring i tion of loopholefis in the act he ciLedla that it was difficult for the most experi-- AHOWS Erecuon Of Houses on press report which stated that in the enced psychiatrists to tell when a men-- iss i London district a boy of 19 had a tal patient was cured or not, and that 50 FOOt LOtS m Law' | liquor permit despite provision that the the only possible way of caring for the rence Pafk minimum age for a permit holder be patients the Province contemplated re-- | 21 years. leasing was through the medium sug-- 5 pfrma es Russell Nesbitt (Conservative, Toron-- gested. "In fact," he said, "such care _ NOrman Sommeryille, K.C., appeared to--Bracondale) adjourned the debate. It is absolutely necessary." with a large deputation opposing any goes over until Tuesday afternoon next That the convalescent homes, if es-- lessening of the restrictions in the week. tablished, should be run on a capita Lawrence Park district, before the per diem basis was the suggestion ad-- Property Committee yesterday. Another vanced from one quarter. That basis, it Geputation appeared asking that cer-- was argued, would be the most econom-- tain re:trictions A';:e revokeit'il ox;,e Law-- ical. rence Avenue. r considerabe dis-- | "The most economical from your point cussion the committee decided to allow | of view," said Mr. Goldie, "would be to the erection of single or duplex houses let us build the institutions, and main-- on the south side of Lawrence Avenue, No Change Expected tain them, too." g(latweent l'{onc{;e SI:re(e'eti oo:.nd Mount § ~ Pleasan oad, on 50-- lots. The ln Truck Legislation Relatives Neglectful. by-lag wjdn I}og go gtxil to the R'u.' While promising i¢ § Mr. Goldie pointed out that there way Board. John Tuttle appeared for would bsp given"gcotx?sgctiexsgaldn re(}}'(',';' had been too great a tendency in the applicants. J George S. Henry, Minister of Highways, Dast to let patients go into the Pro-- The erection of an apartment house intimated to representatives from the VY120Al institutions, and then forget on Laxton Avenue has been the cause Ontario Motor Truck Owners' Associa--. t9°M-- Relatives often _ committed Oof much controversy between interest-- tion who waited on him yesterday, ask-- P°OP!®, gave their bond, and then, after ¢d parties for some time. Alderman ing an increase in the maximum weight-- & few months, neglected payment, As Joe Wright introduced Mrs. Guinane, carrying of trucks, that no change need & result of that practice, the Govern-- the applicant, and a number of her 2'3 1e)]tp;sct.ed at this session of the MENt had now $1,400,000 in accounts Suppgl'tercsl. igxcluding t-;'oltm fifGatty. It egislature. | outstanding. was found, however, that while the ap-- Eight tons, which is the present| The Provincial Secretary made it Plicant stated she desired to erect only weight limit on the highways, is consid-- | plain to the deputation that only the One 37--suite apartment, the plans call-- ered too low by the operators. "cured" patients will be released, and ¢d for three adjoining apartments of Several other deputations were heard | that their release will be made only that size. A new application will be by Mr. Henry during the day, and prom-- after the Government has had ample made for a 37--suite building. ised consideration. Parkhill residents, assurance that they will be cared for _A permit was granted for the erec-- headed by Tom McGladery, former properly. "It is not our intention, here tion of a 16--story office building at the M.PP., asked that No. 7 Highway be in Toronto," said he, "to take a truck-- northwest corner of Adelaide and Shep-- routed through their town. Completion load of them and dump them down at Pard Streets. of No. 7, the O!&tawa-Samia Highway, the City Hall steps" east of Peterboro', was asked by an East, _ While promising encouragement to' Hastings deputation. A third deputa-- their "convalescent home" suggestion,| tion requested that the Department tak 4 lito P 8 he could offer no definite encourage--| .; its Provincial system the road from ment. Tt is understood, however, that + él::fi'):tror;: through Mount Forest, to the Government will adhere to the s f policy of release first formulated, and aforedescribed, and that the institutions advocated are beyond the pale of ma-- * terialization--at the present time, at least.

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