mt t 9 ¥ II m' Dr Monteith pointed out that the: any~ Province the bank At 4 subsidy, amotifited in the year 1927 to|j ~="m 5o far as the c borrows from $1,625,000. The reveriue coming to the - debt is concefned per cent and lends it ofit in turn to | Treasury from the Provincial highways|| NC,WIL Lete Over $3,000,000, of which the Agricultural Development Board At | is yery substantial, amounting in the| {l/"°:009 Will be provided out of reve-- 4 1--2 per cent. "With this spread of year 1927 to 310,469 000----»th%§ bei : |nue, and the balance by the Hydro one--half of 1 per cent.." he said, "the | made up chiefly of motor litenses and | "2UQ °OUtinue to keep it well under con-- Treasury Department has built up a, gasolineptax iiyppr imotor 'Hitenses and trg'li 4 nz s r%'ir:hoihtlzsliso'l" held in the Co l Hydro Fin natign"g}l tlt:e éhe PSeny oo adtomnie Solhlnted 'Re rp u;'u eld in the Con--| HY ances, of tius Pr v? onservative Government rvéi venue Fund this makes @) 'The 'Treasurer's review of the ad--| past ovinee to continue, as in the 1 reserve of $320,898 agaiqst P9S-- ministration of the Ontario Hydro-- lt)ias' a sound, businesslike Administra-- sible losses which might occur." Electric Power | Commission » included | acco with regular bookkeeping, strict Under the Hous'ng LQanS ' arrange-- the fono"ving reference: $ (a:'gico&lnting and complete audits of re-- ment, inaugurated in +319 for the | "phe total horsepower now in use siop 'bgnd expenditures; a proper divi-- benefit primarily of the returned sOl-- | ;s estimated at 1,600,000, with another counts 'yiu} GAPTe! and ordinary ac-- dier, and operated under the Ontariofl million _ horsepower _ available. _ The goqnts, with the same close attention Housing Act, there were, said Dr. Mon--| | total available undeveloped power in ovoted to the collection of revenue teith, 2470 houses erected by 76 mu--|| the Province is estimated at 5,000,000) contiouund j Mtll, it 18 Cxpected, be & nicipalities. "The Province in this|| horsepower. The number of miles Of:gf?ggm"'%d lowering of interest charges scheme." said he, "has sistained nO|| transmission lines is 7,066. In the fiS-- 30 b?'"ef to the taxpaver, always rea-- loss whatever to date. | cal year 1927 there were actually con-- };,,!}];;icesf conomy without starvation of At the end of the fiscal year 1927) structed 807 miles of rural transmis-- tained at o 'ppf[fehOn Wil be main-- there has been paid back to the Provy--| sion lines, and the Government con-- the rh'xintenae m'lmmum Nhasbapt t in Rey o E{:ce in princ'i)pal $2,742,017, and in in--| tributed $1,100,000 in rural bonuses On ing of the P?((i::lr(l)(t; the financial stand-- | terest $2,644,284, or a total of $5,386,--) this account in the fiscal year 1927. & C | 302. Up to last year, out of 76 mu--| The number of homes served in Ontario | nicipalities only 4, or about 1 per| is about 420,000. 'The entire debt of 'cent. were slightly in arrears in their| the Hydro to the Province at the end o payments. f | | of the fiscal year 1927 was $147,485,906. A | Under the Municipal Housing ACti The amount advanced by the Province of 1920, 775 houses were erected, he| | in the same year was $4,220,200. There said. There are now outstanding de--| | were refunds and repayments to the P amount of $1,642,706, leaving a net & benture§ guaranteed by the Province -- advance of $2,577.493. amounting to $2,390,880. "The Hydro paid into the Treasury T o Administrati sts. of Ontario in 1927 for interest $7,848,-- 6 en wal ons t | 4 ve Costs : | 043. It bhas fulfilled its undertaking Hon- FI Gt MaCdlarlm'd GetS Administration of the Mothers' Al-- -- in regard to debt retirement, making Fl # | lowances branch cost the Province $75,-- |a repayment of $1,338,567, which rep-- owers on 30th Anniver-- !370 in 1927, or 3.7 per cent. of the | resents its share of the $3,000,000 re-- f * «+ ;amount administered. The amount of | quired for debt retirement in 1927. The Sary 0 E,ectlon ,ait(l)g;yst distr;gutedi "to mothers en-- | finances of the Hydro are today in a 'We inss gereiGcececors ces ommc cine | o consideration, was $2,007,000-- | very strong position, having met all [ an increass of $140,000 over 1926. Since| | its obligations, and ever widening its _ Plowers decorated the desk of Hon.! the inception of the act, the Province: scope of usefulness by way of annual Fin'ay G. Macdiarmid, Conservative | g::n pls:id 3"'311{533130091'1 "There has| | expansion." {fzfi*:ib')eéhfgglb'g'es;efétfi;) in %fie Legis-- | | , however," sa e Treasurer, "re--| f * conding 0 P 'day. ey were | funded to the Government bY organizea} | Forecast of Current Year. presented by admiring members on the | municipalities, $4,771,337, leaving a net: | "Mr. Speaker," said Dr. Monteith, in occasion of the ?lnrtieth anniversary of cost to the Province up to date of $6,--, conclusion, "having reviewed some of Mr. Macdiarmid's first election to the 359,000." | \the financial activitiee of the Ferguson ONtario House. At that time the Re-- A total of 4,700 mothers received| | Government since assuming office, more turning Officer declared him defeated "substantial financial relief" last year| particularly referring to the operations by 11 votes, but six weeks later a Court under the act | 'of the fiscal year 1927, I now wish to Of Apnpeal gave him the seat with a _ _Dr. Monteith dealt at some length | give a forecast of our estimated re-- majority of 1. Contention continued, \ with the operation of the Niagara | ceipts and expenditures for the present and, on petition, his election was de-- "Parks Commission, noting that its fiscal year 1928, and refer to some of clared void. At a new election, on Jan. surplus of assets over liabilities for the the outstanding financial work which 12, 1899, he was defeated. That elec-- last fiscal year was $1,987,368; that it we"hope to accomplish. ' tion was, in turn, declared void on June turned over to the Treasury of the It will always be the desire and in-- 26, 1899, and on another new election, Province $550,000 on account of water tention of this Government to maintain held Dec. 12 of the same year, he gain-- rentals, etc., and that in December last our finances in their present healthy ed the seat, with a majority of 17 votes. o s Y it took its "first steps in independent condition, which has been brought about NMr, Macdiarmid successfully contest-- financing." dur{ng t%he tgatsg f;ev;' lyeagsi-n 4j eda the general elections of 1902, 1905, heae "I estima e total ordinary revenue, 19008, 1911, and 1914, and -- 21 Northern Railway. for 192!1 at $55,790,000, a reduction of| 1914, he accepted office as ggni?tcetr gf l In respect of the T'miskaming & about $500,000 from the last year, and| Public Works in the Hearst Govern-- 'Northern Ontario Railway, Dr. Mon-- & total capital revenue of $8,780,000.) ment. In the by--election which follow-- | teith, from a purely financial point of The Treasury Department \'nllrshow | ed he was returned. view, remarked: P Sgge?ue g}flbsl51.668,000, whichs is §5,000:-- Then after 15 years of continuous "We have at the present time in-- ess than last year, owing to an °ex-- | service, he met defeat at the general vested in this road slightly over $30,-- pected reduction in succession czlup'es.' ! election of 1919, when the«Drury Gov-- 000,000. Its interest payments for the The public works and highways. We | ornment took over the reins of office | first year were small, but year by year | estimate, will give a revenue of $11,--| wyith the return of the Conservative \they have been increasing. During '}7140'000' made up chiefly of motor v€-- | narty to power under the leadership of 1925 and some years previously, they : Nicles, $6,050.000, and gasoline tax, $5.-- | Hon. G. Howard Ferguson in 1923, Mr. paid the Treasury of this Government | 130,000. In the I}ttomq,\:.-Gs:nerals De-- Macdiarmid was also sent back to the $750,000 annually on account of in-- | ptarmile'nti also we anticipate a . Sub-- Houso by his constituents of the riding terest. In 1926 they paid $1,000,000 §ant al increase, owing to .addliloml in which he was born. In 1926 he and last year turned into the 'Treasury I°Ccipts from | the Liquor | Control fought in his thirteenth campaign, and of this Province $1,300,000. Interest Board, from which we expect to Ye-- was elected to the House of Assembly paid to date has amounted to $7,-- ceive about $7,000,000. This does not for the ninth time, 250,000, the balance in arrears being , inic%uge the permits, which we estimate i rk ~ a .500,000, and from 11 evi.| Will bring $750,000, and $300,000 from 323'33 fi';f,gg,,ng :t the oprese?n un';l(,' | the Law Enforcement Branch. M rrrara n t tem on' '"" 3 and with the bright future it has, itl Must Be Cautious. S H S 'd can be confidently expected to over-- ; _ ,, e ays 2 JDdaid------ ;' take these arrears in a few years. | I desire to draw to the attention of ) "The actual revenue for the fiscal| the House that our financing has reach-- e e t t year 1927 was $4,857,760, a new in-- | ed the point where our revenue, for Before the orders of the day were ) crease of $228,617, reprpsenting 23 1_-4 the ttxme being a't l¢ast, will not Opermlt , called in the Legislature yesterday, > s h oi t i e hP ol 4e odastion of of the same expansion for 1928 bY | ( qgeorge g. Shields (Conservative, | tr?g?th%f':rsogt?:rio &ra§o$43g)00. In 1927 "way of public service as for the past Toronto-- Woodbine) _ protested ; it was $33,000,000. \ few years. The idea behind the whole ; against The Globe's version of one . "Another interesting feature which | operation being, that as our irevenugs ) statement in his debate speech of ; e eres hhpn oamkey | No Th paertentp it | (ietmaie on evieles t ce | which now operates its finances entirely | '*sound in finance, and this Government ing tones, said that he had not , % independently of the Government, went | does not propose, because we have in said he would stuff the school chil~ ; * into the market in January of this year | 1927 a balanced Budget with a sur-- dren of Ontarioas "full of English" | for a loan of $6,000,000 4 per cent. 40-- | plus, to enter into an orgy of extrava-- ag tfifleiSter of Agriculture stuff-- ; year annuity bonds, guaranteed by the | gant expenditure. e s cockerels before sending ; Province." | "The estimated ordinary -- expendi-- them to market. Mr. S_hlelds said ) On "Provincial roads and highways,"' tures amount to $55,598,000, as against that what he had said was th'at- he ¢ Dr. Monteith told the House: [ |$55.047,000 for 1627 ana | $24291.000, } Yould not stut the Sehool Coully as | \ _ _"Today we have a total capital in--| capital, Our estimated -- expenditures of Ontario as "full of English" as b | vestment in roads of about $100,000,--| therefore for 1928 are slightly less :.ll;e Minister of Agriculture stufied; '~000, and a total maintenance expendi--| than in 1927. :tosmc::éirels before sending them / lture of approximately $33,000,000. | "It will be seen,li th;refox;g, thgt if} } * ¢ "In the fiscal year 1927 there was; our predictions are lived up to, and our! ~~xyysansiunuyuescszandincananysy | expended as follows: Provincial high--| estimates fairly accurate, we will have | ways, $9,150,000; county roads, $2,800,--| an excess of revenue over expenditure l 000; township roads, $1,319,000; coloni--| | of $177,000, or, in other words, we make zation roads. $498,000; Northern de--| |a forecast for the fiscal year 1928 equal i velopmeont, $3,943,000, which, with mis--| | in merit tolthatd of ghet ps;tslt: yea','r. cellaneous items. makes a total expen-- | | namely, a balanced Budget with a sube diture on road construction of $17,825,-} stantial surplus. 000. The total repayment from coun-- t5%, ties and towns, together with F'ederalg