The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1928, p. 1

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Several questions were asked regard- ing the.appointment of Dr. Edward Ryan to the position of Director of Provincial Mental Hospitals, and, an- swering tor Hon. Lincoln Goldie. who Was not in the House, Premier Fer- guson explained that Dr. Ryan was still Superintendent of Rockwood Hos- pital. Kingston, for which he received ;a salary of $5.400. Mr. Ferguson said lthat his appointment to Provincial Di- ;rector was intended to be permanent, but that at present he was working only part time on a Survey, for which he was paid an allowance of $2,100. _ Answering questions regarding con- struction of Provincial highways dur- 'ing the year Hon. George Henry said that the cost of maintenance during ;1927 had been 31.644066. and the cost 'per mile had been $760.96 for gravel roads. $860 for macadarn,i38.82 for bituminous paving, $407.44 for asphalt and $536.99 for concrete. He said that i3ijiGiiariri highways had been laid during the year, and the cost per mile had been $24,050 for cement concrete. $30,040 tor asphalt, $28,130 for mixed macadam. $18,420 for bituminous pav- ing, and $15,840 tor macadam. . Mr. Sinclair was satisfied, and the question was laid over. Dr. Ryan's Appointment. Mr. Sinclair appealed to the Speaker, submitting that the question had not been answered. a d then Mr. Ferguson entered the debage. declaring that the Government was not required to do simple mathematical questions for mem- bers of the Opposition. "My honorable friend might just as well ask how many days there have been this year since Jan. 1. He is Capable of thruring it out, and we will be glad to give him the dates on which the various stores were opened." Mr. Price suggested that it would be very easy for the Liberal Leader to figure out the answer for himself. "No one expected that you wanted the Liquor Board to set clerks to work com- puting thenumber pt days." To obtain speaking "leeway" Mr. Sin- clair moved the adjournment of the House. "It is obvious that what we want is the exact number of days," he said. "That is not an answer. The Government knows what t want and it evades the question." He declared that if the Government could not answer a plain question the Opposition might just as well stop asking questions. "Surely the Government does not want the people to get the impression that it does not want to answer questions." Figure It Out, Says Price. Mr. Sinclair took objection to Attor- new General Priee's answer. "On all calendar days with the exception of Sundays and official holidays." to the question: "What was the total number of days of operation of liquor stores up to Oct. 31, 1927?" Government replies to Opposition questions during the short sitting of the Legislature yesterday afternoon precipi- tated a brief "flare-up" between Premier Ferguson and Liberal Leader Sinclair. And during the exchange of words Mr. Ferguson made one thing plain-that "the Government was not bound to make mathematical computations for any member or the Opposition." DAY F.'32nier Says Government Not thio!iged to Figure Out Business Dates LIQUOR SALE QUERY y STARTS LIT/ELY TILT BETWEEN LEADERS QUIET OTHERWISE l Timber Agent's Powers. CALL M COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ,clear egch year that he had not the v, {right to stop settlers from clearing; land, but that he did have the right , to refuse a clearance for pulpwood cut g in the clearing of land provided the a regulations were being violated. ___ - T. K. Black (Progressive, Dufferin) was told by Hon. William Piniaratm that the Crown Timber Agent in Northern Ontario had not the power to say how much land settlers might Attorney-General Price informed Ed- ward Proulx (Lib., Russell) that John McCormack. defeated candidate in Dundas County at the last general election, had been appointed Police Magistrate for Dundas at a salary of 31,500. His appointment limited him to his Magisterial duties, Mr. Price said. and before his appointment he had been a commercial traveller. Amending Public Lands Act. Hon. William Finlayson introduced a bill to amend me Public Lands Act, which will give the Surveyor-General rights as a Deputy Minister. Another bill presented by Premier Ferguson is designed to amend the Boys' Welfare Home and School Act so that the amounts to be paid by the parents and the municipality might be deter- mined. - - PREMIER TAKES A NOTE Mr. Sinclair has given no inkling. to date, ot a. 1926 inquiry, but unofficial sources in Queen's Park state he will drop it for alleged more recent trans- actions upon which his eye is said to have fastened. Liberal Leader Sinclair Makes Request for Wednesday ' A year ago the Public Accounts Com- mitte was not summoned until the day before the House prorogued. This situ- ation was created by a deadlock be- tween Mr. Sinclair and the Govern- ment over the question of whose duty it was to call the resolution the former had placed on the order paper for the call of the committee. When the com- mittee finally got together there was more argument, out of which there was eventually reached the decision that Mr. Sinclair could investigate the 1926 public accounts, if he desired. along with the 1927 accounts, at this, the 1928 session. Several bills were given second read- ing, among them one of Hon. Charles McCrea providing an amendment to the Assessment Act where it affected properties in Northern Ontario on which the surface rights were severed from the mineral rights. Unofficial View. Liberal Leader William E. N. Sin- clair asked Premier Ferguson yesterday to authorize the calling ot the Public Accounts Committee for Wednesday next. . "I'll take a note of your request." smiled Mr. Ferguson. "I'll at least say you're not at fault this time." 7 H 'Wm not in a position today," said the Prime Minister. "to say whether it will be called for that day or not." "Last session," gibed Mr. Sinclair, "I was sev'erely reprimanded for not call- ing your attention to the. committee early." "Not at Fault." Ag: \Avc ;;",NORTH Mln MTTTT' ii, El% STATEMENTS 'j)'t, 'i,, 0F LIBERAL'S Milo Police Court Cases Fifty Per Cent. Lower Than Under 0.T.A., He Says TELEGRAM TO FERGUSON Who is the travelling man friend who told P, W. Pierson, Liberal mem- ber tor North York, that in the last three months he saw more drunken- ness and heard more bar-room lan- guage in North Bay than he saw or heard in years under the Ontario Temperance Act? E. L. Banner, North Bay's Major,': would be pleased to hear trom thei gentleman. He says so in a telegram! directed to Premier Ferguson, and which the Prime Minister read to the Legislature. yesterday. before the or- ders of the day were called. . The telegram reads as follows: "Re- ferring to speech of Mr. Pierson, mem- ber for North York. re drunkenness in North Bay-- statements as to condi- tions here are false and absolutely without foundation. Police records for last three months show Police Court cases 50 to 60 per cent. lower than un- der Ontarm Temperance Act. It Mr. Pierson's travelling friend knows ot places in this city where drunkenness and bad language are. so evident. I will be pleased to hear from hint." Mr. Banner's wire-refutation of the story as told to the North yor? mem- ber, and repeated by hint '5 the House. in the debate, last Wednesday, moved the Conservative benches to loud banging yesterday. 3 That the Ontario Agricultural Col- (lege, Guelph. be placed under a Board of Governors with powers similar to the Governors of the University of To- ronto; that rural Hydro service be ex- tended as speedily and cheaply as pos- sible; that the Minister of Education find a place for the study of co-oper- aative marketing on the rural school (curriculum; that May 18 be set aside 'each year by the Department ot Edu- cation as "World Good-will Day" in the schools; that it be made compulsory to grade all eggs sold commercially; that the present deer season of 30 days be opposed, and that the Prov- ince endorse the Federal Government's stand with regard to Juvenile immi- gration, were among the resolutions to which the Prime Minister promised his consideration. ' EEO. RESOLUTiENS PRESENTED PREMIER Board of Governors for 0.A.C., Rural Hydro Ex- tension Requested Resolutions which were passed at the last U.F.0. convention in Toronto were presented to Premier Ferguson yester- day by a deputation from the organiza- tion comprising Messrs. Harold Currie, W. Good and Buchanan. _ - _ y - "WORLD GOOD-WILL DAY"

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