The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1928, p. 1

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CE 9 --w--.------fi----_--_--_--_----_m CCRKA North Bay Police Chief d | orth Bay Police Chief Quote PROTEGTS M]NERS To Show Increased Drunkenness 1 . siron enb in t i crrorieieatenemon i nenaolamist ce T Pearson Refers to Annual Report to Back His Last , x i Week's Statements --Premier Reads Tele-- mm inss gram to Refute Argument V Underground Worker e ol _ en oo E ery g * What actually is what in North Bay? 'years under the O.T.A. Yesterday he Will Be Examined Yearly In substantiation of statements he'Clgggn'{%s&%?d t?lfi'scfl:_iitéfnd(?pnsltaple's rcé fOl' DiseaSC made in last week's debate, Peter W. !Fntegrlitv. S cuims. an ies intlone ememerenecs iPearsun. Liberal member for Northi Px-enfier Ferguson promptly put an-- | York, told the Legislature yesterday ;othgx_' corzg)leiiol? oin thelarqument bé«]' hat the r ort } . |reading the following telegram, date DREDG'NG DRY RlVER BEDS:; that th,. 'an'n ial xl'f*pkr orf If;litelf (;on 'North Bay, March 2, and | signed C Germe n en e uen rrrange |stable William Clarke of North ay'i"Kec-ley, News Editor, The Nugget: € f vori@y, |Gated Jan. 5, 1928, showed that there| "Am in possession of figures which Protection of underground workers |\ were 131 cases of drunkenness there | prove that since introduction of Liquor in Ontario mines against silicosis, & |in the seven months the O.T.A. oper-- 'Control Act drunkenness has declined type of lung disease, is provided in a 'Ated last year, as compared with 251 !more than 50 Ber cent. in North Bay bill to amend the Mining Act, intro-- under the five months' operation of the | in comparison with most favorable is _ * _E 8 * ~,,,, _ Liqgzor Control Act. Mr. Pearson fur-- |figures under the O.T.A. These figures duced in the Legislature yesterday by thor stated that the Chief's statement|wm go on Canadian Press wire this Hon. Charles McCrea,. In those mines disclosed that "an increase of 126 cases !aftemoon. Mayor Banner and othor where conditions are inducive to the ai-- of intoxication has 'b}"'-;;l s(;lowxz Ot"gl' | prominent citizens are indignant re-- Cufhes oys arinalt nvaniirnati £ . the previous year, chicfly due to € | garding Pearson's charges. He will be sease, meaical f.\'.mmutlon of all un coming into operation of the Liquor |asked to retract." derground workers will be conducted. Gontiol Act." ' s yearly. If a man is found to have been ; | _ & | Attitude Unknown. affected, his case is brought to the at-- Claims of Frierds. | _ Just what attitude. if any, the North fention of mf;'_\'\tf!l'r:3l\_z"!1's Compens@~ _ tast week Mr Pearson related to the |Bay officials will take now, since Mr. fion Board, which looks after the de= rouse the cridence Of a travelling man | Pearson quoted the Chief Constable's fails of arranging for treatment and f0" friond who had claimed that in the |report, could not be ascertained --last the emplos iCPc C tinc i'mn Ts SO':""";"' last thrce months he had seen more |night. The big question remains, not-- ?:ocx:i"tlilggi'~¢\L:0u111"\villf li)l( 2123. (l;"ftcfi drunkenness and heard more barroom | withstanding: "What's what in North ie disease he > d t ce ..3 Ihay it | Bayza® a certificate to that effect. \VIthout I?ng'l:lb 12 ie Morfhers cxty than 'n B:'LMMIMWWWNIVVWM that certificate, no miner will be per-- lBUT 30 LEGISLATORS o $ itted to work lerground. ¢ mitted to work underground | Accounts Commlttee f First on Continent. | ) ¢ Mr. McCrea told The Globe yesterday | MEET FOR 33 MINUTES $ C " d f T } that Ontario wou'ld be the only Prov-- ' } a e 0|' 0m0n'0W % ince or State on the continent pro-- | > $ ymmmmennrmmnzremms & vidng such protection for underground 'Only 23 Members Present Premier Ferguson announced in $ workers, r » i A w Mr,. McCrea's bill also provides that at Openlng Of Queen S the Legislature yesterday that no $ an Ontario land surveyor will be able a tices had been posted calling the § to take affidavits as required under the Pal'k SCSSlOfl i Public Accounts Committee to-- $ Mining Act, and it will enable the Gov-- suomenenmmrmess anmmmmmemins ( gether for organization purposes to-- ernment "3 i»"-'»llt'ludlt'asc 1101'l drgdging It took the Ontario Legislature only |morrow morning. § s a % . on any old river bed in which there is s« 5 IP srpuc {-- Liberal Leader Sinclair requeste no water, but in which there might be 33 minutes to strut.lts s:uff }e:;terd?y $ this calling last Friday in the rold. Under presont laws a river--bed Afternoon. And never at any time in ) House. It is not definitely known must have water flowing in it to be con-- that brief business period were there i whether he will exercise the privi-- sidered as such, and the amendment any more than 30 members of the House Eleged granted him last session of makes it clear that the Government is in their seats inquiring into the accounts for the Cntillo'd' to dredge in the case of a river-- A iuox'um 'Consists of 20 menribers. 'fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1926. ( bed which has entirely dried up. There were only 23 on hand to greet the Unofficial Queens ?lark :tig;axie; } Superannuation at 55. Speaker at the opening of the sitting. }that he has "st%mf %L "é';u!'g s imin. | in j e jer| Five of these were Liberals and the | connection with last year's o Another bill, introduced by Premier remainder Conservatives. Not a Progres-- ) istration which he will tackle firs_t. Ferguson, is designed to amend the| sive member was presént ven 'the When these are cleared up he will { requirement for the superannuation 0o bar \ 1926 business. * f Government employees. Under existing :g{x(:lgér:g- ikethbridge, Progressive pilot, / ie o o t ts n n ns oo iAsensning laws employees are superannuated when : The UFd roup of three members they have served for 25 years, but under! was also'u'nfegresented till W. Oke "O'f 4 the new legislation, they will not, even | Bast Lambton self-appointed. Leader though they have served 25 years, be | made his Appeéarance hall--way t,hr'ou:gfi superannuated until they are 55 yearsi th 'tti' ppe Y * of age he sitting. The bill also provides that in the case' of an employee who has married sub-- sequent to his superannuation, his widow or children will not be entitled to an allowance in the event of his| 3 death. j

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