The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1928, p. 2

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S'AT\'V&'; .'\ arch 3e + ; I Col. Price said that in requesting % ' ® Magistrate to see him he wanted . in ; determine whether the latter had lo'lt the confidence of the community. "I , asked him," he said, "if he thought he ( A would be able to carry on, and he was rather doubtful. I told him to think it over, and let me know what he had ' decided to do. The department, I told him, held no animus in the matter, but ; merely wanted to do what was right." ; Resignation Accepted. | Col. Price said thatlt:lr; July 115.1 vghltl'e' t he was away on holidays, Magistrate | « * Bradford turned in his reslgna%ign.Ato Authority for EXpendlture take effect Sept. 15, subject to the At-- | torney--General's approvz:lli.d It t'was A'ucg Vote 2, Item 8 of 3 before he saw it. He not want to * act hastily, so he waited until Aug. 19 Estimates before accepting the resignation. l uatee osreeaeewien preecenripreeninite , "I had no reflection to make,"Bsa(iid CENTRAL ONTAR 0 ASSETS : he, "on the ability of Magistrate Brad-- ford as a lawyer. I even had in mind| l giving him Crown work if he desired to : smmumanmnemmetememiemmmenss ta}ron:'tn he went on to say, friends or| Premicer Ferguson told the Legisla-- the Magistrate got together and started ture yesterday, in answering a question to stir up the affair all over again for on the order paper, that F. H. Keefer, \ F""'!y political purposes and ad\'anl- former Legislative Secretary for North-- * r;',(;(cb) ';§§dg',']"°'1}§'fm.f§b,2'a°';'os',}'{;'m'Er','d' ern Ontario, had been paid the sum force him to restore Bradford to gmce. of $5,617.30 for acting as counsel for I"I dsaédltfll)er!ngflté;:'idwfi";eCi;'lifidémdg; the Ontario Government in the litiga-- clare CA C + I s i + 5 €6 u9+ + \ Government benches, "and it has re-- ton over the Chicago "water steal." ' mained closed. I didn't think it was a The services had been rendered be-- ' makiter 0\'01; v:;\icgr therc}' Sfi?glirffwfi tween December, 1926, and Aptril, controversy in the press. & o i -- of justice since has not suffered in 1927, and the authority for the expen Lindsay. It is in good hands." diture, he said, was Vote 2, Item 8 cof Edmond Proulx (Liberal, Prescott) the estimates. thought that Brsadford should have e vth Sas stuck to his office and (orc:;d fil(& iLieiu- Civil Expense. tenant--Governor in Council to dismiss Replvin to another 3 him. He thougI}L that Col. Price, while Fergl'x)szn iai a thdq:;o "l:; tg'::ls tl::]'e h;;_ not actually asking Magistrate Bradford ¢ + f ti ci 'ii Gov -fp nth for his resignation, had conveyed to him PUTG {Of (N€ LiV overnment for the plainly enough the meaning of what was ilear 1923 l;',',d been $1,061,000, and for wanted of him. 'cIi'lmrc wlc;re tlwo sidérs rl;o biiiq&eia 2%-6-(?6095&11};]1({1";1(1"n(])gerthce'f sfifgfi most stories, said Mr. Proulx, an e dols, $4,200, ' * auoted from Magistrate Bradford's re-- servants in 1923 was 1,603, and in 1927, marks that Mrs. Howard was only 1.8}*_310- C e id P. C * on. George S. Henry to -- -- GH. slightly bruised:; that the ft"ncas was JUSt -- Sandy (Progressive, South Victoria) a "peity squabble," and that the pun-- | that the revenue recsived by the Queen ishment xmpo:i:'d on Thomson fitted the | victoria Niagara Falls Park Commis-- R case adequately. si p rater remu» 2 n William Newman (Liberal, North Vic-- ;1-;0;]1 8f(l;2mu\]\a';t {:1;'%%:'0 « hf,?:; })iel \:af toria) declared that public opinion was 'ceivp'd from otl'wr .sol'.ir('ns( that the;o %chfndldmg- E"}gf""};' ,Hf'li"g'f"d th'z:t | were no power companies in arrears it wouid be hoard now ior him 10 MASt [ for water rentals, and that the Com-- gtut'g?gp's':;:fcch% 'h]a.&l)ea:'nn :00{_?:\1'% 211:2 imission expended $369,000 ordinary and and waits for a client," said Mr. New-- !ffigs'gggr capital on the park during man. * Frecsleri'crlli G. Sandyx ;Z--'-rm,rl'e:;si've, \gc- Assets Acquired. toria South) was not of the opinion that t £ mnev--Genera 4 c Mr. Sandy was informed by Premier the Atto P,e'L.Gm'!'_l had. interfered gerguson that those assets acquired un=-- originally «+ er the purchase of the General On-- |wrlr11%' hac'l 12%:&?33"mffé'egefg';retémfg tario System, not used for the distri-- ! opinions expressed by two prominent bution of Hydro power, which were still citizens of the riding---- j ||\ owned by the Government were, the and th Es f ng--William Flavellé: peterporo' Gas Plant, the Oshawa GaS @mo,iffiggn&igfgfggl"%dra';}';'rg; lg & Plant, the Cobourg' Gas Plant an& been above repr k Cobourg Waterworks, and the Camp-- When Premier Ferguson rose to con--| DEUfO®G Pulp Mill, and that all of them clude, the debate, he explained. first| k NHC Obeated \by. the Govein« the mguo: b?fl,re""{';?"}fgufg'p"?;fig' Hon. Joseph Thompson introduced Government, he said, had no ;1l§jecti0n two bills providing for the incorpor-- to the Leader of the Opposition seeing ation or re--incorporation of the St. @All the correspondence pertaining to Caitharmcs Y.M.C.A. and the St. Cath-- the case. Then he declared that the *"*!M° Y--W.C.A. | yuesuion, so far as he was concerned, 3 I ;'v:s tenttirely dfvoid of political bias, "I ; want to put it on a higher ground," | he said. y 4. _ The cnly reference he had to the case in which Mr. Bradford had levied a fine of $5 for common assault, was that it was unfortunate that he should have conducted the hearing in camera. a% _ _ The Inspector of Legal Offices, he : said, was the logical person for the de-- partment to send to look into the mat-- ter, and he argued that, following the investigation, no blame or. condemna-- tion had been placed on the Magistrate.

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