The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Mar 1928, p. 1

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% j S a 7 4 V'\ j V e A \-' P a y c.\\ Ke it L f With Fl EF F ECT OF NEW BlLL Progressives Say It Wit owers Widdifield's 59th Birthd QNINSURANCE AGENTS _ On Mr. Widdifield' s 59th Birthday Shortly after the Legislature npencd' ba'x'l\pi;'lc)i"tl;znn'c,ics}i'.»v'"m/)" shoated Hon. l yesterday a page boy trotted into the| Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Minister of Health. House carrying a large vase filled with| ~«'are the flowers for the honorable Wvkrwii ns ueu t iire is tiple cce a gorgeous array of tulips and daffo--| gentleman because .he '\;(')tcd with the % * P t dils Under the stare of tlmlmmtnl'itfx:s'Giowr(xlmtx;};, ]lest,()x;ltglfl.' F::tk)ed J. A. ie pattered up the aisle and se is | Pinard eral, tawa East). Wl" P"ce... Amendments 9 luougmct on t,}fn desk of J. W. Widdi--| But they were both wrong. It was Small -- Town Salesman field, M.PP. for North Ontario, and | Mr. Widdifield's fifty--ninth birthday, | * Whip of the Progressive party. | and the floral remembrance came from * Out Of BUSIHGSS? Mr. Widdifield blushed. Members his colleagues of the Progressive party., & y n sys n se y n i n m i aa LEGISLATURE SAYS "NO" § ant Bill ;B Sales : xt - d tafaci One Imaortant B1 'Beer Sales in 5 Months The Ontario Legislature spent a full ' {i i a{ m.' l ) T 13385 125 G l" hour yesterday afternoon in arguing :Oucerns 4 Osflita s 0 Ota a U 34 £ bet t 3 1"!'? over whether amendments proposed in _._2l2zzzmmce en s Nelshoahc Attorney--Gencral Price's bill to amend Important legislation having to $ The Government replied to a the Insurance Act would put the small , do with hospital administration ( number of Opposition questions country agent out of business or not. vas forecast in the House yester-- ? yesterday. The torneyv--(tenarat : E. B]flke 1\1!"('1'. Lib('l'(l] l)l"!?'.bl! for , '.""' "1.,' mnant lh'. I)--r micr Fer uU=~ $ I);la.derd) .'l I' " Il] t' Ar '1 eX (J< t ldl € East Elgin, said, in effect, it would p~CRYy A1lC1H001 09 AALSHIIC! / SIC $ e public in this way the infor-- Attorney--General Price said it wouldn't son. k ) mation that 3,385,125 gallons of < Premier Ferguson said it wouldn't. Even Liberal Leador Sinelair had in-- ;be(\r had been sold under the five J. A. Pinard (Liberal, East Ottawa) quired: "W!ll there be much more months' operation of the Liquor | hooked onto the Government's way of legisiation:?" '"Phere is one im«-- $C0ntrol Act in 1927. "Hard" liquor thinking. Finally the Houss, less Mr. portant bill," the Prime Minister $ sates amounted to 561.880 gallons. | Miller. decided it wouldn't. d oo * apes 28 hss id '.n"");j'\"i * _ § Liquor, beer and wine sold through ) f, * it out. it has to do Wivn NOspiiais. ) Government stores aggregated 1i,-- Reappears Next Week. There may be also some small > 249 843 gallons. Brewery ware-- At the suggestion, however, of Lib-- amendments, but they will ')}' "_" $ houses sold 1,671,711 gallons. Sales aral Leader Sinclair, the bill was al-- iprove Whe maddii fln :md' Wo'k=) i of beer direct from the wa »houses lowed to stand over, and will reappear ing out of some of the acts. ¢ amounted to 1,107.732 callions. early next week. Mn ns n Nnranes > PETSLS YR t e The new bill proposes to abolish the present $3 insurance agent fee and the 310 insurance broker fee and leave to the discretion of the Superintendent of Insurance and he, alone, the questron of how much these fees are to be in-- creased in future. Mr. Miller's protest was on the ground that a higher fee would mean the end of the small town agent. Premier Fergu-- son said there was no intention on the part of the Government to impose any burden on the Village Clerk, or the Sec-- retary of the School Board or other small town officials who sold insurance on the side. The sole motive behind the amendment was to give the Superin-- tendent of Insurance power to more adequately regulate agents in larger centres who were not carrying on busi-- ness satisfactorily. While the Govern-- ment believed it should have an in-- creased revenue out of agents, it did not propose to get it from the small agent, but rather from the "bigger fel-- low with the bigger earnings." Fee by Population. Attorney--General -- Price -- suggested that the fee to be imposed should be governed by the population of the town or city in which the agent concerned did business. Those he aimed at were the agents who placed a few risks to benefit themselves or relatives, and got a good commission out of it at the ex-- pense of the bona fide agent who pro-- vided real service to the community. Mr. Pinard said insurance conditions were very bad, and he heartily approved of the principle of the measure. "Why, in Ottawa," he said, "every one who is discharged from the Government serv-- ice for old age or inefficiency starts selling insurance." In discussing another section of the bill which permits fraternal societies to issue endowment insurance, provided they are on an actuarial basis, the Attorney--Generar intimated that very soon all societies of this nature dealing in insurance woul¢ be forced to operate along these lines,

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