The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1928, p. 1

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\.\.) @-A \\e.sfi\g\,, R\'A'vc,\\ "%-- !| s i OF "BLUE SKY" BILL T0 KEEP NDIGENTS New Frauds Prevention Act ***** ©--»=ssion. § Weurrnmmrneniidereriage G, 5 d R d; Edmond Proulx (Liberal. Prescott) | M § iven econ eadimng --thought that it would be a good move to ' | it I I 6 s f 8 have a Commission to pass jJudgment | Uglch;)aIItIeS MUSt PUt Up ' --(:enera nuitation for on all stocks and securities. Provisions a I C in the bill, he believed, "look like lock-- 5 EaCh Day Under | Suggest(ons Toward lm- ing the door after the horse is stolen." New Act | o mat s Aurelien Belanger (Liberal, Russell) '. provement -- Dlfllculhes suggested that, with the number of bills exaiezastuem | + i . . % brought in this session using the word P in Way of Commzsswn "protection" in the title. this might be LEG'SLAT'VE AMENDMENT . termed "The Suckers' Protection Act." Wenmmmpetmumountmipsrvesouge Indtcated He maintained that the Government o should take the House into its confi-- The Ontario Government's warning i tosamm«sommins dence regarding the regulations, just of. last fall that municipalities, sooper 66 »» mentioned in the bill, respecting the or later. ow p FLY-BY-N'GHTS bonding of brokers and salesmen. If, hofs would ha\e.t'o shouldef' g WILL BE r said he, the members knew what the Ereater share of financiai responsibility STOPPED! Sutornsy--General had in mind it would | ! for the keep of indigent patients in ce ie prm ror ie be tzjnsim' to deal with the regulations hospitals and charitable institutions se s The Ontario Legislature yesterday. .. . .. has taken concrete form. Under terms of gave unanimous approval to {hc prin-- Bonding of Lawyers. legislation which Hon. Lincoln CGoldie, ciple of Attorney--General Price's Se-- Frank Wilson (Conservative, Windsor -- Provincial Seceretary, brought down to * ue y East) thought that the bill should also the House last night, the municipali-- curity Frauds Prevention Act. Oop-- "protect the public against lawyers who ties' rate of pa C c' il Enicipall | position Leaders concurred in the ide@a abuse their trust" by providing for the 19 payment will, after April that the bill, while lacking some pro-- bonding of members of the legal pro-- 1_' be increased from $1.50 to $1.75 per tective qualities which might be work-- *°s8i0n. . || Oay. s '"That," Premier Ferguson told Mr.! . ed out later, represented an honest en-- Wilson, "has not been c?vcrlooked. The : Extra Cost. deavor on the part of the House to pro-- Law Society is now considering a The Government, however, is also tect the public from "high--pressure" proposition, but what the nature of it saddling itself with extra cost. Its sales of worthless stocks and securities, is I can't say § resent per di fant The Government took the stand that The fundamental feature of the bil1, | | PTOS per diem grant of 50 cents the main thread of the measure was According to Mr. Ferguson, was to pre-- will be increased to 60 cents, on the theirs, but invited from private mem-- vent the operations _ of dishonest understanding, in not only the case of bers and the public in general any sug-- brokers and salesmon, and so prevent the public hospitals, but homes for gestions which, following the principle frauds. ilorables as. well, that "the total outlined therein, might tend to improve There were two difficultiese in the Amount of such grant is to be based the act as it stands at present. way of a Commission regulating securi-- upon the number of days' actual treat-- ties, said he. In the first place, the ment and stay of each patient admit-- | Ouilines Principte, Province could not pass on Federal ted to or being within such hospital At some length, Col. Price outlined securities, and companies would flock to Guring the fiscal year next preceding j the principle of his new act, emphasiz-- Ottawa -- for incorporation, and '"so the year for which such aid is given." | ing that it compels bonding and regis-- escape." And, second, if & securIty | o New Bill Yet. tration of all brokers and salesmen: |Was endorsed by the Commission some Porgesoe. $ $ DORENS suspension of bonds; author--|person might use it has "having the Mr. Goldie's legislation is in the izes issuing of injunctions, where re-- |endorsation of the Government," and form of an amendment to the present quired; and provides for investigation |Perpetrate another freud. alct ?dlgll'lls,t'-'"!"l tpubllc i}oipitals and of cases of withholding information|waar» waaq 4« » charifiable institutions, Following its whica, under the Domin%on law, can. [ Would Need "Superman, introduction last night Premier Fergu-- not be classed exactly as "criminall "We would need, not a Strong Man, Son told the House that it had been fraud." but a Superman such as we do not the Ministry's intention to bring down '"'The Government doesn't say," Col. [produce," the Premier declared. an entirely new "hospitals" bill, but Price declared, in asking second read--| Mr. Ferguson pointed out that the Certain contentious clauses had held ing of the issue, "that this bill will proveflast clause of the Lill made possible UP its completion, and rather than de-- a panacer for all ailments; that when jits coming into effect even before the lay the sitting of the House it had it goes through it will protect people (60 days. 'Time was necessary, said he, been decided to amend the present act who won't protect themselves. But it |for the establishing of an organiza-- mstead.. io palg _ will at least give people a chance to |tion to carry out the act. hut this might j ;I'he ten--cent increase in its per diem Secure protection. It will stop hundreds not require more than a mouth "We' rate will mean to the Government, it of 'fly--by--nights' from coming in from don't want the 60 days." is learned, an increased expenditure rcomaaloacss P ~---- The bill, said he, "locked the door annually of between $90,000 and $100,--| (cl;(:npvmxw(i{f States. N(t'fia mind tlfi% before the horse was stolen," by con-- 009. ' :ompany, we can ge e man w j sale a ~ j sells worthless stuff. If we get the man trolling the broker and salesman :}RLANGER SUGGESTS we indirectly will get the company in Vicious System. 3 m d Aud 4 -- 4A the end." femier' r p hat are P oo Lofam Sindiair. taking Aileliynown as "wash sAie§." of the 3fSton RGOMS FOR MEMBERS view that the bill was an honest en-- "! n achines ual so as to lure in--| is n oo in Aeasiangang o. k in iA atinl . o Lo tee b ic, expresse 13. ; hia j »» a tho);r'i)z;lch;k' L\I\rl)otir:g th;l: 3&"3;:] ptret\'aéls too tmuch 1tn ttrx;uz It';';vl&?f'prrcl)e' Considerable EXpense Would atien t thar + A stated, pointing ou a 1 x s Ti day to be maned on ns Heatone tides To w chiok on such a system oy---- Be Entailed, Replies nt--Governar 1 is Arn. 4 . _ empowering the torney--Gene is :]v:(-lcril(j):(Zfigzvcirt'nc{uihl')lltocilém;?igg?d Llfel- examine the books in any _bl'Okeragsf;: Mlnlstel' 24 alnt_ duagcoue © -- ~ «4 ig " *% O es 6 ime effective, as other acts. at the end <f'ficc 'I.'hl.s' he I}Ot%d,'t ls.a? {?ard x of { the Legislature, 60 days after Royal 9raStic sort of measure, but a safeg During the passing of supplementary ssent. '"The people are looking for !° the pubhp. i the CStimates in the Legislature last night, ramT i} +s Mtr. Ferguson pointed out that re ° o o nanl uch a bill," he stated. Government had in mind another bill and consideration of the extension of of-- ,.fie <iugl,rf,£egteglthgit th}c:i Atg?fl'!:fy.:c'ifi?fi along the same lines to regulate real fices in the old and new Government the g;g,}imfiv Oofathx;gbmm:nd ?hought estate salesmen, and this legislation Buildings, Aurelien Belanger (Liberal. that some of the powers might be held MISLt be expected at least by the tim? Russell) wondered if the Governmert T)x" this Registrar C of the next session. had given thought to accommodating ' Progressive Leader Lethbridge, en-- the members of the House with o is ' lorsing the principle of the bill, was M b F ? i1 which they could do their work. Mr. rlad that there was a move to ;')rotect emoeyrs YOmM ------[! Belanger suggested that rooms might the ublic. '"There are a great many nomnpye n iratscmrnrrerrnnny be set aside for groups of four or five s 31;? ay to bite." he opined. He s § members, and that thus their "sojourn" t uegosien that there" be Some defnite There was a flurry of excitement in | __ in the Legislature might be made "more }?:;?e }m the bill to become effective, the Legislature last night when t.wo ag_l'o.eable,' Hon. George 5. _ Henry, and "the quicker the better." spectators were discovered sitting Minister of Public Works and High-- 1c a 5 + ; ways, pointed out that there was space in the Government benches. . available under the roofs in the old "We have," said J. A. Pinard building, but: that construction of (Libaral, Ottawa East), noticing ' rooms would be necessitated at con-- their presence, "apparently two new | siderable expense. As yet, he said, no members. I wonder where they are ( Gover nmentp?'has had courage 3{3{'1}'5"" from?" t through such an expen * The gentlemen hastily gathered:, to put e & up hats and coats and at once va-- « ' cated the seats, amid the laughter | ' of the House. € mm G uen in ie eneeeentmenen css ieesseieeaee _ omm

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