The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1928, p. 4

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,*__,"--__;v------*----"----_--" ) e dne Sss 4. Pr¥4rc)h +# th C f Anaemia in Humanity _ uy ' May be 1 raced to Hens Eggs FROM FEDRR AL PURSE 4--1\'/farl<eting Board, tt«lmi a%;'sem;nc ifor 1, N n d '«lg4,. co--operative research in s Province Hon. John 3. Martin, in Legisla-- \co--overatite tetearch _ agreement, pro-- P vides for a. study of the quality of eggs ture, A nnounces D evelop ~ _ to determine the effect of fsufch lqualit.gir J on the next generation of fowls, an ment in RcscarCh Work Thal to ascertain the effect ofhthe dlef:(t)ogf .,; the poultry on eggs as a human § c May Have Important Effect ut U§o Tor 'a staday of the hatching Hon. George S. Henry, in A power of fertile eggs as to the vitamine 4 Upon Health of Both Fowl and mineral cox}tents.t > House ReSOIUtlon, Sets "This work," he continued,. "is a na-- and Man tural cutgrowth of some experimental Forth Al'gument | megnmntammmamatnmes work which has already been carried NC ammrommmGanermmamey on by the Poultry Department of Lh}(: 1 P o. JP * & college, comparing the effect of suc DILT Or I OU"T R) animal protein as milk, meat meal, beef WANTS A c T l 0 N NOW TGO BE S]UD[ED scrap and tankage on the hatching sn m nnennnammmae. ; l t })owe(li' t?]{" f-':{tl]i-(ilgfg"gos.p(-'l'lt('"l?tasOfb(t?;I; A move to have the Federal Govern---- . ds . c uy c'Lx)\?!l)'rvo.\ die or fail to hatch, and it is| Ment provide further aid to the Prov-- Study of the common ,]m"' eog may in'.po{'tzmr to find an explanation of| inces for the construction and improve-- solve the mystery of why and .how these losses. _ In can'yllng on these| ment of highways has been launched in hun}a.n beings :~qu('1: frnm' 'u nac;:lat.l flt;xi;i&l:))t;'.":llb :' D;;;l:giggl]gtoe;;:dlé:? the Legislature by Hon. George S. Henry. 'I.mb H'on. {01" fi-- M:.';tmw t(') t1 "'3 pable of producing normal chickens at: Minister of Public Works and High-- Leglslatu:c }a.w. nl)gm. ;u;\:lm,d $ :.?v any time of the year. ways. one parlicular phase of his depart-- bint The Minister has given notice that h 's work was eater i tance _ Good Resulis Anlicipated, 1 e nllf,'nt s t"xni-:t \:,?j:'q:)(' Szoill:;':'gilxl:?(;mmmlc "It is expected," said the Minister, W b.ring before the House today the than at fir: f € C f "that this will have a bearing on the following resolution: Effects of BDict. cost of production of poulitry al?(:' its 4 "'Ii'hat this House is of the opinion, g inister referred to an impor-- products, and therefore on marketing. in view of the fact that under authority talfg]%ol\\'ilgi:n'mm ;11 research \vxork. "And," he declared, "there is also a of the Canada Highways Act ( 1919) t'llx% Following the conferences between possibility that a detailed study of these Parliament of Canada author#ed the Professor W. R. Graham, head of the. embryos may lead the way toward more payment of $20,000,000, by way of a Poultry Department of the Ontario .complete information .as to the. cause subsidy, to the Governments of the Acricultural College, and the Empire or causes of anaemia in human beings." Provinces on certain terms and condi-- 7 tiocx;s1 for tllme p}:n';t)'ose of constructing i |4/ 4 and improving highways, of which the Agrlculture 8 atCthgS way, Province of Ontario received $9,877,275, | + T k Th & PI :vhifll: was ealrned and expended prior | o the year 1925, and it is necessary | Cl ty M em ber aRes eIr ace for the Province of Ontario to continue ,; : capitigl expen?itlures for highways to | 'ba provide essential transportation facili-- _ The Progressive and U.F.O. members'Mg){:s%e%roxgsregggggdlfa:}fbit_):y\\inl;rx:) Ltfgl;fi gest Wil'.})fln the Province; and further. j G s of | es o iat the development of Provincial of the Legislature, the watchdog heip| his address. Whip widdifield, heading | pignways for molgor vehicle tr(a).ns;)(:(;?- agriculture, were absent from thelr| tho way into the Chamber, was greeted tation can no longer be considered a places last night when Hon. John S.| with much banging of Conservativé 'local work or undertaking' within the Martin began his review of the agri-- and Liberal desks. Mr. Lethbridge ar-- meaning of the British North America cultural affairs of the Province. _ | rived. Mr. Shields departeq. wandereq Act, but is national in its charscter be-- The Progressives were all having & | around among o«h?r empty -- benches cause of the great volume of interpro-- little get--together banquet before the;and finally hied himself away ogt O vincial traffic, the strategic importance close of the session. And when Mr.}|the fural atmosphere, back to Wood-- pf highways and construction machinery Martin started his remarks, addressing 1 bine. s y $ f related thereto in the national defense himself toward the Progressive benches,| The Progressives arrived in tims to scheme, and the use made of highways he found himself talking to his Toronto | hear many interesting sta'tements by by the postal service, and the important Conservative colleague, George Shields,| Mr. Martin and to engage in a discus-- part highways play in supplementing who had found his way into the chair | sion of agricultural affairs. But U.F.O. railway transportation; and considerinz vacated by Progressive Leader Leth--| members were not even in on this, be-- that the treasury of the Dominion Gov-- bridge. lmg absent throughout the might session, ernment has benefited to the extent of s over $175,000,000 since the year 1910, in Legislators at Work !mpt(;rt, dexcise, taxes on gutomobiles. + parts and tires (not including sales tax). Are Watched by Children and reteives annually in excess of $12,-- No curfew sounds in the Ontario 000,000 from these sources at the present Legislature. Almost evory afternoon time, leaving the Provinces to carry the school children are perched up in the whole burden of mctor vehicle traffic, galleries, giving the proceedings the which has been created without the '"'once over." But, an unusual thing, commensurate benefits to the Provin-- there were a couple of dozen young folk clal treasuries, which condition was not in attendance at the session last night contemplated when the financial pro-- They came early and they stayed visions were made at Confederation; late, long past the curfew hour. It was and that the Parliament of Canada 10.30 betore the boys and girls, under & should at the present session enact legis-- the guidance of two adults, took their lation which will provide for further aid departure. to the Governments of the Provinces for the construction and improvement of highways."

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