The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Mar 1928, p. 2

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----"'""-" t- riuasu,i,t-1zseci, 307M . Premier's Research Legislatio PREMIERE SOLU'MN 7 'ermed an "Adoertisin D d " tr g o ge . . . C.M.A. Speech Recalled. Liberal Leader Sinclair Sees In the face of Premier Ferguson's FILM UNFlT M CHILD ' speech to the Canadian Manutactur- Attempt to Steal Glory From ers' Association in December last, it ' F d l C was ditiicult, said Mr. Sinclair, to un- ------_-. V e era overnmenl, But derstand why the Prime Minister had Would Classii All Pi t i brought down the bill at all this ses- I0 re 1 Mr. Ferguson Says He Does sion. in his C.M.A. address the Prime . y u sl, N C WI C . Minister had declared that he would as Uhlversal or i ot are 10 eis Credit do nothing until he had consulted Ot- ',, tawa as to how Hon. James Malcolm's Adult l for It "research policy" was coming along. i, In reply, Mr. Fergusorl: said draw? i so interested in the sc eme . a e l, ADDRESS TO C M A did not care who got the credit for it. OPPOSES THOU SHALT NOT. . ' . For a long time, he said, he hlradi tie, ----.----- ', " q interested in the research wor n ie . . '. BROUGHT TO MIND different universities. Inh 19116ei as; a Would Eliminate Compulsory) _---------- Minister of the Crown, e m een I instrumental, he admitted, in estab- Clause From Belam. i Premier Ferguson's bill to provide a lishing research into minerals at the Bill a j research foundation in Ontario passed University of Toronto. Since then his ger l , I committee stage in the Legislature yes- interest in this field of endeavor had ---------. l terday. but only after Liberal Leader waned. Manufacturers of Ontario, he ' ,- ' William E. N. Sinclair had labelled it said, had been reluctant to contribute to . The Ontario Government pronoses.\ an "advertising dodge," designed pri- the research work of the upiyersitsr,.and instead ot adopting Aurelien Beianger's marily to steal the limelight from the had wanted "a voice of their own. " bill to classify films tit to be viewed' Federal authorities at Ottawa. "Put up come money, I told them: by children and to prohibit children) Mr. Sinclair said the Govcrnment's declared the Prime Minister, and we ll, f " . 2 proposal certainly was "ambitious," and give you that mice." _ Iron} viewing films not so classified, to; he hoped it would be possible to put "As_for the Government looking for: institute a system of movie censorship it in operation speedily, but he could advertising. scoffed the Prime. Mind? similar to that in force in England. not see why Queen's Park should take, ister. this Joovcrnn1ent docsnt nee i That is the present Board ot Censors unto itself a lot of credit that right:; to advertise.' will di id th pi , fully belonged to the manufacturers of: V e e mm es into two groups, the Province. These manufacturers, he' . one "universal" and one "adult." All contended. wcre laying the "rounds-l; PORTS CONTRACTS films, propaganda and advertising that- tion" of the scheme, tor. in accordance? , ter are to be stamped to tell the pub- with the terms of the bill, they had' lie whether they are fit to be viewed first to spend so much money before the fi) BE (lllhRl)lll) by youth and age alike or by adults Government "chipped in" with its con-! only. The only compulsory part oi the tributi on. Att -..-._r--.-._r.._ system ,',','i lthe stamping, and there is " no prov son, as in Mr. Belanger's Mutual Benefit Soci " Orney General Intptyduan amendment to the Theatre and Cine- - reues Amendment to Athletic matograph Act, to prohibit children Affected by Amendment C . . ffi'om 'ttly films designated as tit only Severaladdit ,.,r,', .. oraus. Among: tlddi.101.m to tut Municipal 0mm|SS|0n hot This Premier Ferguson made known . . , on Act were introduced in the An amendment t th Ath . in the Legislature last night. when in Lt'gisiature last night m, Au0mw_ missio l" t (iii '1 o . e Ietic Cop- the final moments of the night :ession General Price when this bill was dealt ' n C w. tn gives the Commis- J. A. Pinard (Liberal, 1ilast Ottawa) in- with in CCI . on --. ' . sion absolute Jurisdiction over all con- , mmitt: _. With these added t t , . . quired on behalf ot Mr. Belanger. who clauses tee bill sti on. k .. "r,, rat: s and certificates in professional was b t to h th Bela .ll .L...lLi-. in h c- . , a sen, as W en e nger ported. " . gpor'tuin "38 P 1'0V1ncC was intrOducoo amendment would come before the One is an amendment to the Jnsttr- ignite tr/stuliitt1.eral Price in the Legis- House for third reading. .31" It't . "Hithrt " o, ' . . 5235"?" 1r1oei"ie,1,'ig,"i'.),.tli,',1e'i"'nvLhis'gp'ii: The amendment provides that "a solution, Says Premier. l confined to railway ., sl,",,',,,')',,,)','.),.."".],.) contract entered into for the manage- "I have. a suggestion to make," said' which do not Hymn morhfwv ("r it 11'" ment 9f any person to take_part In a the Prime Minister, "a solution of the' benefits." shall not bis axiom", . unal professional contest or exhibition of difficulties. There are many things to; within the mmmm of iii; " tIts.)""),".,". any sport or game, or for the taking be said of the scheme, but the objecq tittired m /,iiliiii,r)."'d,' be I." fy re: part therein, shall not be valid or ot tionable feature is that lt declares': gum: Uh *- L C, ieenst?d as any force or effect unless the same 1 'Thou shalt not.' It is a suggestion Another addil'nn to the hill .. IS in writing signed by theparties whether we shall have class legislation new" the iiiiidc,'tc, (I L 1" ilii- thereto and approved of. as being fair 'and say to parents you shall not take Forms to mm "1-3;, H? 'rl,. ands and and reasonable by certificate of the l your children to this show or that one." tho Spruce mm. 'rliJ,'vi1?a'Pn'i'i ""1an .vith fPrn.mission under .the hand ot its. The Censorship Department, said he, ham and the l, oi.' aptly Paper Com- Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secre- was permitted by regulations already Limited "a?" 11?. l", /gl),s .ComP'WYv tary. ' . passed to institute a system similar to rdi'r'ti,itts'ifi 'ppf. , M 'r?.') j.1f,'/..?ei thc It is also provided that "the occasion that in effect in England. He went on {som' g "m ttny,'cructi?ti ly of the Commission as to granting or to explain that there the films were - lit Finlars; . refusing $11911 certificates shall be final 'stamped 1n two eategories" as "uni- . original iseiei)i,'nFafi,yirte,rii,, that the and conclusive and shall not be open versal" or "adult,' and that this stamp . .: l ' l l l, a An Cm'npany had an to question in any action or other pro- appeared on films on all such propa- arrangemrnt wfl!T the Govern t l . . n whicn they were to build a bingo: (iiy ceeding in a court of law or otherwise. ganda as pamphlets, on ,tf,',t,t"'f,' 2%. cular in design. Later the secongc'ieonli: 3:2; and on advertisements n e Ram bad com" into being. At tne ( "This," he emphasizedtrttysaye no- "'3: $3319 tffo",it.i9trnjtt)'/iliiT,'-"il,) ottgi- " a ' tice to all parents. And this, it seems, A. _ OW.?, it )etto' l t . _-..--.-.-------------------" ~- road strairlnt. Thislwas 'iss/un/cl,','-," can be worked out under the regula- tho bridge was iioiiiiiirirtifi, com- M BORDER CITIES tions much more satisfactorily than hail}: found th: t it i) V . U I arbitrary statutes." . . . , the. original 2,arti,/ti,c1l"i', 'e), can? T, 1:? L i Suggesting that the bill be withdrawn, lation was to allow the Government, to f he promised "the Governments under- accept the bridge. which was wanted b.y 1kigi'2l1saht, she stamping system would all lic:; -h.-%ON. . eestaonsnet1. partic, Ontario Government Pre' Liberal members wanted to know . . . . what would become of the proposal in: Red ttil/te,',',",?; Bill pared to 0ispose of Suit- the bill to change the age limits atl it rawn h Earn e. " . which a child could attend a show un-I Joseph p Earngey Consev ti g y able water Lot Holdings accompanied from 15 to 16 years. The: her for Kenora 1ii"fNioi'i'T,h'1rfisPfg1i ---.----. Premier thgughhtbft the preslelnt 'li'ir Lak _ l, . . ' might stan un .1 l was seen ow e fg.'gi,rft'/gag //r1ls2fridii'ggtrut vegiilrtilegt wilting) 'h'feourll'QT, aCiggs suggested scheme would work out here. the. interests for whom a; was yspofi." _:watertront similar to that to be Attendance of Matrcns. wring the. measure had telephoned him {seen now at Niagara Falls. the Ontario He was, he declared, strongly 1n to drop It. Government is prepared to turn' over its favor of anything that would protect The bill, it will be recalled, provided textensive water-lot holdings in that dis- the welfare ot children in theatres, tor the building into the Red Lag. trict to the municipalities interested at and he forecast that there would be, mining field of a common-carrier "a; a very low figure. more rigid regulations in respect to the: from Kenora. costing approximately 38,- This. in effect, was the information attendance of matrons. .. . 000,000. Legislative authority to form supplied yesterday by Hon. William Pin- a company with a $5,000,000 inchrpor- 'layson. Minister of Lands and Forests, to ation was to have been asked the a Windsor. deputation. consisting of House. E. W. Backus was one ot the Mayor Cecil Jackson and J. Fred Reid, main figures behind the project. The M.P.P. The Government is anxious, ac- . road was to have been started in two cording to Mr. Finlayson. to see started years and completed in five, on the Border Cities waterfront a beau- . . tlfication scheme that will naraliel' in attractiveness that at the Falls. .9

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