The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1929, p. 1

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I " EPCO ~---7flvf~~--~fi--"**~"-----------------------"----v-------------w---m------------- $ * | ® SLAS["NG CRmCISM * l ernment specially for failurs to holp the i farmers in various ways, ending | [ ||up an attack with Ohis want| # 'of-confldonce motion, which in effect,| | * R | condemns the Government "for its fail--| § ||ure to carry out the recommendation | 'nr the Agricultural Committse for the | Public Safcty on Highways. appointment of a Co--operative Coun-- lesti f public safety on s > , e question of pubiic satet PREM]ER lS DEFIANT [ $i%e ans berticubnt i eietonan Ob hi?&'i& ?l;n Progressive Leader com-- | | give any particular assistance cor en--| mgndf'(f the "safety campaign" that has | couragement toward the formation U"hfié': conducted during the past year, » y > " 5 +s i ob 1 , UX 8 ¥. esn e ts | co--oporative enterprises. f E;-nd then drew the Minister of High-- Fel' uson Launches Out | _ Mr. Ferguson spent practically 20 } 5 ays' attention to "one source of danger g nnnx1ut(;-s--1r not speaking (hrccl:tly to the | n'x; };'r:)\'ixwr'X'al hirghways" which, he b»-- & 141 2mendment--in at Jleast deploring the' houl ) aittonded to "withou r # . 7 should be aittndc Against All Opposition --* |TesNdtEnt--in 2t feast deplotine the (ovge Attacks _ _ what Ontario had done for the farm-- ""'i'vhfl " he stressed, "is the removal | er: and intimating what it would do--~-;rr all t--lephons and Hydro polcs 2 weenmenmmmmmmmmenamememsning | prepared. as he said, even after Ottawa | l;"'\"'l-" (,;-' an feet from the travelled | had abolished its grant to the Provin--s,.| es L ndercstsn that the Bell Tole-- road. I understand . MAKES ANNOUNCEMENTS io carry the full load, and to do O¢--| phone Company have an agreoemen tawa's share in any other capac!ty 1N ) wiin the Province that they can placs which she might fersake her Provin-- 1'11"'1" poles 17 feet from the contre of # cial obligations on taau # This is a dangcrous > & I ravelled road. This is a C Sapurther Rid for Researth 1| "ASeiiss Silices asnersi, nusesip e i adjourned the debate and will con'tinue;| " .\',,' Lethbridze defin»d old--age pon-- Fund Pr'soner'PrOba' it noxt Tuscsday. al ,~~9 probably the most importanl i iaA} ¥4 F s srriclno +4m: ha + voul on _'""" tfl" tion ReVISlon State of Agriculture. logisl: dt"'l that :1. mdlfj "1'l h1'» I\' NGee P House this session, A1 yHUS ssniceneresnerermcarens Aft,fr brief reiteration of his pleasurs 'l?l'l"ni'i}fl" the Progressive group wa at the King's recovery, and expression | £°° /=t,, ntil the actual bill was 5 7+ i committed. Until the actual From Premier G. Howard Ferguson of congratulations to Hon. Edward A--| mocquced by Premicr Ferguson, he and the Ontario Legislature yesterday heard Dunlop and Hon. Fredcrick T. Smye | pis party would resorve judgment, he just as good an election campaign on their clevation to m'n Cabinet, H:'(A'-.. ated. "prepared to receive it with an speech as any he may deliver later this LPU:?;K;';; "",t"i?(,], 1']7 .]"',, ("\';;,. oY T.(,"\ open Inin'j.' and to supp \.1-:"1't C nc c CrTiCui . SV t 1@v, In &pl 1 1 c s SHH9* st i1 :;,: ent dictate: year--in 1930, or whenever the next very prosperous year enjoycd by the|'* "'I"'(,;"A .)'lq ,J',\l, T}x:p}:,- : honoraole Provincial appeal to the country is Province in this rc pect, "the 121!9°l | momber for South BIUCS spsak his launched. was not without his troub'es. mind s» clearly." declared Mr. Leth-- « re vhin} ras reauenitly ' * . ecvi® " AA ie mA 11 4 M mak In upward of two hours' forceful de-- agq(i?:ll "';111!"1;:1'}1"'I;'H'I ¢ '"hf'll,;,].r -~-\-\"1p bridge. "Why ""',;';'*"' Falls should "i,, Niteake * gallion, . C NEEs Wl w 102| their power for $19 per horsspow>r and b::g argument that was cynical, a ],;;('[,uatn.]g markC espf ;'}f'll,'.' in live Cf','«l'l'?'\'\i'lL:'fi have txr;'.'i_'.' $95, Alvinston, critical, bold, biting, humorous stock. This was very manifest during in Lambton County, $90, and Brigden and "hefty" in turn -- the the latter part of 19028, when many $88. is a qusstion that has been Prime Minister covered the whole ,r,::.:\?,m;,.]nol;'{'(,?,m'}f; '.,,,,.l.:.',';":':rfm ]"fr mfi troubling the people of this Province sreat s asri C : |for years, and a qucstion for which o mmoere Gftyernment'achlevement and _ farmer was assured of a stable marke! | they have been s":}(:]ir'.:; a solution." Opposition "weakness": swung a couple with a fair margin of profit on his prod-- 9 : of formidable fists at the Federal Goy-- uct and a roa.wnnrbl'('(iit\'idr}n]d on tln'\ in--| Says Province Owns Sources. ernment at Ot vestment, some of his troubles, at least 'The Province ownsd the water powers the United s? tawa, and even dmd would b'" f'\l\."'(l. I trust the uovern= / from which the elsctrical energy had c States in by the heels, so to ment will take up the suggeosti0on Of| psen developed, stressed the speakor. It speak, to contrast the "evil conditions'* the honorable member from Scuth had advanced $130,000,000 in cash. In existing there under prohibition with _ BIUC® 2"d take over some fAtl) "I addition it had guarantced over $24.-- the "law-and-order-cxeatlng senti 'm; R "1»' '""']m o iaey lx f ","'l' f \D"'.' 000,000 in debentures issued by ';113 »» % imer, [Ne fupervision of the. Disttlct! Ccommission. '"That means," ho said, Eent existing here under "the best Representative, ,.and produce, 'if they}'"s> far as the powor dovelopment is quor Control Act in the whole Do-- can, 5 per ceit. dividend on the invest=| conscommed, the Province NAS, i1 effect, minion." ment. This, I believe, would be a veory been the creator. The quesiion thers-- imieresting test of the profits made i) fore naturaily arises: Why should there * Aid for Prisoners, farming, and might solve the problem | jy, this vast differon:s in prices at the In one respect, in particular, did Mr of so many lr.'\.l.lrf", the farms and drift= nowters of -- different municipalities Ferguson strike a pre--election promis-- ng" es 1_'3,5"'.?,!,":' "}\fi'\._ 8. that good throughout Ontario? sory note. 'The Government, he stated ,flzé}:'\ -X.l[fd,ltl',f'.',',',;, 1; K.',i"l(",') O';}i,'.r::"'i} j "?119 mlutx%n offered in some quarters wou! » A ccand ho iwall" ho adAuneoy" "" n iis that the Province assume the cost R:;hd put an official in the Ontario would be well, ho advised, to slow UP| of delivering power to the bordor of ormatory at Guelph whose job & little" on both county and Pr'nm--ANm.y organized municipality (@rural or h re 4 <a 5 in vo a rosent ; 3 ; a would be to study the prisoners cial T S Olke "B . MCY .n,f 'h_ p""'-"";urbam in the Province at a fiat rats, their a and burden of taxation with which thae or nsarly so, and theon let each mu-- gig 30 AolOUHtes for trade, so as to|-- /people are saddied i iSipaTY _pay For Ano contee;, uie aiwn n their reh '.A\.'t}: 144. y aAY _ ."T alld VEA | J " wIl WWere Teleased abilitation once they Incroased Granis Ursed. distribution within the municipality, « The Government would tn. 43 under the suparvision of the Hydro broaden the scope of the r "With the proposed incrcase in gas-- enginscrs. Foundation b 5 esearch oline tax, and the large revenue from.| * ppa} there is a grievance in this DStions to tiv meeting personal contri« auto licenses and drivors pormiis, it inccuality cof rates 15',1-;':1:1{1'-.7 a 'i:'ni':fd doll ie fund with doliar for would seom the right thing," c ntlended| and that it reflects very adversoly on O ar. Mr. Lethbridge, "to raise the grant to tne smaller urban centres and finally The Government, next season, woura h. | i. s o o P C 0 0 uo ue f on rural districls is also 'evident. "The -- undertake, in i ¢ Mr. Lethbricse argued 1 Tmy t235} solution of the difficulty may be hard connection with his any increasecd gas tax should b> fol-- i * ed soil survey, project moot«= | any increasec enorlianate decrai«s 11| Lo meet owing to the present system of terially benent the acs'that would ma.-- 1'17""'{,_,"_"" ;*'l'-t' "".L::.,"\"']'...f.\ vi MI"'E" administration, but nothing is properly For the lmmedx'at,egr culturist, "' -Il"(Pl Cfi alll 1 tt a vepy pofSettled until it is settled right." guson had nothing to "Cfey M Fer. Price 10P ie miconge. Auet euificieni '2} _ _Mr. Lethbridge said that the present on several occasions he (l,xaer' although !'-";"1 'lfln w w;'_',;;;'v';f'. therso ang £05t of rural--line building seemed high. with breath bated. o 0 d the House 'r_'_'l.'(.'"", o io erinnine o aird 11("1\"'.'""1 The average cost per mile was 32.331 tips did & bl 'v'- '(')SC to his flnger- ul. l\,,l~ll'..lA'!.;l ']4",:\);; 81 a n-' VOuUIC to the InuniCit)alit\' As far as work seem to da lg news announcement coliect practically all the ",'m"" nee-- of construction "'.% eonsorned the ngle, essary for road purposcs through the rural mumcivt_flitin\-'_rbh" h';.};";;i'_"m','d Co';:les Back at Liberals, ;fll;,c'(flfifid'i;'];; tax burden on rural mu.l Pulld them for about half the cos:. e I » -\.g..x. 8 thak i4 C11 lf« A.: s s in wm:hte,;';',?,';"g debate--an afternoon ]lll(flpfllltl:\-, he pointed out that in 1906;| Liquor Control Law. e Spite t « Lethbridge had, de-- 'lhc total taxation in Ontario, for all| Wwhite there had been no mention of iC tlmeuness and t % : ras ct +3 von g«iwv as a [ n no mention Tooike and his Jaunching of 10| |RHIDOSES, Was a Hitle over six and a)| the working out of the Liquor Control amendment to the Slncliglcmng of an | quarter million dollars. .ill'xl__'l'9~.0:--'f1'{'? | Act in the Speech from the Thronc. to play second fiddle to the Gorc.. fasi year for which official figures 26 | said Mr. Lethbridge, both Willikm Mor-- ment head-- e Govern-- avallable----the total was upward of | rison (Conservative, East Hamilton) cad--did not pass without $27,500,000, or more than a 400 per Ferguson returnin tit 1 id Shan o ive o Suniemt : leo nnvaans ' _ ond Foster G. Moffat (Conservative, for slap, the crltlgism d(l)r t?t.dand slap cent. increase. This increased ]t.'q.:mml outh Bruce) had emphasized . very ¥ rected at him was levied, howoever, on a population of c ® ard A A C i a . . t ongl r 5 ang't!fi:d;{ntt'{erm::t?lkut::ger Sinclair, &' practically the same number as in 19086. gly the opinion that conditions C $ "Now," said Mr. Lethbriagec, "how « yesterday by the prOKPGSS!veupgloatt };\{(m | l"e-:\(t);tx"- '111(';'((}'1":*(11l nl%"'lul'tl*lf{sir)'x ('1r>m- Ferguson characterized M ir and are with farning Dower of Onlafi his poli r. Sinclair andg pare with the carning power of Ontario 20 Purey as suffering this year from farms? In 1906 the money value of zfg.w}iltl);egt bolitical paresis": twitted bim all field crops in Ontario, as given in | hm a:lsaual lack of constructive critt. an cfficial report issued by the Govern-- 'Vigoro'uslvl ';lgain went to the mat, ment, was $144,000,000. In 1926, from ftold stor'y' o"I tthethnostoverAthe twice-- the same official report, o.hox;a%ugngr (z;ll I on Artillerymen field crops produced was $257,000,009, !and t;::t ;X:Jn,rgermlt they thought they approximately an increase of 80 per 'had' % " cent We have been incrsasing ou? Ooft % cent. V o cpgrce 3 1 ?lent olh:'a Letl.l'b:idge"and his "benevo. taxation to meet our program. _ It i3 ' mism" Otme, nd "agricultural pessi= high time we were reducing our pro-- 4 | was mflm d:;rl:!:'(t)gteot ltig))lg Premier gram to meset cur taxation. o P is e. «4 at tm "«""ivnh' he told the Progressive Leader, M:' rising sun--not the setting one." s __Mr. Lethbridge went after the Gov»--

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