,W--W"WW Ma/e.ln e$ J d y -- 'flf'\& 3")'- APLF/. ' -'.M"'~ illgpls it oc ate ie alnhcies tw Mb euit ;.'_ boipnatrey tds % "TMARINERS WILL HAVE VOTE | , UNDER NEW LEGISLATION 'Government Bill, Modelled on British System, Makes ' Provision for Voting by Proxy--"Safe-- ; I guarded in Every Way" ; ; The Ontario Government has \mdcr-'i amendment to the Election Act, a mari-- |taken what is more or less of an ex-- ' neor is €efined as a man or woman in h_lis riment ir xtendi Majesty's Naval Forces or in mercantile s ?:cmu & : Clanady'n in extending thc:vcssels registered in a British port. es of the system of advanced | It is proposed that such a person 'polls at election time. The proposal, | may go before the Captain of his ship which was brought before the Logis-- iand sign over the power of attorney ' lature yesterday afternoon by Hon. Wil--| for voting to a member of his immedi-- liam Finlayson, Minister of Lands and |ate family, and that that proxy must Forests, is, in a way, based on a method ; be registered on the voters' list. Thus, used in the Old Country, and it has 'at the time of an election, the sailor lpartlcularly to do with extending the | would sign over the voting power of epportunities of voting to mariners. 'attomey to his wifle. And when she At present those employed on the 'wcnt to the polls to vote for him by vessels on the Great Lakes are often |that proxy she would be obliged, ac-- ; unable to be in port even to vote at the|cording to a provision in the bill, to iadvanced polls. Now it is proposed that|take a special oath. Mr. Finlayson they shall be able to vote by proxy. pcinted out: "It is safeguarded in every l In this Government bill, which is an| way."