The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Mar 1929, p. 1

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77'eesd/sttvr(.imv' tr ' Iii I 1 'One or Two Might Be an i n i, Asset, Mr. Henry l Told. RETAIN WOMEN'S COURT Better budgeting on the part of the Ontario Government as a means of financing such necessary schemes " old-age pensions was suggested to representatives of the Ferguson Cabinet yesterday by Miss Grace Hunter. Miss Hunter was one of the three spokes- men in the delegation, numbeiing well over 50, representing the Toronto Women's Liberal Association, who " A"," waited on the Government yesterday "j/Au f" 5 J a - tl "cd1 7 /2 . morning. In her pointed remarks on the need for pensions for Ontario's aged _ folk and for the continuance of the l i . Woman's Court, she also made the sug- i F t t gestion that a woman, or two in the " Cabinet might be an asset. I Hon. George S. Henry, Minister of ' Highways, who received the delega- - " lion in the absence ot Premier Per- . guson, was quick in his reply to her , later suggestion. "We would suggest I 2 (l to the Prime Minister that We take il i u l , you in; then we would see how you ld . l " would balance the Budget. It would ; _,____"_,___ be interesting." ---------, , . . iPlea for Aged People. Farm Committee Re om- i8ig Oeputation Suggests lis I "I admitIwould trim it well in some 0 E E ti respects," replied Miss Hunter with a mends New Legislation--- 5 rec lon on Baden smile. , Hills nut her plea for the aged men and Pleas for Relief 2 IIT men of the Province forced to end t i --------.- their days in poverty and dire need ' ------- 5 was an earnest and convincing one. ILIGHT VISIBLE She touched on the possibility of the BOOST THIEVES ORGANIZE l 150 MILES Government "loading a quarter ?t, the ', 3 - - icost of the pension on the municipal- .. . . f A 75-foot beacon tower to he erected l,ity" and remarked that, in her Opin on, 5:19 chicken ""9"": now prevalent his birthplace, was proposed by a large lpeoplebof Toronto are heartily ashamed throughout Ontario, and more particu- Western Ontario deputation. waiting on {of lodging their old people in the jail." larly in the western section of the _the Ontario Government yesterday, as (sle, asserted. . . h hi d?" . Province. the Committee on Agriculture ', the only appropriate memorial to the EquégeléyMlibSS (£323: a]? 11i,?."rvtlii.t)maari'i ' and Colonization of the Legislature yes- i memory of Sir Adam Beck. and one in "vi V r Minister ot Health tcrdav r n d d h . . PM. Forbes Godf ey. ' at Ili,. ecoiimeli; e t C introduction {this}: the Province should at once in- lwho was also present. .A _ _ is sess on y t.he..Depart.m.s'nt of ltercst itself financially j The Acting Prime Minister, in reply- griculture of legislation which will I . . iing to Miss Hunter, refuted her state- require that all ithvl-truckers be lie.. i All the first Hydro centres-Stratford, lment that Ontario was a laggard. He ensed. and. additionally. that they shall iKitchener, Seaforth and many smaller iLGr1isisiid his belief that the Govern- ;arg: with ".hem a book-check on all i. municipalities-were represented on the lment had given a great deal of serious Ir ._showing where purchased yyi%eputaiion received by Hon Geor e S istudy to the question, and also that from whom, prices paid, and where con- 3. He ti . _ . - g . i"before the end of this year there will [ signed to. H nry. toting J., ""116 Minister. "We the. operative in this Province an old- [ A e ', ' 'l, represen IC istr ct from Sarina and 3 a e ension system." ny f t', "elcomedr .;(:oderich east. to Waterloo County," I g"Iphoped that the Attorney-General _ Action 0. the committee came after gMayor Andrew of Stratford told Mr. iwould be here this morning," said Miss ma Mititilescx deputation. headed by War- I Henry. i l 6i a . R . to address d M ii r"., - , munter, because I wished 'en' 9L: La i, waited on the members i No Selfish Urge ', my remarks on the Women's Court to 'alyt' revealed the sad state of attairsi, "We . . / . . . him, especially." She reminded Mr. with regard to chicken theft m which F L' think that , memorial In the Henry that the women of Toronto had that county finds itself today. Any sort 33¢" Hills, near the birthplace of Sir worked for twenty years for the court, of relief from the present menace would teve'"; tltyti. be constructed. It could and that, both Conservative and Liberal be welcomed. said the Warden. High '32: 'loti'tfeod on ot,1,t top, WWI} would women were united in their desire that Constable Wharton told of organized ' tic l I aerop Ines.. There ts no it should be maintained. gang thefts, and the employment by par Luff municipality itttorested in the thieves of professional pickers whc this. lhere is no seLrlsh urge. We Will Retain Court. picked as high as 250 stolen birds in a merely want to see that, his memory "I think I can asure the ladies that single night. He was inclined to favor is commemorated." the Women's Court will be maintained," sonic sort of bird-tagging system as Bo.U.t Mr. Henry and Hon. Dr. J. D. said Mr. Henry. in reply. well as a record check-up at "iaii'tiii; Monteith, Provincial Treasurer, assured Ontario's need for temperance educa- purchasing and sales end of poultry the deputation that their appeal would _tion in the public, high and normal deals Many times he stated he tt r PCelve the Government's most sym- ischools was pointed out impressively iiiiirkniiii, who stole birds but lapel: , net-heme consideration, and that the 'iii' Mrs E B Tanner. On behalf of proper checking facilities 'made it 113- 'iir'f.iii?:,'(c't1,,ldsotj placlcd bCfore Premier the association, she suggested that ttre possible to secure convictions. . c2616; . . on as 1e returned to his f,e,'ie"aTr'g1i; iniaddétieon 113105111: "$1122 Avrvicigture $333821: $131 Minister ot - The deputation, which was some 75 t,io,lu',e"ri'e1lhori"g, tile use of Misg Iso- agro h draft of le islatio e 'it?gl1tt i? ""7" 1trrotyr: was introduced by Karl 'i;iii G'tsGrGGiri's' book on temper- d , g n w c the is. Homuth, Conservative member for ance and that some instruction be given , epar ment has in mind for some, South Waterloo. iii h h l d ormal school stu- . let as the more armies-s Vist"obt is".",' Miles are se oo an n _ lner rmsanypoceo eerwull '- . . .fsr.. l lbe able to demand the check-books ot' ' Baden Hills are 1.455 .feet above the Forgh': sttigntoegige1ittteec's"iir,r. _ shippers. Farmer poultry-producers and; beat level, the highest point in Western eg as e d f th victim of the. druq l leommon carriers will be exempt. _ n ario, and are visible for a distance t '..nee. 5.0 , a: I of 35 miles. They are located about 1,5 habit. Mrs, Alex. MacGregor, in plea (tsevere. Penalties. miles trom Stratford and it miles from) ing their case, urged that some pro- l Colonel T. L. Kennedy, Chairman of Kitchener. vision be made for such unfortunates, in 3 the committee, told the deputation that t Tentative proposal is that a Stone separate wings of hospitals, tor m 13%: ;he understood that the Dominion au- ower be constructed on the highest institutions, where tree. men cou " lthorities at Ottawa would amend the point in the hills with a powerful bea- given. . . ' ,Criminai Code this session so as to pro- con on the top. The light, it is stated, "We ask this morning that you give limit?" severe penalties tor chicken if» tic%teht1y strong to be visible toyiti,ggituiy'rgi'itigitesn to like Sift? s ea . . - . l . nals," said Mrs. MacGregor. . Mrs. W. G. Reading, First Vice-pred- dent ot the Toronto Women's Liberal - Association. introduced the speakers.

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