The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Mar 1929, p. 2

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' En,/dey. PNa~z#k-- 774 it notniznrteen ~~~ se y /« e en e T Mr. macaulay then came to his sub-- f ject of brokerage operations in Ontario. I E 1 UR E He foresaw that in the development of . Auab 4 Ontario, "speculation" on the market 4 was to be more pronounced. He refer-- T E: , I L 1 2 4 5 red to the efforts of Governments to R CON I N U S UN @ _ curb certain brokerage operations under | "blue sky legislation." He didn't think | that the Dominion authoritiee were co-- ' F O R l U E S D A ' x i)pera.tlng with the Provinces in such t aws. | J $y Then he referred to possible "abuses" | *wmmovememmascmmat i|~ But the Ii:rfmsthmg b{figzespegiht'%i' in the brokerage busings%. * & ix--hour talkfest was spe | _ Unless something is wrong," he sai ' Wlde Range of TOplCS, ;ln-_ Shields, something entirely original || "q progey who buyg and sel%s on comd: F and entirely unparalleled in the history 'mission for his customer should never rom N eeds of Northern of this or probably any other House. go bankrupt." f * Mr. Shields, in his own words, certainly ie | Ontano and Its Labor{ "woke the House up ;mns 4 a sggndt Customers "Hold the Bag." # & & || sleep." Flitting from subject to subject || «@rf» po, said, "brokers ar F 4 S'tuatw"' to Plea for 1ikepa busy little bee, now prodding, now ' customers' shares and ca;it.ealutsomgng:c':' i S bl » cajoling, now placating, and now sooth-- |their own private ventures, that is f easonable Tartfi on ing, he gave the crowdedl galle:lij at gfimethigg they ;houldn't. do, and which + is appearance "a very pleasant time, e exchange should regulate and pro-- Vegetables and F rutts l Bixk you" : | hibit." .. t seat, on the exchange was + s wor V00, he said. Other brokers Against U.S. Products BSays Liberals Aslecp. ; ' _ | had a lien on that seat in that if the 1' In referring to the Liberal amend-- | firm went bankrupt they would take the t e s ' ment to the ]Budgt;:t. J idM \ ?fibbfé gg:; | monfiy for t;theirSccilza.irmsi out of the value 4 servative, Algoma) said: "The S | of the seat. "S0," said Mr. Macaulay,; *' Aerusep tieegu, e dsn ut ootne p ananarang | i said, had already expresse r opin-- rokers, an e customers are lef | REF USED LI BERAL 1§ndas to whether the Ferguson Govern= i holding the bag." | "ment had given good administration. Short--selling, he said, might. also be . | _ Mr. Robb gave special attention to --| another abuse in the brokerage busi-- The debate drags on. | the recent speech of Farquhar Oliver,> >| ness, Legitimate short--selling, he said. Hon. George S. Henry, who is leading jl U.F.O. {?e!?btetl; for Nortlil Gz;y.n it;g Zvas aén timgorta?lt tandmva.lua,ble fac-- 61 ing that the latter's reasoning | tor. But when short--selling was made ;};ecm'czxove;:rme,?t in Llhe ass,,;io: of | was unsound, and his flat rate cry | the subject of just juggling figures on 'rguson, puslhed the House| C/, "class legislation." | the books, that was entirely a different - argument on to 12.45 o'clock this morn-- Mr. Robb suggested, when dealing | matter. ing in an effort to clear the decks for with reforestation, that the Lands and Mr. Macaulay wanted to compliment a wind--up on Tuesday next and con-- Forests Department undertake an ex-- Attorney-(_}eneral Price for his activity k S ' f .. periment in a township where it should! |in protecting the public in safeguard-- sideration on Wednesday of the supple-- designate a type of tree and then burn | ing conditions Mr. Macaulay believed mentary estimates. It was the latest off the slash. This would show the | that the stock market was something sitting of session to date. public the cost of such an enterprise. ' like the newsprint industry, in that the | J. &. Robb (Conservative Algoma), P H, said he, reforestation was not profit-- | Government_ should give leadership, but W.' Pearson (cLiberal North York), able, it was not practical, He agreed ]'the parties in the business should man-- Leopold Maculay (Conservative, South that the Minister had a rea},'l pr(f)bleng |age the details. York), Charles G. Fletcher (Liberal, in trying to per;i)etuate ine _ fores l"We Are on Guard." South Essex), George Shields (Conlz growth in the Province,. ' ie Sid he (altvbeatine thareh servative, _Woodbine), T. _ Legau ,000. was not advocating hars (Liberal, Sturgeon Falls), T. M. $250,000 4o $7,000,000 l laws, but he wanted --the House and the Costello (Conservative, South Renfrew) Mr. Robb analyzed the system 91. ! people of the Province "to let it be and W. G. Robertson (Liberal, Nor-- planting trees to show that it wouzg | known to the brokers that we are on thumberland) '"strutted their stuff" to cost $250,000 to "plant a township." |guard, and if there are abuses we will the House, in the order named, yester--; But this would eventually develop into have to step in and rectify them." day, wandering all over the map of a value of $7,000,000. He spoke at He declared that the business of rep-- praise, criticism, _ suggestion _ and length in praise of Ontario's methods utable brokers depended on good--will, | charges, and covering practically every of forest fire protection, describing the 'i "so that one failure of a firm in ten ' field of endeavor in which any Govern-- various branches of that service, and . '! days does them more harm than all the ment could possibly be interested. The particularly the "ground system," which criticism in the Legislature." day was a purely Liberal vs. Govern--. includes tower lookouts and telephone "But," he said,. "if the Standard Ex-- ment affair, with the apparently "taik-- | lines. change was told by the Government ed out" Progressive group failing to | _ Referring to the settling of New On-- that we look to them, they would check contribute a volunteer to the march-- [ tario, Mr. Robb said: '"If I had my| up the situation and clean it up." He | past of back--benchers. | life to live over again I'd do what I did | hoped that there would be some system |s 1 Tariff '\a quarter of a century ago, and go into| whereby in both exchanges there would casonal Latrifi. | that North country." | be periodic reports to show that the ' _ From Messrs. Robb, Fletcher j 1;:md | Picturing the activity of wolves itl:ll the' members are solvent, and keep solvent. | Macaulay the House had, however, three . | try, their preying on sheep, & | good speeches, with the first--named :Ifggrt%o%%unmivd the (gOV%l'nment that -- No Political Problem. | member's comprehensive review . of | there was a real demand, at least in Charles G. Fletcher (Liberal, South | Northern Ontario's conditions and its | Algoma, that the wolf bounty be in-- _ fissey) spoke at some length on agri-- needs providing, perhaps, one of the | (y "yceq. cultural conditions, contending that the l'nighlights of the session to date. Mr.| " )n the subject of loans to settlers, farm problem was not a political one, | Fletcher spoke chiefly of the farming Mr. Robb urged Hon. William Finlay-- 'and that the speeches in the House |situation in his South Essex Riding.and | son Minister of Lands and Forests, t0 -- of Foster Moffat and A. H. Acres, both ; -- |struck a new chord in the House by | give "just a little wider interpretation Conservative members, indicated that launching, in that connection, an ©41= | to the word 'settler.'" Mr. Robb thought quite well. These speeches, he inferred,_' nest appeal for some seasonal tariff | inat the man who operated a small had revealed a frank, fearless criticism under which early vegetables and fruits | saw mill that catered to farmers, and of Government policy, and the fact might be able to compete successfully | ins man who spent part of each YEAL -- that all was not well with the farmer against imported American products. | «; the bush" should be given some CON-- -- today. ; | Mr. Macaulay, always capable of hand-- | sigeration as 'settlers.'" He also urged . Speaking of agricultural problems in ling out a surprise, threw the weight Of ; ron john S. Martin, Minister Of Ag-- 'Western Ontario and of his own rid-- ; his argument in favor of the Attorney-- | riculture, to impress the Agricultural ing in particular, Mr. Fletcher drew | General's Department, and the methods, | poarq to show a little leniency toward -- applause from the Government benches | never publicly advertised, by which that | the settlers who, after three crop fail= | when he expressed himself in favor of & ' |department is protecting the people's | ures, were unable to meet the regula-- ?eaf:tpnal_ tariff on early vegetables and | sav against unscrupulous investors. | tions of the board. | rl_l'l S. f ' ;Saszrl'g%ofte"o urged upon the Govern-- Social Problen: l I don't hear much support from { [ ment the necessity of appointing more | Liqueor a Socia 1 «r friends," said Hon. George S. \ {game wardens, and the wolf menace'| ue Robb spoke but briefly on the 'Hrenry Government Leader. ; zl 5was to be combated, and such reputed / jiqyor situation. Declaring that it in-- '"While tariff might aid the growers 5j i game preserves as Algonquin Park Were yoiyed a social problem, he stated that -- of early vegetables," continued Mr. ".o be lifted out of the rut of "deet; pe qdidn't care if people drank three Fletcher, "it does not provide a panacea al butcher shops" into which they had|* times as much liquor as formerly. Whag for all our ills The day is past wh%,: fallen. Mr. Robertson pleaded the Ccause! pe was interested in was whether soclad the two great political parties ca,:\a »ie # of dentistry, expressing the hope that' conditions deteriorated, and he hOwa lined up in opposition on the d part of the Ontario Research Founda-- | that there would never be a return the lss.l'le. (Appla.use.) h from| Sagy i poGrrhden ane ormer qigeages ©|| SiG popditions that exisell uunder $68..10 00 dowe aoese enucts Morpote ie % nd other diseases. C sAe."" C * T he py(')rrl(xi(;eba;tz dwas not without * }5, W. Pearson (Liberal, North York) threw at Mr. Henry. The da"s., ts _Mr. Pearson ridiculed the Government's alleged In a general review of farming activi-- i'fosfi"é&%eré" :'rirtllelnM'r. Henry over a xr:tmg; of spending all it could get %11% ties in rtleisaelecttotrgltdilstrtict. Mr-hi'lcfbgg; d tempers for -- then looking for more revenue. er poin ou at last year | public accounts itfem, atn break ; k ber referred to Publit peen a very good one, but that the |\ a minute or two frayed to near break-- North York memb § 10 £ like Mr. Micawber." looked to . Fin-- Accounts and an item of a gran farmers, "like Mr. » ing point. _ Mr. Legault and Mr. F ion in his riding. the future with optimism. 'lar»'so? a!;gm;ge ";';fi?; (;,'.:flg Lgfilplaab,?é gg'}seg:otgg Qs S?g:g?nwho was lead-- € The popularity of xg Shéeldhs{ ttlfi: | situation in ¢ isb acina 1t iLE' * °r immediately PrO-- next speaker, was evidence | any plant at Kapuskasing,' ing the Government, inm l'ft?g) ell:al?: r;?p!sginlzz flood situation, and, tested the gegerem{:. ::gxlrrrl)'iztt?;e ;';'attti::i ;%I;':";% r;g mof,'{m:ftfiged?&"&f lon one or two points in connection with! l\;ast nof\zr fngggtigation. and that it He started off with a eulogy of the timber cutting. should not be discussed. Perguson Government, He had heard, -- Sinclair--Henry Clash. Mr. Macaulay, the next speaker, told saiq he, of a conception that "big sticks And in the last half--hour of the night| ; the House that there was nothing H%W and mailed fists" were t?et I:mpé%t'tll::lntf Liberal Leader Sinclair clashed heatedly| | in Mr. Pearson's speech. Inbttegst'wa: used on the followers of the with Mr. Henry over whether Mr.]| said, "the white--haired n}em and was °DC with the Tel ?" F. G who at 11.30 moved the ad--] | stili sticking to party tactics, ° |_ "Are you o vienstisy Ano RObenl:)s::t' should finish or continue on' trying to find fault with thebeG?x:g'll 'Sandy (Progressive, South Victoria) in-- 'jl?:ersday. '"Go on and talk for a couple} ment when no fault wa§'ttlf rc was ho quired. fuerds tiod that a man of of hours," shouted Mr. Sinclair when| So, dsaé'fl pl\g'-mlgda::;fi:%n toe Tir. Pear-- 5t hgfisa:l eenam?pwns l coue "of athe the debate woula| nee s o REF _2 i t es *) Bs tss appeat" f

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