NEW PENSIONS BILL ; WILL BE INTRODUCED * _ BY FERGUSON TODAY Introduction of this long loocked for measure has been delayed by the Prime Minister's indisposition, but it is noxu Feady to have its wrappings removed, &nrd Mr. Ferguson who was in his cus-- Romary seat in the House yesterday for the first time in a week, will superin-- tend the unwrapping today, While it %s not customary to speak to a measure on its first reading, the Premier, how-- ever. will take steps to let the general * 6 i ; public know what it is all about, and Premier, Back in Legisla--'to set asige many of the grounaless ROUSING WELCOME GIVEN ON RETURN _ ture After Week's Ab-- _ sence, Will Explain Aims and Objects of Long-- Awaited Measure Premicr Ferguson's Old--Age Pen-- s#tons Bill, will it is understood, make its bow to the Ontario Legislature this afternoon. C( While there has been an agitation for some time for legislation of this kind, and the Department of Agriculture has long considered the introduction of a bill, it was a Middlesex County depu-- tation, headed by Warden McLeish and High Constable Wharton, which practi-- cally brought the issue to a head. Ap-- pearing before the Agriculture Com-- miitee of the Legislature last week, this deputetion argued that unless some remedy was supplied at once the poul-- try business, not only in their county, but all over Ontario would "go to smash." Clerks of municipalities shall keep records of all permits, and these, too, will be open to police inspection. Con-- travention of the act will mean a pen-- alty not exceeding $50 for the first of-- fense, and not less than $50 or more than $100 or six months' imprisonment ai the most for the second or any sub-- gequent offense. lowers. Progressive Leader Lethbridge also expressed his pleasure at seeing the Premier "back on the job" again. No matter, he said, how Mr. Ferguson and he differed politically, the friendship that had grown up between them was deeper than any political differences. _ Municipal Council or Bsard of T & ze Commissioners is empowered by the z2et to grant such permits without first passing a by--law for the purpose, and to charge $1 each for them. These bodies are also furnished authority to revoke the licenses or refusse them, as the case may be. Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, introduced the legislation in question. In effect, it will compel every person transporting fowl on any highway in Ontario, with the excep-- tion of the farmer--producer class and common carrier corporations, to carry a license and a record book in wiich must be listed--subject to inspection at any time by constable or peace, officer-- & complete record of the poultry in his possession, where bought, price paid, where consigned, addresses, etc. trance around 5 o'clock was the signal for & boisterous banging of desk--tops by both Government and Opposition members alike. Liberal Leader Sin-- clair struck a nice note when he told the House that while the group of which he was the leader had not been asked, as far as he knew, to "go in" on the bouquet, he could safely say that all( the sentiment behizd the floral token The Legislative curb on chicken--steal-- ing, which was recommended by the Agriculture Committee of the House a week ago, made its appearance in the Ontario Legislature vesterday after-- noon, and will be rushed through with &ll possible speed. from the Throne. Mr, Ferguson was given a rousing welcome on his return to the House yes-- terday. A beautiful bouquet of cut flowers adorned his desk and his en-- fears that have arisen éi;;cerf;x"-s.t:wt:i;g Hflagon was forecast in the Speech NO BY--LAWS REQUiRED Fow! Transporters Must Carry License and Record Book r, da / Marck /3 "275 , ROOST--ROBBING LAW NOW BEFORE HOUSE endorsed by himself and his fol--