p 3 o fi C.SJ&// -----'/;'/&c,'. i PP syre i1 4 Finlayson Says Expenditures There Cannot Be Anticipated } LETHBR!DGE IN SUPPORT Liberal Lcader William E. N. sin-- Clair's vigorous criticism of the Gov-- ernment's policy of lump--sum voting of $5.000,000 toward Northern Ontario de-- velopment not cnly featured yostoarday's Legislature doeliberations, but carricd the businecss of the day into a night sitting. Before the House gave szcond reading to the bill authorizing this cx-- penditure, one hour and three--quarters had been occupicd in threshing what was chicfly "old straw," and Hon. Wil-- lMiam Finlayson, Minister of Lands and Forests; J. G. Lothbridge, Progressive Leader; F. Blake Miller, Liberal, East Elgin; William Newman. Liberal. North | Victoria: HMon. James Lyons. Corsor-- vative, Sault Ste. Maric. and Promier Ferguson had aituned their voictos to the argument. Folicwing hbis policy of other years, Mr. Sinclair argued warmly that Northern Ontario expendiivnres should aAt first be budg:>ted like thnoso of icny other dacpariment. and thai 'he pub-- o lie accounts should Gisclose some idsa of whore the exvoenditures ars mad» 3 and for what purposs. True it wes, ho {'(CS/Q P M 3"56" /,7/}/ admittsd. that at ths present tims the / * moneys are divided under engineer [ *That such person enter into a| ;"'fildmc'ff;" but 1"'; '!J':Dli]{f'l(."?17";4?'"1:' § | recognizance witmn or wichout surctiss dP" to Pn '? heas, M (ng"~ .. | to keep the peace, and be of gcod be-- ency a sum ol monty is used. | havior; lh;}; sucha porson. be plac:d: Entiiled to Information. f 111)?n p.cba_tfgfl for such poriod andv.l'lr'l;' "We're eonsrous in this Legislature." | dor such circumslances as the Justics, 3 ntalr "UWs na * nuUEP 1 | Dalins k n mvont Sautrven onrtangey said Mr. Sinclair, "We hand it over to | Police Magistrate or Court b:fore which the Minister when he asks for it. Surs-- | he is brought may prescribe; that such i¥ We ax:r: ;':m"f'éd 16 soms informatlisn I person shall report from tims to time C te 1 Jrficc'" We seov: "Gf\ and *I'L" a} | auring such pericd of probation to any j Dt K. in © Eit Amop uP wlenporaane o t ' hecad A > s it, where you lik> it, and how you Iik J A a4% PPE | Prebation Officer that the Justics, Po-- 't ;"4 t all thore is 19. L* CCE3 7./ M arc#4-- f | lics Magistrate or Court may designate. xt fars All WRSVC [I2 . inplied 'pr \ [ O 9 k 6 y Ths mesgre information suppli b e Theat such person shall be unde: the Coverhnment ressradins the exnch-- the supsrvision and direction of such 4 "f'cfdm.'; monmmilzinis That from D \ probation officer during the said period oitures an m'"'{:di Town from set-- ; l ; of probation, and shall obsy and carry ie ,1°t1"l";, E'L'." ould isnd. hs sug-- * 8 # out the instructions and directions of ons ]nf t h(ifi: Ups Ifnuression that YA T Y1TMzI # the said probaticn officer; that such gestea, n"u.', oE os Ussd for nolitical | 1 ;3 'h I P person pay the costs of the prosecution much of t"'f' ~?§C','?I';~..m,'w on iicizing l '.a] t$ u1J 8 J ' or some portion of the same within purpeses. "'""..d"gz ichely opnose " thns ts a A such period and by such instaliments ""E vyor", "'_ al e '1";,' c'?;'%il:o oi'h um ns aribeoiranmiewe as the Justice, Police Magistrate or CGovernmnt's \m_uhcq: ,,'f_,,f; '(QLIZ,'MAW Court bofore which he is brought may 't, and until f"_v:';;"#"'j, i hereby Ane i i i¥ direct; that such offenders make such end got some arrangem>nt whei hsP a » p law . Nrnutinays evelo~~ Dlrect|0ns an(l Cendlhcnc restitution and reparation to any per-- expengitures U?';CCT "C'.th;'ld}'qn(';(;\ L'.';"{.' fOl' R.--'- 100 i j-,,,.'] ;n . son or persons aggrieved or injured by ment wers bzxage.ec;' in ac tena e alliisAdky sli¢vil . th> offsnss charged. for any actual explain»d in a dstailed n'x "'],' Joct is Dst!ail Gamage or loss thereby caused. werd, i; would continue to neglsct i. v.A "That such psrson while on proba-- dauty, abandcning 1'.<.yrcr0f.fiza£g;:' n womr en conane nvvnmm m tion be ordered to provide for the sup-- act ccontrary to British preceden!t E14. : port of his wife and ary other de--| princip'!s. ' i oaumn MUST HAVE FIXED ABODE nendant or dependants for whom he| In reply, Mr. Finiay®NM . (:"1,'3 | is lisble: that such person perform and| himsslf as bslisving i; "'A""St'"a"-' He es ' carry out any other direction and con--| spsak to the second '0'""'1"1(':,[,,,] of th" Legislation which Attorn>y--Gensral | dition that such Jistics, Police Magis-- recalled thet at ths 1%3 h?'d" hm:'"'l Pric> introduced +3 18 'a Hip ' trate or Court before which h> is House a Libera) memb®! o pamendl «'rice introduced to the Legislature yos-- : 8 ; e king that the exoendi-- x s A , * i brougi't may prescrib> and deem prop-- & rosoluticon askings U * Put terday undsr the title of "The Probi-- er to impose." ' tures be ostimated in advance, Put PA 4 s * s 4 i ss im'avson's. OX= lion Act of 1929," provides that, with The Act also stipulates that before| that. after his. Mr. Fin a}t';nx M esc 4 s a : A . 3 eituatiot 5OA 'the consent of the Crown, violators 0| c'::-c-ct'.v':'1 thc-}r:éas-r' or d;;lchar?; _01"* ?lanatéo?i c}))f the".i-lfl;xgrkqlg;}i Snd ever) 5 s f urt or i csoen wlit avwii, i the Criminal ous 'or : 3 an offender. the Court or other officia! ion ha 4 s blg ider-- "A Slatutes ? °' F' the f)ntg.xo shal!l satisfv himse!lf that the of:nno"rl one had appeared c "'fi ,Egl,::;ll,. oi C atuies may be placsd on probation. or his surety has a fixed nlace of abad»| stand the aucstion. rT-;\ w tl'*'cv tour ' regardless of whcihcr they have boon ! or regular cceupation: also, that if the Lands and Forests referred to inc o it ) v T mUidL p '£ Lanes o at summer h' , previously convicted. | nrob--tion*r has failed to live up1 to the| . | of the N:n;tn' nl';:dcol'i-jti"; eToub; Gu4 54 reama w R PP conditions of his recognizance, he may| members of the Progre®"N® a N*A Ou._ ' Ha\m:; regard to the ago, charactor, i have a new information for the original | der Governm--nt eusnices, and &u:"]; > | and antecedents of offenders, a Jus--\ *' offense charge laid agzinst him. é ed that ths Libsral Party a°° ',f,':,'L.'_,-\- ' tice of the Peacs, Polics Magistrate oi _ es vitation to tour the ©O"0 70 [ m rirst > f spa j emse'v*s, ai o Court may release them under ons 0: * mer. and ses !C'":Btr;.ma- being done |\ more of the following directions and hand, the d"'.ck?fi"{ ,' conditions: by the Governm®nt. ® utss -- > _ _.ocmi