, 'f&e&{u/-- M»+»~ _ "NC, 10--Where information | *N6. 10--Where information has been | laid, charging a breach of the Act and accused is found in possession Of Government control liquor exceeding 850 in. value, or where he is found in nossession of liquor which is not sup-- vlied by the Liquor Control Board. the Magistrate has the power in addition to the regular penalties under the act. to impose a jail sentence of one to three months. unless such person ¢S-- tablishes to the satisfaction of the court from whom and the manner in which such liquor was obtained. _ "No. 11--This amendment allows the forfciture of motor cars and vehicles in which liquor is found and the per-- «on who claims the liquor does not ¢s-- tablish his right to it before a Mag'is-- [rate. At present the liquor is only for-- {cited where the applicant fails to CS-- tablish his right to have it. Under this section. no charge is laid, the officers seize the liquor, and application must be made within thirty days. _ _ "No. 12--This section makes the Consolidated Ruiles of Practice of the Supreme Court of Ontario relating to aopeals applicable to appeals to the Di-- 's<cjr2" Ccurt, under the Liquor Con-- ol Atk." __