nrj-Cso/t,, -mitwc/r-c28w $250,000 of the Lands and Forests Department estimates is tor tire-rang- ing, and purchase ot equipment and supplies in this field or activity. In the Labor Department the entire vote of M30,000 ig for allowances (addition- ttlt in nccordance with the Mothers' Al- lowances Act. Initial installation ot n 5,000 horse power development at Ear Falls on the English River for the pumose of supply- ing power in the Patricia and Kenora districts, calls for the entire 'i00,000 vote in the Prime Minister's Depart- ment. The $300,000 vote in the Edu- cation Department is the Queen's Uni- versity grant announced by Premier Ferguson several weeks ago. ti()(),()()() IS IMD FOR POWER IN NORTH Further Supplementaries for Further supplementary estimates for the fiscal year ending Oct. M, 1929. were tabled in the Ontario Legislature yesterday to the extent of $949,658.10. By departments they are as follows: Prime Minister's, $100,000; Legislntion. $1,400: Department ot Education, $300.- OOO; lands and Forests, $276,500: Mines. $2,500: Public Works, $15,550: Highways. $6,225: Labor. $230,000; Provincial Treasurer's. $1.500; Provin- cial Secretary's. M,683.10; Agriculture: $41400. and Miscellaneous. $6.900. Fiscal Year Total $949,658 "At the present time there are Pro- Tincial Police in almost every county town. It is desirable to have closer 'to-operation between the county 00- lice and Provincial Police. It is often Very important to search out fugitives Who are escaping and take quick tte- 'tion when serious crimes are commit- ted. In order to get closer co-opera- lion with the counties, it is proposed to have the High Constables under the mpervision of the Provincial Police Force. This will mean that the Provin- rial Police Force will be responsible for the discipline of the county police and tradually such steps can be taken to list Jeter, co-operation. cupervisory authority over all High Con- stables was brought down to the Legis- lature yesterday by Attorney-General William H. Price. This new legislation comes in the Iorm ot an amendment to the pres- ent Constables Act, has been widely heralded. and is designed with a View to establishing closer contact and co- Operation between the municipal and Provincial truthtrritie:i, It authorizes the trppcinlmrn: by th:, Provinc: ct High Constables in countie~ where there are no such officers at present and shoulders the Province witn the C080; of maintaining such pests. Mu- nicipalities now paying High Constables have the option unuer the proposed amendment of carrying on as they are or coming in under the Provincial su- pervisory arrangement and letting the Government do the paying. Price's Memorandum. "As the law stands at the preterit time there is a provision in the Con- stables Act for the appointment of a High Constable for each county. Sam: counties have taken advantage of this and others have not. The duty of the High Constable is to take supervision over all county constables apnointed by the General Sessions of the Peace, or the Magistrates. "As the law stands today. the Inspec- tor of Legal Offices has power to in- _ vesugate charges against the .count.y police. to make recommendations and _ enforce discipline. The present act 3 turns this power over to the Commis- ' eloner ot Police for the Province,. Al- though the Inspector of Legal Offices 1 had this power for some time it has 5 been rather a dead letter, because he 1 Was not in a position to enforce dis- 1 eipline. This act will ensure a general ( improvement in discipline throughout i" the whole Province. ', Cute Cost to County. f "This act will also have the effect, t of considerably lessening the cost to l the county of their police. es the High i-' Constable will be paid by the Prov-f Vince. As conditions in the various',; counties ere different and the organiza- 1 tion It, the county police has proceeded 5 at at various stages and along different lines, the act will be brought in.t.o. force lttadually after consultation with the Wardens and others interested." COST TO COUNTY REDUCED With the introduction of tie bill yes- terday. the Attorney-General issued the following memorandum: _ "(2) The suspension shall be by no- l , Iloe in writing and, it the Judge or the Commissioner of Police for Ontario considers the suspended officer deserv- iing of dismissal. he shall, immediately latter suspending him. report the case ' l fully to the Clerk of the Peace for sub- mission to the Court of General Ses- I T c futons of the Peace at its next sittings. il "(5) The Court may dismiss the of- - or direct him to be restored to -------- " Quice, after the period ot his sus- Closer Co-operation Between '!r1tiicnPA's 99329:: 2t,,e,,u1",1,u,1,1el'; Legislation making the Provincial Po- lice Force responsible for the discip- lane of the county police and giving it 77a Systems Provided in New Biil rule Mr. Macaulay believes that this Will 'keep the "rambling wrecks" ott the iroad, and will safeguard the public against the use ot old cars, which may do extensive damage, and may not be even worth a. portion ot the damage done. i Mr. Macaulay introduced his hill isome weeks ago. at which time it was 'explained at length. It proposes, in gbrief. that when a Judgment of more 'than $50 damage in a tratBe accident is unsatisfied for more than sixty days, ;the Registrar of Motor Vehicles may cancel the permit and license of every vehicle owned by the debtor. In other words, it a. driver who is in an acci- detn does not pay up the damages or that accident in an amount over 850.1 he will be refused the right to drive . car until the damages are paid. C Ban "Rambling WreeU" The new legislation repeal: Section " of the old Constables Act and sub. stiguges the following:, "ti) A Judge of the County Court hr the Commissioner of Police for On- tario may suspend from office any High Constable appointed tor the Mu- nicipal Council of a County, or any county constable tor any period not ex- "nding beyond one week after the time appointed for the next sittings of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace. "'Thueriluy - b"""'""' luv-y y.-r_,. . ther period as may be deemed proper.' "t4t Subsections 1 to 3 shall not) apply to an officer appointed to per-; from the duties of a High Constable . under the provisions ot this act by the itGrtr.nrGt-"diorertytirtey,.1f,i,i.!.: but in van such cases the Commissioner of l, Police for Ontario may suspend any' such officer so appointed. and after him 'vestigation upon notice to the officer. and subject to the a " , i 'i:,t)1t,esnuat'ntfst,:sotv?vtn1er.-g?s'i.t'it',ac1y ot 3:2; ,.1 015m155 or direct such officer to be r - f, Stored to his office after the period 'iii' Iii',,"?,',',?,;')",."",',' has expired. or amrl' prepexf-Tmm pcrlod as may be deemed I" i Though Aurelien Belanger (Liberals (Russell; denounced the amendment tal ithe Highway Trame Act sponsored by; Leopold Macaulay (Conservative, Southi {Yorln as "vicious" in principle, an ias "one of the most undemocratic b (ever presented in a British Assembly," ng. Macaulay refused to withdraw his: §measure in the House yesterday after-m1 _'noon, the Government saw merit in, Ithe bill, and it was given second read-i ing, and sent on to the Municipal" Committee. k "is, This section shall not apply to any ccumy tor which there is a County Board of Commissioners of Police. at, the time of the passing of this act." '-jr"/"'a,., la]- "tfr-Sli. GOVERNMENT SEES MERIT "Vicious and th1dem00ratk," Says 8tltnger---"Treat [ All AIike" "AGED AUTOS" BILL GOES TO COMMITTEE DESPITE PROTESTS