The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1929, p. 1

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l . MAE ENNN irmmmmense........._-- 7 fi((/'J a/a>/- Ap gocts -- BS // '\Speaker's Ruling Nearly De-- . tes? \ _ feated on Vote in [Liberal Whig .' Commitle Liberal Whip Makes Attack i 0 | re 6 % # A| P o d _ on _ "Southampton'" 4| | Part of Bi B iIl -- : 'SOME HEATED CLASHES s es o P t i | We bniainsermecce ismmc pl| 646 *# s Public Accounts Committes of the BOOS FROM MEMBERS i ;chls}ature closed its sessional inquiry w nz ns j --! ' yesterday in a flare of fireworks. Less than an hour after the On-- _'|-- Sir Henry Drayton, Chairman of the _ tario Legislature divided on the Gas o 'Liquor Control Board, declined to meet Tax amendment .yesterday afternoon A) Lib(ral'.l.wdor Sipclah"s request -- for the division bells were clanging again 1 'production of a statement of revenut | ang the Whips of the t! { t-- jand expenditures for individual liquor P* ie three groups were ° i stores throughout Ontario, on . ths scurrying around the corridors' locat-- r ;groulnd that such information was not Ing members for a vote on the bill -- 'in the public interest, and that, more-- _ which Hon. R Hy .. lover, the Statutes did not permit its missioner. i io is Cooke) Hydro 'Coms« s |publication. sioner, introduced to the House on s i Hon. Joseph E. Thompson, Chairman Tuesday night, and which, in effect, i +of the com:mittee, ruled that Sir Henry' validates certain municipal Hydr®é by-- r --attitude be sustained. laws, an - iyarul ws * Mr. Sinclair challenged the correct-- be u .etd provides that They may nct s 'ness of the ruling. In the vots of the }?" n § committee that followed, the ruling had Alex. P. Mewhinney, Liberal Whip -- 'a narrow escape from defeat, only 17 oi _ 20d member for North Bruce, ied the t |the 32 members in attendance polling in ~ OPPosition groups in a drive of criti-- s | support of it. ;}Ism"magalnstt k'hc legislation. _ Mr. = a ewhinney took marked excepti o Persists in Request, . . that section in the bill ".hic;ptlic;]n ht;: -- The Liberal Leader's request for a _ bolief, affected the Southampton situ-- o statement was made last week. On his© @tion. While he deciared himself to be n _ reappearance before the comunittee yes-- _ A&n '"independent," holding no brief for t: terday Sir Henry Drayton expressed his either Hydro or the Foshay interests-- unwillingness to meet the demand. Mr. the two contending factors in the Sinclair persisted, in spite of the Southampton power squabble--he held, "Strong Man's" attitude, that the com--| NMevertheless, that all "fair--minded mittee was entitled to the evidence mMembers" of the House should reject _ asked. A committee which dealt with the section in question, inasmuch as all the finances of the Province had the: . the Southampton differences were still i'ight.rhe contended, to search every dol-- | before the courts. ar of revenue and expenditure. A & & Chairman Thompson stated that it | Application Dismissed, was not '"in the public interests" that| In spite of Premier Ferguson's ex-- the committee should go on a fishing | p}anation that the bill before the House ecxpedition. If Mr. Sinclair had any--|. Was Simply the annual Hydro bill; that thing in view for investigation, he ; the section to which the Liberal Whip should outline it--should be specific. _--_ Iéferred was included in every annual . Hon. William Finlayson, who repre--| MCASUTC; _and that the application sented the Government on the com--| Which had been filed at Osgoode Hall mittee, took the stand that Sir Henry| | PY Certain Southampton interests for _ had taken the proper attitude. "The| | &N injunction restraining Hydrdg from ---- Liquor Control Board," he stated. "is| | @ntering the town had been dismissed i not in the peddling business. If we ithat very afternoon, Mr. Mewhinney 'publish the details that stores make: | Grew support in the debate of P. W. [ [so much, and that Mr. So and So gets: | P°2"Son (Liberal, North York), Aure-- ' this or that salary, we are getting it | lien Belanger (Liberal, Russell) and of _ _|down to an entirely mercenary basis." |his Leader, William E. N. Sinclair. _ _|In his belief, Mr. Sinclair sought the The issue, stated Mr. Sinclair, was & ' information as a move toward break-- grar greater one than the fate of the ' ing do'vn thc efiectlvene& of the ' Southanlpton by'la"'. Tile prln('ipl( Liquor Control Act. | involved was whether or not the courts 'inl saf s | were to be allowed to deal with issues ' !i'l;;{sorthmclaxr Clash, | placed before them free of embarrassing _ J _ This, e last sitting pf the com-- ; legislation. The principle, he contend-- tmittee. was not, as previously stated, |'ed, was every bit as "vicious" as Mr fwnthout its pyrotechnical moments. _| Belanger had alleged C 'Wl'ule' admitting that the vote of the From D. J. Taylor ;progresgive North committee closed the incident, Mr. Sin-- --| Grey) the fiouse had Ahe ehares thbt clair launched into a speech that drew this was just o & 1 & °f*"§° ¥ from Mr. Finlayson the claim that the teps" p--Ju" refeiene mnad piimized Liberal Leader had no right to discuss [s eps remier Ferguson hgxd promiseg the matter again ihe wouldl take against private power [ 1A "I have t L3R 4 ant interests if ever an occasion arose. l 'Leader he right," said the Liberal | Premier Ferguson again contributed "Y¥ou haven't." -- i i | to the debate with reiteration of his [ /+ lison. t," retorted Mr. Finlay-- | stand that the twice--expressed will of "I have," shot back M in '| the Southampton electors should not be | Chairman 'Thompson r'msoll?;fi{ir' that |held up by petty, vexatious technicali-- 'Mr. Sinclair had placed himself pretty| | 1&S: Of tied up by expensive litigaUon well on recerd before the committee,] | 1 C PH! before the House established and the public as well, as to how ne| no precedent, he contended. while stood on the question, and that the \Hydro had never made a practice of affair was ended. | forcing itself on a community, it was "Ob, let him talk," put in J. Fred | determined, when the people wanted Reid, Conservative member for West| | t to do everything to protect iis in-- Windsor. "This has been a dead ses--| ;t,ercsts against "insidious invasion. -- _ | sion." | | 59--27 Victory. Other Places to Say It. | ! The division which Liberal Lefnder Mr. Sinclair stressed the point that| | Sinclair demanded, amid "boos" from if he could not say what hep wanted to| | Government members, proved a 59--27 say before the committee, there were|, | ViCtory for the Government. Again plenty of other places in Ontario where | | the house split on party lines, e he could say it. \ |Farquhar (U.F.O.) sticking by the Op-- "I've been stopped from saying things| | POsition. j before this committee before.?: ge sai%l, i _ Rumor which circulated the corridots heatedly, "and the public knows it." 4 in Queen's Park during the 6 o'clock "Pretty cheap," commented Mr. Fin-- recess was to the effect that the Pro-- layson. | 'gressives were ° indignant over a di-- "Aw, let's go," cried one committee} | Vision being "sprung" on second, reac_!; member. !ing. What they objected to in tile bil "Adjourned," called another. '[ was one clause alone--and not to the Adjournment followed. | | general principle of the measure. m,

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