The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Feb 1930, p. 2

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es * * v f : * /;5 £TA & % «B "'? Amendments. _ ~~~ The House will be a@skeq, f, _ All three moves on the part of the[ran. "to give consideration to measures| -- Government are embodied in proposed calculated to stimulate further sertdn amendments to the Legislative Assembly | phases of our educational effort. _ Re-- Act, the Executive Council Act, and.) ports received by the Department of . the Ontario Election Act, respectively. | Education continue to indicate, it said, || _ The extension of the Legislature term ) that the general efficiency -- of both'[ . j and the raising of his Ministers' salaries| clomentary and secondary schools is | were intimated by Premier Ferguson| increasinz, while the school attendance[ from several platforms during the last| has ;ezéched the highest point yet,; election campaign. recorded. [( wl s ¢ Other amendments vaguely outlined | Heaith Activities. 1 . in yesterday's Speech, b:tsuwmf-'h are Of| Mention was made of the effective | extreme importance both to the GOY-- | work of the Department of Health in | ernment and to the people, have to do | combating the infantile paralysis epi-- ; with the Security Frauds Preventi0n . qemic of jast summer and fall; and| Act; the Liquor Control Act: the Milk of the work of the Ontario Air PForce: and Cream Act; the Power Cor:xmis:lor in moeting the unusually severe bush--| Act; the Forest Fire Prevention Act, ;;,., situation. | + and the Highway Traffic Act. Promise of increased assistance for | Security fraud legislation which M'J transportation facilities in the rural i torney--General Price is preparing fOf | q; i0« was rciterated. The new| introduction early in the session will King's Highway program was referred | deal very directly, it is understo0d: | ;o s was the considerable extension | with "short selling" and "wash sales. ' last year in trunk roads under the | Liquor Control Act amendments will be Northern Development Department. | of a minor "tightening--up" nature, it is Of the Security Frauds Prevention reported, unless a plan of regional pur-- Act, the Speech said: "The operation" | . chasing--that is, every permit--holder of this act proved "of great value to| buying in his own residential territory-- Ontario during the financial crisis in | is instituted at the last minute. ; the stock markets of the United States Universal Pasteurization. j and Canada. It is reassuring to ob--| The proposed Milk and Cream ACt ) sorye tna; the iead given by this| legislation may, it is rumored, result in | provines in the enactment of this: universal pasteurization of milk and | joojcpoic» ;, being foliowed elsewhere | cream for the whole Province, with di-- / ;,/ ,,,, Dominion." is rect control and supervision over same Recent discoveries of valuable min-- to be brought under Hon. Dr. Forbes eral deposits in the North; the further Godfrey and his Department of Health. extension of the Timiskaming & | Through its amendment the Govern-- Northern Ontario Railway to tap these | ment will aim, it is said, at a higher deposits; presentation of an interim, standard of milk and cream, and a bet-- report this session by the Royal Com--| ter system of collection and disposal. , | mission investigating automobile insur-- | Through the. amendment n 8 t,h(! ance rates; the effort of the Govern-- Power Commission Act, the Ciovern-- '| ment, through the new Ontario Build-- . ment will be authorized, it is said, w,f ing in London, England, "to display advance such moneys to the Hydro-- | our products with more advantage in ~ (Continued on Page 2, Column 4.) _ / ,,,. principal market of the world": y 10. Areapraaqana '*"--_--'1" and the work of tlhc Roi\;al Com.xtnls?o: | / on the Provincia welfare -- situatio HEAUTH AND HYDRO || were also matters of mention in the IN NEW PROGRAM . * is speech || In respect of finances. the peec | e 4 . is sitke conAiti 6 n (Continued from Page 1, Column 1.) [| The healthy condition of our fi-- Electric Power Commission as may be | nances enabled my Government to necessary to carry to fulfilment the' realize a .'-:L;bs:an@lal surplus during t'he Prime Minister's election promise of},l)flsL year, notwithstanding the in-- cheaper power rates to rural Ontario. creased demands upon the public pery> 1In the great extension of the rural! ies and the operation of the debt re-- system contemplated and the dropping! | tirement plan. The Provincial credit of rates, not a cent, it is understood,| consequenily has been noticeably en-- will come out of Hydro operating sur--| | hanced, and the Government will be pluses, but will be met by moneys ad--;| able to meet the cost of old--age pen-- vanced by the Government and repay-- | sions, and cother .fx'esh engagements, able by Hydro in later years. The Gov-- I without the necessity of seeking new $ ernment, it is said, is even prepared to slom'ce;,bl(?f rovonui'. Atd an' s::lt,v sdz;(t; shoulder any deficits that may tem--| the public accounts and esti es por:rily aris{'. in new territory {hat is | the current and ensuing year will be included in the Hydro's rural expansion | submitted for your consideration, § . '-- program. 6 By means of the Forest Fire Preven-- | ' tion Act amendment, Hon. William | Finlayson will ensure for his foresters | in the North bush absolute control * over timber areas, even to the extent | of closing the arcas to any kind of traffic when fire--hazard conditions war-- | rant such action. The legislation, it is understood, will also provide for an ex-- | tension of the travel permit system, | ¢ now in voru>s in the Timagami Forest | Reserve, to Quetico Park, Algonquin Park and other Provincial preserves with excellont timber stands. Traffic Amendments. From Hon. Gsorge S. Henry, Minister of Highways, the House will have Traf-- fic Act amendments, dealing particular-- Iy, it is reportecd, with the lisense sus-- penslon question. A schedule of more severe suspensicns is now being work-- [ed out, it is said. for incorporation in |this act, and will possibly provide for f ;a minimum of three months' suspen-- p sion of licens> and a maximum of one year for a first "drunken driver" of-- Hense. ' * The Spsech from the Throne yester-- day expressed pleasure over the King's | recovery and his ability to resums hi.s.' public activities again; . referred with | 5 optimism to the rscent conference at| + * Oitawa on . the power question; and] ' '"special attention" for agricul-- | ture in the future programs of the On-- ttario Ressarch .Foundation. l o R lucl

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