The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1930, p. 1

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Nee s r Aamey W ' C P eeeoeneei » *¥ W 6 $ ; F b f 1 I 4 h f £ | 41 q $ C * * % ried on by the Government in which | E R N M E N 1 F l AY E D _ ) the rural municipalities suffer. Let us look at the highway costs, and tne un-- fair burden put upon the minor inunici-- k ON EDUCATION PLANS |s= \| $260,000 for $150,000. 4 P l ¥ | "In the County of Huron we have : approximately 10,000 motor vehicles' SNHWHEGTGG Te Ti en ecmemenene mery and, taking the figures for 1929, the w _z ~_w_--____. ';GOVERNMENT FL AYED average license paid in the Province » * was well over $11, and the gas tax of ks Prcmtcr Should Make F irst--) | 5 cents amounted to an average of $15 I per motor vehicle. Thus, if my figures Hand Survey of Rural ON EDUCATION PLANS are correct--and I have gone to con--| School Condllions, Freoe _._____{Continued From Page 13.) _____ ;323;%3&0:!?{";}:" t;a;senifg :3:;;;;3: f «& {section will never attempt it, as the 3 From Influence of Offi-- burden is already too grealt).." !::,g otiprgln;gr(;:;gl a;%hiicle lic::;eslthe [ ials, U "All schools in a municipality should | pp ;0.000. in Wns S ie | * cials rges C. A. Rob. s e 0, or $260,000, while at the same time » have equal taxation, and the scholars receiving back from the Gover t 4 > 1 privileges. 'The proposed changes y gr in "Iy re ertson :(xx':anrw)t, is rd with changeg oon--| COUDty and township grants & little t are not in accord with chang "--=| over $150,000. e en g;'ti?nsséhzglyB?afi ;il;;m was the Town-- ;1 wish to deal with the matter of o * | old--age pensions. & PRICE lS EULOGIZED "Th(' Prim? hlinistel' C()mplains or'are forecg'sfl's bxl:z t'hsec:-rcnolsal::oenm]:f, BY RUSSELL NESRITT lack of cor.ustruntlvc criticism and in tion that the minor municipality will order to avoid that being said of Me | be relieved of its 20 per cent. contribu-- e nanifangnn= I would suggest that before making any ;ion. On the floor of the House last | _ The expression of two divergent views S;fi:;'ucg;h:unr%ce '":)foége S;gz?é ;&WS'"OE year it was said that the aid given to | 3fflmr°d DTOL'CC\'."DS.S in the Legislature be d d Bb himself Ne# s inmates of county homes would nearlyf . # s a made and by self as Ministe® counterbalance the 20 per cent. cost '-when the debate in reply to the Speech | of Education, free from the influence to the county. and again I must refer ;'lrom the Throns continued _vesx.cra'ny.'Q_fidepartmetl}:tal }llleads. who may be to county figures to prove the error ot | | And it was not unusual that there| Y¥ls!onary rather than practical I @m that statement. | ishould be 2 Aversency. for ts Su6akers | sure if the Minister will allow himself | wers the Lib'cx:élg}n\c"rr.u')fi" f',.(\.;;'":'.'r';l'.ff; to get the rural viewpoint and study Out of Liquor Revenue. | murom: C _A Rosertson: and the Con-- / hogpies Doi Remupielly ond memiemt |secolne i on LoN NY Hore 40 itimates | servative stalwart from Torontc--Bra-- 19. Will b * Y elll~ Ifteive a pension, If it is a full pen-- | condale, Russell Nesbi't. cally, wi e much nearer §olved than , sion the contribution from the Prov-, Mr. Robertson. continuing the debate they are today. I am looking forward ince would be $72 each, or $2,880, while | from Tuesday, attacked the Government| ** dtllm .amer;)omegts to be' introduced at' the same time the 20 per cent. Ievy; particularly on educational and Hydro * l'fustt ey will be debated on their made on the county for the 400 pen-- policies. Mr. Nesbitt, while pmfam'; merits. sioners amounts to nearly $14,000, be-' the Ferguson Administration generaliy, Who Gave Authority? es .the cost 'of the loral Peq.sx_oni felmkd 4 eulogy of Flon. Wiliam 15 /) my Robertson contdinied t Ahes and the only method by which Price, Attorney--General, and in this the sublcet e };1 énue 0 speak on that can be raised is direct taxation. praise he recalled action when Colonc] "More :.ld to ruraly }r{od tevelop r'x,lex;]t. In our case it will require an addi-- Price was Provincial Treasurer. stated. "was a sogan n}; ;ge ulie;;.s'came tional ?-1(') n'nlls to meet the cost. Thls! :N"' Convinced. paign, but those of us who sat here last f;oc%gn:ggmwgfin h:; eit?e fircllugetrel:'};n?ee [# |_ In his opening remarks Mr. Robert-- session will remember we were told that the proceeds of which we were t«l)ld ai; son declared that the people of North there could be no reduction in rates; one time were to be devoted to just | Huron were nct convinced that Gov-- that the basic principle laid down by such oses." 3 1494 | ernment Control is a good thing,. and Sir Adam Beck and by his followers, Rug?fip Nesbitt Toronto--Bracondal | that '"no amount of eloquence will was Hydro at cost, and that we were th C tives' be nd batecox; he( change that attitude." getting it at cost. What more could we h'gt ofi%walwef o o M € Te OOE dOn declared that, while| want? Yet the Prime Minister, in his goy ;" (884 4 half--hout's oe| «the Government proposed increas d /Mitchell speech, forecast a reduction in clfiieefl P ..g owbehM 1'; ?'o?fim:tt--:m .e' grants to Township Councils for road-- the service charge, which, I think, is Ge yl" n" ) ae oo Ce deit fRe#*| building, the Government had. in 1920. . already in effect. The question is, who pera. um 'E: Mpresse A defeated a move which would have ac-- gave him authority to make such a Thinks Public Satisfied, | complished that purpose. statement, and how can that be recon-- Mr. Nesbitt praised Colonel Price's| "The Minister of Education." he ciled with former statments? work in connection with the recent stated, "told his audience in London in "Rural users are also promised finan-; brokerage--house clean--up, stating :hat; the early summer that it was proposed cial aid in installing Hydro. I contend he was sure that the public was sat--| :,otake lup two years of high school work. that is a very doubtful favor. In the isfied with the Prime Minister's state-- | n rural schools, but when the election | x; ! ment of Tuesday that the Govern--| got hot that was modified, and we were lgrr;t a:af;'st:lfie }i;lgfrisws:ttce:nf;?tthg;;. ment was exercising "diligent super--| told that it would be optional, and the |: ;,| Vision" over the matter in the inter--| it. Hydro on the farm is desirable in Minister became very paternal in his n{ore ways than one, and the farmer is ests of the general public. anxiety to keep the boys and girls at entitled to it, but 1't. is not a money--! Mr. Nesbitt went away back to the home in order to keep them away frOM |maker, --It m'ay well be called a semi--. 42YS Of the Drury Administration to the temptations of the urban contres. luxury. ifind a foundation from which to But how will it work out in actual tact? o | launch another eulogy of Colonel Price. | .__"One of the things we were supposed Rural System Wrong. | When, follcwing the defeat of the | "u) avoid by the Township School Board "The whole rural tax system is U.F.O. Administration, Colonel Pricel lwas the inequality in township school | wrong," he declared; "what we want is was made Provincial Treasurer, he had,: rates; yet by the new suggestion that reduced power rates to urban centres| said Mr. Nesbitt, instituted the de--| 88 | 'situauon will be accentuated. Thus, a |from which rural lines are run. partmental audits that had proved so| | section with a big assessment can un-- '"We want our outlying towns and| effective, not only in placing the Prov--| !ge;'take the fifth--class work with the viltlegces built upt!;y t'lr)«:ceivint; &h: sam? ince's finances on m "pay--as--you--go"| , help of increased grants from the Gov--. rate as charged great industrial j j j fery : the "I'rEas | [emment "&As --forecast. while . m wesi, || centres. T is ours by all that is | basis, but in recoy'crmg for the Treas ; Eerfnment orecast, w _ weak fai d just a i ury large amounts of money due it. | (Continued on Page 15 ) § un and, Aiol, ond when We get that | As head of the Soldiers' Alid Commis-- rural rates will correspondingly de-- | .; €ly | sion, Colonel Price had also done in--| crease. Better we had a dozon cities of valuabl ; c _ Neshit " e work, continued Mr. Nesbitt, 50,000 population than a couple of big ; 4 i ~nf anes who get all the plums in carrying relief to dependents of sol-- a« < diers; and in generally reorganizing the | I contend, Mr. Speaker, that the | | Hydro rates charged outlying towns has | police force of the Province he had done more than anything else to deplete 'bl i o . rop ons e lilt up in the "Provincials," under tthp%;:_l;laiglo:o: fthtgeo!;'l;fl:cufivcigunties. the direction of General Williams, "one * Y Y C&r--| of the fines; bodies of men on the 4 American Continent.' § * # Adjcurnment of the debate until i ® Tuesday next was moved by D. J. Taylor, Progressive, on behalf of W. ' G. Medd, Progressive, South Huron.

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