The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Feb 1930, p. 1

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, fe.h. | Eflw. f : k R . t . ' . oU T is eorganlz attOn 1 ({ [) CTS2USON, Planne U [ guson, M aty HaveF ewer]udges : escormmmemcs ¢ Premier Ferguson's remarks were oc-- P ! casioned by a query from Hon. Harry Amendments to Present!c sixcn, Progressive Leader. 'The | + House was considering second reading ; ACt Wl" BC Broughl of an amendment to the Judicature Act, , s introduced a few days ago. Mr. Nixon | BCfOfC Leglslalure, He asked if that amendment was the one | S O A " l mentioned in the Specch from the | Shidectrnrs ne ellaite Throne. Premier Ferguson then re-- | ays Zp 1 ferred to the amendment which is f still to be brcught in as the one in _ Court of Six Judges Is s\ sheect * |HIGHER SALARIES RULES OF EXGHANGE | Socich) . t4 F ' \Law Society Has Con--' 1 ' # i sidered Problem, Pre-- rrmmtad mt s |__mier Tells Assembly -- Rigid and Exacting Regula-- _ Judges May GetAulhor-' tions to Be Put in ity to Decide Operation Ac _ of Work UNIFORMITY S ATTAINED Reorganization of thse court system s of Ontario and rearrangement of the PFOVI"CQS Agree as to What ;work done by the Judges was forecast in ! Amendments They | the Legislature by Premier Ferguson P | yesterday afternoon. { Wll AdODt ' Provision for this revision will be ies | made in a bill to be brought before the ' 'The Queen's Park conference on the iHouse. propqsed legislation which was Brokers' business" ended last night, | referred to in the Speech from the l A ns ¥ \Throne as an amendment to the Judi-- &nd the representatives of the six icaturo Act, and which is now being Provinces in attendance are now on | draffed. # § their way back to their respective Gov-- | _ "There has been discussion for a long im W 1 2 t ;timn of a new organization of the ®@rnment centres, in complete agreemen icourts," Premier Ferguson told the @s to the steps to be taken to ensure | House. "This matt>r has been before Rettor trading methods on the ctock | the Law Society, and there have been e@xchanges of the country, and with uni-- | resolutions passed and representations form legislation for virtually the whole made to the Government. We have got of Canada assured. |down to the point of discussing the . Attorney--General William H. Price, | details as to how the reorganization can Who presided over the five--day deliber-- | be done.' mtions, had no statement to make pub-- | Says Salaries Too Low. lic at the close of the conference. Each ] Mr. Ferguson stated that there was «clegate is reporting directly to his own |a general feeling that the salaries of Government, and steps will be taken | Supreme Court Judges should be in-- immediately to incorporate in each Pro-- | creased, as there was difficulty in S°t-- vincial Security Frauds Act those con-- | ting men of standing at the Bar, en-- gerence recommendations which it at jJoying a large salary, to accept & posi-- present does not include. tion on the Bench. It was also sug-- One of the most contentious points gested that this matter of finances discussed at the pariecy was whether might be apportioned through the rais-- gertain regulations were to be incor-- .. T ing of a fund. And another sug8°S-- porated in the Security Acts or drafted | tion, he continued, is "that we might |into the constitutions of the exchanges. | reduce the number of Judges." In the latter cases, observance of the j Another proposal, he went on, Was regulations would be demanded from } that, instead of two appellate divisicons, the exchange on the part of each of there be one appeal court with six O" ¢he members. Only the more rigid and | seven Judges, and that these Judges exacting regulations were made part of' be given authority to decide the OpPST-- ghe Security Act, the more elastic ma't'-l ation of their work. There are now t2n gers being referred to the exchanges. _ | appellate Judges. § Recommendations to be referred to "And," Mr. Ferguson eontinued, "for $16 Federal Government will include | some reason which I can't understand, rmendments to the Criminal Code on! the Dominion Government allocates & matters conflicting with the Provin-- | Judge for bankruptcy." cial Security Acts, and to the Domin-- | Reorganization Nesded, Is Claim. ion Companies Act. Under the latter| "There has been a strong fceling act there is an overlapping of authority i with the Bar, the Bench and the pub-- when a company, operating a Domin--| lic," he declared in conclusion, "that a fon charter, sells its stock within a | bit of reorganization would expedite Province under Provincial regulations.' ; things, and to give the Bar outside This overlapping of authority will be 'Toronto & better opportunity to have eleared up in the recommendations. | matters dealt with." y e en en eeieaaerzentaatcyccn cce mm cammmteantocntren ermnnremmenmemmmm _4

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