The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1930, p. 1

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SE Sm e n eae . -- ~ / eeeeseseeeeeepees 0 e e lt eeeaerne e a f f 'mlnces" between the Cabinet benches & |and the press gallery. Premier Fer. Uer rO e r guson smiled engagingly at his laud-- atory words. [| . In his opening remarks Mr. Macaulay ' started heaping his satire on the Oppo-- sition members, particularly on Liberal O O ver Or a e S Leader W. E. N. Sinclair. As for Hon. 3 '| Harry C. Nixon, Progressive Leader, Mr. Macaulay was not so critical, In fact o he said some nice things about the 1 "farmer" stalwart. l r eS l e ra e m er 'Mr. Macaulay turned his attention to | |the affairs of the Department of Edu-- f y cation and in this regard voiced ap-- sommemanmemnctmnecsmmmmmmmas | '"The argument against this," added |\ plause for the township school board S I'l: Mr. Tweed, "is that the stock market bill. 4 uUuCch| would immediately skyrocket. Tha Then he spoke in praise of the move Argumenl AgmnSt would, in my opinion, be perfectly all||to establish the Research Foundation, PICGS I 8 Tha[ Market right, as it would give the public a@a}jand the work carried on by this insti-- | chance to get back some of the mongy tutt,)i;m. Continuing, he referred to the 'they have been swindled out of by || subject of compulsory automotive in-- WOUld Skyr OCkCl, Bu' the bucket--shop methods of certaingi.:grance and liability laws now engaging % 646 | brokers." the attention of the Commission. Let Il SkerCkCl andi W. G. Medd (Progressive, North* Security Frauds Act ( , who lead off in the continua-l * P UbllC Get I lS M oneyg g:;ogf ':he debate yesterday, left the| In his final remarks Mr..Macaulay Back." S §, (C,|brokers' business alone and confined ;;;oke 13 regard to the Security Frauds dcR, a Y $ * *j his criticism of the Government to| Prevention Act. He wondered if the | agricultural matters and the Liquor| P°EOPle of the Province had any Twecd | Control Act. thought of the investigations that have e | Mr. Medd made a plea for lower| been carried on in which results have | Hydro rates for the farmers. He de--| NOt Yet seen the light of day. REP EA TS DEM AN D | clared that the rural dwellers were He recalled that the bill had been ; entitled to the same rights in power [ PaSsed in 1928. He pictured a "clean-- FOR COMMISSION matters as the city people and observed | UP" Of liquor bootleggers after the that in the matter of Hydro charges 0-',1:-"'-, and t{len pictured a "clean-- t TT "some cities are higher than others." up" of bond "bootleggers" under the L I (1 M l D "Hydro rates," he stated, emphat-- Segurity Frauds Prevention Act. eopo acauilay C-- cally, "should be more uniform." Eince May, 1928, said he, 1,500 ds A G l He continued to refer to the rurai| Drokers, 3,500 salesmen for brokerage t spoke at length on the subject of the * and Extols Government 3t at feneth on the suulsct of Vick" 'Iis qeslared that fne Government P iferredo to dairy grading, and stated and' tl;c 'Attomey-General had to Record -- Huron rO" that, while the Government is doing t'gozgesf'"y le}'st gre]at harm be done -- laf |good work in the Department of Agri-- M3 lx&nocexi PecP e'ti ns1 tk gressive Comp ains O.f culturs in many respects, this good vein t aciau ay,f 001;1 nuing in th}s H d R { work is being carried on in other than act?on st:ltle(:lg}t,h:t het \Sasci;cixvrin:?:tmif' 1O ales the dairy lines. & s * ¥ wammnmmmnmnmmza m In respect of the Liquor Control Act| ANY Oone had a real complaint and Mr. Medd recalled that during the last laid it before the Atorney--General, The "brokers' business" nad a"omerleleétion all kinds of Conservative can--| COlONel Price would "get" the broker airing in the Legislature yesterday, ""h[didates admitted that there were "weak | Within three or _fOUI' days. Moreover, CB _ cA he added, this would be done without Leopold Macaulay (Conservative, South|holes" in the act which needed plug-- "Drass bands." York) vigorously defending the pOliCyiging, _,T_h_'fii,_ll,q;es' he : understood, He empha.éized the thought that the of the Government in respect thereof)| would be plugged this session by Attorney--General -- in investigating / a and S. C. Tweed (Liberal, North Wat-- |amendments to the act. Mr. Medd company and taking action considered erloo) laying at the fect of the. Fer-- promised his co--opsration in tig_ht.en- whether anything could be Saved for guson Administration all responsibilitY |\ing up the law, saying that, while he investors. 'There was, said he. the for the millions of dollars in losses re-- had been advised from many qua;'ters problem of protecting those defrah ged. sulting from "the present disaster in |tyo jet the act alone and allow it to as well as punishing those who brougnt the mining market." run its course, he believed that no one| ;) p) )' M emed appont for Tos ".alfi ant itT s mhe or she coutd be stop todthe devsl 1,0900 Investigations passicned appeal for recognition of the | i; ne or she could be stopped. » s work of the Attorney--General and his} uy medd referred to the recent pub--| _He stated that there had been more Security FPrAU0S| jio petition against opening a store in| than 1,000 investigations. He knex " Prevention _ ACt) | tne Oakwood district in Toronto, and| of pathetic cases of people who wert i e omm | and Mr. Tweod's declared that this move was such an| saved from ruin by judicious action. £ ie * | | acaress was just indication of antagonism to stores that| There had been, he also noted, ove: \§6 wSE] as lusty @ CON-- | it pehooved the Liquor Control Board| 200 cases of investigation under oath i; m.. 23| -- demnation of Col. to act cautiously in this particular situ--| and over 100 of these had come t« 1?!%'"?'% §¥ | Price and | tht| nyion, and to take steps to limit the court, "And in many cases," he con-- ;g}.é",: Te :;' present -- legislat-- number of shops throughout the Prov--| tinued, "the stock salesmen were pu $ ~a@il | ory check which, ince where they cannot carry on their ne [X i > wl | he exercises OVE' | ufp medd urged sterner measures on| farious business arly longer." C o the brekers and | ipp part of the Government to mee Mr. Macaulay also referred to the * K.. the _ stock _ €®~ | and control the "drunken driver" men--| Toronto Stock Exchange. In this re-- l lkad «> changes. ace; asked the Government to use @| gard he stated that Toronto, not Mont-- femmmmageetineniempnge p Mr. _ Macaulay gre;t portion of its liquor revenue in! real, was the financial centre of the eg, Claimed t h & t caring for the aged of the Province] Dominion. He observed that an or-- §. C. TWeEED ~ since the Scour-- and stressed the need of an educational] ganization of people dealing in finan-- ity Frauds Prevention Act began to campaign through the magazines and! cial matters usually frowned on any, operate in 1928, 1,500 brokers, 3,500| newspapers to impress upon the pub-- unethical practices by individual mem--:; salesmen for brokerage houscs and 1,--| 4 ils of strong drink." bers. ie memb:rs w non-brokeragtle ot(;guis id :c at:tllec e:Vi:h Opposition Says Mining Development Hurt. | cgis + v 4 n-- | Sarc * R * Tt s fast ink had'been rfgi ovhngkai enc c'Jzer of them lay, who, it is mooted, is _Mr. Tweed deailt w ith various' vestigations----more than 200 Mr. Macauilay of Government activity, contendinz under oath--had beoen made. Im |in line for & Cabinet office, made * that in rar ierilt af l))l" 3| Colenel Price he pictured a man who |noteworthy speech. He heaped sarcasm *NAt o e Pl\.wegi % pE ole's okzuxgx;hisi saved many an old person's savings | on the Opposition; he praised the Gov-- aggm.;s D edlg er. erglscitmwoan i"ri' from unscrupulous salesmen _ without |ernment. He lauded Attorney--General S: 00 103;11'15 ovgwlc)i(i)ftri'nt 10 Shov th"'t' any "brass band" demonstration, and | Price particularly, and he elevated Col-- z l:::eesnin ric? i Bydre bower (tto; a man who has carried "ably and well |onel Price to the ranks of Empire states-- ruralg ohed nfi: e h:s no% s iWays besr! a load which no other Attorney--Gen-- |men with the words: "The Attorney-- a C 8: Siressing c the point th; s 1 in the British Empire has had |General has carried ably and well a GQOWnward; stressing P ' flai 4 | +» ther Attorney--General Cath local Pensions Board should have to carty in the last 18 months. load which noEgn ire has had to carry At least one member who is a traincd Asks Royal Commission. is ue Britisihhteeg months." This was §0Cial worker; and arguing that "wild-- Mr. Tweed reiterated his demand for | in the lastfe ge es Lo the brc;kerage situ. Catting" of stocks has immeasurably a Royal Commission as the only | given in re e;{ caulay emphasized with injured Northern Ontario's mining de-- means of solving the present situation, | ation. Mr. : nment's method of deal.. YClopment, and expressed the hope that the At-- | pride ltl;f S':V:wck arker artals. "Most great disasters can be placed torney--General would see fit immedi-- |ing wit ticeable that throughout his| at the door of an individual or a group ately to compel every broker to cover | It was nfir Macaulay -- divided his| 0f individuals," said Mr. Tweed, plung-- his short sales. || address + -- m + * ing into the .bx"gl':erage-house question.

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