36 & C a BL 50h e A. 26 3 , | finally written," said Colonel Price,| waited "two or three days" before lay--| Back again on the subject of stock | "very great credit will have to be zlv;l; ing the charge against Homer Gibson,| deals, he referred to a newspaper report | -- |\to the auditors and accountants WAO!| but they went ahead and laid it the day and declared emphatictally that any one | 'hsndled the provisions of these ACts." | Mr. Sinclair spoke at Waterloo. .l'statmg that he traced the recent | Colonel Price said he knew from "You couldn't wait even two or threelcrash to the Attorney--General was - | certain types of criticism which had | hours," said the Liberal Leader. * "talking nonsense." 'been directed at t.he" Government that "We didn't wai't." said Colonel Price.. Coloncl Price read several passages it would have been "very gratifying to | "And that's that.' from a booklet of the President of the | some people" had failure after failure | Colonel Price repeated the part of the New York Stock Exchange relative to followed the Heron affair. The Govern-- | Minister of Justice's letter which refer-- trading methods. Then he told the ment's action had, however, improved ! red to the Minister of National Revenue| House that it must be generally admit--> the financial reliability and stability Of | (mr, Ruler) in the words: "Just before ted that short selling cannot be abol-- the various brokerage houses, and just 'lcax'mg the city last evening." ished, but there must be such regula-- when the stamp audits were in COUNS® | mpa;in for Waterloo tions that the broker cannot sell short | of preparation the great stock Crasn | ..yo,» siped the Attorney--General against his client. and also that the ex-- | had intervened. AKAIP : * changes must regulate carefully the | A7 f what the big financiers | Just before he took the train to Water-- | methods of trading on the excha In spite of w '1'1 C 8ld nge in | loo to hear my honorable friend speak.: "Probably," he declared "(::h mges. Sroportions."" submitted Colonel Price, | (Conservative applause) _ This is &l~ grown up the habit of mccepting. some 'Byogowm have men arise in this House OS 800d enough for The ©10b6. {0/men on the exchanges who might well and try to tell us that the Attorney-- i:;(l)tl':!t 00e 9 eir plous. ediforig g'é 3?31;o(zfl$lghwggk'"n Hte sta:gd that ible." + reflect on the & \%"e""'l,":;l':';'p:;'st':'lc' " Mr. Sinclair--This performance is eral character of the men in the ex-- | Alleges C °h"§s' tust i xc l almost on a par with the Walter Curry 'changes, but some might be accepted i ~'The Gove!l';llinefl\: 3 h'":ibbcg? nurs-- I letter episode of years ago. who had no ethical training. And so, 15"'"9'"0" we t" ?" ----nau beel ouths \ Colonel Price--How? What's wrong he emphasized, in the consideration | _ ' ing it along llolr ?x of sEvell :" Somé with the honorable gentlcman? _ I'm bf the brokerage situation "the place to !when. for politica ixeasoni O [ry_| Simply reading from a letter in this start is to prove the calibre of the men| | other motives, certain people were yt ! file of correspondence between my de-- who get seats on the exchange." He , ing to make out that the Govemmenf partment and Ottawa--and from the stated that he believed that the ex-- 'htd done nothing, when, as a matter Of | ony jetter, by the way, I'm privileged change members also held the same fact, the Western Provinces had PMIG | ;) rooqg jhe rest are all marked con-- VICWs. t Ontario the compliment of copying her} fi demia.l Protect Hold £f Stock -- Security Frauds Prevention Act, @nd |~ jn. ginclair--I'll leave it to the At-- Fis siressed ns point th Alberta was actually consulting and co-- tvantep: . 4 ie stresse e point that an investi-- o A d-' torney--General's honor if he should gation into the brokerage situation is l operating withd this Prot\;mce m PeC | roaq a piece of correspondence from & so involved that all the facts cannot be | mg actions and prosect g',',s- id (tpe | file without reading all the file. given to the public. One had to protect This was the moment," sai * 10' Was it a fair and proper way for the holders of stocks and not create anyI Attorney--General caustically, | '"when | Mr. Euler to act, asked the Attorney-- Panic. , from Ottawa emanated certain ".] mgs---a | Gencral, when he could have written _ S0, said he, the Government had laid | g::t:igwier;'forination that Ottawa ha ; him exacily the sams information as @bhemfound;ttiont fotrhworkhathat PemAiflt;'d'i e u... »| had passed into Mr. Sinclair's posses-- ! work out other changes. °* 4 _ _"I thought i)!;(;u lwere complg'umllg_.. ih;{,ng»p € he continued, "we propose to do this [u::r{u&tglw Lh M;'a Ot Lheealdgg (nlf-il'?:d "I submit, Mr. Speaker," said Mr. Sradually and slowly." | not wiven you anyihing."" pok 9 | Sinclair, heatedly, "that that is un-- Dsaling with the situation, he de-- * "They didn't give us a thing." snap.| f2i®. 1 have told the honorable At. Clared the Government had to carry a iped the Attorney--General. "Just like| ;0}'{?y'(;'.e'lelf",l m?éttt.l did m:lt, get MY tremendous responsibility. "And carry-- | a piker." | pflormation 1roM OUAWA, SUO NC Koi [ing the load. as this CGovernment has ! Mr. Sinclair laughed. | sists in trying to create the impressiONn for a year and a half 'under the act." |\ _""The only thing Ottawa tried to help| mfilt\/l ;ydld.I EK.. Mr.. Epeuker,". 881 d!he stated, "we grfit anxious to live up out," said the Attorney--General, "was | c ham. Arrerlemgee . At 4 i to that responsibility. my honorable friend who leads the | COIONC! PMC®, 'WACC aid he get the) <and then," he &omilnucd,ulo%kmg at Liberal Opposition." | i inlat i Mr. Sinclair, "at the eleventh hour, or "Oh, they helped you out a lot," said| _ MY. Sinclair--May I say that, as tDAt] proty near the twelfth hour, there is } Mr. Sinclair tqueatlon was prompted by the Pre-- somebody running in and saying 'I Had publ.ic weal inspired Ott,awa's]miel," and is not the Attorney--Gen-- did it' " t action? Colonel Price wondered. Or was ;;a_.l;eroggmal thought, 1 decline to "Probably the thirteenth hour," a some other motive behind it? In :Consex"vativc jeering.) | Government hencliman shouted. any event, at a time, said he, when| nc prime Minister--May I ask the [ . "WEel." said Mr. Sinclair, obsier:dmg Ottawa knew from the Provincial| question, then? | that Colonel Price had just rece ved a Treasury Omcxa]s. the Province was[ Mr. Sinclair--No, you don't. You're j'notc from the Prime Ministér, "you about to "step in," thfy----Ottawa--hnad out of order. 'should stay with your own hour, not plaged "a sharp trick. ' Mr. Ferguson--May I inquire, then,| the Premier's." nda| Reads Ottawa Letter. 'if his honorable friend from North| _ '"Whatever hour my honorable fnend. Colonel Price then read a portion of| Waterloo (Mr. Tweed) gave him the| from South Ontario has, Colonel Price| a letter from the Minister of Justice} information? | retorted, "is a pretty poor hour.' t# him, to show, as he explained, that| Mr. Sinclair--Let the _ Attorney--|| At any rate, the Attorney--General information which had been in the pos-- ; General speak. I continued, when somebody who had session of Mr. Sinclair in his "broker--| Colonel Price--Probably the honor-- | carried no responsibility took the credit age house bombshell" speech at Water--| able member from North Waterloo | for the work, it was very gratifying "to loo. had not reached him (Colonel l could tell us, then, where the informa-- | read the press of Ontario from Windsor Price) from the Minister of National I tion came from? to Ottawa with only one or two ex-- Revenue until the day following Mr.!| Mr. Sinclair--He doesn't have to. ceptions," acclaiming the Government | Sinclair's speech. ! f.Prolcngcd Conservative applause.) . , || for its action. l "Since writing you on the seven--| ©DO@s my honorable friend refus®?"|) «pg jike to read some of these edi-- teenth," Colonel Price read to the| 8214 Colonel Price, looking at Mr. | torials," he added. ' House, "I am in receipt of the follow-' Tweed. a | --"Oh, send us copics," said Mr. Sin-- ing letter from the Secretary to the|, "NOW. Mr. Speaker," Mr. Smclair'; clair, in a bored tone. | Honorable Minister of National Reve--| |nteriected. _ "Ill send you the lot, and it willl nue: | _ '"Don't speak for him," came a shoutl! do you good to read th2m," Colonel| "'Just before leaving the city last | from the Conservative benches, prOtest--}|| price retorted. He referred to &n evening, the Minister asked me to ad--| !"8 Mr. Smclairs: words when M--|| article in the Hamilton Herald voicing vise you that he had omitted to men--| TWeed was questioned. . cag praise for the Attorney--General, and tion in his letter of Jan. 15 that the| | "Well." Colonel Price said, smiling;}| then he came to the conclusion of name of the firm of stock brokers in | "they don't want the questions." his address, with a plea for a unani-- questlolx:i is;telgomer L. Gibson & Com--, M"Tléeire !aire not:lto%dhounds after us," || mous vote of confidence in the Gov-- pany, Lim , Toronto, Ont.'" | Mr, sinclair retorted. ernment. ' Colonel Price said that a letter con-- _ "We don't need bloodhounds for|| . «we are going on to deal with these taining general information on the |: chaps like you," Colonel Price ShOt|| matters," he declared, "and we hope brokers' situation in Toronto had '; back. to have public confidence and deal reached him from Ottawa the day pre--| Review of Conference. with these affairs as the merits of the' vious to Mr. Sinclair's Waterloo speech, Continuing with his address, Colonel ' case demand, and as the facts are but there had been no mention of the" Price referred to the recent confer--| brought before us. The Government | Gibso}x:ednrm. I"g'el}iat. letter," ls1'}e said, I ence of the Attorneys--General of all }| naturally wants the confidence of this '"reac me, eve, on a Monday. | the Provinces, and stated that many|| House." § y The next day my honorable friends (Mr. | intricate problems had been considered. After a reference to the Sinclair Sinclair and S. C. Tweed, Liberal, North:| He spoke of the bill introduced as|| amendment he continued: "I hope that Waterloo) hired a hall----" ' a resuit of that conference. While, he|\ we not only vote confidence in this ..__"It didn't do them any good," put in | stated, there might be some changes|| Government, but that we go farther Karl Homuth (Conservative, South Wat-- ' made in the bill in committee, he urged || and make it clear to the public that in erloo). | the members to accept the proposals|| what action we take, and we will take "And the radio," gibed Mr. Price. ) generally, as they were the suggestions,}| it from time to time, that we have the ':lnafr law against that?" retorted Mr. \ ntor: only from Ontario but from the|| whole support of this Legislature be-- gin h || other Provinces. hind us." Colonel Price explained that the Gov-' Next, he spoke of the wheat situ--| The vote was then called. | ernment would have preferred to l_n.v_e_.l ation, and he observed, "Our people yree"" og, ul . lmus;,' Ehink in terms of a world--wide a market."