March. nsSE 6 F Hospital Tenders. } THOUS AND BROKERS Provincial Secretary Goldie also E E stated that 21 tenders were received for the additional buildings at the On--: tario Hospital at Woodstock. The ten-' der was awarded to a Brantford firm 4/ for $318,980, the lowest tender. The buildings will provide extra accommo-- LEGISL AT R dation for 510 patients. ' , I The total revenue during the fiscal 6 year under the operation of the Pub-- \ mrenesocminkmns lic Commercial Vehicles Act was $36,-- tpmmsssnnmmmnemmnmismmmmue « « # 784, Hon. George S. Henry told the « Colonel Price Gives Particu--| frous. Tells Progressive Leader He I Seven townships received grants in + Iars F R e $ p CC t In g ' 1928 in excess of 30 per cent. of work WI" 'Then State on township roads; 39 received such iti raUdS ACt | grants in 1929. POSItlon Mss During the winter 1928--29 the De-- esqcimmmaiann partment of Highways spent $151,624 F y QUEST|0NS A N SWE R ED in cleaning snow off the Provincial DEPLORES |NS|NUAT|0NS wemmemmmemmmmmmemmmmesm mm highways and keeping traffic open. Wonpmresistenninimireccommpmens Details of Government action under| During 1927 the Pl'l'o"i:mial 4Treas- The Chesrio Club, organized among the Security Frauds Prevention Act.' urer's Depariment collected $485 as i Cnti 1928, were given in the Ontario Legis. PCDAlty fees for non--payment of taxes Ontario children by Radio Station lature yesterday afternoon when Attor.| Under Section 7 of Chapter 9 of the cKGW, owned and operated by Gooder-- ney--General Price made reply to sey.| ReVised Statutes of Ontario, Hon. DY. nam & worts Limited, came before the eral questions from the Opposition. 'Monteith stated. In 1928 this amount attention of members of the Onta.riol The information was: The total num-- !ncreased to $870.05, but in 1929 it ferdlay ber of brokers registered under the act'.(dropped to $21. Legislature yesterday. f . | was 1,047; non--brokers, 495; salesmen, ~~~~~~~ T --<----_----@--«------ / Hon. Hay C. Nixon, Progressive |4,456. Thirty--two brokers were refused member from Brant County, naised the |liconses; 91 had been cancelled; 12 non-- 0 A C SOIL a URVEY question of the propriety of the Cr--} ]brokors refused and 29 cancelled; 43 % % 1 ganization. After some d&ussion.l \salesmen refused and 98 cancelled. Premisr Ferguson told the Progressive | _A total of $1,555 was collected ing chisftain that he should get all the facts |fines under the provisions of Section 16| and bring them to the House before of the act. In most cases jail sentencesi insinuating that something was being 'have been imposed. | improperly done. ; No brokers or salesmen have been| Mr. Nixon read a press clipping of a} suspended by the department under Sec-- W.C.T.U. meeting at Willard Hall, con-' | ;tion 11 of the act, as there is no need taining references to the Chesrio Club.. 'to proceed, because the Attorney--Gen--! xmss Ige Wicdel'tflzl M\/llfx?ir.:i,exh'dr.c'F e;'g\lf:;t'io:f; eral may grant temporary registration a > remier and Minis C ) | of brokei's gand sa]esrg(e)n'r}a'nd ian then Vaiue Of |nveSt|gat|0n Shown would indicate ifu::a warsricgnSidered that cancel registrations without going to i i there was some impropriety. court. Under other provisions of the LCngIature as PPOfeS Asks Purpose. act, since its proclamation in 1928, 15 sor Reports '"What's the vurpose of the club?" Mr. salesmen have been prosecuted by the Ferguson asked. "To get a census of department. the children, or Whfit?;idnt p xn Banks Notified. f Mr. Nixon said he f .J;us, ow. Every bank and trust company was MR SEGU'N lMPATlENT "It's pretty lmarmless, isn't i.t."from, Mfi eteear nc ceeene e uns teeeeecoac ut e maacre en aaceanirtcctiesremmereemmenerneret c ons cmmey use caemees %, "'ha.t my honox''e fl'iend read? Mr. | notified by the Attorney--General's De-- Annocuncement was made to the Agri-- Ferzuson said. | 'partmgnt to ho]d funds and securities culiure Committee of the Leglsla.t,uré' "\Vell," Mr. Nixon Cont,inu\ed. nif ai |pending examination or trial of persons| YCSterday, by Professor R. Marcourt. y i;' going to be organized aMmong |under provisions of the act. The first| head of the Chemistry Department Of | (njngrsn "surely it could be under dif-- order made under this provision was on| the _ Ontario Agricultural College &¥ poron: atyspices than a distillery." \June 8, 1928. | Guelph, that the preliminary Soil SU~ _ "«we tnow perfectly well that néither | _ One bond of $500 has been forfeited| VCY Which had been made of SOuthWest-- | qpic (Government nor any Government |by a brokerage house to the Crown for| °"! Ontario counties, would be extenc:fa: can control the organization of a chil-- |offenses under the act, the Attorney-i ;io';'}ggl"/ as possible to the rest of S9° | prows club by any one,"kPremtigrtF:;- Gerneral stated in reply to another ques-- o i€e} 1 ant .. | guson declared,. "I do know that the ~|tion. 14 " l 'our great difficulty," said Professo: t gheerio Station puts on excellent pro-- No registered brokers or salesmen| HArCOurt, "is that trained men 50; | grams." | had been suspended under Section 10,| N°CIC4 for the work,. And on top Of | ° syfear hnear," Conservative members | Subsection A, of the act. The sectlonl that we. find it hard to keep the men, | _ _ 2q | applied only to fully registered brokers O"f; the& are trained. +" said C. A.| Reputable Families. and salesmen, but, as all doubtful appli--| . ."_aY Cong mo:g'moneybersafn fius--| "The Gooderham and Worts fam-- cants are kept on temporary registra-- ?{f'lf"'_{li,l]eo";i';v';'l;;efc';}(",":fs ho should | iles," Mr. Ferguson continued, "stand tiOn, the Atwrney-GcneraI su'smnds ori :)(' .Cttin ythe bl galaries any"'ay * 1 high in this 01ty and Community. And cancels such registration under Section Mgr 'Seguln alcifg Awith' J. St D.em.:.j' if these people undertake to organize | § 1 (0). | Conservative, Prescott, stressed the need | a club, it is surely for some good and | _ tnder provisions of this act $272 wasi of some immediate Government action | Public benefit." | | collected as costs of investigation. The \\~iti1 reépect to agriculture conditions i"i He added that if all the facts were ; costs, the Attorney--General empha-- the Eastern Counties ' brought forwerd lie would be glad to | sized, were only collected when not a ';I'm just wondering,."said Mr. Seguin, ' state the Government position. i bl.xrdcn on shareholders and creditors. "how long it will be before a soil survey | The company operating the _club, he | Liquor Store Employce. can be made in our section, I tell you | added, might be an organization aito-- | Information on other subjects given| that something's got to be done soon, | gether different from the distillery. i | to the House by the Government yes--| or there won't be any farmers left on | "I suggest," he concluded, "that tne | terday was: the land to vote at the next election." | honorable member inform himself fully i At no time has Albert Gentles work-- Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Ag-- | of the facts before he c.asts a slur 'ed as a vendor or an officer of a) riculture, paid tribute to the work of | or insinuation that something is bein;l. | Liquor Control Board store. The ques.| Professor Harcourt in connection with | improperly done. Let us_gf_t._t_!_x_e facts. | tion specifically asked if he had work--| the soil survey, stating that the tobacco T t ' ed in such a capacity in Parry Sound. industry, which had produced a $2,000,-- Gentles applied for a position in Parry| 000 crop in his County of Norfolk last | Sound, but withdrew his application be--| Ye@r, was directly attributable to the fore the store was opened in that| Survey, and the discovery therein that city, Premier Ferguson stated. Norfolk soil was peculiarly adapted to ' Hon. Lincoln Goldie, Provincial Sec.| tobacco growing. retary, stated that 151 patients were released from Ontario Hospitals for the e Insane and allowed to return to their home municipalities for maintenance during 1929. On the other hand, 1,-- 853 new pationts were admitted to the | ® = hospitals, 424 were released as cured,} s 741 died in hospitals, leaving a total' enrollment of inmates at the end of ? 1929 of 9,705. /