The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1930, p. 3

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. _ "T'.'. 32-3." '0 u t F ' "s. U k . . , . _ . . /. i. tg . .e .'e'. , . f . . - l ', . . Mm}. s . . ' _ h T' . . a "a"; . . in . . . ' Tia --1923 to 1g29--l "Thete are advances to the Hydro- "To one who may investigate, it will ti',' 2,g to f/ft/tttgs-d,)' by Dr. Mon.. EElectric Power Commission of $163,- be realized that the $32,000,000 is Ite 'teith: . .000000 tor power development. One: in keeping with the normal JI',"',',')'," 'll', 1925. ineed not enlarge on what this service ot a development rendering e pe 50- Billiard rooms and bowl- means to the public of Ontario. Light the many services they enjoy th ing alleys ............. t 100,000.00 iand power at cost has created a de-', day, and all of Which. bring to i; 1926. inland for this service all over the Prov- l t2t,.'1ef:'iivi,'fiv'ittl1h')1cisu1tirt9, 12.33;; i a bowl- incc. It may be accepted, I am sure, .0 car ". 'wt, . ' iBii1iy1gtem.s..'". 105,000.00 'that this investment has the approval with paying. off a portion of the debt P Busszs . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.300.00 1 of the. people. The service continues every year. . P ince's l 19eh rapidly to increase, and the Commis- A lengthy 19""? 01""le 1'2,",'vvell1 by ! Billiard rooms and bcwl- lsion is taxed to the utmost to meet the l 1t1f-g11ty..te1. p Ill, llh fl, to the 3 ing allevs ............. 11th000.00 idemands for expansion. This portion ', the f,":'"',";',',',"', JJff,'d 333'? a the Busses /. . . . ............ 2,100.00 inf the debt costs the Province noth- l House o fu o owing. t the ' _ , . . 150.000.00siin,r: to carry. We paid $8,200,000 of amounts provided from levenues 0 Luxury tax ...r......... I . . . . q . Province and the Hydro for retirement Motor vehicle licenses... 1'9"500.00l"ii/fys/," m 1.029 to carry this obliga- q cit a the Ian was placed in 1928. , ly but this was repaid in full by 'l1l2fign11'i7id).1 p . - :Billizlrd rooms and bowl- '3 'u.". Hydro-Electric Power Commission. 1927: Provincial revenue, $1,689,570: f inz allcvs ........... 115,000.00i Another WT) important asset Isthe H dr Mnkin funds $1.338 567. total 3Binge. l". . ir.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.",'.'. 2,500.00 . ['l1iskamityr , Northern Ontario "3102:0157 g ' . ' , ' 'i, Lur.ury tiN . . _ ' . _ V . . . . . . 1ii0,000.00 l Railway, 1t111t,ir at 130e0,000, with l920: Provincial revenue, 31.754051: . Motor vita-l... new" ... l which most people are familiar. It on- H dr sinkin funds $1,417,529: total 'hnn: ".'rrir' it. .. VrV . M3.030.00 fcoul'agu; settlement, colonization and "Ihr/si') g "t , ' ' ' an"... ll, w. ... '.lrr9.0fl0.00 development in the North country. 1920: Provincial rmmuo' $1,973,646: [ "an. .Durlng the "last three years the rail- Hydro sinking funds $1,490,510: total, WNW! 1 R 1; and. I)". lively lr'aih.rrait_i $3.'i00,000 to the Prov- $347315"; h , ' , ' inc all. I .1 . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 133-00000 incc, )), Ii/il? has about taken care -0f To date: Provincial revenue, $5,417.- Busrs . _............. 3.100.00 the overhead interest charges. Housing 267: Hvdro sinking funds $4 255,606; Lunurv t'ui . . . . . . . . . . . .. 475300.00 and drainage . debentures amount to total ii, 672 i373 , ' Motor vehicles licenses... 2.367,125.00 $8,000,000. which are interest bearing,' Tri', addition to the total of $9,672.873 .Amuscmenzs tax ........ 500,000.00 and are bcingrepaid by the municipall-, provided and retired since 1927," Dr. _Corporations tax ........ 350,000.00 tpirri. 'These Tpre".?? 3 service .to the Monteith added. "$10.889,100 of debt i M.-------------- rural Nui urban 1.irns along Justlh- was cancelled. representing the accumu- ",, Total. 1925 to 1029. . . . . $9,482.725.00 "bk: DHPS. The": t'e have cash m lation of funds prior to 1927, of which ."chiml and Fair." banks, accounts receivable and invest- $6,077,100 was held by the Provinoe _ . ment» by the Agricultural Development and 84 812.000 by the Hydro. Thls "Aiii'llm" W U" H 'tr."? Po' drrntn ty Board. amounting to $36,000,000. That imakes i' total retirement of debt under tht, (no... in?) it." Tirvruyoy, "thin. accounts for $237,000,000 of the debt (the retirement plan M ovCr $20,500,- had no -llc;l chem? been made, illr' which is revenue bearing by way of '000." , . fl"fi""°(':"i"2&5thiflif'glggggfojg interest, and does not cost the Province Speaking of the "success" the Gov- ".ng tr/lc',.,,) jid,,1ui'i1iiftd1i.1..f,11),. tiri/iiief dollar to carry. These are simply crnment has had in its funding and Crt w& " I". 'id'", f" .' ' "* linvestments that cannot be questioned. "funding operations, the Treasurer ';-~"" It "3'!" if" m.ntloned 1lt? They render a needed service to the cited its $30,00th000 loan issue, Just t/"t's,'.r,,fj,?j,"':,'j-': t,ii'i'i',..y'i.i.yfe..i. the !lf,es'..t.?yjuwcijle. and encourage industrial ex- 'after the market. crash in October. f,tyTn.y1t,r. HICN' PI)"' some 110W inl- .pallsion. Deducting these, we have a "Money was fickle and nervous for two posts made. tor instance, the luxury balance of $188,000,000 of debt trom, or three weeks after the crash," said , lax was put Ill, lil 1925, but WWW" which we do not get a. direct revenue i' the Treasurer. "and then steadied -C m 1927 all." 1928. Another tax lniti- by way of interest, but nevertheless is. away for a favorable reception of bond gated by this Government was the 1925 "..-s. __._.._._._.....-.__.. t issues The Government therefore, l gasoline tax of 3 cents a gallon. This revenue bearing. Our highways and| 1'i'iiiii' into the market with l $30.000,000l i! was increased by 2 cents in 1929. Thus roads. figuring at actual cost, amount 31-year 5 per cent. issu securing thel I wc have at, the present time practically to $128,000,000. In 1029 our highways! most attractive price as"), Govern-l l only the one new Source of revenue in- brought in a revenue of $17,000,000: fel ment or municipality during the twelve! gtreduecd since this Government took it is very plain to the observy.thati months preceding receiving for cur is-l . office. People generally accept this this investment for development is a g ! sue 100.80. exceeding par which meansl I tax as a logical and fair one, believ- needed service and could be more than I i we realized a premium it $240,000 onl, 5 ing that the people who use the roads justified. That leaves us $60,000,000 of] the issue. This money cost us 4.95 pert sliculd pay for them. To equalize the debt not yet accounted ter. Deduct cent. This very favorable price moreI . levy on motorists, and as an offset to from this amount the value of our than justified our short-term financing! tle inrrvriscrd gasoline tax, motor Niagara Falls Park development. 52% over a period of many months, although: F vehicle permits wcrc ogain reduced this 000,000, and we will have left $58,000,-l we had to pay a little higher price for a . year, which means a further saving OOO. Then we have the $40,000,000 in-l our borrowings in the period of waiting to the motorists of $2,100,000. which, vested in public buildings, including for an improvement in the market." t with the previous reduction. is an an- public institutions to care for the men- Loans Are Numerous. _ nual saving or about $4,500,000. Five tally sick oi the Province. With other Operations of Government Commis- E CONS a gallon tax for gasoline may assets totalling 83,00th000, we are "it! Mons for the last fiscal year, as reveal- l be considered by some as excessive. with a balance of $15,000,000 ot capl- ed by Dr. Monteith, indicate that de- l Howevc t', it may be mentioned that tal obligations against which we have mands for service in the line of agri- LHVC ot the nine Provinces at the pres-oo assets. This $15,000,000 is really cultural development loans have in.. l ent time have a 5-eent tax. This con-i capital dctieits which began during the creased so rapidly that the loans have itributes $8.500.000 to the very substan-i regime cf the Drury Government. but overtaken the Savings oitlees deposits. itial highways WVNWC in 1929 ot $l"i,-iwii,y.h are beinr: gradually reduced. l, that net allowances to mothers cozl~ l 000.000. It may be noted here thati (irm Debi. 1 tributed by the Province over a nine l,tpis amount, together with a few mil- "Last your the amount ct cur debilg year period have amounted to $8,824,- . l lions murc, has gone back by way against which we had no masts y.:rCltl,0,; that 87,103 accidents, with a re 3 of expenditure "ll the roads of our ':20.000,000. in one year the irnprovf-rylant compensation award ot $6,626,. 3 Province." ment has been over $5,000,000, account- i. 000, were reported during the year un' l The Treasunu's statement, regarding: ed for by the surplus. debt-retirement/der the Pr.o.rkpet1's, Compensation? i capital revenue and expenditure for the quota and payment of discounts out ot Board; alla that 833 tycal' is appended (cents omitted): ordinary revenue. Continuing along teachers received a total of $379,000 F, . I Department, Revenue. Expend. , the same lines of financing, a few more t benefits from the Teachers and Inspec-: iPNme ,Mlm"" .... ........ ' "llylilili, years will wipe cut the capital deficits. tors' ?tPe.ra.teliot_t Fund, which was! ('rel1c/),tft',1 other; when laggigegt This analysis will account for our gross established In this Province m 1917. "I , North. Developm't.. 30.421 3.518.827' debt. of $425,000,000. The gross debt The moneys expended for mothers J (,9it,/j, oil'vlri,'C.r. 762:1; 5.376! Enormc for 1020 was $32,000,000, ex- allowances are contributed. It ~the 933i}: "g)1d,i'i.hf.r.i.e'.i 8.412 1.133%}: plained as "New. q 0 Governniergt and the municipalities or; IPubliC Highways . . . 1.900232 14,642.23T Hiy, MiTO"i . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . $12n50,00 an equa asis, except n unt9tganige Provincial Secretary ........ 2,681: Hydro .................. 12,000,000 districts, where the Government bears Miscellaneous .. ... 'rirrr' -__ -1111r, Northern f"e1ry,TIt .. 3,500,000 the whole east," said the Treasurer.I $3,346A20 'eyey.'.,eiA"ii21tiura.1 Development 4 500 000 2',1tterste,1rintTentnsgift,rgu,t.; I Capital Chpentiituro .. ...... . . . .$2l.981.773 , pa "K . . .r.' .._' . . 'f.'.'.'. 1:000:000 was $2,306,000. There were 5,357 ICaDital revenue """""""l {33912.04 23$; barium Hyena-W 1.200.000? mothers and 15,984 children who de- jj "iiii')iiiiCii'iir'd,'s',1"i in bank .........' 1.600,000Lrived comfort and benefit from this 'Public Debt. I rc-r-n-ri-rr} source. Operating costs were $77,804. , i The Provinces debt, at, the end of the Total ................. $36,550,000 Net allowances contributed by the! ifiseal year stood at $425,000,000. The "Deducting from this the surplus or Province over a period of nine ream nature of "the investments that ac-' over $2,650,000, debt quota $1,00,000, have been $8,824,000. . I count for, this debt" was detailed to and discounts $500,000, will show the The activities of the . the House by Dr. Monteith in the. fol- gross debt increase in 1929 to be $32,- Compensatlon Board during the past lowing language: i000,000. year are briefly summarized as fol- . lows: Number of accidents reported, _ 87,103; compensation awarded, M,626,- 000; medical aid, 81,385,000; total ' l benefits supplied, over $8,000,000; pay- . ments tor furtherance of safety work, V . "s, , $127,000; pensions awarded, 82,100,000." , .

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